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Posts posted by MissChris

  1. MissChris

    Some good points but some also inaccurate. You are obviously not a lawyer if you are doing the law society wills course - which is for legal office staff.

    In NSW a will needs to be in writing, witnessed by 2 witnesses who are not beneficiaries. S 6 Succession Act


    Informal wills and not properly executed wills can be admitted in certain circumstances however.s8


    A lawyer can act as executor and charge if there is a charging clause in the will rule 11.1. See Professional Conduct and Practice Rules

    Legal Profession Act 1987


    Actually, not only do I have a LLB & LLM (Litigation & Dispute Resolution), but I have a practising certificate.

    I will refrain from commenting on the quality of your research...

    Including the fact that there were two courses run by the Law Society - one for solicitors, one for 'the legal office staff'.

  2. You do not need a law fir to be the executors of your will

    You can nominate anybody in your will one or more children

    or someone you trust

    Cut out the law firms all together and save a lot of money

    for the beneficiaries

    Correct. You're best to have one of the beneficiaries as Executor. A idea is to give the Executor the residue, which is a real reward for keeping costs down. You need a lawyer for a few things, but they shouldn't be acting as Executor. Firstly because they are so expensive, secondly, they would have to have a costs agreement with themselves. Not ethical.

  3. All it requires for an Australian will to be accepted is for it to be in writing: 'all to Mum' in spray paint on the wall is sufficient.

    Having been involved in a few Australian wills this is not the case and I cannot figure out the logic behind making such an obviously false statement that neither seeks to inform or enlighten, there is a completly separate forum for jokes, even those in bad taste. This possibly breaches posting rule #7 as well, but that is up to the discretion of the mods.


    Having just completed a NSW Law Society course in Wills & Probate, I would suggest that you pull your head in...

    That was from an actual case. I will leave you to do your own search.

  4. So are we all getting our Wills up to date? All it requires for an Australian will to be accepted is for it to be in writing: 'all to Mum' in spray paint on the wall is sufficient.

    petercallen you're a legend!

    My ex bought a very expensive apartment & had to take out mortgage insurance, did a wonderful Serbian dummy-spit because he thought someone would then be tempted to bump him off. He's still going strong at nearly 80 violin.gif

  5. I wonder for what reason?

    He has admitted killing her and storing the body for three years. Multiple crimes already. How much more evidence do you need?

    How do any of us know how we would behave in this situation?

    Who knows? Remain paralysed by fear? Noone to talk to. Facing a long time in prison with no guarantee of survival? There's no 'Rewind' button when someone has died, no matter what the circumstances.

    I also have great sympathy for the dead woman's family. It must have been a terrible time waiting to find out what had happened to her. I hope they are in a more peaceful place.

  6. isaan post offices are less crooked

    Off topic, but clearly you have not been the recipient of the excellent service the Chalong postal service has provided for each & every parcel & letter I have sent from OS over several years...

  7. Google is your friend here. Look up UK law with respect to Succession. Then at least you will have tried for her. I agree with stevenl, though. Clean out the bank accounts - they are nobody's property till Probate is granted anyway. Then it's retrospective.

    In Australia, defacto relationships are recognised. At present, it is the first $350,000 + CPI making it the first $410,000 odd, then half the rest, for the spouse.

    Overseas? Don't know. However, it's worth pursuing if he had property to make it worth while. I suspect that the UK will be the same or similar to Australia. Lawyers will often take a case like this pro bono or 'no win no fee basis' and often the costs come out of the estate anyway. Especially when someone dies 'intestate'. It's the latest shitfight in the legal system here. Beats Family Law, because the estate will, in most cases, pay the legal fees. Whereas Family Law depends on property being owned before a lawyer is interested...

  8. This guy has lost everything & is sitting in a prison with a (I believe) worse reputation than the Bangkok Hilton.

    The woman he loved is dead. He has been living with a terrible secret for years.His freedom is gone for a very long time. He probably used to visit Villa Market like lots of other people when he missed the food from his homeland.

    If I were in Phuket, I reckon I'd make my first prison visit and go & see if he wanted some of those disgusting pickled herrings or whatever. Or just a friendly face.

    I am still waiting for a person who tells me that prison made them a better person. Nothing will bring back the woman he killed. Yes, we all need to be punished. It's up to the Thai judicial system to decide. I doubt that they have the 'McNaughton's Defence' - that of mental illness. I don't even know whether they use the British or Inquisitorial or totally different system.

    If anyone goes to see him, please give him my best wishes - no matter what he has done, he is still a person who deserves to be treated with dignity.

    • Like 1
  9. Just last week I sent off 3 Woollies nylon bags to son's Thai fiancee, so she can be the modern shopper. They fold up with a velcro strap into hand size. They have a little loop inside that I use to clip my car keys in when I'm at the f&v market here in Oz..

    You have to TRAIN the checkout people. Hand them your reusable bag. When at Villa, put it in the hands of the packer and tell them you want them to use it, please. If necessary, take your item(s) out and put them in your reusable bag, then hand the plastic bag back.

    Bunnings here have no plastic bags, but keep all their cardboard boxes. You can wheel your trolley to your car and pack your items in there anyway.

    Buy a reusable Pooper Scooper and wash your bin. Then you won't need plastic bags.

    The amount of plastic found in sea creatures is heartbreaking. We have to everything we can to stop plastic getting into the ocean.

  10. What about those ATMs that accept cash and transfer for 20 THB? Or is that only in Thailand?

    Personally, when in Phuket, I use my offspring as my personal banker. He gives me THB in notes and I transfer on the internet from my bank account to his. No fees :)))

  11. I got tons of energy that I haven't had for years. It must effect different people diferent ways.

    That's the thing with Predisone. It has a wide variety of effects. It's a wonder drug, used for decades, but has powerful side effects, especially if used long-term. It's worth persisting with the side effects if it's working well for your original problem.

    Make sure you keep your salt (sodium really) intake low. Should help with swelling. Also depends on dose and how much of a cowboy your doctor is.

  12. Once spent 3000 THB at Villa Market when no. 1 son had a mad idea about gourmet sandwiches. Three large plastic bags. How on earth do you manage to spend 2000 & fit it on the bike LIK?

    Must say, I spent a lot of time lobbying for a salaeng, since I'm no longer allowed to ride motorcycles. He must have lobbied all his friends - they looked blank & said there weren't any for rent.

    Oooh I'm scratching at the thought of woollen swimwear. Those Russians mess with your mind. For a bit of a giggle, ask a Thai to say 'Russian'.

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