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Posts posted by ginjag

  1. Oil prices aside,I`m afraid the Gulf carriers in many cases simply offer passengers a more pleasurable in flight experience and a far wider choice of destinations.In the case of Emirates,Newcastle,Gatwick,Manchester,Glasgow - for hundreds of Pounds less.

    If walking around some Middle Eastern airport for several hours in the middle of the night is pleasurable to you.

    I'd rather just get there.

    Emirates-Dubai or Etihad-Abu Dhabi, 1and 1/2 hour thats all to save those blood clots formng,

    Don't you think you were a bit over the top with your""walking around for several hours in the middle of the night""":lol:...This is what I like about Forum the truth always :lol:....you pay 60,000 bht----I would rather pay 35,000 bht on a NEW aircraft and have a stroll to my gate for my second leg. up to you eh!!!

  2. The article only puts figures to what everyone knew already. The only answer I can think of is to make it much more expensive to get drunk... in that respect, Thailand must be one of the cheapest countries in the world relative to the people's incomes.

    Learning through Forum there are so many big drinkers amongst them but not to say it's wrong, it's the ones who do not where to draw the line, or when to stop. suppose many think ---we don't want to offend so ==When in Rome do as Romans do :lol:== but here many Thais just drink through family teachings. Strong Laos whiskey at 95 bht a large bottle is not bad value if you want to be out of your head within 1/2 an hour. Triple the price for heavens sake.

  3. Do these Thai schools not do background checks... who knows what sick twisted Paedo's are teaching our children in the various schools in Thailand You can be sure he is not the only one..... F'ING DISGRACEFUL. Child molesters should be hung drawn and quartered no exceptions

    I agree but not till some of the parents have a little fun with him first :annoyed:

    I know what you mean but as a parent the last thing I would want to do is have sex with this man. I would make him hire a tuk tuk---take him to a jet ski hirer--- ride a motor bike without a crash hat--do a border run every day--buy a house in Issan for his boyfriend-- then do something about his problem here.:lol:

  4. The foreigners are probably trying to recoup some of the monies they have contributed to the welfare of the sick buffaloes over the years. Its a 'dog eat dog' world out there, getting tough to tell who is the f..kee and the f..kor any more.

    In a dog eat dog world it is imperative that you not wear Milk Bone underwear.

    (Google it)

    These things are happening on these love line sites, as it's easy to contact and easy to get hurt.

    But why the Thai ladies have to go on the sites to get a boy friend or a husband ?? why look for foreigners ?? is it because they like white skin, or the experience of him , or is he more than likely not going to knock her around, or is it his visa card ?? there are many Thai well to do men so why not go after them ??

    Then the other side of the coin, why do foreigners come here ?? because they like the colour of the skin, or the more petite lady, or are they more adventurous in the bed ?? or is it they can get a young lady for a small fee??

    The world out there knows that in general in S/E Asia that the ladies here are after a better life, and that means money and luxuries and love, being the case they are open to SHARKS, and are fair easy pickings. Maybe wave a bit of private or Political money around and they are easy led.

  5. Well here is another lot of opinion, who started the violence, if you were not standing next to the person who gave the order or next to the person who made a shot, then it is all your opinion who started it, that makes it bigoted opinion and that is the worst kind, for it is not open to debate. I wasn't there I do not know, even though I followed it on T.V and seen the U-Tube, but I was not there

    As I stated I have no political stance at all in Thailand, its not my country, but I have noted as an impartial observer, that Farang supporters of the Yellow (camp may we say) far accede the supporters of the (red camp) But the supporters of the red (camp) seem to be a lot more open minded and less prejudice.

    Before you make your comment: read what I have written as your comment will probably show I am right.

    I think you get a mixture on both sides. Some think that their side is as white as white, and it was all the fault of the other side.

    In reality, there was fault on both sides, and a quite a few posters see that, but post against the opposing sides "we were as white as white - it was all their fault" posts.

    If the red shirts had not stormed parliament and Thaicom before April 10, and not had their armed militia on the night of April 10, there might have been a completely different outcome.

    If the police/army had not allowed the red shirts to set up their petrol soaked, bamboo and tyre barricades and then, later, not allowed the red shirts to restock their burning tyres, there might also have been a different outcome.

    If the red shirts had not set buildings alight in Bangkok and the provinces they would be much better placed now.

    Who ever started the shooting on April 10, the question should be: Why were "peaceful protesters" armed with guns and grenades?

    Exactly, although there are two sides to all stories, --WHY block main roads - why occupy areas without permission, why the barricades if it's a peaceful protest and weapons??. Any thought about fellow Thai People living / working in the area--any thought about tourist-- Poor workers from Issan ???? they have time to neglect their crops and land and families ??? NOT CARE..no.== Paid mercenaries no less, sick selfish people ( Maybe they have a point to make ) but this way no. All whipped up by nothing short of nutters asking them to do something they cannot do alone. How some posters can overlook the staring facts--and someone asked a silly question about who fired the first shot, with what was going on it didn't really matter did it. one side dug in to stay illegally the army having the job to get them out as the situ was ridiculous, and dangerous to the country. If the police had been around to set up road checks-for tea money--no bamboos-no weapons- no tyres - another way to prevent but no action.

  6. So they are better then Lufthansa, Air France, KLM all American airlines etc.. they must be blind or on drugs at Sky trax.

    Yes, they are...

    Platinum cards are better than gold, and good airlines will greet you on board mentioning you by your name. Never had that with Thai.

    So please don't come the gold card routine, So many people have a high status card, get into lounges and priority check in, but only travel economy...sorry but true...B)

  7. Thaksin did indeed try to tackle corruption. It may well have been in order to feather his own nest but at least he tried to do something.

    I was interviewed by a special task force set up by him at Suan Plu trying to track down corruption amongst the immigration police. He also tried to take on the army and reduce their stranglehold. He should be applauded on both counts as police corruption and army interference are where the problems stem from.

    It was this that led to the elite, who were feeling the pinch, getting rid of him anyway they could.

    Immigration police - he was embarassed when it was revealed that a known terrorist was crossing regularly into Thailand.

    Army - his attempts to change the promotion list had nothing to do with corruption. He was trying to install/promote family and cronies as a means of securing his position, some think even darker reasons.

    He not only tackled corruption, he became a master of it - I'm amazed some uni hasn't awarded him an honorary doctorate!

    Or the hub of corrupt corruptors :lol:

  8. I also do NOT condone the action of Pad with the airport disruption BUT no one was killed and nothing was burnt to the ground and guns and weapons were not the force.

    Wrong, I recall a (yellow) "protester" was killed by a (red) grenade fired from a nearby highway ...


    My post was pointing out that the disruption was there but the demo was not violent on behalf of PAD.

    That really answers my post, so which demo was the most violent, and who were the main party involved to incite it ????

    Thai tourism suffered sure short term from the inconvenience, but it didn;t give tourist fear to come, not like the bkk burning occupation.

  9. 55555555555555 - Yingluk's little promise, B20,000/tonne for rice looks to be either a non-starter or a huge drain on the budget

    What's it gonna be sweetheart?

    Answer - Big smile "I'm sure the financial experts of PTP have looked into this and all our promises are fully funded."

    There goes that flying pig again!

    Ha Ha ---And the kids new toys, and the farmers are going to be rich in 6 months--But I think the country will be in good hands, a massive FAMILY whip round would be in order, I think Thaksin family will have to fund the Issan people to stay at home for a while after the election and get on with the farming, and keep your kids off school as much as you can so they will have no knowledge of what's happening at government level.B)

  10. Quote: "Last year the Reds brought Bangkok to a standstill with a two month-long demonstration that drew an estimated 100,000 people at its peak, and ended in an army crackdown that left more than 90 people dead."

    Shame that the reporter did not mention how the PAD brought THE COUNTRY to a standstill with it's occupation of the airport. Thailand tourism is still suffering today due to this.

    I didn't realise that the "Yellow Shirts" have overtaken the Democrats even.... tsk tsk.

    Estimated ###### 100,000 ??? who. local people = reds= army ?? tourists. Did you mention demonstration==shouldn't have been honest and said OCCUPATION ..had it been a demo and not a seizure of Bkk armed demo's are not the thing-looting burning also are not demo's--- This had more to do with the tourism than the airport closure. That was opened again and Asian numbers of tourists have vastly increased.

    I also do NOT condone the action of Pad with the airport disruption BUT no one was killed and nothing was burnt to the ground and guns and weapons were not the force.

  11. Bkkorupcountry #40

    I would NEVER yield to corruption and steeling - and why should my stance change, personally he is an armhole but it is not about the man, can you understand It is what he did here ??? it is you that seems to not weigh up the for and against thing, if you chose to employ Thaksin or Abhisit on YOUR checkout who would you employ-????????--Do you understand now why I would favour the Dems.

    It is here that counts and as I see it the reds will get in, that doesn't say it will be good, because of how it looks the Thai will shoot their self in the foot, Why don't you realise that the boss of the reds in a world poll re corruption he would be near the bottom of the list.

    I am a visitor here all I do on forum is to say what I think is right or wrong. I am not a democrat, but what I have to say about the red mob looks much like it.

  12. Once the malignant Red cancer has set its teeth into these poor, undeserving political pawns that these villagers have become, it would be tantamount to committing suicide to declare personal opinion or support for anything but the Red machine and it's poor little emporer in exile.

    Luckily outside these little enclaves in upper Issan, the boot is usually on the other foot and it's the Reds who have to be careful they don't get too militant, and show their support in a manner that allows for each person to be able to voice their opinion in a civil manner on their political leanings.

    These red ghetto's show that this fair democratic election is surely not one, normally a vote cast is private affair in democratic terms.

    This is totally different, it is a world heavyweight boxing championship with Tyson wanting a come back and our dear friend Henry Cooper the nice guy. Hence the reason most foreigners support the latter. The Mike Tyson supporters do not know anything about what will happen after the 3rd, as long as they get some rewards for putting the X where the BOSS tells them

  13. begin removed ...

    So I think the doomsayers are being paranoid about what will happen to Thailand should T come back into power. Life will go on as normal. There are enough checks and balances present in Thailand that will prevent any single one politician from getting away with too much. As a smart business man, Thaksin knows that and will therefore try to stay under the radar as much as possible.

    One of the reasons for the September 2006 coup was the machinations of k. Thaksin to remove checks and balances to make good on his promise that TRT could rule for twenty years. None of k. Thaksin activities over the last few years have shown the 'under the radar' attitude you suggest k. Thaksin will have as 'smart' businessman. <_<

    You don't think he will learn from his "mistake"?

    MISTAKE :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Shouldn't that be plural ???????....Revenge-why did he do wrong ???

    Leopards do NOT change their spots. No business person employs a sticky fingered person, with the fingers in the till. Come on face reality you pro Thaksin do gooders.B)

  14. 1.one party stated that they will purchase those factories produce core chemical for fabricating YaBa from India and China.

    Very stupid idea.!!!! it isn't the real solution. dont know how they could come up with it.

    2.Another promised the minimum price of a commodity , grain @ BTH 20,000/2,000 liters. the selling price in a retail shop will be 2 time higher than it is now. nope!!!!

    3.plus texis' & farmers' credit-card very Very bad idea.

    all these to gain Votes. = 29% in private sec. + Bt200 and 300 billion in public sec.

    Thai and Khmer's philosophy is "likewise"

    I know Cambodia and I have no doubt. the Chinese communist party is very serious 'bout corruption. though very little info. about the Filippines but they are notorious.

    Corruption is here to stay for years, it is impossible to sweep clean in the near future, as some posters are giving Abhisit a hard time for not stopping it, Could they stop it in a 2 year spell ??---With it being embedded in all sections of Thai society from top officials to Issan farm dwellers, Young educated kids are the only hope. My idea and grumble all along is that when we had the Thaksin dictatorial government, the top man Illustrated to the Thai people that it was normal to be corrupt, and gave them a good lessen into how to behave.

    Instead of teaching anti corruption he encouraged it. Hence the reason for him running away and now wanting to be back with the family again to get more practice.

    I watched the BBC interview with Abhisit and found the hard questions to him was not a big problem to answer, on the other hand Yingluck refused to be interviewed, but BBC did manage to get a few words with her at a rally, and her answers were similar to a school child.

  15. Oil prices aside,I`m afraid the Gulf carriers in many cases simply offer passengers a more pleasurable in flight experience and a far wider choice of destinations.In the case of Emirates,Newcastle,Gatwick,Manchester,Glasgow - for hundreds of Pounds less.

    The main reason I don't use Middle-East carriers is that they wake you up the moment you are sounds asleep, and then you have to walk around the airport like a zombie for 2-4 hours before being allowed to board again. No thanks, I use non-stop flights to Europe.

    My major issues with TG are: 1. the entertainment system, and 2. the seats. The seats will be fixed (repaired, upholstered again), but I still have to see an eco class seat with an individual screen with video-on-demend.

    Heck, last time I flew to Munich in business class I had to watch the main screen! Since then, I have avoided TG and wait for their new fleet. In the meantime, I clock up my miles on other Star Alliance airlines (SQ and OS are excellent).

    Whatever suits you, if you don't mind aged aircraft and high prices and want to be in the south of England good for you.

    If you want new aircraft room and up to date cabin stuff, along with a flight to your local airport go Emirates at far less cost. I don't mind being a zombie for 2 hours, getting circulation back to my body, It's healthier to have a break exactly half way home. What the hell is the point traveling Thai, if you live in the north of Scotland. ???.

    Is Scotland that country where the people have short arms and deep pockets? That was told to me by an Englishman.

    Being English I have heard the same, and we always say a Scottish man can hear a 5 pound note hit the floor B)

  16. The 6% of Thai gdp re tourism is way out, keep this silly stat, in the real world look at from the Airport down to transport resorts hotels-food alcohol wives and girl friends/boyfriends-houses businesses bars and bar persons attractions national parks temples boats islands I could go on for ages, one has to look at the whole thing rather than pick the lowest stat ever to highlight your point of view.

    Kind of little point in debating if you are unable to accept a widely & globally accepted figure compiled by folks whose job it is to understand how to compile and do so using commonly & globally accepted accounting measures. Of course, we all can ignore these official figures and believe what you have come up with from your thoughts while working the fields up north. By the way, since you are so sure it is not approx. 6% of the GDP what do you recon it is? And what proof do you have to show that areas you claim weren't considered actually weren't?

    How nice if your life just revolves around official figures,stats and comparisons with the U.S.A.

    I do have a apartment in a tourist area, and so I'm not confined to Bkk condo or similar, get around and look both sides of the fence. All farangs don't frequent bars and consume loads of alcohol.

  17. The 6% of Thai gdp re tourism is way out, keep this silly stat, in the real world look at from the Airport down to transport resorts hotels-food alcohol wives and girl friends/boyfriends-houses businesses bars and bar persons attractions national parks temples boats islands I could go on for ages, one has to look at the whole thing rather than pick the lowest stat ever to highlight your point of view.

    Interesting. The 6% is the official figure, and it includes for example automotive assembly, garment manufacturing, oil exploration and refinery, to name just a few that come to mind. To cite you: "one has to look at the whole thing", assuming that you mean the GDP when you say "thing". I am most interested in your research about the tourist industry, many many THB were generated last year, compared to the total GDP?

    I will recommend you to the academia too, as you are better informed than any of them.

    It was given out in forum that the figure was 10% and other people people said the official figure for tourism was part of a 47% under another umbrella. Manufacturing was near the top together with sea food and chicken exports/and not forgetting rice. but do you not think that it is IMPOSSIBLE to calculate the masses of hidden tourism spending. as all tourists here are not on 10 day holidays. The figures have to have many ????? and they have to be given whatever they fabricate. The whole thing is meant by all the other spending, do you think that all the money spent is given forward as tourists money (tourist income) Most Thais do not divulge monies collected. How on earth could anyone say these figure are correct, Knowing L.O.S. you would never get true stats.

  18. JDINASIA you state " I don't disagree now. Drinking alcohol is not a basic human right"

    Well I guess eating fish is not a basic human right either.

    I am over 18 and alcohol is legal and it is my basic human right to drink it whenever I want.

    You have the right to drink whenever you want. The ban is on the sale of alcohol, not the consumption of it. I am willing to give JDINASIA (with whom I disagree vehemently on another thread) the benefit of the doubt that he actually meant purchasing rather than drinking.

    The bad thing about most of these laws and bans are the law doe's not always apply in a vast amount of areas. We always look at the big venues where the law is applied, the problem is that the in most places you can purchase, meaning Thais can drink during the FAST. It doesn't mean to but it hits the tourist more than anyone who are on HOLIDAY not ex pats, or Thais. Like most things enforce the laws, and you will not get so many grumbles or problems, that applies to traffic-and transparency here. Mostly police problems.?:whistling:

  19. classic forum behaviour - of course 18.8 million people can be wrong!

    Voted by over
    18.8 million airline passengers
    100 different nationalities
    , the World Airline Awards™ are the most prestigious and respected quality recognition of front-line product and service standards across the world airline industry. With
    200 airlines
    featured, the awards reflect customer satisfaction levels across 38 different items of airline front-line product and service.

    retained their crown as the World's Best Low-Cost Airline

    Do you really think that 18.8 million people voted?

    Is 18 million about a third of the Thai population ?? sorry B)

  20. Personally I find the removal of anyone's basic rights in ANY country is a vile thing.

    LMAO -- better get Amnesty International to take a look at this situation.

    Who says it is your basic right to come to Thailand and go to a bar anytime you want regardless of the laws? Is it a violation of your rights when a bar is forced to close at 2am? How about no being able to buy heroin at the 711 is this too a violation of basic rights?

    What is vile is being a guest in a country and making accusations that this country is violating basic rights because somebody cannot go to a bar whenever they want because the country, like just about all others, have laws dictating when, where and to whom alcohol can be sold.

    You keep mentioning about the BARS and ex pats, and seem to have a thing about the two. I get the impression as you do mention them so much you forget to realise that normally the bars tend to be in Tourist areas, and few are EX PATS drunk in them, Ex pats are scattered all over the kingdom for your info-and not all are whiskey or beer swillers, that doesn't stop them having a voice on the subject. We really must not tar everyone with the same brush, and because foreigners have an right to have an opinion, doesn't mean that they they are always not satisfied, or as you say many times' why are you here'

    So because of 1% in Phuket have a vote logic is for a blanket closure. The 6% of Thai gdp re tourism is way out, keep this silly stat, in the real world look at from the Airport down to transport resorts hotels-food alcohol wives and girl friends/boyfriends-houses businesses bars and bar persons attractions national parks temples boats islands I could go on for ages, one has to look at the whole thing rather than pick the lowest stat ever to highlight your point of view.

  21. Remind me to never believe anything that Skytrax reports.

    Agree with you-Bkk-----Sorry but this must be a big joke, and I'm NOT Thai bashing.

    In a recent topic on Thai orders for a number of new aircraft..and reading further on it is delaying most because they do not have cash.

    This 5th best is ridiculous as the jumbo's on the long haul are so old some of the oldest flying..sure.

    it 's prices are way over the top, most planes have NOT been updated, individual screens for starters. I do now travel-Etihad-Emirates-Eva-Singapore-New Zealand-Cathay-many with A380's, there MUST be 20 Top airlines that HAVE to come before Thai!!!! Had this been in 5 years time with its new planes and comforts I could have said -'Possible' at this time NEVER

    We disagree over at the political threads but at least we agree here :)

    I fly TG almost every week but that's because I'm based in Bkk and logistically, it makes most sense and the airmiles help. There are some good flights and some really poor ones. Food is mediocre as is the service, even on business class (what, just one small tiny bag of almonds???). The business class lounge in Suvanabhumi is a complete joke though the free massages are great.

    I'm yet to experience business class A380 on EK but friends tell me that it's absolutely the bees knees, especially the bar at the back :)

    Good stuff, nice to talk, not flown for ages with Thai, although I am a member----Oh how I miss having them almonds,:lol::lol: agree the non Europe flights with the leased 777's and domestic airbus O.K.

  22. A great actor. Colombo was one of my favorite series.

    Brilliant man, eyes glued to the screen in the U.K. every time he was on. ''and just one more thing'' always made me smile----like "" did you say it rained last Thursday? '' then he used to go from the room---good stuff will miss the humour as well as the actor. Got his coat from an Oxfam shop ?:) memories.

  23. Remind me to never believe anything that Skytrax reports.

    Agree with you-Bkk-----Sorry but this must be a big joke, and I'm NOT Thai bashing.

    In a recent topic on Thai orders for a number of new aircraft..and reading further on it is delaying most because they do not have cash.

    This 5th best is ridiculous as the jumbo's on the long haul are so old some of the oldest flying..sure.

    it 's prices are way over the top, most planes have NOT been updated, individual screens for starters. I do now travel-Etihad-Emirates-Eva-Singapore-New Zealand-Cathay-many with A380's, there MUST be 20 Top airlines that HAVE to come before Thai!!!! Had this been in 5 years time with its new planes and comforts I could have said -'Possible' at this time NEVER

  24. You may want to recheck your facts. Last Thai General Election had 85% voter turnout. Compare this with the US at 57% and UK with 65%.

    Agreed at the last election, but 2 years earlier it was only 60.7 percent and that is the norm. The high vote in 2007 was due to "Thaksin fever".

    2011 ... expected 70% turnout

    2007 85% voter turnout

    2006 65% voter turntot

    2005 61% voter turnout

    2001 70% voter turnout

    This is an average of 70% over the last 10 years including or not including 2011.

    This is well above the percentage you generally see in the UK and US but if you think it is not high enough then Thailand might want to consider extending the business closure time to allow more people to get home to vote.

    But what is actually interesting is your previous comment about Thai bar girls not caring about voting. The numbers would seem to indicate otherwise since it is Bangkok that usually has the lowest turnout rate and the Northeast having the highest.

    God almighty-we are talking about 1% of phuket-voting---NOT stats on Big election day. TOPIC==' this weekend'.=== it always gives the Know-alls the reasons to defend this realm, Relating to the STATES. NISA what they do, amongst other things and to speak about people here who dont like the rules, why are you here -talk...So why bring the U.S.A. into the limelight all the time, you also are here by choice so you also do relate to the States so much, if thats the case why are you here ??

    Why the tourist areas are hit by a minute fraction is unbelievable, it's nothing to do with westerners who cannot wait a day or so without booze, (although some do find that difficult).

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