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Posts posted by BuckarooBanzai

  1. Watch the Dog Whisperer and learn how to control your dog.

    The Dog Whisperer works in the western world where dogs are not free range (unconfined). This is not to say that his example is not very productive but simply put it does not apply to the general dog population in Thailand. His advice works but there is no way you can control free range dogs. My dogs respect me as pack leader while they are around but when they are off wandering they have other outlooks on their environment.Very good to control your dogs though when they are around.

    I disagree.

    Having worked v hard to teach my (free range) dogs not to chase motorbikes, cyclists etc. (one of them used to), I'm 100% sure that they have learned that this behaviour is not acceptable. (Edit - even when I'm not around)

    They still bark when anyone comes near my house, but have also learned that to continue barking will not be tolerated. (I like them to bark initially, as its good for people to know I have dogs - I live in an isolated position)

    I'm still working on training them to understand that they can only bark from inside our 'territory' (i.e. not outside the gates) and, on the hunting behaviour...

    It always takes time and a lot of hard work - but can be done.

    Please tell us how. I have a lot of free time on my hands.

  2. Although I admit to being peeved at the OP's response to my first post, which was dismissive at best, insulting in reality, I have this for you to think about. Self aggrandizement is not a trait of Buddhism. Learning is.

    "Maybe the constant infighting between different religions, faiths, and sects would finally come to an end if we only recognize that all religious beliefs are the physical interpretations of mortals. It's now absolutely clear that God does not care about our personal theology. Our physical beliefs are all rooted in temporary forms and substance; they are all but a passing moment in time. What really matters is experience, spiritual experience. It appears that the purpose of the entire universe is experience---firsthand, gut-wrenching, personal experience. Nothing can replace it. It's now clear that personal experience is the road to wisdom that we all share."

    This was much more meaningful to me than the Op's response to my response. This quote comes from a book I am currently reading. Very enlightening stuff.

  3. one thing I'm tired of is people asking whether they should move here and how much money is needed.

    we are not here to coddle or offer financial/investment advice.

    if your looking to move make your own decision, then come back for advice, man.

    Thank you for your weighty reply.

  4. One more country on the list of 'welcomed with open arms' it seems. I'm not speechless, but must admit to a certain level of surprise and puzzlement

    Please enlighten us on your surprise and puzzlement. This thread has clearly identified a non-political visa but it seems there are those, such as yourself, who choose to spin this into a political agenda for the visa grant. Why do you think this way. Is he going to talk the US into invasion or perhaps a corrupted US attempt at purchasing Thai land for the purpose of studying Global Weather Change or perhaps Male Farang sex preferences as it relates to the world wide population. Again, what is the source of your information. Just curious.

    This thread has indicated a visa, but not what type of. My puzzlement and surprise is with a fugitive criminal being admitted into the States. Obviously that's spinning a political agenda.

    My source of info? Surely you mean why I am puzzled and surprised? See answer above. Of course it could be you wonder why I say "open armed welcome", well that's because another member here assured me that's what happens to poor k. Thaksin where ever he goes, no quiet life for him sad.png

    A two week visa is what they give to the lowest of the low who can still visit. The first time I took my Thai fiance to the US it was a fourteen day visa. The immigration lady on arrival actually scribbled out the visa with her pen and said move on with a witch of a facial expression. She obviously did not approve of us as a couple but in we went. If T overstays he will be Persona Non Grata bet on it. By the way, my next application for my then wife's visa for 30 days was granted for a 10 year stay without any 90 day report crap. Go figure!

  5. One more country on the list of 'welcomed with open arms' it seems. I'm not speechless, but must admit to a certain level of surprise and puzzlement

    Please enlighten us on your surprise and puzzlement. This thread has clearly identified a non-political visa but it seems there are those, such as yourself, who choose to spin this into a political agenda for the visa grant. Why do you think this way. Is he going to talk the US into invasion or perhaps a corrupted US attempt at purchasing Thai land for the purpose of studying Global Weather Change or perhaps Male Farang sex preferences as it relates to the world wide population. Again, what is the source of your information. Just curious.

  6. is this the hate the thai thread or is it i am a great driver it is just everyone else is shit thread?

    Well Generally this forum is full of people who hate Thai's. Sad but true, some people just are very narrow minded.

    I guess talking about reckless driving and the safety threat they pose because of local circumstances (corruption, lack of proper driving education, etc) is being "narrow minded"? My driving teacher was Thai, but he never failed to point out the absurd behavior on the road of his co-nationals.

    Without being thai-haters, I guess we should not fall in the reverse trap of finding everything (even the abnormal) perfect in Thailand.

    A very sensible appraisal. Non-opinionated and to the point unlike other posters who do not approve of this unique approach. Thumbs up.

  7. No, but in case you're doubting. Here's another photo and they are both from a friend's facebook page living in NY. The limo is being escorted by police and agents.


    Just a small point but "agents" may predispose one to think the the federal government is involved in his visit. That is doubtful to me. These are likely a hired security force. Of course that could be Donald Trump in the limo.smile.png

    In the other picture you see Thaksin getting out the limo with the same shops in the background

    That was said tongue in cheek but I hold both these egotists in equal regard and would not doubt that Donald lent T his limo in order to entice him into some kind of land deal. Both are always conniving something or other with agendas up the wazoo.

  8. Some months when there is a lot of smog it doesn't work at all.

    You are joking correct! You must have a Mickey Mouse GPS

    I think you may have this thread confused with the "smoke detector" thread available somewhere else on the internet.

  9. No, but in case you're doubting. Here's another photo and they are both from a friend's facebook page living in NY. The limo is being escorted by police and agents.


    Just a small point but "agents" may predispose one to think the the federal government is involved in his visit. That is doubtful to me. These are likely a hired security force. Of course that could be Donald Trump in the limo.smile.png

  10. When visiting an area that I am not familiar with I spend some time on Google looking for interesting places to see and things to do. Keep some notes on your phone on what each site you want to visit (name) and what it has to offer. After loading these sites into the GPS a quick punch of some take me there buttons and I am on my way. They are the closest thing to magic made available to the public in quite some time.

  11. The use of this terminology for a Thai scheme for the south certainly gives rise to questioning the Thai government's intention of resolving the conflict peacefully or by military force.

    Sadly, I think it is very difficult to stop an active and committed insurgency by peaceful means. There are sites on the web which show graphically (sickeningly graphically) what is happening to people in the South. What one sees does not lead to peace.

  12. The US likes to force FCPA down everyone's throat.

    Plays by a different set of rules.

    Another basher. The [FCPA] Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. "Plays by a different set of rules." You show me where the rules dictate one cannot fight corruption! Is this a bad thing? Only if you are comfortable with such things! Also show me where the internal populace of the US does not fight against this as well within the US government. People who support corruption are a travesty!

    Declaring me as a "basher" based on one post is ignorance.

    US registered companies operating overseas are expected to comply to US rules. Fair enough.

    On the one hand here you have the US seeking the extradition of the former TAT head for corruption and at the same time granting a visa to Thaksin with a list if crimes as long as your arm.

    Sorry mate. Hypocrisy.

    There is a difference between breaking US law directly and the politically tainted activities that have occurred in Thailand regarding T. The man does not have my support but the differences in the establishment of guilt between the two cases is apparent. In my judgement this is not indicative of hypocrisy. One case involves US law and one does not.

  13. Watch the Dog Whisperer and learn how to control your dog.

    The Dog Whisperer works in the western world where dogs are not free range (unconfined). This is not to say that his example is not very productive but simply put it does not apply to the general dog population in Thailand. His advice works but there is no way you can control free range dogs. My dogs respect me as pack leader while they are around but when they are off wandering they have other outlooks on their environment.Very good to control your dogs though when they are around.

  14. Jaded perhaps. Realistic may be a better adjective,

    Take a look at our planet and judge for yourself. Perhaps stopping useless expenditures for space, weapons, and wars and using these assests to help those humans who live on this planet may be the way to go. I am sure I am wrong. But I think all those with the bravado of knowing "everything" that have come before us have only demonstrated that no culture, person, or governace has ever gotten it right.

    And I don't either.

    What do you suggest? You are just like every other politician who knows it all but does not have a clue on how to resolve the problem.

    • Like 2
  15. I'm sure things will be a lot better after China takes over as the world's policeman...

    Can't be any worse!

    You are absolutely correct. The foremost colonial power in the present day world should take over everything. The Spratly Islands and all the other shoals, etc. etc. are obviously China's property as they are located 220 feet off Viet Nam and the coast of the Philippines. I notice how the Chinese are quickly posting on google earth with their ownership claims. You are a great judge of reality.

  16. Far as I know a farang can own 1 rai of land legally. Get yourself some legal help and forget about resolving this online.

    no they cant, there is a provison under Amity companies for US citizens...but at the discretion of some minister or other and dont beleive this have ever been grant, also think there is a provision for investing THB 30 million in goverment bondss and being able to buy one whle rai in your name...expensive bit of ground

    Sorry Soutpeel but I still recommend contact with a lawyer. I hate lawyers but sometimes they are the only ones who can help.

    Of course by all means contact a lawyer...the OP is not providing enough info anyway...key point in all this...whose name on the Chanote ?....we know its not the OP

    Very troubling is the term partner. There are laws regarding spouses but if you did not bother to get married I do not think there are any palimony rules. If you are not married I would guess you are out of luck as perhaps is appropriate. Has to do with commitment.

  17. Far as I know a farang can own 1 rai of land legally. Get yourself some legal help and forget about resolving this online.

    no they cant, there is a provison under Amity companies for US citizens...but at the discretion of some minister or other and dont beleive this have ever been grant, also think there is a provision for investing THB 30 million in goverment bondss and being able to buy one whle rai in your name...expensive bit of ground

    Sorry Soutpeel but I still recommend contact with a lawyer. I hate lawyers but sometimes they are the only ones who can help.

  18. Ridiculous waste of money that could have been used for assisiting humans on this planet. I saw the waste when I was a kid in the 1950s & 1960s. Space Race with the Russians - Sputnik - Apollo "BS"-- men on the moon! (Maybe!), Machines to Mars? Useless!

    Then war after war -- Vietnam, Middle East Wars, Bosnia, Iraq, You name it!

    And this space idiocy is still being funded and people actually care about this useless BS? Cant even get this small planet to work and function properly.


    Wow, you are one jaded individual. Truth be told the Russians have some scientific devices aboard this spacecraft which is a milestone for all of us here on the blue ball. The scientists are perhaps the only ones who prove that all nationalities really can work together. Screw the politicians!

    • Like 2
  19. Your dogs are stealing their chickens. Doesn't matter where you live or what colour your skin is - YOUR dogs are stealing THEIR chickens. The only way it will be 'a phase' is if you take control of the dogs that belong to you. The dogs are under your control (or not apparently). If your dog stole my chickens it would find itself no longer a dog - or anything else for that matter.

    Ok, let me ask you a question. If one of us leave the front gate open, and one of the neighbor's dogs comes wandering in and eats all the food it can find, who's fault is that? Ours for leaving the gate open, or the neighbor's for "not having control over" their dogs? Personally, I think it's my fault for leaving the gate open, but apparently you think differently? Should I get all irate, and demand retribution from my neighbors when this happens?

    Or say you own a small farm in the West. You make sure your chickens, and other livestock are properly enclosed / gated / penned, right? That's kind of common sense. If you care about your chickens, then spend 500 baht and build a pen for them, or put them under those dome things they use. I don't know, but if you let your chickens just wander around the streets freely, I'd say it's pretty stupid to get dismayed when something happens to one of them.

    They're dogs, of course they're going to love to go after a chicken. Same as they go after cats, cockroaches, rats, toads, and basically ever other moving animal that's smaller than them.

    How about if your dogs attack a cyclist, pedestrian, motorcyclist causing a crash or a child playing is it their fault too ?

    Peoples dogs who have been let out go for me all the time when cycling. It's selfish.

    I hope you have good insurance to cover anything that happens.

    It's illegal not to have your dogs under control in the UK. I hope it is here too. I doubt leaving your front gate open is.

    There is no law that I know of that prevents dogs from running free. But there is a big difference between city life and the country. As I live in the country every one has 2,3,4 or more dogs to protect them. This is a common tribal practice. Snakes, night-time visitors, etc. are the dogs responsibility and it is not inconceivable that sometimes they get their job confused with noisy motor bikes and nighttime walkers etc. The property line and the road are difficult to distinguish for a dog. But if you are injured by a dog it is normal for the dog owner to be responsible. Not by law, but by community rules. Usually if your dog injured someone you will pay a sorry about that fee but sometimes if consistent the dog must go. Keep in mind this all takes place with free roaming dogs. Village Thailand is tribal in nature and tribal rules apply. People frown on those who go to police before going to the village leadership. Village leadership are historically the justice of the peace and therefore #1. City life and country life are far from the same!

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