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Posts posted by ginjag

  1. May be an amazing dream but quite a lot of it is probably achievable.

    Personally I hope some of these targets can be reached because it can only make Thailand better and stronger.

    Interesting that the very same people mocking this were previously criticising Yingluck et al for lack of aims, targets, experience , vision etc etc.....

    Thailand would be a much improved country if any of the stated targets could be achieved.

    Any long term visions or statements of intent ( however improbably achievable ) from the ruling powers ????

    Old Ken never declared the income of his jam butty mines,:lol:

    Thought not.

    And I promise that I'll be the first man to land on Mars next year...... do you believe me?

    Ken Dodd was done for tax evasion, right ??

    I sincerely hope you are the first to land on Mars.........

  2. May be an amazing dream but quite a lot of it is probably achievable.

    Personally I hope some of these targets can be reached because it can only make Thailand better and stronger.

    Interesting that the very same people mocking this were previously criticising Yingluck et al for lack of aims, targets, experience , vision etc etc.....

    Thailand would be a much improved country if any of the stated targets could be achieved.

    Any long term visions or statements of intent ( however improbably achievable ) from the ruling powers ????

    Thought not.

    And I promise that I'll be the first man to land on Mars next year...... do you believe me?

    Give me a thousand bht and I will :lol:

  3. All the Pattaya tourists say they go there for the beach, when it is obvious that they have never seen it.

    TAT again, these people get paid for what ??? Pattaya ====This place along with Jomptien is very big indeed, The beach is always popular because it happens to be there, Thats all.

    In half a meter of water you cannot see your feet, the sand is brown and similar to the sand they use on the roads in England in icy weather==It's called grit. People do NOT come to Pattaya for the sand and sea, they only use it. Pattaya is frequented because of what is NOT mentioned, and other attractions.

    There are some lovely beaches around, if you just want a beach holiday only,- Pattaya is not where you would pay 50,000 bht to visit

  4. We came through Swampy last Sunday 9.00pm. Didn't seem very busy,all was quiet. Immigration officials waiting for punters?


    All this tourism B/Sh#t, because of the stats of figures out it was said 6% of dosh earned here was from tourism, so it's so small a figure tourism is really not important.

    I would say then if we tourists are a necessary evil, why not close Samui-Phuket-Pattaya C/Mai-national parks airlines, most transport, events, all the girl/boy bars, Thai seem to want Asians here, but it would be nice as all the rip offs would have to stop. Shame really tourism is not important to them here. They wouldn't miss the 65 million expected.:whistling::whistling:

  5. 800 baht is ok, drop in the ocean.

    I have only one 2 things to say to the whingers..

    1. Bring more money.


    2. Dont come here.

    Your on the AOT payroll, ???? people don't whinge at the ""drop in the ocean"" they question about the reasons, when they are a few of the top guns who are making money hand over fist--2 Billion just announced, no need to crawl and attack posters.

  6. And in oz, we have a right piss-up while we watch the results come in!

    Not to worry. once the polls close, you'll be able to crack open the Champagne and celebrate a PTP victory. cheesy.gif

    I suggest that some TVFers stock up on booze as they may need it to cope. violin.gif

    Suppose with PTP promises they must be piss#d, so we all should do as in Rome. Don't wash your red shirt too many times, it will turn pink, dear!!:lol::lol:

  7. Thai Platinum - has anyone noticed the new top tier Platinum card introduced by Thai? Invitation only so nobody knows what sort of mileage they need to do the reach this status. Probably another perk for the execs and their friends. I fly 15 business class international long haul trips with Thai every year and still didn't qualify. Transparency would go a long way to answering my questions!!!

    Typical eh!!! I opted out a while ago, they only want who they want for top perks, but can't you get off the bus ??? give your custom to someone who appreciates it, you spend a vast amount of money with them---I know as economy with them is the same price as business with other airlines.

  8. More toilets please!

    more Imm-officials---less touts--less AOT limo's--more taxis at realistic prices--1 meeting point--1 level for departures--1 level for arrivals--

    If they are expecting all these USERS then make it as simple as possible for arrivals to understand EXACTLY where they go on leaving customs, as there are several exits before the meeting point. so a person meeting can easily lose the arriving person. Similar to the Jomptien bus, instead of it being at arrivals -you have to go down a level to get a ticket and the bus. It is organised Chaos at times.----

  9. Be fair. The same types of regulations are applied elsewhere. I support these rules because it is intended to cool the rhetoric and calm things down. I hope you folks can appreciate that aspect of the intent.

    BE FAIR, try telling the Thais that, do you honestly think that Thais will not drink because they are told they can't ??

    Secondly all the money for vote buying has already been allocated. Normally to the village ( treasurer ) who then give it out to the voters, on condition that they DO vote for the person who DONATED the dosh.

    So thats why no one will be done for violating the polling rules, Drink bought already--money given already.

    I do realise the intent of the rules and what you mean--but reality here is another matter.

  10. A direct palgiarism of the Malaysian government's Wawasan (vision) 2020. And that was started back in 1991, giving 29 years to achieve it. Now Yingluck tells us she'll do it in 9. Thaksin copies, PTP acts.

    Has anyone noticed there have been NO pro reds answering this topic to date, are they shy about losing face, or is it that they cannot agree with the unthinkable ????

  11. It costs over 10,000 Baht to fly to Phnom Penh with Thai, almost the same to go to Penang. The last time I flew to Phnom Penh with Thai the flight was mostly empty.

    Here's an example of their crazy pricing :

    BKK - Penang - one way only - July 2nd - Cheapest seat 8925 Baht

    BKK - Penang - BKK - return flight using the same outgoing flight as above - July 2 - July 5th - Cheapest seat 8915 Baht

    So - it's 10 Baht cheaper to do a return flight than it is to do a one way flight.

    Something's wrong there !

    You could have gone one way to Stansted England with Air Asia KL-direct for that. no frills but true this year/promotion.-- Just to add the Thai carrier did say they are 80% occupied on flights ????:whistling:

  12. If you believe the incredible tourism figures that the TAT and government come up with, there wouldnt be a single hotel or guest room availabe in LOS all year round. 65 million divided by 365 days =178,000 people a day ! divided by an average plane load of say....150 passengers = 1,187 plane loads every day!!!! What !

    Many hotels in LOS are heavily discounting because there a fewer coming here.

    Cool down man this is TOT talking and they only spout bull...........t

    Expected was the numbers mentioned, likened to expected the poor will be rich in the near future==expected corruption to end soon=expect the Baht to be devalued, TAT comes up with the word EXPECTED, Like all farangs are expected to leave Thailand broke.:sorry::cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

  13. Bangkok apart, it beats me why London remains so popular. magnificent and lively city that it admittedly is, it is Incredibly expensive, congested, over-crowded and, in IMHO not particularly friendly. I was born there (Greenwich) by the way, but would never want to live there again and visit it rarely these days.

    Any fellow Englishmen wish to support our great capital city?

    Ex Soho dweller was I, These are stats we have to remember, now we have all these sites to get them from, posters are becoming more crazed with them, problem being they are not from 1 major reliable source.

    Just to add did you leave the U.K. at the same time the Cutty Sark was torched ?? :lol::lol::lol:

  14. Why is "Not increasing fares" a news story, or rather a non-news story?

    This will give the stats posters something to look up. I believe that when oil was 150 dollars a barrel, Thai prices were LOWER than now, YES look it up. Therefore oil being 90 a barrel prices should be 30% less. Are Thai trying to con the passengers, I stopped booking Thai because of many things but the main reason was PRICE. You are supposed to be 5th in the world and you could be 1st if you were more competitive --and of course had a new fleet.

  15. They must have counted all the Red shirts from outside Bangkok for all the cumulative days that they spent in town.

    50k x 40 days.

    I'm sorry but to mention the Red shirts in any post even if the topic has nothing to do is kinda boring, and, by the way, your joke (if it was a joke) was not so funny.

    Topic: Rain is coming.

    Your post: Well, it will cool the Red Shirt mind.

    Topic: Vaccine against malaria.

    Your post: No need, if a mosquito bite a Red Shirt, it will die immediately.

    Topic: Red Cross fair

    Your post: Red shirt fair is at Rajaprasong.

    I am not dissing the red shirts in any way. Loosen up. Maybe they counted the army who came from out of town also. Maybe all the overseas reporters are in the stats too.

    If you look a the logic of saying that Bangkok was the 3rd most visited city in the world with 11mn visitors last year, but that the total tourism arrivals for the whole country were 17mn (including all the day trippers crossing by land), you would arrive at the fact that the total amount of visitors who actually entered Bangkok was nowhere near 11mn. Hence, wondering where they got hold of such a grossly inflated number, one can only assume that since there was a large influx of people (who normally wouldn't stay in Bangkok) maybe they counted the protesters, and possibly the army, and the BBC and CNN.

    As for another strange stat, claiming that Bangkok alone made up 14bn USD of revenue, of a total GDP of 520bn, and yet the government claims that tourism only makes up 6% of GDP, shows that the entire statistical analysis of tourism in this country is complete bunkum.

    Good post my man!----my point from an earlier post about the 6% crap, but was shouted at for not believing stats by the google/stats posters..........................something smells about these worldwide stats. Airline ==BKK==TAT==AOT-----please.

  16. They must have counted all the Red shirts from outside Bangkok for all the cumulative days that they spent in town.

    50k x 40 days.

    :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Would be interesting reading if I hadn't read about Thai In Airlines being 5th in world. And everyone says international visitors are way down, crying out for tourists, but these figures would have made them No 1, hadn't it been for the domestic disruption :lol: But I am repeatedly told I have to believe in stats, not what I think, or do or see, just treat them as gospel so I present the bronze medal to BKK.

    It would be nice if totally true. (survey by Mastercard, if you have one !!!!B)

  17. As I understand it AOT should be collecting monies from King Power and other outlets, as they are very expensive for a ( developing country )

    Vast amount of BMW's and Mercs galore stood doing bugger all, and drivers stood about. What improvements??? to a new flagship airport, built for the Thaksin regime. The aviation hub of Asia.

    Really good sound thinking at this time when everything is suffering, Does TAT approve ????? all the crying about tourism, when the cost of a barrel of all is pretty low now compared to it's 150 dollars app-of yesteryear. When it comes to Timing Thailand must still be using an egg timer.

    SO sell some limo's----and rent some space to GOOD companies in opposition to K.Power and the likes. Amazing sure.B)

  18. If you are going to eliminate corruption you need to have non-corrupt law enforcement. If you want to get rid of corruption in law enforcement at the highest levels then you need to start at the bottom level and prevent those in law enforcement from being corrupt the moment they enter the police ranks. The only way to keep police honest from day one, while attracting the best candidates, is to pay them more than a start salary of 7k a month (typical in BKK, maybe less elsewhere in Thailand). However, I believe they can live free in the barracks but doesn't help much for those looking to raise and support a family.

    If you look around the globe, I think you'll find where there is honest police, you'll find they are taken care of by their government. I believe the current starting pay for a police officer in the US averages $45k a year but this doesn't include over time and other perks or that some officers in bigger cities end up making more than $100k a year. No doubt their are corrupt cops in the USA but I think it would be near impossible to find one willing to take a $3 (let alone $100) bribe to avoid a ticket during a traffic stop. It just wouldn't make sense to lose their job, pension or benefits to do so .... especially after going through what is requires to be a police officer.

    Mexico is similar to Thailand in having corrupt police and why military intervention is often needed for what would normally be law enforcement activities in other countries.

    Thailand is a developing nation and things like low pay and corruption are the norm for such a state in a countries history .. especially in a country such as Thailand with such a very low unemployment rate. They need to address issues like corruption but it is going to take time and a series of small steps that have already been ongoing for a while now.

    My Idea is that it is at the top you should start to frighten the ringleaders, others will be afraid to act. prosecute no wholes barred. Demand the police to act accordingly and later reward, as a wage rise without conditions would not stop police corruption.

    Agree that recruits should have good training upon starting.

    The reason I would not agree Nisa is that if you did start at the bottom, how long would it be before it worked--and also the corrupt above the new would bribe and blackmail, with no promotion in sight until they conform. The same idea with drugs-hit the top people -stop the imports-it will stop the buying and using. I know easier said than done. YES pay more but prove how good you are first-as in government departments.

  19. Some how I really doubt America is worried or nervouse about the outcome. And really please, the only reason Thailand helps America with anything is because all the aid America gives to Thailand

    The same as all those years ago when the banners used to go up on Beach / centre road Pattaya, saying WELCOME to the USA sixth fleet it wasn't they loved Americans it was then the money is in town.

    It was a known fact that phones were used constantly pleading with the north east to send your sons and daughters down. The nervousness felt would also be because of a turn for undemocratic government emerging.

  20. I am fedup hearing the typical coments such as "pedos are the scum of the earth and hang-em comments" reason being people dont know the full surcumstances of these cases. There is a very thin line between natural human attraction and a genuine feeling for kids (parental instincts) and just tipping over the line into touching and wanting to hug the kid etc... I would say that a lot of pedos fall into this catagory and their common scence goes out the window when these natural emotions take over. Of course when a man actually forces a young kid under 12 into full on intercourse this is wrong and has to be policed but there is that thin line we must be very careful about. There are thousands of wrongful imprisonments around the world because of this wrongful assessment and we should keep a level head and not brand ever single male who has feelings and is attracted to kids. When the posters of these over reactionary comments know the facts for sure and there has been a heinous crime committed then let the comments roll in by all means.

    In this day and age parents are wary of touching their own in case someone suspects. I'm afraid it is coming to that. If ever I am =example on the beach and am approached by a youngster, instead of speaking, or even smiling, I am inclined to turn away.

    The natural thing normally would be to say hello, etc. but in this new world it's a no no. If you are with a wife/gf it is not looked upon as (odd) even a single lady no one would suspect a thing. On the other hand a single man is regarded as a suspect.

    It is a pity that a smile or a nice word is sometimes classed as wrong. There are single people who never had a family do look sometimes at a youngster and wish he/she was theirs.

    ON TOPIC. if you find a child attractive look but do NOT touch. For all the pedos out there who intend to interfere or even interfere the sooner you are stopped the better. To my mind it's an incurable state of mind-some form of containment to me is the only remedy.

  21. Its as hideous as drugs...should be banned, nothing worse than standing next to someone on the BTS or a confined space and smelling the wreak of booze....disgusting habit...

    Congratulations, you get the idiot of the week award for the most innane post.

    Alcohol is as bad as drugs? Ya-ba? Yet, alcohol is processed and treated by ones body as a food. Much like simple sugars.

    Unlike your post, in moderation, alcohol is harmless and even beneficial. Harvard compiled a study on MODERATE drinkers vs. non-drinkers and found that NON-DRINKERS had a higher rate of heart disease.

    I hope not but according to your post, this Sat / Sunday there will be a lot of heart attacks, and 2 weeks after that it's the religious 2 days......not healthy days :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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