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Posts posted by MissChris

  1. So why didn't you park right up close to his (couldn't be a her) driver's door so he had to scramble through the passenger door. I've got a Yaris and I can tell you, he would have been folded up like a pretzel by the time he ended up in the driver's seat.

    Where is that lovely ticket you can put under his wipers finishing up with 'and may the fleas of a thousand camels infest your armpits'.

  2. Not being nasty to Chainsaw. I missed editing his post out. Just laughing at gom's comment about the lovely lady scoring 12...

    I do find Chainsaw's scratching a bit disturbing.

    I envy all of you going to the outing. I'm stuck in a galaxy far, far away :crying:

  3. No need to get personal.

    Actually I'm trying to get an answer to a perfectly legitimate question. Instead of offering insults maybe you could give me an answer to the original question, as nobody else seems to want to.

    Chainsaw, are you getting the Google ad at the bottom of the page "Russian Love match" with a picture of a blonde on a scale of 1-10 who is a 12? Well, for clarification purposes, if she shows up and is not a member, I'm pretty sure she'll get in, otherwise, your typical bloke, I forsee a kick in the nuts and thrown to the gutter.

    That has earned my very rare award, gom: rof lmao

  4. Sunday Roast in the south of the island, any new recommendations

    Only ever go to Happy Days which is just fine for me. Includes soup & coffee.

    They do not do roast lamb which i really like.

    I though Kiwis were partial to roast lamb to

    Why don't you ask them if they'll give roast lamb (yum!) a try?

  5. I ran out of petrol near the airport. I was driving my son's rot kabong at the time. Walked back to the petrol station that hadn't had the octane petrol I needed. So I had to buy some gasohol anyway. The girl found a plastic water bottle, a pair of scissors and fashioned a funnel to make pouring soooo easy. What a treasure she is!

    It was, by the way, one of those adventures. Took me 2 ages to get to the airport from Chalong. I got it wrong from the start by going up Chao Fa Rd East. Now Smartmouth, quick as a flash answers the query 'How far is it to the airport?' with 'Forty minutes, unless you go with Mum. Then it's 2 and a half hours.'

  6. what type of product did you order? You could check the customs house next to immigration, but usually if its there they will send you a letter.

    Well...there were a dozen little clingon koalas and a mother and baby koala and a baby koala...all for a lovely Thai lady...

    Thanks for your advice, will get on to the Australian Koala Foundation shop & get the postal number. After a decent interval.

  7. I ordered some goods over the internet in early December. The parcel was sent to a residence in Chalong from Australia.

    It hasn't arrived. What do I need to do to follow this up?

  8. Grease traps haven't been a problem since we started using detergents...

    Why not be a bit environmentally friendly and make a compost heap? You can always separate out the stuff the dogs will eat first.

  9. It must drive business owners nuts (and bankrupt) to have whole streets full of taxis, buses and tuktuks parked outside constantly. How often do they get a fare? Once a day? They make it so unpleasant that people become reluctant to hire them in any case.

    Stops people with their own transport parking anywhere near.

    Blocks the view such as at the beautiful view of the bay at the LIghthouse Bar at Chalong.

  10. I do not know if things have changed but for a long time i looked for a book with Thai road rules and regulations in English.

    I could not find one, but they are basically the same as every where else

    What's the speed limit?

  11. Q:men with thai women

    A:YES because western men are sick and tired of being treated like sh* t and thai women look after there men pure and simple

    why is that its disgusting to a western woman to see a western man with a thai lady i think they are itchar!!!

    As a western woman, what I find disgusting is how some of these men treat the women (Thai, Filipino...it doesn't matter) in their company. So rude & obnoxious and usually dressed in thongs, singled & stubbies...while they are with a lady who is really nicely dressed. It must be so hard for some of them and I am ashamed.

    Yet I read here lots of postings from western men who clearly dearly love and cherish their Thai gf or wife. Good for you!

  12. It's OK for us farang who have some form of Social Security back home if we are permanently injured.

    Just because you don't see people with disabilities in the street in Phuket, doesn't mean there are not heaps shut up at home.

    It is difficult to know how serious or permanent an injury will be when it's being assessed by professionals in hospital. It must be agonising for poor people to be facing the possibility of not being able to work and support a family. I'd be keen to get as much money as I could from a rich person if I had been injured in an accident.

    BTW What's the name of that insurance company? How much did the policy cost?

    I really like the idea of taking photos with your mobile. I'll be doing that if I find myself in an accident in future. Very useful advice.

  13. Most of the beggars I saw in the Naka markets were developmentally delayed (used to be called 'mentally retarded' before we all became PC) or had mental or physical illnesses. The girl with the baby I saw there - the baby looked like it had hydrocephalus. Definitely something not quite right.

    I gave them some money.

    I would perfer this to buying flowere from kids who should be home in bed and attending school.

  14. Soi Dtaiet in Chalong has lots of signs with 'English Breakfast'. I suspect they would be pretty good, because of all the muay thai fighters there. It's the soi that has Tiger Muay Thai on Chao Fa Rd West.

    Tried Tony's (you can't miss the sign & it has a phone box out the front)...Good service, they speak good English, Tony appears swatting flies on occasion. Only downbeat issue is da boyz crunching their way through chicken bones & looking seriously dangerous. LOL

    Happy Days on Chalong Pier Rd advertises an English Breakfast, but I haven't tried it. They have Sunday roast with all the trimmings, authentic, including Yorkshire Pudding and mashed potatoes. Yuk. The rest of it is lovely when you're hanging out for Western food.

    If you're desperate for real bread, try Bake on Chao Fa Rd West. It's new, sensational decor, the bread is AUTHENTIC.

  15. Do you need to specifically buy a Kindle? I am a very happy camper reading books on my iPhone. I have an App called 'Kindle for iPhone'. It's adjustable for large font and easy to use if you're used to swiping a screen. I'm a bit precious about my iPhone and found the Kindle a bit clumsy. But that's because I'm used to reading in bed with the iPhone set upside down so I don't have to move anything except my thumb to turn the page...

    You can also get Kindle for PC and download books direct to your computer.

    Then there's all the other stuff. Apple now have iBook. There are all sorts of other ebook suppliers popping up all the time.

    Amazon supports Kindle. Some books (due to copyright I think) are unavailable in some regions. So if it's unavailable in South East Asia, I change my profile on Amazon to Australia. Or if I'm in Australia, I change my profile to Thailand. I do this because I have all sorts of addresses I have sent Amazon stuff to in the past. They have sent me a desperate email about my firsy successful download out of region which I ignored.

    Sometimes I get a book before it's released - I'm just finishing Patricia Cornwell's 'Port Mortuary'. It's due to be released 7 Dec I think. LOL

  16. BangTaoBoy

    Your quad may be faster, but you would take up just as much room as those 'three wheeled mayhem makers' that infest the left hand lane at peak hour. But then, if it's just you and noone else...

    Love phuketrex's 3 wheeler, though.


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