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Posts posted by BuckarooBanzai

  1. ding, ding, ding, we have a winner. It's all a big show folks, put on once every four years to distract the little people from what is really going on.

    George had it right.

    Love this guy. He is missed. His perception of things were always pretty accurate in my book. Wish I could hear his impression of the current candidates. This clip could have been played in BKK by a Thai and would have been equally as accurate.

    “The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.”

    George Carlin

    Honesty may be the best policy, but it’s important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.”

    George Carlin

    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

    George Carlin

  2. Wiki is a good place to read up on OWS and goes into detail about all the crime and arrests and finances. George Soros is a myth that I think can be shown by just a little research.

    Occupy Wall Street Flush With Cash, But Not From Soros


    notice the source cnbc.com Hear-say is not something I would choose to base my political selections on.

    • Like 1
  3. Both the Tea Party and the OWS movements now have different agendas from their original focus and have lost credibility. One wonders where all their money originates from.

    There are differences...

    OWS started about corrupt Wall Street (hence the name) now they are about miscellaneous Marxist-Socialist agendas. They have a nice website where you can see for yourself. They are violent and destroy property on a regular basis.

    Tea Party was about tax & spend issues. Today it is about...tax & spend issues plus...? I haven't found their website. Do they have one? I know there were different Tea Parties around the country, but do they have a national website like OWS? They are non-violent, no arrests made at any Tea Party events.

    Tea Party Patriots

    Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement


    Tea Party Patriots




    and more if you look a little. If you like spin and glitter please feel free. I for one think you need to look a lot deeper than a website.


    There’s just one element missing from these snapshots of America’s ostensibly spontaneous and leaderless populist uprising: the sugar daddies who are bankrolling it, and have been doing so since well before the “death panel” warm-up acts of last summer. Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch, are even richer, with a combined wealth exceeded only by that of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett among Americans. But even those carrying the Kochs’ banner may not know who these brothers are.

    Their self-interested and at times radical agendas, like Murdoch’s, go well beyond, and sometimes counter to, the interests of those who serve as spear carriers in the political pageants hawked on Fox News. The country will be in for quite a ride should these potentates gain power, and given the recession-battered electorate’s unchecked anger and the Obama White House’s unfocused political strategy, they might.


    • Like 1
  4. The major difference between the two groups is that one, OWS, is demonstrating to point out conceived inequalities in a system and the other group is trying to take over the government.

    Actually the main difference between the two groups is that Occupy Wall Street have been involved in illegal acts on a regular basis and the Tea Party have followed the law scrupulously. Of course, media coverage has been totally biased against the conservative group and supportive of the out of control left-wing anarchism.

    In the media's coverage of the Wall Street occupiers and Tea Partiers, a clear tale of two different protests is seen. One that grew out of concern for out-of-control government spending was initially ignored and treated to catcalls of racism and thuggery by ABC, CBS and NBC. The other, a leftist movement screaming for an even more expansive government, that actually resulted in hundreds of arrests, was greeted by the Big Three networks with a tidal wave of coverage full of friendly talking heads.


    I think I have exhibited some openness in my thought process identifying the good I see in each group as the were originally envisioned. But I only sense politically biased posturing as a response.

    The name "occupy wall street" does not paint a picture of anything other than the disgust the public had in the bailout of the bankers who got us into this fiscal mess in the first place and the system that, by lack of over site, let the banks run a muck.

    Both the Tea Party and the OWS movements now have different agendas from their original focus and have lost credibility. One wonders where all their money originates from. Certainly not nickles and dimes from mom and pop. Someone is paying the bill for some type of desired end result which overall seems to be the furtherance of the tea party and the demise of the public's right to demonstrate.

    • Like 1
  5. The Tea Party want to cut silly, frivolous spending and cut the deficit. Of course they like Ryan. I am not a Tea Party supporter, but I agree with them on that.

    What you present is how the grass roots Tea Party started out and in fact if that was it's current primary focus we would all be members or at least all be strongly supportive of their goals

    On the other hand, members of the Occupy Wall Street movement have committed numerous sex crimes, acts of violence and anarchy and they have been embraced by the present administration. Now that is something to be concerned about.

    I do not believe anyone supports those who commit sex crimes, acts of violence and anarchy except some very sick individuals and there are certainly none of these individuals that I know of in current positions of government. The legitimate OWS crowd are demonstrating, for the most part legally and within their rights, to point out what they consider inequalities in the US (perhaps international) "system" which has been widening the gap between the middle class income and the mega rich's income for a couple of decades. (power base meaning the ability to promote change can be freely substituted for the word income in the preceding sentence.)

    The major difference between the two groups is that one, OWS, is demonstrating to point out conceived inequalities in a system and the other group is trying to take over the government. The two groups represent opposite sides of the same debate, the middle class vs. the elites. There are certainly identifiable wackos in each camp but I think that does not detract from the major issues that each group represents.

    It is certainly possible that the OWS movement will or has been hi-jacked as it appears has already taken place with the Tea Party but that certainly would not seem to benefit the middle class. I think most can agree the middle class as a cumulative group is in the worst financial pit they have been in for a long long time. Belittling their cause with "sex crimes, acts of violence and anarchy" would seem to be self defeating.

  6. Thank you all for your input. I understand there are a great number of reasons for early tire failure but just wish I knew why mine were becoming worn out after a little more the 20 k miles. Maybe it is just the sharp stones they use here in my neck of the woods for road surfacing which have to be hell on tires. I am happy for all you who are getting good results. I am going to be more astute in trying to maintain 30 psi though as I have been to trusting on letting others maintain pressure. I am not as spry as I used to be and do not get hands on much anymore. This I think must be an exception though..

    A couple of questions were asked which I have not answered yet - sidewall blowout was on rear left and Michellin is standard issue on some Vigo Prerunners.

    Again thanks for all the input.

  7. The Tea Party want to cut silly, frivolous spending and cut the deficit. Of course they like Ryan. I am not a Tea Party supporter, but I agree with them on that.

    What you present is how the grass roots Tea Party started out and in fact if that was it's current primary focus we would all be members or at least all be strongly supportive of their goals - depending on ones definition of frivolous. As with so many different groups with noble intentions though, the movement has been hi-jacked, in this case by the ultra wealthy extreme right wing for its own purposes. I believe the 65% of the public who disapprove of the Tea Party make this connection.

    Regardless of how biased Aaron Sorkin may be I fully agree that he puts out great entertainment with contents which contain strong elements of truth.

  8. WASHINGTON --- The tea party didn't get its man in Mitt Romney. But the movement got one of its ideological heroes in the Republican presidential ticket's No. 2 slot. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/08/13/paul-ryan-tea-party_n_1772290.html

    "In his first week on the stump, Ryan has been called many things. High-minded and substantive, by Mitt Romney. The author of a draconian plan to slash Medicare, by President Obama."

    "But he's also something else: a darling of the Tea Party."

    "Don't take it from me. Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips told the Boston Herald that many in the movement are "very happy" with Ryan's selection, and prominent movement leaders like Sen. Jim Demint (R-SC) and Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) hailed the choice as well. And why not? Ryan, with his credo that "our rights come from nature and God, and not from government" and his aggressive plans to shrink federal retirement security programs, is a symbol of much of what the Tea Party stands for."


    "Paul Ryan, Triumph Of The Tea Party - A national poll done for NBC News and the Wall Street Journal showed 25 percent of Americans support the Tea Party while 65 percent disapprove. The poll, done jointly by a Democratic and Republican pollster, was conducted on July 18-22, 2012." http://www.wbur.org/...-ryan-tea-party

    Be sure and catch this weeks program of "The Newsroom on HBO". On today in fact. A very interesting show and suprisingly supportive of the Republican Party while focusing on the extremely ill effects that the Tea Pary has on it. The Wall Street Journal poll indicates that this "The Newsroom" presentation is perhaps an unbiased account of 65% of the US population. Most know where the bias of the WSJ lie which should add credence to the poll.

  9. I trust that you will all judge for yourselves if you have "good" tires or "bad". Keep an eye on them at any rate and do not let anybody tell you that you should not be concerned.

    How would I know if I had bad tyres?

    II've recently pumped them up to nominal pressure....


    You should check your tires for wear at least once a month and before and after long trips. To determine whether you need to (a) buy new tires, (B) have your wheels balanced, © have your wheels aligned, or (d) change your driving habits, simply read your tire treads for clues.


  10. How many miles do tires last?

    • As recently as the 1970s, tires had a relatively short life span of less than 20,000 miles, or about two years. By 2000, harder compound tires were being made that could last for 60,000 miles over four or more years of constant use. Currently, there are some tires that can get as many as 80,000 miles of treadwear. Treadwear ratings are listed on tires and can range from 60 to more than 500. An example would be a treadwear grade of 400, which would last twice as long as a tire that has a 200 grade. The tire's load rating is listed on the tires as well. The larger the number, the higher the load capacity; for example, an "89" load rating is 1,279 lbs. and an "85" rating is 1,135 lbs.


    This is my expectation but regretfully not what I have experienced here.

    And given the number of others who have come forward sharing your plight, how have you examined your own role in this misfortune?


    I regret to say that you cannot trust anybody. So sad.

    Edit: If you mean I am FOS you are disregarding reality. On the other hand if I get someone to check their tires I am a happy camper.

  11. How many miles do tires last?

    • As recently as the 1970s, tires had a relatively short life span of less than 20,000 miles, or about two years. By 2000, harder compound tires were being made that could last for 60,000 miles over four or more years of constant use. Currently, there are some tires that can get as many as 80,000 miles of treadwear. Treadwear ratings are listed on tires and can range from 60 to more than 500. An example would be a treadwear grade of 400, which would last twice as long as a tire that has a 200 grade. The tire's load rating is listed on the tires as well. The larger the number, the higher the load capacity; for example, an "89" load rating is 1,279 lbs. and an "85" rating is 1,135 lbs.


    This is my expectation but regretfully not what I have experienced here.

  12. I apoligize if my selection of the general forum is inappropriate to warn people of a serious hazard.

    Forget all about my problems with my tires but make sure you inspect your tires on a regular basis.

    Some believe the discussion of tires is political or only belongs in a mechanics thread but in reality the responsibility resides in each and every one of us.

    Protect your selves by awareness!

  13. Full price

    My god SC you certainly are flipant tonight! One goes to Goodyear and pays the full price is not the same as going to your brother in law for a tire change. What is going through your mind and why can't you answer a question with something other than a witty response.

  14. Maybe the tyres were not at the correct pressure. Maybe they had been scuffed on the kerb. Really, you should have posted your question here


    Thanks for your advice SC but as I mentioned this was a new car and serviced religiously. If you can give me some evidence that tires here last more than 30 to 40 k km I will look into it.

    But I think you are simply giving a flipant response!

    Time will tell if others have had a similar experience or not but this is not a meaningless post regarding a potential safety hazard. Tire wear is a very visable thing to take note of and I really do not think your response is justified.

    Edit: Sidewall damage is usually apparent and I detected no scuffing of the surface. If I had to guess I would expect internal failure.

    I'm fortunate to live in a country where tyres are second to none - as you would expect from a country with such a rubber-exporting tradition (don't get me started on the condoms!); my more-humble-than-most proton has done 30K, and the tyres are looking tip-top. Although I had to put air in them a few weeks back. Maybe your dealer is buying knockoff tyres from 'another source', but really, if a tyre fails, I would guess it is something that has happened to the tyre, not an endemic fault with the tyre industry in your country of current residency.


    My second set of tires was purchased through a second source "goodyear" but you may be right in that these tires are not appropriate for the vigo. There was no scuff on the failed tire. I am beginning to think that the tires I was provided with were inappropriate for the vigo. Perhaps an enterprising employee is enjoying my real tires.

    But again, this is no joke, a sidewall blowout is serious business. I have yet to hear some good advice on what my replacements should be.

    Edit: What ever happened to steel belted radials?

  15. Something does not sound right, are the tires the correct load rating for the vehicle? i thought Vigo's were fitted with Bridgestone Dueller's from new?

    I purchased this in Bangkok and have no idea if the standard was replaced with something else. I have seen Bridgestones on other Vigos which have a much more pronounced tread but do not know if this is standard. The tread I saw on the Bridgestone was offroad type and I thought would not be very good on the highway. I do have the elevated frame though as I live in the outback but commute to bkk often.

  16. Maybe the tyres were not at the correct pressure. Maybe they had been scuffed on the kerb. Really, you should have posted your question here


    Thanks for your advice SC but as I mentioned this was a new car and serviced religiously. If you can give me some evidence that tires here last more than 30 to 40 k km I will look into it.

    But I think you are simply giving a flipant response!

    Time will tell if others have had a similar experience or not but this is not a meaningless post regarding a potential safety hazard. Tire wear is a very visable thing to take note of and I really do not think your response is justified.

    Edit: Sidewall damage is usually apparent and I detected no scuffing of the surface. If I had to guess I would expect internal failure.

    In addition to above edit I am simply suggesting that those that drive in Thailand need to drive defensivly with consideration of their own vehicle.

  17. This is posted in the general forum as the problem likely effects everyone who drives. If the powers that be think differently, up to them and they will make the appropriate adjustments.

    I have a Toyota Vigo which was outfitted with Michelin tires when I purchased it new. The new car with the new set of tires lasted 30,000 km, - that's km. not mi. - before a sidewall blew out. Very lucky my wife was driving through a village at slow speed when the blow out occured, but she did manage to wingding a motor cycle. Upon examination the tires were balding but the failure was a true blow out of the sidewall. This is after 30,000 km. Of course we had no recourse about the failure. But did replace all tires with replacements. Buyers beware!

    I am at a loss as to why a Thai tire lasts about 1/10 the life of a tire from any other country that makes good tires. Any country that is more than third world make dependable steel belted radials that last and are safe. I always thought Michelin was a respected trademark but now on my second replacement purchase of all 4 tires they are balding at 35,000 km. I gave them a second chance as this was the tire provided on the new vehicle. This should be an embarrassment for the company.

    I am pretty sure that these tires are made in Thailand and that they are using technology from the 1960's. Can someone please tell me what is going on? Needless to say Michelin rates a -10 on tires to buy. Trouble is I do not know if any of the others are any better.

    Although this is obviously a rant against tires, and I believe justifiably so, I really am looking for advice on what to buy, and at the same time warning the uninitiated that you are driving on tires that potentially have a breaking point less than anything you should consider safe.

  18. Obama and Biden -- very strong experience on foreign policy in a time of war.

    Romney and Ryan -- NO experience. None. Zilch. Nada.

    These republicans are just too risky.

    You've got to be joking, Obama has been the biggest foreign policy disaster since Carter. Now thanks to his endorsement of the so called Arab spring we have Islamist control over much of the middle east, not to mention it's infiltration of the U.S government. We are effectively negotiating terms of our own surrender to the Taliban whilst leaving Iraq torn by sectarian strife and with a pro-Iranian government.

    Ryan could do no worse if he actually tried, which worryingly is what Obama seems to have conciously done.

    I have no idea whether Ryan would improve or damage the Republicans chances compared to a more centrist candidate, but such is the devastation Obama has left in his wake that middle of the road policies would be akin to rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic. A rapid and radical reversal of the last 4 years is the only hope for saving the U.S from collapse.

    I understand your concern about Arab foreign policy but would like to point out that the US supports democratic rule. This was not always the case and we Americans are still trying to get by the hatred that support for dictators has saddled us with. Muslims are not terrorists as a rule any more than your typical White guy is a skin head or a Black guy a thief or a Hispanic a gang member etc. etc. This is fear you are talking about and prejudice. Obama is not the do all end all of every one of our problems but he has improved our image rather than diminish it. Will Romney and Ryan do the same. I think not.

    • Like 1
  19. Please consider the source:

    "In March 2009, Forbes ran a feature on Newsmax describing it as a "media empire" and the "great right hope" of the Republican Party." "

    In a January 2010 profile on the company, the Financial Times reported that the "Rise of Newsmax Defies the Media Trend" and said its website, Newsmax.com, is "one of the strongest conservative voices online"." http://en.wikipedia....wsmax_Media

    Both the right and left can generate a great deal of biased misleading material. My post above about the extreme position of Ryan is an example of left wing clap trap that is equally suspect. If you make your judgements based on biased information I would expect that you could be "mislead" by those you hold in such high esteem. The reason I posted my left wing tid-bit was that it was an extreme example that a majority of the news I had been reading from many sources, including unbiased, was indicating that Ryan's position was far to the right. My post quote was clearly identified as from a biased source and the main reason I used it to express my point of Ryan's non-centrist dogma was that I liked the picture.

    The "source" of the information was not Newsmax, it was Paul Ryan. Ryan wrote the op ed and Newsmax published it.

    If you have problems with the content of the article you could detail your objections here, but don't kill the messenger.

    Presentation is the key to any kind of propaganda and is generally controlled by the media. The question one should always ask is how was the information edited and by whom. Not to mention the consideration of speech writers. To consider anything is direct from the horses mouth is naive. And that certainly holds true for both the right and left. This is a case where actions speak louder than words. "propaganda is information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view or the the dissemination of such information."

    Uh, Ryan was a speech writer for a US Senator for two years before he ran and was elected to Congress. I hardly think he needs help gathering his thoughts.

    Or his spin!

  20. Please examine the employment trends over the last 8 years before becoming the all seeing grand supreme judge of all that is real. Please, show us some facts instead of rhetoric. Such callus partisanship is very sad indeed.

    I hope and I think it is very likely that the voting members of the US will see through BS be it the Democrats or the Republicans.

    Changing the direction of a moving freight train is not an easy thing to do and extreme maneuvers will only make the train run off the track.

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