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Posts posted by Thanet

  1. The guy who vowed that when he took over the country he would never be P.M. Why not let the people choose a P.M instead of making yourself the supreme leader.

    He's done a better job in a little over a month than anyone else in the past 2 decades - but that must be a cause for complaint from the Thaksin lovers.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Quite right. He's certainly done a lot of talking, via media outlets that have to report his every word and no other. That's a good job, right?

    • Like 2
  2. Poor tv red shirts - loving every minute of their crocodile tears. While they get off to pictures of their patron high lord of corruption and nepotism - Thaksin

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Corruption, corruption, corruption - how awful it is I couldn't agree more.

    But ... the latest PT government just had their assets checked, and were found to be not unusually richer after their term in office. Some were poorer. Even Yingluck herself gained financially only from the appreciation in the value of stocks that she already held. Capital gains - nothing illegal or corrupt there ....

    Regardless, they were kicked out by the army on the basis of corruption - all sounds a bit like the fabled WMD in Iraq - a pretext to invade.

    So where is this corruption smoking gun that all the propaganda keeps talking about? I've got it - corruption in Thailand didn't exist before Thaksin's lot, so they must have invented it, right?

    Looks more like a bunch of sore losers who can't win democratic election usurping a civilian government under the barrel of a gun. Or it's a double standard, as they are all corrupt, right?

    • Like 2
  3. A Thai friend inquired with the landlord's agent today about putting in an F&B establishment in The Londoner space at UBC2 basement. Was advised that both McDonalds and MaxValue have already expressed interest. (The rental sought is apparently 650 baht psm p/mth). With the 7-11 opposite having closed down earlier this year, seems like it may ending becoming a MaxValue outlet.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Another McDonalds? You've gotta be joking!

  4. Went to The Londoner last night with Mrs. Millwall_fan and Junior and is was heaving! Good beer, a portion of their excellent steak 'n kidney pie, bumped into a few old friends and even the Thais singing Western songs weren't bad - or was it just the beer that made them sound OK! Everything a pub should be! Now where to transfer my allegiance after next Wednesday?

    1. Good beer - a bitter on draught at a reasonable price.

    2. A good atmosphere and a 'hands on' Farang landlord.

    3. Good Western food.

    Thats about it really. Any ideas?

    I'll miss their steak and kidney pie.

    Agreed that the Londoner was a good place, but I was never keen on their home brew. The friendly service from the Thai staff there went off a bit in recent years too, with a rather scowling manageress, or head bar tender, or whatever she was. Not sure whether Pattanakan Road is a good location - certainly will be off the pub crawl list but might get a regular following, as not too many other pubs in that area.

    Bull's Head & Barbican gone. Now the Londoner. O'Briens is not a patch on O'Reillys (a few years back, before it changed hands). Robin Hood, and the place that usurped the Bull's Head, both seem a bit boring.

    Is it just me getting older, or has the expat pub scene in Bangkok gone off.


  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Go back to the UK?

    Sent from my GT-N7105 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Better off in Thailand if you want a landlord...mostly crappy chain pubs now in the UK.

    Where my dad lives in North Yorkshire, they mainly have 'proper' landlords - and nice ale! There is a Wetherspoons in Whitby now but I understand that all they've done is soak up the riff-raff with their cheap prices leaving an even more pleasant atmosphere for everyone else!

    Ditto for Norwich - great pubs, not too many franchises

  6. Right - Thailand could jump into bed with China and Russia. Is that what Thais want, or what the NCPO wants? Most Thais I meet seem to aspire to the western way of life, with all its freedoms. They don't seem to admire the Chinese or Russians in the same way that they admire westerners.

    Aside from public opinion, which isn't being listened to at the moment, the vast majority of Thailand's military hardware comes from the US / EU, so switching sides would be a very expensive proposition. The generals are also wealthy people, who likely have assets hidden away is the western world too.

    From the NCPO's hysterical responses, it looks very much like the EU/US has them firmly by the short and curlies.

    This wouldn't be news if the generals didn't care.

  7. You should not have a problem getting a tourist visa. You could get a 2 entry in Vientiane.

    The 3 pages would be enough. One page for Lao visa and 1 page for the Thai visa.

    Cutting it fine - what if:

    1) Thai immigration stamps aa fresh page on exit

    2) Lao visa takes the second fresh page

    3) Lao immigration stamps the third fresh page

    4) No fourth fresh page for the Thai visa

    I say this because some of the less cooperative immigration officers the word over seem to take pleasure in plonking stamps in the middle of fresh pages, even when there is space on used ones .....

    • Like 2
  8. Being an American I have the right to praise or criticize the actions of my government.

    That's the great thing about the democratic system of government.

    The fact that citizens are allowed to criticise, and once every few years use their vote to defenestrate governments gone bad, protects citizens from the rise of would-be tyrants. Once tyrants are installed, their own paranoia and greed means that they stay in place for decades.

    By the way, non-Americans who also enjoy freedom of speech are allowed to criticise your government too smile.png

  9. Wrong. Fines should not be paid to the police in the street this goes straight into their pockets. i would have taken a photo of him if he insisted on this. This fine should have been paid at the police station at least and you should have been given a receipt.

    The BMA collect the fines for littering, via on-the-spot penalty notices, not the police. The BMA has booths where you pay, and issue official receipts. There are signs around warning that they penalty for littering is 2,000 Baht.

    Of course you could refuse payment, but is it worth taking it to the next level - hours spent in the police station, court or whatever - all of this hassle when you are guilty anyway?

    I don't think so.

    I gave up smoking too - not here, but in Australia where it really is hard to be a smoker.

  10. I can extort money from this stupid farang named sanuk711... IF----farang000999

    They do not extort anything from me farang000999 -- I will gladly pay half of what the fine is if I am caught doing something wrong,

    you can pay the 100% of the fine, & proudly walk away with a receipt.. .... I like your style...............w00t.gif

    True - fining people who break the law is not extortion.

    They got me for 2,000 Baht too once. I dropped a cigarette end as I was walking into a building. They have eagle eyes, there are warning signs against littering, I was guilty, and they gave me a receipt.

    Fair cop, and nothing much I could complain about, except my own carelessness.

  11. I use it - my car takes anything up to E85.

    E20 works fine and is cheaper than regular Gasohol (which is in any case 10% ethanol). That said, you use a tad more as ethanol has a 30% lower energy density than petrol, and ethanol is a bit more corrosive, although modern engines are designed to withstand that.

    All in all a marginal saving, with no real disadvantages. Bigger savings on E85, but not all engines can use it.

  12. So it's praise to the Prayuth government. Buttttttttttttttttt... How will the people in especially the northeast cast there vote when in about a year from now with elections yet another shinaparty promises them again high riceprices, way above international market price? Memories can be short then.

    Time for a new party as the dems prolly will never get foot on the ground up north. Which I can understand.

    I think you will find that populist policies like this will be banned by the EC once the next election comes around.

    Only if the PT looks like winning ....

  13. I'll listen to what you say, so long as you agree with me. If you don't, then I'll get my men to terrify you into shutting up.

    Another kids post, I see you don't want to know with your over the top post. Biased to the extreme .

    Call it what you like, in your simple way of shouting others down, but if you read the news you'll know that people who criticise the junta are being routinely locked up and told to shut up.

    In a regime where civilians face court martial for opposing the generals, offering an opinion that disagrees with theirs is risky by any measure. They'll likely hear only supporting voices.

    • Like 1
  14. My understanding is that work permit requirements differ depending on the type of work. In some cases (computer programmer) you need to be considered an expert, expert means uni degree + 2 years exp or no uni but 5 years exp, not sure about your field but 10 years experience will cover you I think

    From my understanding of the process the job description determines whether a degree is needed or not.

    That's true - teachers, for example, are expected to have degrees.

    As Keestha has pointed out, at a minimum you do need to show some kind of educational or professional qualification in addition to a CV.

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