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Posts posted by BuckarooBanzai

  1. The US likes to force FCPA down everyone's throat.

    Plays by a different set of rules.

    Another basher. The [FCPA] Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. "Plays by a different set of rules." You show me where the rules dictate one cannot fight corruption! Is this a bad thing? Only if you are comfortable with such things! Also show me where the internal populace of the US does not fight against this as well within the US government. People who support corruption are a travesty!

    • Like 2
  2. Just curious. Facebook has identified umteen million fake accounts. Is there anyway people on a popular thingamajig can be protected against the predators?

    First you would have to explain what a 'fake account' is.

    As far as I know only Google Plus insists people use their real names but Facebook and TV are essentially anonymous.

    A fake account is politically incorrect to describe. Use your imagination and think about how one may use a fake account. If you cannot do that then please lend me your rose colored glasses.

    You might want to avoid talking about 'fake' accounts for the sake of avoiding controversy.


    Point taken and I promise to erase my memory of any consideration of such things!

  3. Just curious. Facebook has identified umteen million fake accounts. Is there anyway people on a popular thingamajig can be protected against the predators?

    First you would have to explain what a 'fake account' is.

    As far as I know only Google Plus insists people use their real names but Facebook and TV are essentially anonymous.

    A fake account is politically incorrect to describe. Use your imagination and think about how one may use a fake account. If you cannot do that then please lend me your rose colored glasses.

  4. I do not like nor support T. but do get a little peeved at continual US bashers when it seems this guy was a democratically elected president and still supported by an apparent majority of Thais. Take your misplaced anger out where it belongs and get a life while your at it.

    Democratically elected president? coffee1.gif Good one.

    Please enlighten me. How did he originally take the leader ship roll. Graft and corruption does not hold weight as that is practiced by everyone.Good one Jingthing on trying to add diversion to the facts.

  5. The US does not shy away from supporting/installing despicable tyrants when it suits their needs.

    A long history of this since the end of WWII.

    I think there will be a major military conflict in this part of the world soon, probably by the end of the decade. T is just the type of guy they usually support.


    The visa for T. is the second reward for participating in the" multinational force" in Iraq, providing 423 personnel from 2003 to 2004.

    The first was G.Walker's closed eyes during T.'s criminal drug war in Thailand.

    I do not like nor support T. but do get a little peeved at continual US bashers when it seems this guy was a democratically elected president and still supported by an apparent majority of Thais. Take your misplaced anger out where it belongs and get a life while your at it.

  6. As mentioned on prior posts I believe the energy required for air con (or heaters in cold climates) are real battery killers. IMHO the only solution would be a hybrid with a small engine for "low charge" or "high energy demand" conditions. Would provide a large sense of security for those who worry about runny out of juice. Quite a few of those around that should be presented as options.

  7. The rule of thumb is this. If you are a good cook, you can get away with it. But if you cook like some of rejects on those American Reality Cooking Shows, its understable that they dont want you to cook.

    Seriously though, would you actually sign a lease that says you cant cook in your own apartment? Is farting allowed?

    I would have thought creating smells (like frying fish) might be the reason cooking isn't allowed. I don't know what being a good cook has to do with it, unless you are talking about creating a mess. In which case you clean it up, or pay someone else to do it.

    When my wife is frying up the hot peppers for some dish or other it is like we are under attack by the S.W.A.T. team with mace so I think the crappy American cooks would be a whole lot better than the standard Thai housewife.

  8. I very much doubt the US will become involved in the political games that originate in Thailand. If the man comes in and behaves himself and leaves when he is supposed to that will be that. The US embassy keeps home base fully apprized on what goes on here and one only need look at the newspapers to see the games that go on. This permission to enter is not a judgement on whether he is a good or bad man but in my oppinion only a realization by the US Gov. that all may not be as it seems.

    • Like 1
  9. Why not ebay. I have had good success as have most posters I have seen here on TV. Alhough a great deal of stuff is shipped from China depending on what you are looking for they ship from the EU and US etc. For me takes about 30 days for delivery. If you shop around on the sight you can get very good deals. Paypal is required but can be funded right off your credit card. Maybe try it for a small order and see if it suits you. The venders in general have been very eager to please.

    Edit: Why are you looking for a site soley based out of Thailand. The sales culture in Thailand is perhaps one of the worst I have encountered anywhere in the world.

    • Like 1
  10. What Tesla claim and what can achieved by their vehicles are two different things.

    The BBC programme Top Gear got less than 60 miles from a full charge.

    Not very impressive.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Tesla Sues Top Gear Over Rigged ReviewBBC claims that the claim that the car ran out of battery was never made, just hinted to what would happen in such a case. You'd have to push it back to your garage. Tesla apparently asked the Top Gear team to correct the statements made in order to correct the impression that review can leave with viewers. That has not happened and the result is now a lawsuit. On the track, Clarkson said, the car "would" run out of juice after just 55 miles. "Would" is, of course, the keyword here. 55 miles would also require the car to be driven pretty hard. Our own experience is that the Tesla Roadster is close to about 180 - 200 miles in an everyday driving pattern.http://www.tomsguide.com/us/tesla-tesla-roadtser-top-gear-electric-car,news-10678.html

    The Tesla is marketed as a performance car. If they mileage between charges at unrealistic driving speeds then that is hardly accurate. It is like Ferrari claiming 40 mpg. Yes is you drive everywhere at 30 mph.

    Correct me if I am wrong but the last I heard Teslas case against the BBC had been thrown out of court in February this year.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    You are correct that the lawsuit was dismissed but not because Tesla's claims were untrue. Seems to me that facts should indeed be facts and not based on literary license."As Mike posted in November, however, it was looking unlikely that Tesla could actually prove that any substantial harm had been done, and indeed that's how it ended up, with the judge throwing out the lawsuit arguing that TV viewers are savvy enough to know that not all is as it seems. Jalopnik has a pretty decent summary of the rejection of the Tesla lawsuit (complete with gloating Top Gear fans in the comments)"http://www.treehugger.com/cars/judge-rejects-teslas-top-gear-lawsuit.html

  11. What Tesla claim and what can achieved by their vehicles are two different things.

    The BBC programme Top Gear got less than 60 miles from a full charge.

    Not very impressive.

    Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Tesla Sues Top Gear Over Rigged ReviewBBC claims that the claim that the car ran out of battery was never made, just hinted to what would happen in such a case. You'd have to push it back to your garage. Tesla apparently asked the Top Gear team to correct the statements made in order to correct the impression that review can leave with viewers. That has not happened and the result is now a lawsuit. On the track, Clarkson said, the car "would" run out of juice after just 55 miles. "Would" is, of course, the keyword here. 55 miles would also require the car to be driven pretty hard. Our own experience is that the Tesla Roadster is close to about 180 - 200 miles in an everyday driving pattern.http://www.tomsguide.com/us/tesla-tesla-roadtser-top-gear-electric-car,news-10678.html

  12. Might look for something like this. Seems like a pretty nice approach.


    1.5W Solar Trickle Charger

    Price: $21.95 each

    Suitable for maintaining 12V automotive batteries from self discharge during storage

    1.5W Amorphous solar panel

    Charging indicator LED light

    Cigarette adaptor and alligator clamp connections included

    Have no idea where you might find one but just a heads up that they are apparently available.

  13. please note:

    rational is an adjective.... logical

    rationale is a noun... basis for

    So sorry for the typo. Your Karma is certainly being improved by your outstanding efforts to correct others typing mistakes and disregarding their attempt at helping you answer your question. That is what karma is all about.

  14. Just got done with Deception Point by Dan Brown and found it an enjoyable read on my kindle. Good twist in the plot pretty much killed my sense of superiority of knowing how the book would end. Pretty short book so a quick read. Have not read any of his other books so do not know how this compares for those who already have opinions based on his other offerings.

  15. IMHO karma is a common thread through many philosophies, religions, and cultures.


    As you sow, so shall you reap

    Live by the sword, die by the sword

    Do onto others etc.

    Life is like a boomarang

    What goes around comes around

    And many many others that warn one that his actions will effect ones future which seems reasonable enough.

    This being the case it must have some rational.

    well if you are mean, people might be mean back... thats common sence, not karma

    karma /"kA;m@, "k@;m@/· n. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as affecting their future fate. Ø informal the sum of good or bad luck, viewed as resulting from one’s actions.– DERIVATIVES karmic adj. karmically adv.– ORIGIN from Sanskrit karman ‘action, effect, fate’.Say again?

  16. IMHO karma is a common thread through many philosophies, religions, and cultures.


    As you sow, so shall you reap

    Live by the sword, die by the sword

    Do onto others etc.

    Life is like a boomarang

    What goes around comes around

    And many many others that warn one that his actions will effect ones future which seems reasonable enough.

    This being the case it must have some rational.

  17. Very curious Brabo, are your pigs raised solely for sales to Thais or do you eat some yourself. Reason I ask is all the pork raised in my area is about 99% fat and the Thais seem to like it like that. I do not know if it is because the pigs get no exercise or it is the breed but there is no way you could get a cut of pork like you would buy at Big C etc. Again, just curious and congrats on being a successful moo rancher.

    • Like 1
  18. I'm with electau. It would be false economy not to replace the starter when replacing the tube, although it's always an idea to have spare starters to swap out first, they do fail.

    Whilst you're at it, why not replace the ballast with an electronic one, no starter to fail, the tubes last longer and the power consumption is lower?

    I'm all for using the latest technology and have tried the electronic lamps and electronic controlled fans and all have failed within a short time.

    The electricity supply here is not very stable and the electronics just don't like it. Also any spikes in the supply from lightning storms will kill the electronics dead.


    The screw in bulbs do not seem to be prone to early failure. I have been running some for years and I too have a very poor power supply. Just do not use them with any of the night-time 3 wire on-off photo switches which will make them fail very fast. These depend on a constant small leakage current through the light circuit which is very destructive to any electronics. Any photo switch with a switched relay supply works fine though.

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