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Posts posted by carken

  1. 16 hours ago, newnative said:

        Sadly, this is so true.   It's like a pack of rabid dogs seizing on any scrap of any utterance the least bit provocative--or even not provocative--or any opinion not totally in line with what is politically correct at the moment or in agreement with this conservative group or that liberal group and then tearing it to shreds.   So, it's an environment where poor Scarlett Johansson makes a statement that she would like to be able to play any part that interests her as an actor--and be crucified after a handful of people objected loudly on social media and then it's blown up on all the news outlets with 24 long hours to fill.  How dare her want to play a tree!    

       All these famous people must be getting so tired of "walking back" statements they made that someone, somewhere found something to object to. 

       Famous actor person X:  "It's a beautiful day today, isn't it?"

       Someone on Twitter"  "X made a very insensitive comment on the state of the weather today, completely ignoring the climate change crisis, not to mention all the migrant children locked up in sweltering cages. It wasn't a beautiful day for THEM locked up in record temperatures!  Apparently X is so rich and in his own spoiled, pampered world that he cares nothing for anyone but himself.  If he's so interested in the weather, why isn't he doing more to call attention to climate change, and the migrants' problems, too?

    News media after a number of garbled and incorrect tweets: 

         X finds himself in hot water today with a very controversial statement he made that appeared to blame migrants for the world's climate change problems.  X has since walked back his comment and stated that it was taken out of context and he certainly did not mean to offend anyone.  His apology did not appear to be sincere enough for some, who expressed outrage on social media  for his weak, uncaring, response, and he has since been fired from the upcoming film he was slated to star in, ironically the climate change disaster flick, 'Inferno in the Sky'.  


    ROFLMFAO ....... Wow!!!! newnative that was absolutely spot on, ya nailed it ... In today's society one has to think carefully before speaking or writing, what ya say could land ya in jail or in a lawsuit or get ya killed ... today's society is totally %$#@&*

    up ... gonna use your story/example and send to my friends back home in USA, they're gonna love it ... it's a very small group as I don't want to chance pissin' somebody off and then dealing with it for months to follow ... thanks again, my man  a wonnerful, a wonnerful ???? turn on the bubble machine

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  2. 2 hours ago, sexyman said:

    For 12,500 the agent gets the retirement extension, and also does the 90 day reporting all included in the 12,500.  For me the best solution, as I don't need to break my investments abroad where I'm earning much more than the agency fee. And no need to get involved with keeping 800k in Thai banks and all the other BS

    Hey there sexyman, any chance you would share the name and how to contact this 12,500 baht agent?

  3. On 6/27/2019 at 4:32 PM, Mel52 said:

    You can get it through your online banking but I always get my bank statements and credit advices from my local SCB branch

    First of all Mel52 thank you for all the time and effort you have spent to help me ... I apologize for being as dumb as a box of rocks but what is/are "credit advices" and can you post a copy(redacted of course) of a "credit advice" ... the reason I'm asking all these questions is that I live in a very small town/area and the SCB bank here may not be used to or know anything about what is needed by Thai Immigration ... I want to be totally prepared when I ask my SCB branch to help in my meeting all of Thai Immigrations requirements. I have a feeling I will need to politely and diplomatically educate them as to why and how this is done. Information and examples will probably be the difference in whether or not my SCB branch will supply me with the needed documents


    I would also like to take this opportunity to ask someone for a copy(redacted) of the Thai Immigration's required SCB bank letter that consolidates and shows all the deposits for a year

    Many thanks to all that have and will help/contribute to my knowledge base so that I may meet TI's requirements

  4. 9 hours ago, Mel52 said:


    I’m sorry but some of this information is incorrect and I haven’t even done any extensive research on the matter either. I only spoke with my specific SCB branch and my local immigration office. Immigration definitely does not want to see your US bank statements that probably won’t work. According to my local SCB branch they indeed will verify foreign deposits in a bank letter to immigration, in fact the day I asked SCB about that they actually printed the letter for me lol emoji2.png even though I didn’t need it yet they just printed it. They thought I was asking them for the letter that day so I told them “no no I’m sorry I don’t need the letter today I’m just asking for future reference”.

    Regardless my local immigration office already told me that the X1 code in my passbook every month is sufficient for my extensions.

    I haven’t even done any extensive research on it but I have asked enough questions in my local city between my local bank SCB and my local immigration office. I also have my credit advice printed each month showing all the details of my monthly income for each international deposit every month throughout the year so I can 100% verify that my money is easily traceable back to the United States. I’m a pensioner as well.

    So I guess maybe I have been researching it now that I think about all the information I’ve collected on the matter just to make sure that I’m prepared for my next extension.


    Thank you Mel52 .... that's exactly the type of info I was seeking and will dictate my actions to get an acceptable code in my SCB bank book ... I appreciate the time and effort you put in to help me :)

  5. 10 hours ago, weelegs said:

    Hi Carken, I have been working on the SCB/documenting foreign transfers problem for some time. It is murky and inconsistent. My foreign income transfers (from the United Nations Federal Credit Union in New York) sometimes come in with a 'chanel code' FRCI, which is Foreign Remittance and Settlement. That's good. BUT some transfers (also from UNFCU) have the channel code ATS, which means Auromatic Transfer System. Not good. Don't know why it's inconsistent. My calls to SCB's customer Service haven't helped much -- the ATS transfers are coming through a correspondent bank that SCB uses in Thailand (see other posts), probably Bangkok Bank. SCB informs me that they cannot verify that these are foreign transfers for bank letter (extnsion of stay based on retirement or marriage) purposes.  Their suggestion is to take your overseas bank statements showing the origin of the transfers to Immigration, and if the dates and amounts match what has come into SCB, and if you refrain from becoming insulting and agressive with the Immigration Officer ????, that should be OK. Even better, get yourself a very smart Thai wife (expensive but worth it ????) who will tell you, as mine did, to use the 800K/400K method until the dust settles.

    weelegs ... excellent info and just the kind I need to figure out how to solve the SCB bank book "International transfer" code situation ... thank you for your time and effort to help me


  6. 12 hours ago, IraqRon said:

    tanoshi,  the op stated in his second question that wanted to use his american bank debit card in just this way.  Not a bank wire transfer.


    I have noticed you often get things confused in your posts, don't try to make me out an idiot when you misread a post.  I don't appreciate that. 

    12 hours ago, Pib said:

    Regarding using a foreign card at the bank counter to withdraw money from your home country bank account and have it deposited in your Thai bank account, it will be coded as any other deposit you would do at the counter.   I do this periodically with my US debit card at Bangkok Bank and Krungsri Bank where I have accounts.


    When you do a counter withdrawal and tell the clerk to also deposit directly into your account with them the clerk will do a transaction that may appear to you as one transaction but it's really two transactions done in close sequence.  First, the withdrawal is done using your card and the funds placed in temporarily holding status until the clerk can accomplish the second transaction which is the deposit transaction where the funds are moved from the holding status into your account.  As mentioned it's coded as any other counter deposit; not as a foreign transfer or from a foreign source.   The only transaction that appears on your passbook/ibanking will be the deposit.



    Thank you Pib .... excellent information ... I really appreciate your time and effort to help me


  7. 30 minutes ago, animalmagic said:

    It may be a good idea to request the US Bank to ensure that the Transfer Form from them has the 'reason for transfer' part filled in with a specific phrase to highlight the fact it is from overseas and for what purpose.  From my experience they usually want something written in there to tick the box for anti money laundering purposes.  They should be able to email that to you for your record purposes, depending on your arrangements with them and internet banking, and you will have further proof.

    I must point out that I myself do not use the income method for my visa and am only suggesting this as a back up to whatever codes and stuff you get from SCB.  Just a thought, and may be OTT.

    Thanks animalmagic ... dood idea/suggestion(s) ... appreciate your time, help and patience


  8. 6 hours ago, ocddave said:

    Here is a list of their codes, not sure what code it would be, none of my Transferwise transactions come thru as international transfers, just as local bank to bank.




    ocddave .... thank you so very very much for the time and effort you took to give me some help ... I appreciate it

  9. Since October of last year I have been following the threads on TVF concerning the shakeup that a few Embassy's caused by cancelling the "Income Affidavits" needed by expats to satisfy Thai immigrations requirements. One of the big concerns now is having the coveted "Foreign Money Deposit" code in/on one's bank book. I know that the Bangkok Bank's code for this is either FTT (Foreign Telegraphic Transfers) or GPSD (Bangkok Bank code for Global Payment & Services Dept). However I bank with Siam Commercial Bank (SCB). I can't remember seeing anyplace what SCB's code is for "Foreign Money Deposits" If it was mentioned in the past I either missed it or forgot to make note of it.
    I have 2 questions ..... #1 What is SCB's code for "Foreign Money Deposits" ... #2 can I go inside my SCB bank branch, give them my American bank debit card and request that SCB uses it to transfer the required amount of money from my American bank and directly into my SCB account and will it show up as a "Foreign Money Deposit" This procedure/action was talked about in a past TVF post/thread but I can't remember which thread or which bank it was. Sorry about that. I would appreciate any info/help I can get to clarify both questions. Thank you in advance for any info you may have

  10. On 1/11/2019 at 1:34 PM, Moonfire said:

    Passport number tied to social security number tied to your last years' tax return statement. Would think you could automate this.


    Set an appointment where you enter your passport number and your request.

    It would do an auto search of the database, pull the final income number and add that to a prefilled out form.


    Show up to the Embassy, show passport and social security number, the staff prints the form, you swear to the document and it is done.


    Your tax returns are used for credit, home and auto purchases. The government holds the key document which is your social security number and the amount declared on your tax return. 


    But that would be thinking something simple and efficent could be done by a government to help their citizens. 



    Most US retirees aren't required to file income tax so therefore receive no tax return

  11. 2 hours ago, seajae said:

    What needs to happen is that husband and wife earnings plus their house/land etc be allowed to be used in the equation as this would make it easier for some of those that cant meet the requirements 

    Thank you seajae!!!

    This is exactly right you nailed it

    I'm married to fantastic Thai lady and we have 2 sons, now 18 and 20 yrs old (were 5 and 7 yrs old when married). We have been married 13 years ... We used our(my) last 1,000,000 Baht in bank to build our home 9 years ago .... so now we rely on monthly income of 39,500 Baht monthly which makes me/us short by 500 Baht a month according to IO 40,000 Baht monthly requirements, that's where Embassy "Income Affidavit" luckily came into play ... so myself as expat living in Thailand for 13 years and supporting wife and 2 children now have to leave Thailand and wife and kids with no support money and Thai economy does not get my 474,000 Baht a year income and I am forced to go back to home country which I hate all because of 500 Baht shortage each month ... logically that makes no economic or humanitarian sense at all.

    As another side note my 39,500 Baht monthly income works out to 474,000 Baht a year, which is 74,000 Baht over the yearly 400,000 Baht stated in IO rules for the "O" marraige visa ... however one year I attempted to point out that 40,000 Baht a month equaled 480,000 a year (12 months X 40,000Baht) so my 39.5000monthly/474,00 yearly was over the 400.000 Baht amount needed to legally meet income requirements ... Thai Imm Officer said no no no you need 40,000 Baht a month and got furious when I tried to explain for a second time the math of 39,500 X 12 months was 74,000 over the yearly income requirement of 400,000 ... I learned my lesson quickly, shut up and paid the tea money so I wouldn't be sent home ... after that I kept my mouth shut and relied on the Embassy's "Income Affidavit" so I could stay with my Thai family in our home ... so was I "abusing" the "Income Affidavit" document? ... no, logicly I was using it to leaglly stay in Thailand as I was "legally" allowed to with my legal 474,000 yearly income


    Since wife and I have joint bank account In Dec we opened a seperate bank account in my name only and we are now depositing into it 41,000 a month ... I went to Embassy last month and got my last "Income Affidavit" which I will use in April 2019 and after 16 months of depositing 41,000 Baht a month in Apr 2020 I will go for my new NON "O" marraige visa using only my bank book showing monthly deposits of 41,000 Baht ... if things don't work out I could now be spending my last 16 months with my Thai wife and kids in our own home ... or I may be forced go the agent route, which I don't want too .. but Que Sera Sera

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  12. On 12/15/2018 at 2:16 PM, KhunFred said:

    That is certainly an interesting comment. I don't know about your particular case, but ALL of the British people I know who are retired here in Thailand tell quite a different story. I will CERTAINLY agree that the superior British healthcare system is a valid reason to live there. Same deal with Australia and Canada. In order to access Medicare, I would have to fly back to the USA. No problems collecting Social Security here, but healthcare is another kettle of fish.

    There R many many articles that say the so called "superior British healthcare system" AND the Canadian National HealthCare System R both POS and service/care is among the worst in the world ... I of course do not know this from personal experience but simply think all the bad reports can't B lies or misinformation ... In USA I have access to excellent VA healthcare 100% free but must fly back to USA for treatment. 2 years ago had Pacemaker put in, double cataract eye surgery and both were excellent ... Might add that within 12 hours of finding out I needed Pacemaker it was installed ... no lines, no ques, no months on waiting list just fast immediate excellent service ...


    As a footnote 8 years ago we spent the seasoned 1,000,000 Baht I had in bank on new house for myself, my Thai wife of 12 years, our 2 sons  ... I'm good with Immigration with my OA non-immigration visa for another 15 months (1year 3 months)


    Now all we have is SocSec of 41K Baht we take out of USA bank (via ATM) and deposit into Thai bank every month ... Since US Embassy and Thai Immigration has thrown out income affidavit all I have for proof of monthly income is my Thai bank statement ... could be in trouble in 15 months ... also need to convert "non-ommigation OA visa" into "marraige O visa" so that the monthly income of 41K baht keeps me here ... hope Thai Immigration comes out with some clear rules/guide lines next year

  13. I have been in Thailand for 12 years. I have a OA non-immigration visa. I have always used the "Income Affidavit" document notarized by US Embassy. I have been married to my Thai wife for 11 years, we built our home and live here permanently .


    In the future it looks like I will have to use the 3 month seasoned bank account showing 40,000 Baht a month being deposited into it. I withdraw the money from my US bank using my US ATM card and deposit the 40,000 into our Thai bank.


    I have 2 questions, and please if or when you answer these questions all I ask is that it's not here say or your personal opinion or some rumor but what has been told to you by Thai Immigration

         Question 1 ... does Thai baht "deposit"

                              have to come from outside

                              Thailand or is it OK that I

                              do the deposit myself using

                              money I got from ATM

         Question 2 ... My/our Thai bank is in both

                              my name and my Thai wife's

                              name. Will I have to open a

                              separate Thai Bank account

                              in my name only and use

                              that for my "proof of income"

    Again please no heresay/rumor/personal opinion replies. Reply if this is info you got straight from the horses mouth which would be Thai Immigration

       Thank any and all in advance for helping me with these questions ... yes you are right I could just ask Thai Immigration but I don't want to raise any red flags for them ... I may have to ask them anyway if I/we cannot get substantiated answers. I hope I didn't piss anybody off with my "please no heresay/rumor/ personal opinion answers" ????

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  14. On 11/23/2018 at 10:57 AM, cheshiremusicman said:

    Seems to me, that the Thai authorities should start to look at a scheme where they look at your track record and start to say 'This person has meet the necessary requirements for the past 5 years', so instead of granting an extension of one year why not make it two, and when you have been here for say 10 years make it a 5 year extension. Surely, if you have been here for that length of time you have proved that you can sustain yourself with your income no matter what it is!

    Wow! .... finally somebody who makes some sense ... too bad TI would never think of or approve of doing this ... this is of course the simple solution to a problem that has been made complex by TI ... but applying this simple solution might cause the loss of hundreds or thousands of TI jobs

  15. On 11/23/2018 at 8:25 AM, wwest5829 said:

    Agreed. The US diplomatic mission presenting in Chiang Mai stated that they had met with Thai Immigration officials in Bangkok and it was affirmed that the regulation had not changed. 800K retirement, 400K marriage in the bank OR the monthly income 65K retirement, 40K marriage.

    What is "US diplomatic mission" ? Is that another way of saying the "US Embassy"? .... "presenting" what/where in Chaing Mai? ... Where did you get this information? Or is it simply a word of mouth rumor? ... or perhaps wishful thinking? ... I'm not questioning your post just your source which is very very important when a statement like this is made ... please clarify your source ......

  16. On 7/17/2018 at 4:21 PM, impulse said:


    That's an appealing thought, right up until there's something that can't be solved in Thailand with the funds available.  Sure, the base needs and impulses can be met quite handily with enough cash.  But not all needs, and cash doesn't always last as long as retirement.


    What about missing family left behind, or the realization that it is tough to build a functional support network while surrounded mostly by fellow expats feeding their base desires for sex and booze, and locals whose economic reality has them looking at us like cash cows?


    And there's no safety net for many guys who, through poor planning, bad luck, or scheming wives, lose their money.  At least back home, there's always a way to bring in a few bucks without having to keep your head down so you're not grassed up for WP violations, or for pursuing forbidden occupations.


    I'm in the process of repatriating after working for around 7 years in Thailand.  I may be back.  But in the meantime, I'm going to see how it is back home, re-introduce myself to family I haven't seen in many years, work a few more years while I can, and then decide where to retire. 


    I count my Thailand adventure as a positive in my life.  But I miss a lot of things back home that aren't available in Thailand at any price.  Maybe I won't like it back in Texas.  But I liked it there fine before I moved to Asia for the paycheck.

    I spent most of my childhood growing up in Texas

    Wichita Falls, San Antonio, Odessa .... Texas is a

    great place to be from ..... as far from it as one can get

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  17. Biggest threat to world peace is USA, NATO and all it's allies ... empire building is always a threat to world peace until history shows the empire crumbles which has already started happening to today's empire builder

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