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Posts posted by DavidMavec

  1. I've lived in Thailand a long time. I've visited Ecuador several times and only spent a total of about three months there all together. But, FWIW, I'd choose Thailand any day over Ecuador ... in fact, I already have. But that's me. Other people's experiences, taste, needs, etc. will vary.

    And for those to whom it matters: Overall, the beauty and style of the Thai ladies is far superior.

    For sure there are some beautiful women in Ecuador and throughout Latin America (esp. Colombia & Brazil). Also, different men have different criteria and needs women-wise. But can I ask ... and this is not meant as a challenge: Why are you living in Thailand and not in Ecuador with an Ecuadorian girlfriend/wife?

    Haha yeah that's a good question! Actually I ask myself this every day! It's a long story but actually I am thinking of moving to Ecuador at some point soon but I would be taking the Thai girlfriend with me. Her work contract goes for a little longer and it is an important job experience for her. Actually, she is quite excited to learn Spanish because she has a lot of friends from different countries in Latin America and Spain after doing a study abroad program in Japan, and we travelled to Spain together this past summer... Spain and Ecuador are two worlds apart but she got a feel for Latin culture being there.

    So in a fairly short time I might be writing this from Ecuador instead of Thailand.

  2. BTW, now it's only a rumor, but recently I have read "chatter" that the leftist anti-American leader of Ecuador (Correa) is planning to significantly raise the financial requirements for retired expat residency

    To call Correa "anti-American" is a bit of a stretch. He graduated from university in the U.S. and has ties to the country. He is certainly pro-Ecuadorian, much more so than past presidents of the country have been...most of them have been about propping up the wealthy oligarchy or have been totally incompetent. Ecuador has a long history of large-U.S. backed companies coming in and exploiting natural resources and Correa is attempting to stop it.

    Graduating from a US university does my no means indicate not being "anti-American" ... not by a long shot.

    Agreed. However, my experience is that Ecuador is vastly more welcoming to foreigners than Thailand. The president might be more critical of the U.S. (IMO rightly critical) than Thailand but the general feeling with Ecuadorians is more welcoming and promoting of integration and equality than Thai people who want quite the opposite.

    Lived in Ecuador about 1.5 years 10 years ago and have lived in Thailand going on 3.

  3. I've lived in Thailand a long time. I've visited Ecuador several times and only spent a total of about three months there all together. But, FWIW, I'd choose Thailand any day over Ecuador ... in fact, I already have. But that's me. Other people's experiences, taste, needs, etc. will vary.

    And for those to whom it matters: Overall, the beauty and style of the Thai ladies is far superior.

    Couldn't disagree more. Ecuadorian women are down to earth, not interested in money (in general) and laid back. But there's almost no pay for play, sugar daddy/little girl, etc... but I was a young man when I was living in Ecuador and continue to be here in Thailand, so it might not be the same for a different age group.

    I would say Ecuadorian women's looks are not drop dead gorgeous but there are some cuties there as well.

  4. BTW, now it's only a rumor, but recently I have read "chatter" that the leftist anti-American leader of Ecuador (Correa) is planning to significantly raise the financial requirements for retired expat residency

    To call Correa "anti-American" is a bit of a stretch. He graduated from university in the U.S. and has ties to the country. He is certainly pro-Ecuadorian, much more so than past presidents of the country have been...most of them have been about propping up the wealthy oligarchy or have been totally incompetent. Ecuador has a long history of large-U.S. backed companies coming in and exploiting natural resources and Correa is attempting to stop it.

    I never said he was the same as Chavez but yes he uses a lot of anti-American political rhetoric. It's not entirely off topic either, because the leftist government there seems well established and that means a lot of policies that aren't so great for expats, such as massive import taxes on things like peanut butter and electronics. Compared to Colombia, yes the government in Ecuador is anti-American. But American people are very welcome to live there and especially visit as tourists.

    I see... yes, I can understand that. My experience is that Ecuador is much more welcoming to foreigners than Thailand in terms of integrating into the community and being accepted. I find Thailand to be rather xenophobic and the people to be superficially polite, status/class minded, and eager to look down on others. I think we are not looked at as much as people in Thailand but rather what's in our wallets and we are all farang.

    I find Ecuadorians to be the opposite. I find that Ecuadorians were eager to separate the person from the nationality and are much more broader minded, genuine, and humble.

    I know a lot of people disagree with my point of view and love Thai people and that's fine.

  5. BTW, now it's only a rumor, but recently I have read "chatter" that the leftist anti-American leader of Ecuador (Correa) is planning to significantly raise the financial requirements for retired expat residency

    To call Correa "anti-American" is a bit of a stretch. He graduated from university in the U.S. and has ties to the country. He is certainly pro-Ecuadorian, much more so than past presidents of the country have been...most of them have been about propping up the wealthy oligarchy or have been totally incompetent. Ecuador has a long history of large-U.S. backed companies coming in and exploiting natural resources and Correa is attempting to stop it.

  6. I graduated from college in Ecuador and lived there for about a year (this was about 10 years ago). I can tell you Ecuador is so much better than Thailand in terms of people and culture. They are genuine and welcoming there and I made good friends with the locals. After living in Thailand for around three years I have almost an opposite feeling about the locals here.

    Thailand is better on a superficial level in the sense that it has more conveniences, restaurant variety, etc. But people in Ecuador are so much better, it's just a better climate overall.

    I speak Spanish fluently. While I wouldn't call my Thai fluent, I can have a conversation and read and write.

    Your language proficiency clearly explains your preference.

    Nonsense. I speak better Thai than 90% of foreigners here (obviously an unscientific survey). My Thai is good enough to read newspaper articles, looking up every 10 words or so. My girlfriend is Thai and we only speak Thai together.

    It is based on the culture and the way I feel especially in Ecuador and in other South American countries to an extent. I feel like Ecuadorians are really receptive and genuine people.

  7. I graduated from college in Ecuador and lived there for about a year (this was about 10 years ago). I can tell you Ecuador is so much better than Thailand in terms of people and culture. They are genuine and welcoming there and I made good friends with the locals. After living in Thailand for around three years I have almost an opposite feeling about the locals here.

    Thailand is better on a superficial level in the sense that it has more conveniences, restaurant variety, etc. But people in Ecuador are so much better, it's just a better climate overall.

    I speak Spanish fluently. While I wouldn't call my Thai fluent, I can have a conversation and read and write.

  8. 99% sure they washed it with a high pressure spray and water got under your main neutral/earth from the battery. Just take off the mainearth where it is connected to the engine casing clean it up with some alcohol and wire wool and put it back. Should be fine. Never wash your bike with a high pressure spray, garden hose pressure is best.

    They definitely washed it with a high pressure spray. I guess I'll wait until tomorrow and try that, thanks.

  9. Hello...

    I took my Honda Click to the car wash as I normally do and when they were done washing it as I tried to ride, the bike would jerk forward, then stop, jerk forward again, and then the bike would stop. The bike does not ride normally at all and this is quite dangerous. I took it right back to the car wash and walked home.

    I have never had any problems with this bike and the feeling is unlike a battery problem or any issues I've encountered.

    Could someone tell me if it will work again once it is dry? Anyone have a similar experience? Is the car wash responsible for getting water in the wrong place?

    Any ideas from knowledgable people?

  10. i thought as a farang, we can use a passport at kasikorn?

    I thought so too. I have a normal bank account at Kasikorn that I opened with just a passport a long time ago so I don't understand what the problem is.

    The manager of those particular branches probably...quite possibly just don't want to deal with farang customers. No shortage of posts where a farang couldn't open an account at branch XYZ, but went to another branch of the same bank (or a different bank) and was able to open an account. And not to imply anything, sometimes I wonder if some folks who experience failure each and every time are not somehow "turning off" the bank branch personnel due to appearance, mannerism, etc. And a person never knows, maybe K-bank is tightening up on account opening requirements.

    I certainly take what you said into consideration. Specifically with the UOB bank I sat down with the assistant manager and had a conversation (in Thai). She called the central office or some other off-site location and asked them. She seemed like she was genuinely trying to help me and said she wanted to open the account for me. I was there probably 20 minutes speaking with her and she was very friendly and trying to be helpful. I think I was dressed fairly well with a button down shirt and pants, I doubt it is what you are saying in this case, at least at UOB Bank, but point taken.

  11. This happened to me two weeks ago. I was only given a single entry and the man told me that if I had brought my bank book showing more than 20,000 THB deposited I would have gotten double entries. He told it to me right away when I handed in my paperwork and he only charged me for one entry (1000 baht). He handed me a piece of paper saying basically what I just told you.

  12. I just went to two Kasikorn Bank branches and one UOB Bank Branch to open one of these fixed accounts everyone's talking about. I got denied at all three. I was told I needed a work permit or a marriage visa. These were all near Huay Kwang in Bangkok. I know there must be some that bypass these "policies". Anyone know where? Please feel free to send me a PM.


  13. Here's the parking information from the official website. I can't read it, so I don't know if they say anything about leaving bikes there.

    I'm also looking to leave my CRF at the airport for a few days next week, definitely with a chain and lock.

    Did you post a link or attach a file? It doesn't appear to have come through, at least on my end. Could you please resend/repost?


  14. There is a motorcycle parking area inside the car park at the north end, next to the wall facing the terminal. Whether it is actually safe to leave your bike parked there for a week is another question. Maybe if you put a locked chain on it?

    To the OP. Are you sure that leaving your car at terminal 2 is free? Do you know how long for?

    I personally am not sure, but this has been said in one of the previous threads. Look back three or four threads and you will see that users have said this.

  15. Hello...

    Does anyone know if it would be okay to park my Honda Click motorbike at Don Mueang for a week? I see that parking cars at Terminal 2 is free... would this be mostly safe? Any other options of where I could park it that would be safe and cheap at or right near the airport?

    If not, I might have to take a taxi, but would much prefer riding the bike.


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