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Posts posted by PaulBax

  1. There is one issue here and one issue only: was Behan assaulted unjustifiably or not?

    Not being polite enough or acting not to someones liking is not justification to be attacked with or without a weapon .

    Being in extreme physical danger is reason for someone to defend themselves with a weapon.

    Without the full CCTV everything else is pure speculation and or unwarranted character assassination!

    Many of you should be made aware that libel is a criminal offence in Thailand and yet you have been allowed to get away with it by the Admin!

    I dare any of you to suggest that you would act rationally if you had just been whacked on the head hard enough to give you stitches!

    You just do not go out planning to get whacked on the head and further planning how you would act if it happened. We like to think we would act sensibly but we just do not know!

    Leave the man alone until the full facts are known. calling Behan's character into question without justification is leaving yourselves or this board open to criminal prosecution.

    • Like 1
  2. i have been on to true about this and they seem to think that it is specific ip addresses that are being blocked on certain sites.

    If you are on true and get this coming up on an obviously non contentious stite you should check your ip on whatismyip dot com .

    True uses dynamic ips which means it can change every time you log on the net.

    take a screenshot of the re-direct and send a mail to languagecentre at truecorp dot co dot th with the screenshot and your ip address and a short explanation of what is happening.

    hope this helps.

    Personally i think it is bull but I will play their game for a while longer before i dump them!

  3. Hundreds of PAD supporters, some wearing masks and armed with metal rods and baseball bats

    Thanks for highlighting the huge difference between wearing masks and having rods with firing grenade launchers and machine guns.

    You obviously did not go and the PAD in action around parliament! I did and saw many armed (with guns and automatic weapons as well as the usual baseball bats etc) wandering around.

    Would you happen to know of any corroboration on that sole observation of yours that PAD had many automatic weapons at Parliament?

    To complete the comparison, did you ever observe PAD with grenade launchers at any time?

    when you see something with your own eyes you do not look for someone to agree with you!

    perhaps the policeman there miraculously shot himself for example

  4. Hundreds of PAD supporters, some wearing masks and armed with metal rods and baseball bats

    Thanks for highlighting the huge difference between wearing masks and having rods with firing grenade launchers and machine guns.


    You obviously did not go and the PAD in action around parliament! I did and saw many armed (with guns and automatic weapons as well as the usual baseball bats etc) wandering around.

    Let us get this straight PAD were backed by the army and others and were armed; that is 100% true. unarmed people do not blow themselves up!

    As I continually say the majority of you have no clue about what really goes on in this country.:jap:

  5. then i guess the fact that the army admits to shooting 117000 live rounds is irrelevant?

    Do you have a source for that admission ?

    I recall that the bullets had disappeared, according to the military stock-records, but that's a very-different thing from their having been actually used as intended, and in this particular engagement, rather than sold-off to whomever.

    Selling weapons & ammo would be a 'nice little earner'. <_<

    search on TV

  6. i think you will find over the years the ptp, pp, trt etc have been the more progressive grouping in Thailand which has been why there was a coup and so much effort put into making sure that Thailand should not move into the 21st century :ph34r:

    Sure there is still a lot wrong with them but they are defiantly the more progressive party in this country a denial of this is just lies.

  7. Well said AleG, If you were actually here in Thailand when this happened and saw it live on cable T.V I have to add on the red channel, then the Thai army were very patient and tolerated unruley crowds of thousands of people screaming insults at them on load speakers. Marching in their thousands to an army base where Abbhasit was being protected demanding he quit or get out as they put it. The red leaders wanted the army to use force so the government would collaspe due to international condemnation. They marched to the the then PM house, they performed black magic ceromonies at government house, some red shirts even grabbed loaded machine guns off soldiers guarding MP during a house session. So someone had to stop this law and order was at stake. There was the risk of this turning into mass civil unrest. Some people died, no one wants this, but the red shirts just would not stop, turning up the heat every day.

    The army should have never been involved at any time! That is the real issue here!:ph34r:

  8. i would never allow a Tahi teacher to assault my children!:realangry:

    More to the point i would never allow my children to be in the position to be assaulted by Thai teachers!

    The option would be to keep them at home.

    Home school until 5 and then pay for them to be educated outside Thailand or go back to the UK and pay for them to be educated there.

    We have a duty to give our children the best start in life possible and that does not include a Thai education.

    Lots of things in Thailand are wonderful but the education system is not one of them.

  9. There are many good books and other means available. At Chula and UTCC they use a program called "Tell me More" the student needs a computer and a headset with a microphone to learn intonations, there are many other important aspects to learn, such as sentence structures using a pull down menu. The student can also choose between British or American English. There are various levels and even a Business English course, here she learns at her own pace by herself.

    Alternatively language centers, but here she will be in a class and might not get what she really wants.

    The poster above is partly correct, if she learns with you it can be fun, but what happens if you push her too hard or you make her lose her confidence by telling her everything that is wrong. Alternatives can be finding an English teacher in your local area that is willing to teach her privately, this can cost from 450baht upwards.

    after being in the trade for many years I am totally correct!

    Chula English is so bad even I could only get 75% in an intermediate test!

    you can have some great fun with this and it really does help.

    PM me if you want some resources but there is tons of free stuff available on the net!

    If you are teaching her remember to break it down to listening, speaking, reading and writing and make sure she understands that she will not learn the language by going to school for 1 or 2 hours a week and will have to do a lot of extra stuff by herself.

  10. if your gf wants to learn English she will learn it better with you!

    a couple of books and a bit of patience will go a long way!

    Most schools are a waste of time and only want sales and don't care if someone learns or not!

  11. Wife no 1 Educated abroad and from a family with "hi so " status in Thailand.

    Family name from The previous king, Military, Civil service, Government, legal top positions.

    The family was genuine and very good never asked for or expected money they only expected agreement on everything they said politically!

    What i did not like was how they exploited the system to suit themselves even if they were totally in the wrong, however, I learned more about Thailand from discussions with Admirals, Generals, supreme court judges, diplomats etc than 99.9% of you will ever know or understand!

    We just grew apart. after 15 years of marriage.

    Wife no 2 from issan came to Bkk at 6 to stay with family, finished school and has always worked for herself & and is now very successful in her own right!

    She is fiercely independent and rightly proud of her accomplishments. She has no university education nor has she ever needed one. She has one thing many Thais lack

    and that is drive!

    Family is also very genuine without any demands for maintenance. in fact everything comes from them without conditions or expectations and coming from a completely different perspective politically yet they have never once tried to push their views on me.

    Like all relationships there has to be give and take and i find that age has little to do with anything but mutual respect does!

    I see a lot of people looking down at people with tattoos and a beer belly and as someone with a fair bit of art, a developing belly, a TEFL and a university education i find it a bit rich

    that thinner, artless and in many cases less educated/informed people are the bastions of all things knowledgeable and correct or should I say they are just the usual ill informed bigots generalising as much about foreigners as they do about Thais!:jap: In truth the probably neither truly understand their own countries or Thailand! ( and I see there is very little real understanding of Thailand on TV)

    I do not agree that all ex bar girls are bad or all non bar girls are good as I know good and bad in both! The only advice i would give to anyone in Thailand is "don't leave your brains at the airport!" and

    if you do then you have only yourselves to blame!:jap:

    I learned more about Thailand from discussions with Admirals, Generals, supreme court judges, diplomats etc than 99.9% of you will ever know or understand!

    .... less educated/informed people are the bastions of all things knowledgeable and correct or should I say they are just the usual ill informed bigots generalising as much about foreigners as they do about Thais!:jap: In truth the probably neither truly understand their own countries or Thailand!

    I hope you see the irony of your post ....

    buttons exist for them to be pushed!:whistling:

  12. Wife no 1 Educated abroad and from a family with "hi so " status in Thailand.

    Family name from The previous king, Military, Civil service, Government, legal top positions.

    The family was genuine and very good never asked for or expected money they only expected agreement on everything they said politically!

    What i did not like was how they exploited the system to suit themselves even if they were totally in the wrong, however, I learned more about Thailand from discussions with Admirals, Generals, supreme court judges, diplomats etc than 99.9% of you will ever know or understand!

    We just grew apart. after 15 years of marriage.

    Wife no 2 from issan came to Bkk at 6 to stay with family, finished school and has always worked for herself & and is now very successful in her own right!

    She is fiercely independent and rightly proud of her accomplishments. She has no university education nor has she ever needed one. She has one thing many Thais lack

    and that is drive!

    Family is also very genuine without any demands for maintenance. in fact everything comes from them without conditions or expectations and coming from a completely different perspective politically yet they have never once tried to push their views on me.

    Like all relationships there has to be give and take and i find that age has little to do with anything but mutual respect does!

    I see a lot of people looking down at people with tattoos and a beer belly and as someone with a fair bit of art, a developing belly, a TEFL and a university education i find it a bit rich

    that thinner, artless and in many cases less educated/informed people are the bastions of all things knowledgeable and correct or should I say they are just the usual ill informed bigots generalising as much about foreigners as they do about Thais!:jap: In truth the probably neither truly understand their own countries or Thailand! ( and I see there is very little real understanding of Thailand on TV)

    I do not agree that all ex bar girls are bad or all non bar girls are good as I know good and bad in both! The only advice i would give to anyone in Thailand is "don't leave your brains at the airport!" and

    if you do then you have only yourselves to blame!:jap:

  13. Nisa in post #509

    "What in the world does that have to do with you being completely unable to back up your claim that he will not receive a fair trial here."

    let me quote the forum rules

    15) Not to use ThaiVisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, inaccurate, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law. You also agree not to post negative comments criticizing the legal proceedings or judgments of any Thai court of law.

    if one is not allowed to criticise Thai legal proceedings or judgements of any Thai court of law then it must either mean the courts in Thailand are perfect

    or the laws are designed to hide the truth! I leave it up to you to decide!

    As for the girls credibility shel was/is/isn't/wasn't a bar girl all i have to say is that she was a girl who worked in a bar where the owner did not take a % of a girls earnings through a bar fine system! The rest is speculation.

    Nisa #553

    "Not to mention the fact that UK courts and authorities have already determined he more than likely committed the murder even after his lawyers were able to present a case to dispute evidence presented against him.Not to mention the fact that UK courts and authorities have already determined he more than likely committed the murder even after his lawyers were able to present a case to dispute evidence presented against him."

    I have to take issue with you here the UK courts would never offer a judgement stating he more than likely committed a murder, however, they would offer a judgement

    stating there is sufficient evidence for the case to be answered!

    Nisa #570

    "Forensics Police have confirmed that the knife found at the scene was the murder weapon and a report from Vachira Hospital Phuket has confirmed that Mr Longfellow died from the knife wound, Lt Col Anukul said.

    More damning evidence is available in the form of CCTV footage of a man closely resembling Mr Aldhouse entering a nearby 7-Eleven convenience store just before the time of the murder and ordering terrified staff to give him knives."

    Once again you seem to be missing the point! Where is the evidence that the knife is the one allegedly stolen from 711? The evidence states the knife in the polices possession was allegedly the murder weapon only! (as far as we know)

    For me there are three things to consider here in the extradition hearings.

    1. The british legal system assumes that everyone else plays by the rules also and it is often left up to the ECHR to put things right.

    2. The Thai police and their credibility. when we get a corrupt policeman in the UK all his cases are then reviewed and thrown out, regardless

    of guilt, due to his/her/their credibility. When does one ever see this happen in Thailand? It does not and we all know beyond a reasonable doubt that there is no

    police corruption in Thailand!

    3. The trial, if there is one, will be ....................

    We all accept that cases are often won or lost on a technicality in the USA or UK, for instance, and for me the Thai police are a huge technicality whether they are right or wrong in this particular case! We have seen many argue about the "Pit Bull's" past record is relevant evidence: let the past record of the RTP be put up to test also!

    Now to the real meat behind this 30 pages of nonsense! The Brits and other English speaking nations have a very peculiar method of communication mostly based

    upon jokes and wind-ups! Furthermore, The Brits are a nation of fishermen and like to cast their nets far and wide to see who or what bites and what we have learnt over the years is that there is always something or someone who bites! Isn't there Nisa et al?

    • Like 1
  14. You should ask the pertinent questions!

    If Thaksin is just one of, which everyone agrees. many corrupt politicians what has he done that is so so bad? there is only one real answer to this.

    You're right about the corruption Paul, but what seperated Thaksin from prior practitioners was the scale of the corruption and how he changed government policy and federal law to facilitate the corruption. How he did that brings us to the answer to your question Paul. He did it through authoritarian measures which were an offshoot of his dictatorial tendencies. Exactly the opposite of democracy, which is the goal, right? Only it wasn't the goal Paul. In fact he SAID it wasn't the goal but only a tool to be used to help him exercise his dictatorial tendencies.

    Hope that helps Paul.

    again i state what makes him so different?

    every military dictator has changed the constitution to protect and enrich themselves yet nobody shouts about them all day long!

    oops he must be the worst because he was actually elected!

    you really have bought the big lie theory!

    for future reference i am not and have never been a supporter of Thaksin, however, I do support Truth, universal suffrage, an independent non corrupt judiciary, absolute equality for all under the law.

    Get Thaksin by all means but do it with the truth not lies! get him the same way the yellows and military are dealt with.

    I will never support dictatorship no matter who it is by!

    There hasn't been a military dictator running Thailand for a long long time, Sujinda tried in 1992 but he only lasted 2 weeks.

    The 'green' Constitution of 1996 was a great attempt to move Thai politics forward with checks and balances.

    However Thaksin destroyed that with his enormous wealth, implementing his minions and relatives in key positions in every sector except the judiciary.

    He realised after buying up every MP in NAP ( over 80) in the north east, that electorally he was untoucheable, no censure motion was possible for the PM(him),and so began the era of policy corruption where he simply changed laws to benefit his companies- it's all legal you see!

    He censored all government TV channels, removing any talk shows showing dissent, newspapers were threatened with withdrawal of advertising, both from AIS and government agencies.

    His sole defence is he won elections, therefore he is untoucheable, he is unaccountable to the law.

    A very dangerous meglomaniac who has managed to convince some Westerners he is for democracy. And yet every Pheua Thai MP had to sign a letter of resignation, undated, and give it to Thaksin before the election. Perhaps Yingluk was excused this humiliation, I don't know!

    a load of one sided bull, he was given the right by the people unlike any coup be it military or judicial

    just remember in Thailand laws that prevent discussion are designed to hide the truth !

  15. You should ask the pertinent questions!

    If Thaksin is just one of, which everyone agrees. many corrupt politicians what has he done that is so so bad? there is only one real answer to this.

    You're right about the corruption Paul, but what seperated Thaksin from prior practitioners was the scale of the corruption and how he changed government policy and federal law to facilitate the corruption. How he did that brings us to the answer to your question Paul. He did it through authoritarian measures which were an offshoot of his dictatorial tendencies. Exactly the opposite of democracy, which is the goal, right? Only it wasn't the goal Paul. In fact he SAID it wasn't the goal but only a tool to be used to help him exercise his dictatorial tendencies.

    Hope that helps Paul.

    again i state what makes him so different?

    every military dictator has changed the constitution to protect and enrich themselves yet nobody shouts about them all day long!

    oops he must be the worst because he was actually elected!

    you really have bought the big lie theory!

    for future reference i am not and have never been a supporter of Thaksin, however, I do support Truth, universal suffrage, an independent non corrupt judiciary, absolute equality for all under the law.

    Get Thaksin by all means but do it with the truth not lies! get him the same way the yellows and military are dealt with.

    I will never support dictatorship no matter who it is by!

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