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Posts posted by PaulBax

  1. You seem to know very little of this!

    if your wife is Thai and buys land you have to sign or she cant buy it!

    All bids were sealed and the winning bid overvalued the land at the time. Who says so? The other bidders!

    The only screaming was buy people using any excuse they could to get at Thaksin.

    The bidding process was found to be legal and above board.

    There were two supreme court rulings from before Thaksin's tenure that ruled the relevant agency independent from government!

    If the bidding process was legal where is the corruption?

    The so called corruption is a man signing a paper giving his wife permission to buy a piece of land, as required by Thai law, where the bidding process was ruled legal!

    This is not an attempt to whitewash Thaksin but an example of how the law was circumvented and used retrospectively to get him and applies only to this case.

    Whether he is guilty or not of other things is a subjective issue. Most people scream for his head knowing very little about him or his time in government!

    To me it seems that the vast majority parked your brains at the airport when you came here! You cannot apply western values to Thailand and this is your biggest mistake.

    You think the news papers etc tell the truth when the do not by a long way!

    Read the news from outside of Thailand and you may actually get educated! Not as easy as it sounds because anything truthful about this country is usually banned!

    The law says that he had to sign for his wife's purchase. The law also found that as PM, they aren't allowed to be involved in buying state property.

    What "retrospective" (retroactive?) law was used? He was found guilty using a 1997 law. They found that he was the "de facto" supervisor of the fund that his wife bought the land from.

    As PM, he should have kept clear of any transactions related to the government.

    let me say it in a way as to make it clear to you!

    he was not involved in any way other than to ok his then wife's purchase!

    Let me also state that a lower court overturned two decisions by the highest court in the land! namely that the agency was independent from government!

    if the same court ruled that the deal was above board then there seems to be a problem!

    if that too difficult to understand?

  2. rubl, show me one regular on this forum who would argue that every red shirt at the protest in 2010 was a peaceful protester...show me just one...

    or else stop with the 'peaceful protesters' baloney, please

    "Peaceful Protesters. Not Terrorists".

    It was a red shirt sign. Go and talk to them about it.

    how about this, i'll go talk to them about it when you decide to butt out and let others speak for themselves when they're in discussion.... deal?

    i thought not.

    rubl blatantly put 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists' in quotations to suggest that people who had a problem with the crackdown are of the opinion that they were all peaceful protesters...so show me one regular on here who claims such a thing!

    some of ye are all so black and white about things it's verging on the rrrrrrridiculous

    i'm interested in what rubl has to say, since that's who i was asking... thanks

    I doubt you're really interested in what I have to say. Let's just suggest that some red-shirts put this large banner "peaceful protesters, not terrorists' prominently behind the main stage because obviously that looked 'cool', just like seeing (and hearing) k. Jatuporn talk about "We fight till the last drop of our blood" wearing a T-shirt with the image of Gandhi. Very 'cool'.

    Nothing personal and all that, but may I dust off one of my better curses for you?

    May you go to the lowest level of Hell, be bound to a stake next to Tantalus and forced to listen to PTV broadcasts 24 x 7 at full blast sound level with the volume knob just out of reach. :D

    umm let me see! my party have won the last 5 elections but the Establishment will never accept our representatives! For me that is reason to mobilise! possibly violently. one thing that you keep conveniently forgetting is

    that they had the peoples mandate!

    Whose mandate do the Amarts and military have?

  3. The fact of the matter is that the charges which never seem to be defined in these types of print from the Nation, were ones that were committed by many others on both sides of politics. Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party. Corruption appears endemic in a form that westerners can't tolerate or understand in most parts of Asia. But most parts of Asia had good teachers from Colonial times.

    "were committed by many others on both sides of politics" - which other politicians approved their wife's land purchase from a government entity?

    "Only 4 out of the 5 charges were proven by a court" - and that's not enough?

    "by a court directed by Mr T's opposing party" - It was Mr T's party in power when the court made their decision.

    So often we hear this, why don't people seem to remember, it was Thaksin's PPP-led coalition-government in-power, and his relative former-PM Somchai as Prime Minister, in 2008 ? So if the courts are influenced by the government, as is often claimed, why don't they want to remember this ? It's only a few years ago, for heavens sake ! <_<

    somebody told the courts to "deal with the then government!

  4. the end point is that the people voted - end of


    People voting doesn't give a government carte blanche to do what they want.

    There is even a term for people who believe it does. Recognized by the early Greeks, "Tyranny of the majority" was the term coined by Alex de Tocqueville when discussing democracy in America. So anyone who thinks they can simply "vote" Thaksin into innocence is supporting tyranny and injustice. More importantly they are supporting a system of ochlocracy, better known as mob rule. (Wikipedia is great sometimes, isn't it?) In any case, they aren't exactly taking the moral high road.

    If you want democracy, rule of law is the foundation. If you can't accept rule of law, then you don't have democracy and at that point the one with the biggest gun wins.

    If the reds continue to subvert the rule of law through a vote, then they by definition have said they no longer want democracy, and the tanks need to roll and the bullets need to start flying.

    Aha you mean the rule of law as designed by the military to support themselves or the rule of law that should be applied equally to all?

    What do you think we have in Thailand?

  5. For Thakisin to shut up he has to of said something which he has not!

    Which part of "draft" do you people not understand?

    I see so much screaming and paranoia on this site with the vast majority supporting anti democratic measures!

    It is surprising what being considered rich by poor people will do to someone's ego!

    Wow I'm being taken to task for being unfriendly to Thaksin.That's a new though not unpleasant first.

    No! you are being taken to task for being unjust and hypocritical!

    For any law to work it has to be applied evenly!

    Not just to the side you don't support!

  6. I agree wholeheartedly. Still, whilst he may have condemned the coup as undemocratic, he could have gone further and refused to work with the Junta at all. But then that wouldn't have helped anyone really.

    I suspect that he might have been more damning in his opposition to the coup had the army drawn up the laws needed to absolve the coup-makers before actually executing the coup, as Chalerm did in Yinglak's convenient absence.

    It's difficult for Abhisit because his path to power was launched from the barracks.The Junta and the indolent and incompetent quisling government that followed had long gone when Abhisit came to power (quite legitimately I would stress under a parliamentary system).But this was the result the unelected elites had worked toward with the aid of directed judicial interventions, a rigged constitution and military heavy handedness.His problem is that each time the Thai people are asked to endorse the unelected elites' agenda, they just knock it out of the ball park.Someone as bright as Abhisit might hopefully have been expected to get the message.So what we want to know now do the old elites accept the position or not.

    For the record I hope Thaksin doesn't get his pardon.If he had as much sensitivity and self awareness as the average bog roll, he should have realised that he has actually already won.Now he should just shut the .... up.

    For Thakisin to shut up he has to of said something which he has not!

    Which part of "draft" do you people not understand?

    I see so much screaming and paranoia on this site with the vast majority supporting anti democratic measures!

    It is surprising what being considered rich by poor people will do to someone's ego!

  7. I can't believe the incessant puling by many here!<br><br>Which part of "draft" did you not understand?<br><br>For Thaksin to come home and face the law there would have to be a semblance of a fair trial!<br>At present he is convicted of one thing that was a political stitch up and you all know it.<br>Let us hear you scream loudly at the zero members of the military that have been convicted of anything over the last 80 years!<br>Let me hear you scream loudly at the yellows who have never faced justice despite everything!<br>I assume all of you would want a level playing field in legal matters? Guess what it aint gonna happen anytime soon as the <br>military put in measures to keep any future government weak! <br><br>You people seem to forget the 20 coups or coup attempts in the last 80 or so years!<br><br>most of you don't have a clue about Thai history which for many only started when they got off the aeroplane!<br><br>Thaksin was no worse than the majority of PM's before him except in one area: he awakened the rural masses of the North<br>& North East and moved political sway away from Bangkok and its Elites and Amarts!<br>The establishment have got it into their minds that if they get rid of Thaksin they will get rid of the influence of the North and<br>North East!  Guess what the genie is out of the bottle and there is no way it is going back in!<br><br>Unfortunately I only see this going one way and that will probably end in a north and south Thailand!<br>

    one other thing with global warming it is almost certain Bangkok will end up under water! Do you want to wait for it to happen before any plans are made?

  8. I was online chatting to a friend in Oslo when he said " my windows shooked due to a storm!" i spent 5 minutes laughing at his use of English.<br> it was only when is mother called 45 minutes later and asked if he was ok we realised what had happened!<br>My friend lives about 1km from the bomb.  He walked down close and called me to say how terrible it looked.<br>The news of the shooting had not broken at this time!<br><br>My god what is the world coming to?<br><br>May all RIP and may he and any co conspirators, should there be any, never see the light of day again!<br><br>Tragic!<br><br><br><br><br>i <br>

  9. <br />
    <br />I used to run a tattoo shop in Bangkok and <br />I can assure you all that the Thai tattooists would never tattoo<br />Buddhist stuff in an inappropriate place, however, stuff that is not their religion <br />they do not care about.<br />We also refused to tattoo peoples faces until they were made aware that a face tattoo<br />would put most people outside of normal society, however, other tattoo shops would do anything for money: excepting Buddhas in the wrong place!!<br />I think the worst one we had was a Swedish girl who wanted "bon appetit" in her pubic hair but spelt it<br />"bon appertit " and insisted on her spelling!!<br />
    <br />what is an "inappropriate place" to you, might not be the same for others, thai or not.<br />I asked my wife and her sister about this whole thing, and they both felt that <br />1) buddha or even "power protection" tattoos should not be below the waist<br />2) buddha should never be "exposed" ... meaning, on bare arms or openly displayed.<br /><br />to them, and i must say, they are rather "old school" in many ways... that is all disrespectful.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Buddha should never be openly displayed? lol either on a pendant which the majority of Thais have, in a wat, in your house, in ones place of business, in a shop that makes and sells religious artifacts, on flyers etc etc

    I would not listen to much to your wife or sister lol : but the majority of married men know that already ;)

  10. <br />
    <br />Thai market tattoo shops reuse needles without sterilization whereas any good studio opens a new sterile needle in front of you! I have Buddhist tattoos all very carefully thought out and made in the UK. We know this is more rubbish by bureaucrats who have to justify their existence, however, they have no clue as to just how classless tattoos have become in the west or how much they are part of modern popular culture.<br />
    <br />I have many tattoos, all done in Thailand and Indonesia, and never struck a tattooist who does not use a new needle. As all your tattoos were done in UK, then your evidence of malpractise here must be anecdotal rather than factual.You were probably warned by your Uk tattooist of the dangers of saving 1000s of $$ by having them done in Asia.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    All my tattoos were free, both my Thai and English ones! i does help if you are in the trade!

  11. Thai market tattoo shops reuse needles without sterilization whereas any good studio opens a new sterile needle in front of you! I have Buddhist tattoos all very carefully thought out and made in the UK. We know this is more rubbish by bureaucrats who have to justify their existence, however, they have no clue as to just how classless tattoos have become in the west or how much they are part of modern popular culture.

  12. I used to run a tattoo shop in Bangkok and

    I can assure you all that the Thai tattooists would never tattoo

    Buddhist stuff in an inappropriate place, however, stuff that is not their religion

    they do not care about.

    We also refused to tattoo peoples faces until they were made aware that a face tattoo

    would put most people outside of normal society, however, other tattoo shops would do anything for money: excepting Buddhas in the wrong place!!

    I think the worst one we had was a Swedish girl who wanted "bon appetit" in her pubic hair but spelt it

    "bon appertit " and insisted on her spelling!!

  13. As i said i have no problem with a fair cop and any of you that cannot see that this is about destroying the grass roots movements from the north and installing the elites in perpetual power need to engage your brains instead of your other body parts.

    The grass-roots up North were swallowed by the UDD which acts as k. Thaksin's non-political and partially violent arm. Read a bit about the history of the grass-roots and how they were manipulated by their own local rural elite, an elite still in power there. Please engage your brain, reading and learning helps :)

    Is there anything wrong in Thailand that was not the fault of Thaksin?

    As i said most of you have no clue about politics in this country. over and out

  14. it is impossible to give a reply without falling victim of Thailand's laws that put the judiciary above criticism.

    Regarding Thaksin let us look at what he has been convicted of: he was convicted of corruption for following Thai law that says a spouse must sign if the husband or wife buys property.

    This was despite two supreme court rulings that stated the relevant agency selling the land was independent from government! it is also a matter of record that Mrs Thaksin paid over the odds for this land at the time of the sale.

    I have no problem with a fair cop and will go on record by stating that I never liked Thaksin but feel he has the moral high ground due to the coup and nature of the campaign against him

    You need to go back and review both the law governing elected officials and the details of the land sale including price. The other cases against Thaksin can proceed IF he ever returns to Thailand and then you will continue to see more corruption convictions. You only have to look at the assets forfeiture case to see that this is true. They went after the Radchada land case first because it was black letter law. Quite simply an open and shut case.

    It was an open and shut case due to the makeup of the military installed supreme court and since when was Mrs Thaksin an elected official? As I stated a spouse must have a partners signature to buy any land are we now saying that no elected official or independently wealthy wife of an elected official can buy a house or land? All bids for the land were sealed and the biggest bid won. There were bids from property companies who said on record that mrs T paid over the odds!

    it is all very well to say it was cheap years after the event despite many statements from the relevant agency saying the sale was above board.

    As i said i have no problem with a fair cop and any of you that cannot see that this is about destroying the grass roots movements from the north and installing the elites in perpetual power need to engage your brains instead of your other body parts.

  15. you have no idea what you are talking about concerning the judiciary., and really very little concerning what Thaksin did or did not do as everything that Thaksin did was bad!

    Let me give you one example concerning the lottery. Thaksins government put out a tender to computerize the system the system chosen was the same as used in the USA and UK , however, this government said it was unsafe and corrupt!

    Really the lotteries in the US and UK are corrupt but the private lotteries run by powerful non elected officials for personal gain are not?

    When you accuse someone of not knowing what he writes about, you should give clear details why you do so. Giving a less relevant example concerning something not even mentioned doesn't cut it.

    Try again or retract, IMHO :ermm:

    it is impossible to give a reply without falling victim of Thailand's laws that put the judiciary above criticism.

    Regarding Thaksin let us look at what he has been convicted of: he was convicted of corruption for following Thai law that says a spouse must sign if the husband or wife buys property.

    This was despite two supreme court rulings that stated the relevant agency selling the land was independent from government! it is also a matter of record that Mrs Thaksin paid over the odds for this land at the time of the sale.

    I have no problem with a fair cop and will go on record by stating that I never liked Thaksin but feel he has the moral high ground due to the coup and nature of the campaign against him

  16. Now let us get to Thaksin who was really no worse or better than any other Thai prime minister, however, what he did was to change the seat of power from Bangkok to the provinces , gave the poor a voice (sic),

    Is that really what he did?

    Oh, and "Mark" has no power to control the judiciary - its called "separation of powers". Thaksin, on the other hand, bought and paid for , or coerced most of the judges. That must be one of those - giving the power a voice examples, right. Or the killing of the 2,400 in the drug crackdown - giving those poor a voice. Or the 500% increase in his net worth while IN OFFICE - giving the poor a voice. Or the scheme of the week he cooked up, that allowed he and his cronies to steal the country blind with the "one tambon, one cow, etc projects". Giving the poor a voice.

    Thaksin was savy - and the first politician to realize the poor were the largest voting block in Thailand, and went out of his way to woo them. But that is where your fairy tale ends. Because all he sold them were false promises, lies, and shadows. He got rich, then got caught. Shame really.

    But instead of taking his ill gotten money and leaving quietly, he decided to finance a black shirt army of terrorists, to force a government change, even though he had two puppets in power (and still left the country when he "controlled" it). Thaksin watched Bangkok burn - to give the poor a voice? Or to give his ego and thirst for power a voice.

    you have no idea what you are talking about concerning the judiciary., and really very little concerning what Thaksin did or did not do as everything that Thaksin did was bad!

    Let me give you one example concerning the lottery. Thaksins government put out a tender to computerize the system the system chosen was the same as used in the USA and UK , however, this government said it was unsafe and corrupt!

    Really the lotteries in the US and UK are corrupt but the private lotteries run by powerful non elected officials for personal gain are not?

  17. For those of you interested but ignorant concerning Thai politics please note that Abhisit Vejjajiva said he abhorred the use of LM as a political weapon and that it should have no place in Thai politics. Depite this we have seen a the biggest rise in dubious LM charges in Thai history; from this we can percieve that Mark either has no power whatsoever or is typical of the Thai political classes when it comes to telling the truth.

    It has been widely reported that all but one of the LM charges against the reds relate to body language rather that what they actually said " they clapped and applauded". (The elections may happen and the elites are running around in fear at the prospect of having to show their true colors by organizing another coup so better get the opposition locked up instead!)

    Now let us get to Thaksin who was really no worse or better than any other Thai prime minister, however, what he did was to change the seat of power from Bangkok to the provinces , gave the poor a voice (sic), and this cannot be allowed to happen under any circumstances! For this he is the devil and must be destroyed at all costs.

  18. I have just had a meeting with

    Dr. Sorawuth Chu-ongsakul

    at Thonburi hospital.

    I was stunned by his lack of professionalism!

    He tried to get my girl in on Friday for her implant because he was not busy! (today is Wednesday)

    When pushed about how he thought she would look he said "i don't know until I do the operation"

    I further asked him to draw a picture of how he thought the shape of her nose would change: he could not do this and would only go on about

    the L shaped silicone implant.

    Rest assured we will not be using him under any circumstances!!

    Maybe the guy is great but nobody is going to operate on my GF's face without going through the full procedure and prospective outcome!

    Before any of you start I do not care whether my girl does or does not have her nose done. It is her decision entirely. all I want to do is ensure she gets the full information before she even considers going forward.

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