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Everything posted by rovinman

  1. MAFIA ! You're either IN the know or don't NEED to know !
  2. They can't ! They need at least one, the Winner of the Filipino LadyboyQ contest to appear in the 2025 LadyboyQ contest, which Thailand just recently won ! {If it's held in Thailand, that is}
  3. Quote : The subcommittee, tasked with scrutinising the fiscal budget for 2024, had previously denied the ministry’s request for 950 million baht for this procurement. At the current exchange rate, {1 ThB = 2.56 Rouble}, 950M ThB = 2432,000,000 Rouble That's 2.4 Billion Roubles ! ! ! ! ! { Seems expensive to me ! } Does this include Secondary Sanctions ? What about Maintenance ? Can the Russians get the Spare parts needed ? {like computer chips, which they cant get for any other Aircraft ?} I think that "the parliamentary subcommittee’s refusal to approve funding for a new Russian-made helicopter." is justified !
  4. They should follow the Hong Kong method ! The ONLY MTR system that ever Broke even, {before the 1997 Chinese takeover that is !} Allow the concessionaires to build Retail areas to subsidise their Rail travel Similarly, Singapore's CBD {Marina Bay}, has vast retail areas underground !
  5. Both male and female types of same-sex sexual activity are legal in Thailand, and same-sex marriage rights within the nation are pending legalisation. About eight percent of the Thai population, five million people, are thought to be in the LGBT demographic. {Wiki} That's 5 times more than any country of corresponding size to Thailand
  6. Russia, {or should I define the perpetrator as Putin, or his mouth-piece Peskov}, says this regularly in their Propaganda, outbursts on their nightly outbursts, just to get the uninformed western media, to make some cowardly statements about giving Putin everything he asks for ! You can't placate him that way ! A good slap is what is called for ! Take his pocket money away, and his toys !
  7. He could ask his friend Vladimir, for a loan or Jin-Ping , his buddy boys !
  8. Didn't manage to make it to the Weigh-bridge !
  9. Isn't that what """Fair Treatment"" {not too much, please}, means !
  10. The Chinese want it ! When Thailand can't pay them for it, the Chinese will get TWO Ports and a Military base out of it ! Ask Sri Lanca !
  11. Trouble is "Pushing" a Brown envelope away, is like trying to brush water UPHILL !
  12. All the more reason to make the Parents "Criminally Responsible", and make the Fines, "Bigger", ""MUCH Bigger"" than the AFFLUENT"S wealth !
  13. What you HAVE to listen to, are ALL the reports coming out of Russia, from Russian people, who know what it is like to live in Russia, under the rule where EVERYTHING is subject to a term in prison if you happen to disagree ! ! Especially the Economists, who translate, and evaluate, what Elvira Nabiullina, {Governor of the Central Bank of Russia }, says. She served as Assistant to Putin for Economic affairs, before becoming the Head of the Central Bank ! She is the only one telling the truth, and what she says is truly disturbing ! Unfortunately All the Russian Media tell lies, and Dis-information, like telling the population, that one of it's factories making ""Powder"" { actually Gun-powder } targetted by Ukraine, caught fire because of a short circuit or other sensless tales. If you want UNBIASED reporting see Ground News ! It quotes all news and gives the various news headlines and gives the various biases ! But don't forget, that Ex KGB man Putin, is a Thug and a Bully, a Cheat and a Liar, and a Thief and a Con-man !
  14. They're just turning over the soil ! They'll put it back afterwards, won't they ?
  15. Should be 10 years, but it will take 60 years to clear out all the useless teachers ! And build ALL the necessary Teacher Training Colleges [with ''Proper Diplomas'' ] What about the Technician Apprentiship's - Oh I forgot, they want paying for learning on the job ! Ah well it was a nice thought anyway ! Unless they MAKE IT HAPPEN !
  16. YES ! Before they are taught to use a Computer or other Media, there should be a scheme to teach them Reading and Writing ! The Villages here in the N.E. all suffer from the past incompetance / irrelevance of the Education system here in the villages. e.g. Every Thursday is Marching band day, and it echoes around our village !
  17. But don't forget, They CAN'T BUY the property under Thai Law, they may only lease it, unless they are VERY VERY RICH, ! Does the Government allow them to buy 100% of Thai land ? ? Condo's you can buy, IF you're within the 49% of the Rule, Land is the same 51% has to be owned by a Thai !
  18. One may ask, WHO was responsible for inspecting "3 Kilometres" of Conductor Rail", and WHO passed it as Satisfactory ?
  19. CH means that EVERYTHING will have been Chinese ! Imported Chinese labour as well, {apart from the tea boys !}. If you want to see the Quality of Chinese Construction, you only have to look at the 3 Gorges Dam, the Evergrande Housing infrastructure, to see what they leave out of the concrete ! And DON'T forget the Debt Burden of Thailand to the CCP ! ASEAN Countries are wise-ing up to the "Belt and Road Initiative", especially after Sri Lanka now owes SO much {$} to China that they have had to grant the Sri Lanka Port {which CCP so generously built for them} as a 99 year lease as a Military Base !
  20. It means, all relevant Extension line colours are grouped together, with the main Operator !
  21. It could be both if a true Hermaphrodite ! { ie. Having both sets of Genitalia } ! Depends on how they are classified at birth ! According to world statistics 0.017 % of the world is Hermaphrodite, ie 68m people in Thailand equates to 11,365 Hermaphrodites !
  22. Things will HAVE to change ! Countries like the Baltic countries, seem to top the Education lists, although Singapore is no slouch either ! If Thailand wants to be in the top Echelon, then look no further than ""Down the road"" in Singapore !
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