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Posts posted by carken

  1. As an American- I fail to understand the continual sniping between Americans and Europeans. There are good and bad on both continents. As for me- I know what America really is. It is controlled by the rich and for the rich. There was a time just after World War II when the greatest generation (and that includes Europeans) fought to save Democracy on both sides of the ocean. Europe developed differently and headed more towards social programs while America developed on Democratic Capitalism, the difference is that throughout the years in America 'Greed became Good'. Americans have forgotten about what the greatest generation sacrificed so they can live freely. The problem started when the politicians started taking money from donors of every sort- which means politicians are beholden to the Corporations and huge banks and thy used gloabilisation as a way to send jobs abroad to the Third World so the corporations could make more profits. Never a thought what this would do to the average American worker of family. People who were once assured of a good standard of living now finish High School ( or not) and work in call centers and attend community college at night.

    The only person who is actually telling the truth is Bernie Sanders- he recognizes that elections are being bought by the rich and powerful and that Americans in the middle class are not moving forward but dropping into the so called lower class. When you have the CEo's of a companies making 200 times the salary of the lowest worker and then complain that the minimum wage shouldn't be raised because they can't afford it something's radically wrong. When you have Americans who cannot afford healthcare premiums or have to sell their house so they won't die- something is radically wrong. When you have Big Pharma keeping essential American drug prices the highest in the World and make record profits- something is wrong. When you have people who want to have a University education and have to become indentured servants to the American State for 20 years and then cannot find a position that pays proper wages- yes, something is wrong. And the final kicker is the US Military Budget is $632 Billion per year -the largest in the World and then add on untold billions for almost 25 individual intelligence agencies and you begin to see the picture.

    The politicians of course love to say how they support the military - yet the Veterans Administration is in chaos; the politicians use the theory that America has to fight abroad so the terrorists don't come to America .In order to keep the funding going they then attack Social Security for the Aged as 'too expensive' or any attempt to reform the Healthcare system as 'Socialism'.The reason Trump is popular is because he is not a politician and in a sense his own man. Yet, he hides behind the same rheteric as a politician- illegal immigrants are stealing jobs; terrorists are headed for America; the Chinese, Mexicans and Russians are taking advantage of America. It sounds good but it is mostly nonsense. He has no plan to really provide relief to the struggling middle and lower class.

    Bernie Sanders tells us exactly what he will do- He will make healthcare a right and it will be provided by the Government just like Medicare is right now- with controlled prices and paid for by those working in the same manner aswe have always paid for Medicare. Those who are indigent and without work -pay nothing. Yes, the wealthy will pay more- because he will reform the Tax Code to make sure the wealthy cannot use codified loopholes to avoid taxes such as leaving huge amounts of profit offshore.He also plans on stopping the ridiculous cost of higher education by providing it at no cost- paid for by the wealthy. It is called redistribution of wealth and that is why the rich fear him.

    Actually in all fairness- most of Europe already provides much of what America needs. The problem is that America has also provided much of Europe's defense and I don't blame the Europeans because the American strategy is to fight a war with Russia in Europe and not in the US. However, under Sanders this strategy will change. Europe will have to pay for its own defense. In addition, Sanders will constrain the huge military and industrial complex that has taken America to the brink of bankruptcy and he will reach out to friends and foe alike in an attempt to end the lunacy of continual war.

    Whether Sanders become President or not-America is already in the throes of revolution. The current status quo is not sustainable. You cannot have a countries wealth in the hands of 1% while the other 99% are given the leftovers. America will change radically within 30 years because the people have finally had enough..

    Finally someone who makes me proud that I too am an American. Thabk you so very much for your intelligent informed assessment and importance of the coming POTUS election. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to quote you to my friends I left behind in America ... I must admit I'm envious of your comments and wish I had said them myself .... excellent, just excellent clap2.gif

  2. If Dump would become the next US president, the whole US will see how lonely it will become in the world scene. Good luck with that.

    I hate to be the one to break it to you, but we are trying to be alone on the world scene. We are tired of spending more than 1/2 of the world's military budget so that Europe can spend little. We are tired of coming to the aid of people. We are tired of being involved in wars in God forsaken places.

    We don't want the gddm immigrants that are flooding and ruining Europe nor do we want those stupid socialist programs that attract them. We don't want to give up our borders to an unelected group comprising more than 20 disparate nations who can't get along. We'll never give up our borders to a group.

    I really don't give a shit what one single European thinks of how the US is run simply because the REAL and BIG nasty headlines are coming out of Europe. It's a mess and it's finished and it's all over in Europe, while at the same time they are so gddm smug.

    I hate to be the one to break it to you but having 800 to 1000 foreign military bases covering the planet in no way shape or form indicates one's desire of "we are trying to be alone" . No one asked us (USA) to invade Korea Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq Libya Syria etc etc etc etc... our psychotic sociopathic leaders/govt decided to do that all on their own ... Why? ... to these psychotic sociopaths the MIC and war is nothing more than a business. An evil nasty deadly heart wrenching business, but none the less a business. It's simply a means to an end and that end is more power and wealth. And the backers or the funders of these MIC military terrorists is the bankers which is the other blight on America and every nation/country on our planet. The bankers as with the MIC DO NOT produce or make anything useful or productive or contribute to a peaceful happy society, they simply tear down, destroy and spread misery where ever and when ever they can .... all for power and wealth ... they want whats theirs yours and mine, that's "their" goal ... total dominance (power) and 99% of all the wealth, you see that's the world and the aphrodisiac of the psychotic sociopath ... that's the world of todays US govt and it's cowardly paunchy rich beyond imagination "leaders"

  3. USA has'nt got a leader. It doesn't matter a stuff who becomes president. It's time the people of that country woke up to the fact that they are considered by all other western countries as one of the dumbest, racial and uneducated in the world and keep thinking that they deserve everything from their government. Many years ago one of their greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". They are slipping back to the dark ages and the only thing making them the power they are is the military.

    Tigermoth … I totally agree with your assessment. I hope you don’t mind but I plagiarized and added to your excellent comment to meet my evaluation of the situation

    USA hasn’t got a leader. It doesn't matter a bit who becomes president. It's time the US woke up to the fact that we are considered by all other western countries, and the world, as one of the most uninformed, racist and uneducated societies in the world and keep thinking that we deserve everything from our government. Many years ago one of our greatest presidents said "Ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for the country". “They” (bankers / MIC) assassinated him … he was way to honorable and uncontrollable for TPTB … The US is slipping back into the dark ages and the only thing making us today the power we are is our globe trotting military (MIC) terrorists. In fact another one of our best presidents who was a past highly respected General in the US military warned us about the enormous dangers of the MIC. Throughout history the wisest most honorable US leaders and statesmen warned us about the two biggest dangers to the future of our democratic republic … the bankers and the MIC, both of which are firmly in charge of our country today … and that Mr and Mrs America is why our country and the world is in the biggest crisis of the planet’s history. Because of and due to the thirst for ultimate power and the greed for outrageous wealth we now stand on the very brink of nuclear WW III … when that happens it won’t matter one ding-a-ling who is leader of what country because there is a great possibility very few things will still be alive

    As a last thought why does any country on this planet have a need or the audacity to have 800 to 1000 (no one knows the true total) MIC bases scattered over the world in countless foreign countries.

    Also before some uneducated uninformed "person" starts yammering about me biting the hand that feeds me (social security retirement funds) let me remind you that soc sec is not, I repeat NOT! a US government "entitlement". I worked for 48 years and every day, week, month, year 14% of MY earned wages was deposited into my soc sec fund. So as much as the US govt wants everyone to believe or think that "soc sec" is a govt entitlement paid out by govt funds that is not true (as in a lie). My soc sec and every retired US citizen that draws money from soc sec is drawing out "their" own money that they themselves saved all their lives, so I'm not biting the hand that feeds me, I'm getting every month what is legally mine and no one else's, especially the US govt

  4. Is Thailand deepening ties with Russia at the expense of the US?
    As an intelligent informed American expat with 10 years in Thailand my answer is I certainly hope so. Would one rather be tied to a sociopathic psychotic warmongering govt that sends storm trooper terrorists all over the world murdering innocent civilians and destroying whole countries looking for faux terrorist (ISIS is funded, trained, armed, staffed and deployed by US CIA NATO) in the name of "humanitarian genocide" or tied to a country and govt leader that despite having been surrounded by US missile bases and all the psychological and physical prodding they have received from the psychotic US govt has held their cool and not been goaded into a nuclear war ... Also a little off thread but some have commented about the coming US POTUS elections. The best POTUS for Thailand and the world would have been the intelligent honorable honest peace loving Ron Paul but the political criminal US duopoly of the demoRATS and rePUGlicans crushed him using money and their manipulative MSM tool. The best person still in the running for POTUS would be Bernie Sanders but neither he nor Trump will be allowed to become POTUS. Both would be better than the next POTUS to be Killery Billery. She's as evil as the day is long. If you think Obama Bush and other past POTUS were bad wait till you see what she has in store for the world. But she is the puppet pick of TPTB and no matter who the village idiot sheeple vote for she will be POTUS. If you think the US POTUS election is honest you have a lot to learn. Once Killery Billery has her fat a** in the oval office the USA will complete its dive into a police state oligarchy and then "they" will start crushing the world if POTUS Killery Billery doesn't start a world wide nuclear holocaust first ... it all depends what TPTB (her puppet masters) have in mind for the world ... better start practicing grabbing your ankles

  5. I didn't go the Direct Deposit (DD) route with BB NY / BB Thailand because the SS recipieant must go to BB Thailand in person to withdraw any amount of funds. U cannot use Thai ATM to withdraw funds and wife or friend cannot take your card inside bank to withdraw any funds, only U, in person can get funds from BB Thailand, to me that sucks. What if U get sick or layed up in bed or hospital for any reason? ... U now have a problem. Also I didn't like paying any fund transfer fees either. Also all Thai ATMs charge a fee. Used to be 150B then 180B now 200B for every transaction. I found probably the only bank in USA that refunds or "rebates" Thai bank ATM fee up to $15 every month. Because of ATM 20,000B withdraw limit I must use my USA ATM card 3 times per month. That's 600B or $16.53 USD for Thai bank ATM fees at current exchange rate. My USA bank gives or "rebates" me back $15 USD, so it only costs me $1.53 USD a month to get SS funds. As far as I know that is the cheapest one can find to get monthly SS funds from USA to Thailand instantly via ATM after SS deposit in USA bank

    My USA bank also allows me to use my Thai address as my home address for bank business. When current ATM card is about to expire they automatically mail my new ATM card to Thailand. It always arrives B 4 old ATM card expires. Also any paper (snail mail) docs come directly to my Thai address. Never any hassles with the bank. I also a few times have miscalculated the currency exchange rate (damn thing keeps changing) and overdrew my funds (account in red a few bucks) the bank never got on my case about it nor slapped me with some ridiculous $30 or $50 overdraft charge. This is the best bank I have ever in my life done business with. They also have great loan, tax, finance etc depts. I joined this bank after moving to Thailand. Anyone can set up an account via the internet ... There is NO monthly fee for the account ... this 2 good 2 B true bank is USAA Bank in Texas ... U R welcome

  6. I rode skateboards made of 2x4's and steel wheels down very dangerous hills when I was a kid.

    rode bikes at high speed at 8 years old.

    i threw eggs at houses and cars. started fires.

    got into fights. got beat up all the time. played in dirt lots. caught lizards. caught fish and cleaned them.

    walked home in the blazing heat and pouring rain.

    no seat belts, air bags, safety bumpers, helmets, knee pads.

    got stung by bees, bit by dogs, bit by fleas and ticks, stung by jellyfish. very badly sunburned. got poison oak.

    made blow torches out of cans of hairspray. made pipe bombs. set off m80's, tnt's.

    I caught a huge rattlesnake with my bare hands when I was fourteen.

    nobody knew where i was or what i was doing. because i told my parents BS stories all the time.

    all i knew was i had to be home by the time the street lights came on. smile.png

    This was my childhood also wink.png ... but U left out the part about getting caught shoplifting a toy and gettin the crap scared outta ya by police and parents ... mine wasn't rattlesnakes they were water moccasins and our 2X4 skateboards we called scooters (had homemade wooden handlebars in front) also U left left out the hundreds of bicycle crashes (one sent me to hospital for many head stiches) how about the BB guns and/or "wham-O" slingshots that never put anybodies eye out or the rubber gun fights that left welts all over your face and body ... Also used to hitchhike all over the state and back without gettin picked up by a killer ... Also had cherry bombs in the mix ... I won't even talk about the 2 times I ran away from home and the police brought me back ... or how about the many times we crashed our sleds into the snow and gravel covered streets ... We managed to survive all those "kid" adventures that we didn't even know were adventures, just another after school thing ta do B4 the street lights came on ... Some Sat nights we got to play after dark doin' all the "Red Rover Come Over" and hide and seek games ... can't even remember how many times I got it in the neck by runnin' into clothes lines in back yards ... and like U said all done in 36F to 100F weather ;)

  7. I guess Thailand should be more like the country I left, good 'ol USA. It's squeaky clean, no corruption at all. The govt, all politicians, big biz, judicial system etc etc all doing honest non-corrupt jobs. That's why USA is so great. Economy humming along, unemployment at 5% or less, everybody happy, no one on welfare, GDP up to a great level, all bankers are as honest as the day is long, stock market just keeps on climbing to a daily fantastic level with no end in sight, economy booming, no inflation, no deflation no recession, hardly any gap in wealth of rich and middle class, no internal strife, no terrorism, no deadly govt created terrorism false flag atrocities, no public citizen demonstrations. police all amazingly fair in dealing with all citizens and rarely have to use their guns or teargas or tasers, no drug problems, very few citizens in jail, very few homeless on streets (by the way I checked highly reliable govt stats on all this info), no immigration scandals or problems, streets paved with gold, milk and honey for everyone, educational system flawless turning out highly intelligent children with no diet problems (fat kids hardly ever seen) in fact most Americans are not fat but trim, are really intelligent, treat their families with respect, obey all the laws, US military minds it's own business and never intrudes on any other country and is always there with a helping hand to overthrow any other country that has an abusive govt ... well you get the idea ... USA is just a perfect role model for a free happy democratic republic, in fact all the western nations UK, Europe etc are run so well and efficient I can't understand why others don't listen to the western world and do what they want, would save the world so much grief sorrow and regret to just admit how wonderful the western countries of the world are. Hmmmmm what was I thinking ... moving to such a place as Thailand and having to worry about stuff every single day .... maybe I should go back to good 'ol USA and be happy happy happy ... give up my greedy thoughtless ugly old Thai wife and get married to an understanding, loving, thoughtful non-greedy virtuous beautiful 75 year old American princess and live my remaining years in bliss ......... wacko.png

  8. Any of the ThaiVisa Forum emails I now get are reacting strange. When I click on the topic(s) I want to view it takes me to not the topic but a page/site that appears to be a home/start site for ThaiVisa Forum and always with athe same URL http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/#16 but the number at the end is always different i.e.#6 or #10 or #15 but the page/site it takes me to is always the same wich is http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/#16 or http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/#10 etc etc


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  9. Oh Yeah! I've been missing this wine ever since I moved here. Lambrusco: the "soft, semi-dry table wine." I don't consider it to be that sweet, but rather just right and all-purpose -- for any meals or for just drinking it straight down on its own. In the States I converted many friends and family to wine drinking for the first time by serving them this. My Italian-American barber in the 1970s first recommended it to me, and it became my favorite for decades. I would love to find it --or its reasonable equivalent -- here in Thailand. Please let me know if it is available here.

    As for Sangria, I once found some Yago Sangria here (maybe in a BigC), but it was many years ago and I haven't found it anywhere since. This is definitely a sweet and fruity wine, and my Thai wife absolutely loved it. It is a product of Spain, and the bottle was long and square with a matador on the label. A classic.

    Yeah NWH I also got hooked in the 70's ... that's when Lambrusco got popular in the states and didn't fade til the early 90's, Even though it's popularity waned a bit it still remained a pretty good staple for dinner or just socializing. And like you said it really isn't that sweet like Sangria or some of the so called really sweet "Hawaiian" wines ("Lalani" and such) that also were popular in the 60/70/80's. Lambrusco was "just right". It also was really a popular mix for the wine "Spritzer" crowd. I sure do miss the great flavor/taste, not many wines can please both the "sweet" AND "dry" wine drinker. I took JOC's suggestion/info and contacted "Mondo Vino" hopfully they'll stock both Lambrusco and Sangria, let's keep our finger's and toes crossed tongue.png

  10. I've searched high and low in Thailand for Lambrusco or Sangria wine. Yes I understand sweet wine(s) are for the uneducated non-connoisseur/sommelier low-brow idjets. I just happen to really love sweet cold wine (yes I know cold wine is another social faux pas) ... what can I say I'm just a ordinary slob who likes cold sweet wine. I hope this will hold the "Oh my gawd!!" comments to a minimum. Can anybody point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance for your help guys ..... I promise not to tell the sophisticats about your help ;)crazy.gif

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  11. So sorry to read about your problems.

    Teenagers can be a nightmare in any country, and no doubt you get the 'You're not my Dad' usual reaction if you try to discipline him.

    My ex (in the west) threw my son out when he was 16, after many warnings. He was impossible. Now 23 and a responsible lad with a good job and attitude but, sorry to tell you, it took years. He had to be forced to face up to the consequences of his own actions which almost led to a prison sentence.

    My thai gf has a 7 year old who is a great lad now but in 7 years time, who knows? I guess it will depend on the peer group he runs with.

    Hang tough- it will be best for him in the long run. He has to understand that you wont bail him out and fix all his misdemeanours right? Very hard for his mother too.

    Thank you "beau thai" (clever name) ...I totally agree about teenagers in any country. I hope our "problem child" works out as good as you and your ex's. Yes in 7 years you may be facing teenage troubles, I hope not for your sake. Thanks for encouragement

  12. Stop paying his fines,

    Don't give him money or m/cs,

    Remove him from your home,

    Refuse all responsibility for him.

    In Thailand once they finish Mathayom 3 (age 15), parents are no longer legally responsible for them.

    Many children are chucked out of their home at that age, parents here have little patience with problem children.

    To "AnotherOneAmerican" Excellent advice even though it may seem harse to others. That is exactly where we (Mama Papa) are right now. Thank you

  13. Carken, you will have to learn to take the rough with the smooth here. It would be a mistake to get into it with members who are poking a bit of fun.

    On topic- The ages of the two in the latest bunk-up are important. I don't know the specifics of the law, but 16 can definitely be construed as 'under-aged' in this country. This is where your money and possessions would come in- to keep the little fornicator out of jail.

    Thaks "Slip" ... This may seem harsh to many but if jail is what it takes then 16 year old Know-it-all will end up there. Maybe jail will straighten him out or learn new tricks. who knows, but we have tried to be good parents but he like many teenagers has world all figured out, and it just may help or break him. Only time will tell and we hope for the best.

  14. Sorry to read about your and your wifes predicament.

    I understand that you need short term solutions...as per your questions, but the son has obviously some real issues pending. You posting on here shows that you care so in the meantime try to figure out what the real issues are regarding him. If you do not do that a bigger trainwreck is waiting to happen. IMO his mother is the key to the solution.

    As above poster stated there, most likely, is no legal danger to you loosing house or you paying for the wedding. I do not think that Thai law states that the groom, or his family, needs to pay for a wedding....as for the mbike....i dont know about the financecontract.

    Good luck.

    To "binalibina" Again many thanks for your thoughtful reply. Yes I agree bigger future trainweck very possible. Thanks for your "good luck" wishes. Will keep you and everyone posted as to outcome as it may be helpful to others in same situation

  15. #1 do we have to pay for wedding according to Thai law

    I'm pretty sure there's no written law saying who pays for a wedding.

    I have heard it's the grooms who usually pay.

    #2 do we have to pay for motorbike which is registered in his name

    Nope. His name, not yours.

    #3 Can courts and girls parents take our paid for home(1million baht) and/or car and our motorcycle (all paid for in cash).

    No the girls parents can't of course not.

    The courts aren't involved and why would they be?

    Did the girls parents cry rape?

    To "krisp" thank you for taking time and effort with a thoughtful reply. Good answers. No girls parents did not cry rape, thank goodness. They seem to be very good but worried parents. We are looking for a mutual beneficial outcome.

  16. I legally married a thai lady 8 years ago. She is smart intelligent and great wife. We love each other and will not be seperating. Sons now 15 and 16. Oldest son has a problem with keeping penis in pants. He was caught last year having sex with 13 year old girl in temple. Courts made us pay girls parents 20,000 baht and put son on probation. He quit school and found a job. We co-signed for used motorbike so he could go to and return from job. He was supposed to pay for motorbike from job wages. He is now fired for not showing up for work. He is now 16 and took 16 year old new girl friend from her house for 5 days. Of course had sex with her all the time. He has not been home for for those 5 days. She is not pregnant (I hope). She returned to her home today. Girls parents now want them to marry and for us to pay for wedding. 16 year old son decided 2 years ago he did not have to listen to or take orders from me or mama. He basically comes and goes as he pleases. We still have no idea where he is. My question is three fold. #1 do we have to pay for wedding according to Thai law. #2 do we have to pay for motorbike which is registered in his name. #3 Can courts and girls parents take our paid for home(1million baht) and/or car and our motorcycle (all paid for in cash). We are not rich and live on my monthly Social Security income of 40,000 baht a month. I would appreciate "senseable" answers and no "smart-aleck no help sarcastic think you are funny" answers. Thank you in advance for any helpful answers. Again I would like to ask for "senseable" answers and no "smart-aleck no help sarcastic think you are funny" answers. As a long reader of Thai Visa Forum I have sadly read to many of these. So please I need help and not smart a** put downs.

  17. if you don't mind Cha Am's Hotel de la Paix will host an amazing dinner buffet on the 24.12. .with a wide selection of starters,turkey,salmon,duck and traditional side dishes and desserts.

    pm me if you want more information's.

    This sounds great ... what is the cost per person?

    We live only 25K away (Tha Yang) so it would be

    perfect for our family of 4 (Mom Dad 2 teenage sons)

  18. Anybody know where in Thailand I could buy

    Lambrusco or Sangria wine, Would prefer

    Riuinite Lambrusco if possible but any would do

    B4 the negative comments start Yes I understand

    I'm a low brow village idiot ...Yes I know these are

    not "connoisseur" la te da wines. I don't want

    to drink wine to impress ...... I just want to drink it

    because I like the taste of it, and the wine taste I

    like is Lambrusco and Sangria

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