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Posts posted by Misterwhisper

  1. On 7/2/2022 at 10:51 AM, webfact said:

    Sarayuth Sanguanphokhai said not a single arrest has happened.

    Duh! When something suddenly has become LEGAL, why would there be any arrests?


    On the other hand, the RTP is notorious for actually making up or "interpret" laws as they see fit in many other instances in order to extort money or making unlawful arrests. So why so coy all of a sudden?


    The true farce is, of course, that the government announced the complete legalization BEFORE a sensible regulatory framework was drafted that clearly defines what is allowed and what isn't. Why the head-over-heels rush into legalizing cannabis without having guidelines in place? It's like riding a horse before saddling it up and then wondering why you're ending up in a ditch.


    Germany is going to legalize cannabis in the very near future. To prepare for that, they have set up a house committee comprising members of all stakeholders and interest groups from both the public and private sectors that currently deliberate on a regulatory framework, including (but not limited to):


    - the minimum age for legally buying cannabis and whether certain user demographics should be barred from purchasing cannabis products (e.g. pregnant women)

    - how and through which channels cannabis products can be sold (e.g. private shops, online stores, pharmacies, etc.)

    - what THC threshold will be allowed and whether certain cannabis products (e.g. hashish) should remain banned

    - what licenses or permits retailers/dispensaries must obtain

    - from which grower sources cannabis products can be legally obtained by merchants/retailers

    - whether there should be an excise tax on cannabis products or not

    - whether consumption will be allowed on-premise in dedicated venues (e.g. "cannabis cafes", etc.)

    - whether and how many cannabis plants can be grown for private consumption and whether such growing must be registered or not

    - and so on and so on


    And you can bet your grandma's bong that Germany will NOT legalize cannabis UNTIL such a regulatory framework stands, has been vetted and re-vetted and re-vetted once again just for good measure before it is finally promulgated. And THAT's how it's done, Thailand! Germany saddles up its horse before riding it. 



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  2. 10 hours ago, webfact said:

    Precise laws are currently being looked at for the upcoming Cannabis Act. 

    Let me dissect that for you... "they" (you know exactly who I mean by that) COMPLETELY legalized cannabis BEFORE they actually started thinking about that it might conceivably be a good and reasonable idea to draw up some legal guidelines for users and traders, i.e. a "Cannabis Act."


    And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is VERY, VERY THAI!

  3. On 6/28/2022 at 11:08 AM, webfact said:

    If you're wondering why your American expat neighbors are whooping in joy it's only because of the exchange rate.

    By contrast, my CANADIAN neighbors were whooping in joy when their usual drinking buddy turned up with a big, fat bag full of kush recently. While the whooping commenced for an hour or so thereafter, it subsequently got conspicuously quiet in the Canadian compound for the remainder of the evening. Which in turn caused me to whoop in joy.... as normally when they drink they are incredibly noisy until the early morning hours.  

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  4. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    How anyone can think its appropriate to give a 3 year old cannabis in whatever form is beyond me

    Did you actually READ the article? It seems that toddler found a cannabis-laced cookie lying around and ate it. Nobody actually GAVE it to her.


    if anything, this is a matter of parenting neglect. Now just imagine the little girl had got hold of daddy's half-empty bottle of "lao khao" standing around openly; or mom's stash of sleeping pills.

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  5. 11 hours ago, webfact said:

    vote for the party in the next general election, if they want a better future for their families and to rid themselves of poverty.

    Though old, worn out and over-used, that ruse still seems to work like a charm with a gullible, under-educated clientele. Simply lie to them you're going to make all of them rich and - bam! - you've pretty much secured their votes.

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