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Posts posted by atsiii

  1. What is the point of voting when the voters are bought as per statements made from many in both the north and the south. Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    In the USA voters are bought by 3-second sound bytes and misinformation programs disseminated by corporations and political PAC's. It's really not much different except that the money in Thailand goes directly to the voters, and the money in the USA goes to marketing, advertising and campaign contributions. Both systems result in voters ignorant of the topics and details who blindly cast votes per the influence of money. In both cases the voters are bought, paid for and leveraged for their stupidity. Ultimately, what is really frightening is just how easy it is.

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  2. An attack like this in broad daylight. Seems like a false flag attack to me, especially since most of the explosive attacks have occured at night, although we'll have to see, if they catch the bomber we'll find out.

    I tend to agree... seems a bit strange. The pickup was there to rush victims off... to where? Did a reporter go to the hospital and confirm injuries? The article talks about seeing bullet holes in the pickup truck, but there is no mention of small arms fire--only an explosion. So when/where would bullet holes come from?

  3. Does he think its ok because he stopped trying? Or maybe he said it because under Thai law its ok? 'Attempted' is not so serious? Its hard to tell exactly which are the crazy parts sometimes.

    And there is something missing from the story:

    ""She called for help. She said she was raped," he said.

    He stopped and the woman immediately jumped on his motorbike between him and his wife.

    "But after a short ride, she asked me to stop," he said.

    When he, his wife and another witness went back to check on her, they found she was already dead with her face submerged under water."

    Not saying he did anything wrong, but he just left her in some random place? Didn't try to convince her to go to a hospital or the police? She was probably very emotional, maybe he could have stayed with her a while and help her calm down. What was she doing when they left? There is another witness, but the article doesn't mention what he/she saw. Probably just a matter of insufficient reporting here.

    There is something missing because I don't think someone can kill themselves by sticking their head under water. The article makes it sound like she was found on the side of the khlong with her head under water, not floating in the khlong face down. Was the rescue driver still there? Did he bring her there to rape her? Was he still in the bushes from which she escaped? Something is missing... Very sad.

  4. Aside from the money, the classroom hours in the article don't seem to add up. USA public school students attend class for 1080 hours per year. That is essentially 9 months of 5 days a week, 6 hours a day. My Thai wife thinks she attended school about 10 months, 5 days a week, maybe 7 hours a day, which would be just 1400 hours. So I'm not sure where they are getting the 700 - 800 for USA, or the 2000 - 3600 hours of class for Thai students. Does anyone understand these classroom hours?

  5. So... two-thirds of 15,000 receive 508M baht in compensation, or +/- 50,000 baht each. We just have a small four-room guesthouse, but that amount would barely pay the rent for one month. If tourists have stayed away in any numbers at all, I think the financial damages suffered are much more than this.

  6. There is no question in my mind that the rich and elite control the officer corps of the military. The USA made more than 300 millionaire generals during the 60's and 70's, and they have gone on from there. But the rank-and-file--as in most countries--are mostly the poor and rural kids. Controlling the officer corps should not be confused with "knowing for sure" what will happen if one orders the rank-and-file to fire upon their own families. The rich & elite CO's should not be so sure they will "follow orders."

  7. So, if I don't know how to do something, I can wait 40 years and It will magically appear?

    555... there is actually a lot of truth to your sarcasm. They (nuclear industry) honestly talk about their rational expectations that with improved technology, we will be able to do things tomorrow that we cannot do today. This is also how they justify putting waste in the ground for 100,000 years, because there is nothing they can do with it today.

    Nobody has decommissioned a reactor that has completely melted down; so nobody really knows how to do it. They don't even know where the fuel actually is for the three reactors that melted down, or its condition. They only know they must remove the fuel from the #4 cooling pool before the severely compromised pool falls over, dumping its contents onto the ground in a completely uncontained catastrophe.

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  8. See it reported elsewhere that they have successfully removed 1 fuel rod from No4 but the whole process is expected to take at least 40 years.

    They smartly began by removing an unused fuel rod(s). I think I read there are +/- 20 unused rods in the pool, so these would be the most structurally stable.

    The fuel rod removal is scheduled to take about one year. The 40 years you read is for recovery of the fuel from the three reactors that melted down; as nobody has any idea how to do this.

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