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Everything posted by ThaiNotes

  1. There is a large group of languages which are closely related, including Assamese, Bengali, Bishnupriya, Manipuri, Chakma, Chittagonian, Hajong, Rangpuri, Kamtapuri, Rajbongshi, Noakhalian, Rohingya, Surjapuri, Sylheti, Tanchangya - all spoken in that part of the world. To assert that the Rohingya are Bengali just because they speak a language in the same family is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as suggesting that Spaniards are really Italian because their languages are similar, or that the English are really German because their language evolved from North Sea Germanic (Ingvaeonic).
  2. That's Tatmadaw propaganda and false. They originate from the Arakan region in what is now part of Burma, but historically was independent. See, for example, https://www.sociostudies.org/journal/articles/2759620/
  3. The Flashcard app on my site has four decks of flashcards covering 53 different family relationships. For each deck you can list the contents, so you don't actually need to use the flashcards. https://thai-notes.com/games/flashcardindex.html
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