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Posts posted by Pattayaman

  1. Skydivers planning second world record in Thailand


    Some 400 skydivers seen here breaking a world record over northern Thailand 08 February 2005, are gearing up for a second attempt involving about 960 jumpers over Bangkok on Saturday

    BANGKOK (AFP) - Some 400 skydivers who broke a world record over northern Thailand this week are gearing up for a second attempt involving about 960 jumpers over Bangkok on Saturday, a representative said.

    The 400 skydivers from 32 countries on Wednesday set a new record for the largest connected formation skydive when they made a giant snowflake wearing suits in the colours of the Thai flag -- blue, white and red.

    And on Saturday, the skies over Bangkok's new Suvarnabhumi international airport will be filled with 960 parachutes as they attempt the world's largest mass free fall jump, said spokesman Patrick Passe.

    The records are among the many events planned across Thailand throughout 2006 marking the 60th anniversary of the coronation of revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Passe told AFP.

    In Wednesday's feat, the jumpers succeeded on their eighth attempt, having sucked on oxygen while inside five C-130 Hercules aircraft before leaping out at 25,000 feet (7,620 metres) and holding the pattern for 4.25 seconds.

    "It's very exciting and certainly one of the most difficult records to do because we had to jump so high," said Passe, a French professional skydiver with 13,000 jumps to his name.

    "We needed oxygen, and in the separation of the formation, 400 people had to move away to open their chutes safely ... and all land safely in the same airport," the 48-year-old said.

    An earlier formation featured 399 jumpers, but judges ruled one person was missing, so the teams boarded the aircraft again for their late afternoon attempt, which included a two-minute free fall.

    While the jumpers could "feel the record is there", Passe said, they waited an agonising hour while judges again checked video footage to ensure every person was in the right position before the celebrations could begin.

    Strange Toxin has not called Thailand the HUB of skydiving

  2. I was trying to do same in that I wanted to cut some trees on land that we owned and thought is a simple matter to get a chain saw and cut them.

    Not so. First it is hard to find a place that sells them because you must have a license before they can sell to you (legally of course). I was also informed that if you do find one and are caught with it and no license you will be deported.

    Upon hearing that inquiry to locals found someone that had a chain saw and would cut the trees for me for a very nominal fee. I thought the better of trying to find a saw for my own use after hearing the strict rules regarding having one, and the penalties involved if caught with a chain saw and not the proper licenses.

    It is too hot to do the work yourself anyhow, so find someone to do it for you.

    Or if you really want to do it yourself, hire him and let him sit under a tree while you do it...

    But not the tree you are cutting down :o

  3. Radio - radio

    I'd sit alone and watch your light

    My only friend through teenage nights

    And everything I had to know

    I heard it on my radio

    You gave them all those old time stars

    Through wars of worlds - invaded by Mars

    You made 'em laugh - you made 'em cry

    You made us feel like we could fly


    So don't become some background noise

    A backdrop for the girls and boys

    Who just don't know or just don't care

    And just complain when you're not there

    You had your time, you had the power

    You've yet to have your finest hour

    Radio - radio

    All we hear is radio ga ga

    Radio goo goo

    Radio ga ga

    All we hear is radio ga ga

    Radio blah blah

    Radio what's new ?

    Radio, someone still loves you

    We watch the shows - we watch the stars

    On videos for hours and hours

    We hardly need to use our ears

    How music changes through the years

    Let's hope you never leave old friend

    Like all good things on you we depend

    So stick around 'cos we might miss you

    When we grow tired of all this visual

    You had your time - you had the power

    You've yet to have your finest hour

    Radio - radio

    All we hear is radio ga ga

    Radio goo goo

    Radio ga ga

    All we hear is radio ga ga

    Radio goo goo

    Radio ga ga

    All we hear is radio ga ga

    Radio blah blah

    Radio what's new ?

    Someone still loves you

    Radio ga ga (ga ga)

    Radio ga ga (ga ga)

    Radio ga ga (ga ga)

    You had your time - you had the power

    You've yet to have your finest hour

    Radio - radio


  4. hi guys...

    i doubt very much that Thaksin bought all of his votes....

    Absolutely correct. I have heard from reliable sources that he received at least a hundred votes from his extended family for free.

    i also dont know of any other reliable leader in thailand at this moment in time... sure Thaksin has got rich.. or should i say richer whilst he has been in power, but lets not forget the man is in his prime and would had got richer anyway... thailand needs a leader... a capitalist leader, nothing is ever perfect but in my own humble opinion he is by far the best thailand has available right now.

    I didn't think Thaksin got richer, only his 20-something kids. They were the ones that got the windfall from governmental policies that benefited their, not his, business.

    and this other guy sontee should be prosecuted for inciting violence. there is a democratic procedure he can follow in thailand.

    I thought constitutionally-guranteed public protests and petitioning WERE democratic procedures.

    i can understand why a lot of expats dont like Thaksin... and those are mostly the types the Thai government ... or any government for that matter dont want on their soil....

    You're probably right about that. Can't have individuals from abroad encouraging accountability and questioning the corrupt policies of a host country. Other countries' leaders in the past didn't like them either, such as Marcos, Amin, and Noreiga. Better to have the docile, unknowing, and uncaring types.

    so perhaps its time to go home or show some loyalty to the country you are a guest in.... and if you must interfere in thai politics make sure you support only the democratic avenue.

    I think the best way to show loyalty to this country is precisely by getting involved in it, not running away. Thailand is a wonderful country that deserves better that what it has currently. I fully and solely support the democratic avenue to effect change. I don't recall anyone advocating un-democratic principals.


    Well said Sriracha John

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