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Posts posted by LarryBird

  1. With your obvious knowledge, skill and experience why not offer to fix the problem and teach the engineers how it should be done.?

    Ever heard of a thing called Coincidence ?

    Original poster is ABSOLUTELY correct. The things they can't get right here like traffic lights are very old technology. Traffic lights are frequently out of service, and I can never remember once seeing one out where I grew up.

  2. Your Humble Leader would like to say goodbye to you all. It is time to move on and take the show elsewhere. I has been my honour to be able to give advice and share insight on living and prospering in Chiang Mai. I have enjoyed the banter as well as the differences we have all had.

    I wish everyone good luck in the future. Sincerely,

    #33, Larry Joe Bird.

  3. Notice how there is no within group censure or ostracism for their behavior. That's the environment liberalism promotes. It's funny, there have been a few pedos caught here in Thailand recently, and the general sentiment is that of disgust from the other farang.. We know it makes us look bad. Is there any such of a mood within the refugees? Probably not because they know it won't effect them. They know the liberals running the show will find a way to blame anyone but those causing the problems.

  4. Here's a good clip talking about Obama's tears.. http://https://youtu.be/iDXLcB1gZQo?t=513

    Personally, I don't like guns, but I am not interested in creating more laws, more ways for the government to arrest me, more agencies, and I will never be happy to have rights taken away from me. The only time I see it maybe necessary for new legislation is perhaps when a new technology comes along.

    In general, I would say the increase in violence is a symptom of social problems, not the presence of guns. I think as a people have more economic, and other freedoms, they tend to kill each other less.

  5. There is no Gun Show Loophole. Dealers have to get background checks, private citizens can sell their guns without the permission of the US Government. Semantics being used to deprive Americans of their rights. Private citizens should not be unduly burdened by Government Regulations.

    So don't you ACTUALLY think that is a loophole.. A guy can't pass a background check so he goes on Facebook and finds someone advertising their guns.. Click, click, type, send PayPal payment. Two days later in possession of a nice shiny AR15 and 5,000 rounds.. And you REALLY can't see a problem?

    Would he legally own the gun?

  6. Remember this guy is yet to be convicted of any crime.

    He deserves the respect of anyone who is innocent until proven otherwise.

    Was caught with images on his computer and phone, admitted to them being his and you and 6 others have doubts??

    Really?? Faarrrrrrrrrrrrr out!!!!

    I always wonder if these people would be happy to let their kids hang around this guy? Let's say he was out on bail, or perhaps he got found not guilty.. Would anyone let their children be around this man unsupervised?

  7. Remember this guy is yet to be convicted of any crime.

    He deserves the respect of anyone who is innocent until proven otherwise.

    No, no, and no. Let me help you see why. Assume you see your neighbor walk up and PUNCH your other neighbor in the face. It goes to trial, and the assailant claims they acted in self defense, despite your testimony. He also adds that the two of you had a beef a while back about your barking dog which gives you the reason to lie. Jury finds there is not enough evidence to convict beyond a reasonable doubt. Do you still treat the assailant with the respect of anyone else in your neighborhood? Or imagine being a victim of a rape and testifying against the rapist, only to see them walk away.. Innocent until proven guilty is in the court of law. Not public opinion, and certainly not an internet forum.

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