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Posts posted by LarryBird

  1. And anther story makes it onto the world wide web. With emphasis on world wide.destroying millions of baht in tourism income. Thais really are their own worst enemy....?

    Destroying millions of baht in tourism! How many people do you estimate cancel their holiday because of a story like this that is of no great interest to most news outlets? My guess would be 2 or 3, but probably none. I don't know if you noticed but tourism is still on the rise in Thailand. If I saw saw a story like this I would use it as a warning about Karaoke bars, not as a reason not to visit. I assume most people are similarly intelligent enough to reach the same conclusion.

    Not very dramatic or negative, I know.

    So do you think the story has a negative or positive effect on the image of Thailand? (Or the very unlikely neutral.) Events like this point to Thailand being a strange place, and of course give fear to the unknown. It's not just that someone's bike was stolen or something like that, it's just a very strange series of events, that puts a lot of uncertainty into a visit. People don't know if this similar sort of thing will happen when they rent a room or a car for example. As locals we know the places to stay away from, but for the average person that hears about something like that, they are going to think it's the norm across all businesses.

  2. This is a very good idea. People will drink less.

    I'm all for cracking down on underage drinking, excessively loud bars, and even violations of smoking restrictions. However closing a bar and taking away the alcohol permit for five years is extreme. According to this forum the penalty for serving underage drinkers a few months ago was closing for one month: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/847649-why-is-zoe-in-yellow-closed/page-2?hl=+yellow%20+bar%20+closed

    Is closing places for five years in accordance with established law, or is it being dictated by someone trying to impress his superiors with how tough he is on alcohol sales?

    Is it legal to close a bar for five years for not providing a smoking area? I thought there was a fine for illegal smoking, not loss of one's business.

    Sorry, Bruce, I was being sarcastic, and should have given more evidence I was being so. I think what's going on is crazy!!

  3. LarryBird, on 14 Oct 2015 - 10:59, said: I guess you are implying this poster is me, which it's not.

    Really? Why is this night different from all other nights? wink.png

    I wouldn't go through the time and effort required to post from somewhere else to waste my time on you.

    Really? Why is this night different from all other nights? LOL!

    Having already been suspended twice for stalking me, spending God only knows how many hours tracking down all my posts so you can hit the 'like' button so I get the notice, then unliking them again so they don't show up on the screen, visiting my 'profile' page day after day.... Larry, it seems as if you actually DO waste your time on me, and I'm flattered. Concerned about your stability, but flattered. smile.png

    I am guessing you are one of those people that says 'innocent until proven guilty'.

    Oh... My... God! Can you imagine?!? I'm one of THOSE! (I certainly hope my friends and neighbors never find out.)

    What a concept! Innocent until proven guilty.... Actually dealing with facts instead of conjecture born out of knee-jerk and often racist emotion.... Shocking idea, that, eh?

    The basis for virtually every modern justice system in the world today, yet you, in your ignorance, laugh at it.

    Larry, we can always count on you for a good laugh, even though it's usually at your expense.

    As usual, the point went right over your head, and this is going to be difficult for you to understand, but I agree with 'Innocent until proven guilt' in a COURT of LAW. Ok? There is however a difference in speculating about things on internet forum, which you don't seem to understand. Sorry that you missed the point, and ruined your good laugh, but people on an internet forum will tend to speculate on things before the decision made in court case two years down the road... Now, in Thailand, you may not be aware, but people will tend to pay their way out of having to go to trial, so we never see 'real justice' , or those 'facts to come out' that you seem to be so eager to wait for. As MaeJoMTB has already mentioned, a settlement has been awarded. You can wait all you want to see what that means, the rest of us will use our brain.

    Just an FYI as to why I even looked for this thread. There was a bad accident near my house, and I looked to see if it was covered on CM108. I scanned the site and saw the ziplining accident and thought 'oh wow, I wonder what old FolkGuitar has to say about this one?' And there you were chirping away with your usual view point.

    Anyway, you think I am so funny and stupid, I am open to an IQ test whenever you want. Tell me how many points you are willing to spot me as well, since you think you're so much smarter. If you are open to the idea, I will agree to leave the forum, if I lose, so long as you agree to the same conditions.

  4. Where is folkguitar when the Zipline killer Companies need him to defend whats going on in this mess of a country ... ?

    No doubt this shady Zipline business in CM will continue - Authorities dont care how many foreigners is getting killed cause of negligence from owner and staff bah.gif

    Only one thing to do : Stay away ...

    I'm right here, but I won't say anything until some 'facts' have been presented. You may wish to fly off the handle with no information, but that's not how I like to do things.

    Right now, the only things we are sure of is that someone died, and she had broken bones. We don't know if she died as a result of these broken bones, or before she fell. We also don't know WHY she fell.

    If the zipline company was at fault, I'll be more than happy to castigate them for their failure. Until we know the facts, I'll leave the mud slinging to you.

    So whose facts do we wait for and believe, those given to us by Thais as you always seem to accept as gospel or from an independent investigation which will never happen? Any derogatry comments or as what you refer to a smud slinging are not only justified but there should be a lot more of it. Only a real loser keeps backing other losers. No she more than likely didn't die from the fall, i am guessing it was the sudden stop when she hit the ground. Jeez!

    Only 23 posts from an account started a week ago, yet you know that I 'always seem to accept as gospel.' Remarkable! Don't you get tired of this? ROTFL!

    Please enjoy your derogatory comments, and don't worry about which name you post under. Personally, I'll wait for some more information.

    For all you know, she was stomped on by an elephant! Point is, you know nothing right now, except what you read in the very first post, and that amounts to almost nothing except that a woman is dead. So rant, rave, stomp you feet if you feel the need. I'll wait for more information.

    I guess you are implying this poster is me, which it's not. I wouldn't go through the time and effort required to post from somewhere else to waste my time on you. I am however glad that someone else has noticed your continued rush to defense of the proprietors in these circumstances. You have a track record of being wrong, which can easily be found out by perusing your old posts.

    Do you really have a hard time believing that in a country with a justice system as arbitrary as Thailand's, with roads as dangerous as they are here, that perhaps proper safety precautions are thrown to the wind in the name of a short term profit?

    Let us remember that 'golf isn't for everybody'. Some of us need to live on the edge a little bit, right? That tourists taking a risk and going on a zip line, are thrill seekers that want to actually have a realistic chance of dying? Similar to getting on a Kawasaki Ninja 650.

    Some of us realize that we will never have the cold hard facts come out, and so we have to use our own experiences and judgment to decide what we believe to be true, based on what is in front of us. I am guessing you are one of those people that says 'innocent until proven guilty'. So let me guess, if you lived next door to a person that was tried 5 times for child molestation, and was acquitted each time, you would still let your kids play with them.. Because, well, 'innocent until proven guilty!!'.

  5. I am NOT defending this a..hole of course and should be locked away safely forever, jail or institution.

    But Thailand and every country, creates these people, either parents, social environment, birth defect or any other reason.

    Everybody has a breaking point. Luckily most of us never get there, Those who do usually commit suicide or just do extremely heavy drinking/drugs.

    And sometimes, this shit happens, just like kids in the USA taking dads gun to school and shot away, but guess that is USA freedom and no gun control.

    Point is, the same situation as is everywhere where these things happen, but because it is Thailand on TV it is worse.

    Well at least Fox News won't spend 1 second on this story.

    I hope you don't think that was a quality post.

    One thing happening in another country has nothing to d with people objectively looking at a situation that occurred here.

    Me: Today my house got broken into!! Oh no!

    You: A bank got robbed in America, could happen anywhere.

  6. The problem with the hang 'em high folks is that you add absolutely nothing to the discussion. I'm sure it makes you feel better about yourselves to come on here and say what you'd do if it happened to your family and how you would take care of business right there, but it's not anything that anyone who has spent 5 minutes on a forum hasn't already read. Congratulations, you're the Mel Gibson character in a movie that takes matters into his own hands to seek justice. But really, if it makes you feel like more of a man or a father to let everyone know that you're ready to get out your battle axe and go to town, go ahead, and let us all hear about it.

    The real story here is that the person had spent some time at the psychiatric hospital here, and was discharged. Governments and societies need to decide on the proper handling of people like this. My own country fails in this matter, and a lot of people suffer as a result. As I have posted before, mental illness is a reality, and it's not something you can expect someone to just 'try a little harder' or something to overcome. Asking a schizophrenic not to be paranoid is like asking a blind person to hit a baseball, it's just not going to happen.

    It is also my understanding that schizophrenia is hereditary and is relatively proportional across all ethnicities, which leads scientists to believe it dates back to the beginning of mankind.

  7. As usual, tons of idiotic posts. Mental illness is a tough one to grasp for people who have never witnessed it first hand. If you're not familiar with schizophrenia, you can google it for your own research.

    From knowing someone with schizophrenia, I will say it's a tricky one. They can be quite fine and functioning within society, but then the symptoms will show up later, and you're dealing with a different person.

    Obviously this is a terrible tragedy, but the typical thai visa posts of recommending he get a medieval torture treatment are beyond stupid.

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