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Posts posted by MissChris

  1. Anyse

    Did it!

    The poodle parlour did the colour. They have doggy day care there and he loves it. He's an old person's dog, so getting out and about is a bit of a relief.

    Dad's a scream. Known to call 'Go Wendell' while watching a completely different code of football. Even after Wendell retired ;)

    Bright blessings to you and Dante.post-118168-0-27088900-1307434220_thumb.


  2. MissChris,

    I have laid out the situation clearly above as to what happened. I have my airfare as well as Deate's paid and cant get a refung. It will cost $250 to bring him with me in the cabin. He is a "companion" animal (I am beginning to wonder which of us is the "companion" LOL!) and can't be away from me more than a day or so. I can go to see him at the kennel every other day to check on him and to spend time with him that he and I both need. To leave him behind would cost a complete round-trip ticket as well as another fare for him (roughly $1800-1900 PLUS the $250 already spent) and that is not a reasonable or practical choice. I did find a place for him with a "family" that runs a private place by recommendation of another falang who uses them when needed. The place where I will stay will not allow him to stay there. So, to mitigate the time, I may just go ahead and lease a house that allows a pet sooner than I thought that I would so that he can have a house with a yard. This is for BOTH of us, not just me. He is a timid fellow and is dependent on me as I am on him. We take care of one another as he helped me through a horrible illness and never really left my side for any more time than eating and doing his business. I owe him and he is my FIRST priority. He eats before I do. He gets various needs met before some of my own as well. His is an important part of my life as I am an improtant part of his. I feel that a "family" setting will go him well as he has responded well to assistants who have helped me and adjusts well to them. I will be with him the first day or so before he is left alone for a day with these people. Again, I know that he will get excellent care and that is what is important. I only have 67 days before I leave and I have a LOT to get done and this new fly in the ointment has been taken care of.


    I did not mean to offend. I'm not surprised that you and your dog are so close. My experience with kennels here in Australia is that they are not very nice for companion dogs.

    My 87 year old Dad has a poodle, Fabio, who sleeps with him, sits in his chair with him, waits under the table for some delicious morsel to 'accidentally' drop. Dad is a mad Saints supporter. Been trying without success to attach a photo - white poodle with red stripes. Spectacular. He doesn't seem to notice. Not even the red toenail paint :rolleyes:


  3. Why would you come here and put your dog in a kennel? You might as well leave it in the US with someone who will care for it and then bring it out when you are settled.

    BTW snamos...you are exaggerating. Remember the Savannah cat that customs insisted on getting a vet to check that it wasn't a tiger :ermm:

  4. Is that you karenbravo???

    There are different pants. Son's Thai gf bought them for me at the aforesaid Naka markets. It took a quick removal of waisband, unpicking the side seam and putting a long top over them and they looked great. (She never knew) Very voluminous with tight ankles. Must pull them out and finish adapting them...

    No, not sending a photo ermm.gif

  5. I found it very hot in November and needed some lighter clothes. Luckily son's Thai gf is a maven shopper. Her favourite place is the Naka markets. She also loves showing off Thai food which is in abundance there.

    It's hilarious to trail along behind her, tiny shorts, high heeled sparkly sandals, gorgeous, confident...there's lots of head swivelling.

    Couldn't find my way back there if my life depended on it. I think my son was a taxi driver in a previous life. Others on this forum should be able to give you clear directions if you're interested. Dresses $8...

  6. I just wish they had the History Channel, it shows "Pawn Stars" from Vegas, quite an entertaining program.

    I must keep an eye out for that one gom. Sounds fascinating!

  7. I find most of these places get a delivery of whatever and never test them, and send them to the customer without previously checking anything.

    and this is different from any bulk white goods store in any Western country? Open every box and check that what's inside works???? Or did I read that wrong?

  8. Perhaps you could take up a hobby, like knitting or crochet while waiting. Then there's all those games on my iPhone I never get around to. I never ever get bored waiting in a doctor's surgery. Must drive the receptionists from hell crazy :D

  9. scottydel

    You have my sympathy. Takes a while before you can get out of a chair without thinking long & hard about it... Two of us at work did it at the one time. You could tell who we were - the ones sitting backwards leaning on the back of the chair and taking ages with lots of groaning to get going.

    Do you not have a significant other who is handy with needle & thread? Get an ordinary pillow, chop out the bit not wanted, stitch it up. Even better with an overlocker.

  10. GirlinBrooklyn,

    There you go... you got some good advice from some lady's who have already done it. And not from some old retired fart. Enjoy your trip.

    Hey thanks Mrjih!

    I AM an old, should be retired, fart! My secret weapon is an expat son...

  11. When I first visited Phuket in 2008 I stayed in a hotel at Karon organised by my expat son. I was lucky that some people I knew had already been there before, so finding a favourite spot for breakfast was easy. The beach was beautiful. People there from lots of different countries. Traditional Indian women on the beach 'accidentally' falling fully dressed in the water. Hilarious. Taking photos of families on the beach. People were so friendly and I never felt unsafe.

    I used to walk past the local taxi/tuk tuk spot all the time and they got used to me so we politely ignored each other after a while. My son loaned me a motorcycle and I had a great time. I had to relearn to ride, not having done so for about 40 years... I have a Riders licence & the Thai police can read the difference between C (ordinary Australian licence) and R (for motorcycle riders) so beware. I never had any problems, though he was like a cat on a hot tin roof about me riding. The Thais were very considerate, or maybe they were shocked by a big old falang woman riding. :lol:His main advice to me was to watch out going downhill for concrete trucks with failed brakes coming behind. (His comment to his cousin 'How to get your inheritance early: put Mum on a motorbike')

    We loved some of the bars along the strip in Karon - particularly one with a very energetic band playing 60s music :whistling:There's also a couple who bring a young elephant during the evenings that you can feed and touch. They had a different one last time I was there.

    There are a few things to be aware of...don't sweat the small stuff. If your food doesn't come out like you ordered, don't say anything. They get very embarassed. And a lot of them are poor. They can't afford to waste food. You might also find something different you like. Only exception is for Thais - son's gorgeous gf is very strict when we eat with her. We're heathens and eat noodles for lunch sometimes but wouldn't dare when she's there :rolleyes:

    You can travel to other parts of Thailand cheaply. Son hates flying so we took the bus to Bangkok. Very comfortable and a great view of the countryside. We also visited the temples at Siem Reap in Cambodia. His Thai gf was amazed at the cultural and religious similarities. We were simply blown away.

    Hope you have a great time. Meantime enjoy the Phuket forum. There are some fascinating, intelligent, articulate, funny people who post here about all sorts of topics. I use it for research prior to returning.

  12. 'Although Mrs PCA thought it expensive'

    Yep. And you don't know why you can't get anyone to come & do some work for you.

    Slow learner here. Could refer you to some books to read. Starting with 'Private Dancer'

  13. Ever ask why they can't build a 4 lane road and an over pass at Central and Chalong Circle?

    Dunno about Central, but if they put a 4 lane overpass over Chalong Circle, what on earth would The Grinch and Lt [Word Polite Sons Shouldn't Use in Front of Their Mothers] do? They've spent decades practising their arm movements & whistles, let alone those skintight pants &

    shiny helmets. Then there's the fun watching harassed motorists negotiate 'Cone Hour'. LOL

  14. Get an iPhone. It backs up all your stuff. Yes, I know Apple own everything. Yes, I tried to pull the plug early (heading out fast do do an echidna release) and the dratted thing needed to completely reset itself. However it has a 'Where's my phone?' facility that allows you to clear it of all info remotely. And when you're driving along and the milk for the bat lands on it and it's totally stuffed, all your info is still sitting in your computer. Seamless transfer to a new one. (BTW Anyone know of an iPhone technician for the original one?)

  15. My objection to wind turbines is that they kill so much wildlife. Raptors in particular are unable to negotiate them. Microbats tend to splatter as well. Pity they weren't constructed with some mesh in front of them...

    Why not go for it! How is power generated in Phuket anyway?

  16. Simon

    Maybe you need an address in the Rawai post office area. I sent some (toy) koalas for my son's girlfriend which they attempted to deliver several times but noone home - my fault. On checking at the post office, they not only found them about 5 months later, but were only charged 7 baht. (Lousy boy should have tipped!!)

    She ended up with about 30 koalas, all of which I believe are in her car...

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