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Posts posted by ginjag

  1. ....."Prime Minister Abhisit was not elected by the people to govern Thailand. He was appointed after the illegal overthrow of an elected Prime Minister in 2006, Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra"...

    Quite uncredible... when it comes to History, people really have short memory!

    My memory isn't that bad,that a con man-convicted with some family and others were ousted. the illegal overthrow had to be,

    Didn't get your drift about the present P.M. are you saying it was wrong the way it all transpired, or are you saying you don't like the present set up ? or don't like the man (p.m.) who is doing his best amongst a load of baboons till the next election.

  2. I would not be surprised if the mother, 29 now, will be a grandmother at 30.

    This photo displayed-I thought it was the girls mother---then I thought the mother at 29..well it couldn't be her even. I put the age of the photo person about 42 ish. ? a 14 year old helping to operate fairground rides. (not in class then) amazing. I wouldn't want to see a bad outcome to this and hope that she can be located and is safe. But again this parental control in Thailand, and upbringing in general--lost for words again. This CHILD....mmmm...looks like she could be enticed easily to go off with someone. This is a bit personal, but I really don't mean bad....... hope all's well .

  3. Too many previous posts to pick someone to quote, but I'm with the general consensus here... What a bunch of crock of sh!t..

    Journalism? I think not

    Baseless argument? I think so...

    Yeah, should have stopped after Pattaya - breaking news...

    Entirely agree, this topic is stupid, in any case most Thais don't know WHAT Egypt is, or where it is. Geography is rarely taught here. So the red shirts would definately not understand. Thais are too interested in themselves here, and what they can get. The outside world could be on the moon for all they care.

  4. Too may bloody droogs I think....:whistling:

    Well I think for all the posters that are harping on about this guy re. Drugs ,drink -it's his own fault, and other shizen comments, I said before,Look at his photo again in the (cell) no not a cell, it was worse than a pig pen. No matter how he got in the situation, he should never be in the condition-as per photo. He was clearly on deaths door, having chains on-attatched to the cell bars, when he could never even get the energy to sit up, naked-starving to death-the world outcry of people in p.o.w. camps in similar situations. It made me feel sick. I couldn't care less attitude of posters ugh !!! This is Thailand, but, the chief of police wants the sack, and other people in government positions the same, ( who knew about this) Not even a cover or second hand clothes.This day and age-this is a no go. Super publicity for the land of smiles. He got hiself into it-we know, but no one should accept this. Sick police ?????

  5. I suppose the British Embassy are fed up of trying to help people suffering self-inflicted problems via drugs and alcohol. I don't really blame them. They wouldn't have time to do anything else if they helped every down and out Brit in Thailand. It's time that people learnt to take responsibility for their own actions and not expect the Embassy and taxpayer to help them out.

    It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries.

    Where were family and friends? Shouldn't they be the first line of help? It's easy for people to criticise the British Embassy, but I don't see many stepping forward to offer to help these people. If you think this is so tragic, then why not volunteer your services to help out? Many on here have plenty of time on their hands. Maybe that time would be better spent offering some actual help to people instead of sitting in front of your PCs criticising everyone else.

    And I'm sure Brits are fed up paying their taxes that pay for the embassy staff's western wages, private schooling for their children, accomodation, air fair, expenses, parties/events/social engagements, etc - when they lift barely a finger to help their citizens when we are in desperate need. Why shouild anyone volunteer when they already pay for it? If I pay someone to paint my house, should I then paint it myself when they decide to paint thier own houses instead with my paint?


    What you are neatly leaving out is that you hired a mentally disturbed painter who may just as well have run all over the neighborhood naked sprinkling your paint up and down the block thinking that it was akin to playing in the rain. But, it's still all his fault, right? In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate.

    Erm not sure you undertood the analogy. The "painter" was the government employees who are paid and tasked with protecting and looking after the interests of the UK and it's citizens here. Not sure why you think the consular staff would be running around naked playing in the rain - maybe you know them better than I???

    The point I was making is that if I pay someone to do something, then why should I have to "volunteer" to do it myself? He paid his taxes, his fellow countrym men pay their taxes (in general), and the people that are paid to protect them and their interest abroad from these collected taxes- indeed are even brought here and housed etc for that very task - shirked their responsibility in a most shameful way. Why does it matter that one of the people that paid into the system is having a hard time mentally?

    "But, it's still all his fault, right?" erm , No - I did, in fact, not even mention him at all in my post at all.

    As to the rest of you comment "In that case I would say to you, you put your money in and you got what you got. It's up to you, mate." I am at a complete loss as to what it is supposed to mean. Money? What money did "I" put in? Where did I put it? What did I get? What is up to me? Mating?

    Have we been drinking perchance?

    Ha Ha :lol: ............couldn't help but laugh sorry....wolf- I have an idea DUM didn't understand your meaning.

  6. Look, this is so simple. When a man is in jail and being chained to the bars in the nude and being fed crackers.

    What is that?

    You people who defend that - are the ones who need a reality check.

    Because he used alcohol & drugs..... yeh sure ....he needs help...... not torture.

    That woman is a saint. His Government let him down.

    That is my my only point

    Brill-Preman, You only have to look at the prison photo.........likened to prisoner of war horror, No matter what he did, has nothing to do with his state in jail--it's discusting, inhuman, in fact the lack of feelings from the police-or-the embassy is embarrassing to say the least. I can understand some comments about peoples lifestyles, but..... some of your posts seem a bit heartless, or maybe you didn't see the pics ????

  7. Let's see if they get it, if not, i suspect tanks will be rolling outside government house with a protest of there own.whistling.gif

    For starters get rid of 2000 generals/or equiv. U.K. has 200 ish--Thai 2200. same army numbers (estim) what are they doing with their time ???? I would agree to the purchace of sniper rifles, aircraft parts to repair, SOME tank replacements, equipment to help the South problem. Do these jackets last only 5 years, maybe if nobody takes care. The Thai thinking is not to take care of anything, Home painting and maintainence,motor bikes, roads, farrangs. Look at the situation with a hundred aircraft unflyable, not repaired before WHY,....some of the generals wages saved will in 1 year will pay for a lot of this stuff--make em wait in line --other more important things have to be paid for first.

  8. Has the minister just come out of a long coma ?.......Kids.aged as low as 11, I would suggest force feed the drugs to the parents. If they are not already addicted themselves. Its discusting when top health people are in denial-they already know most of the merchants, most are high level / businenss/ with the bib involved--get these and the small time handlers will find it difficult to obtain stuff. BUT I realise its not as easy as I am suggesting. Most people will shout it's education. Kids dont want to know-they don't like being told what to do. So its out of school 3 on a bike -no hat-fags lit up-and off to find a quiet spot to enjoy ..

  9. the last outbrake of the bird flu was in 1969 (the singapore one) and not in thailand.

    that some 100 chicken died from an unknown cause is hardly the reason for the national warning.

    probably the higher risk is from the "swine flu" - for the last 2 months in the nothern europe thousands were in the intensive care and tens have died

    Didn't like 20 people die from bird flu around 2005 in Thailand?

    Yes a big outbreak then, and on July 28th 2006, a young man-17 years died in Phichit. He was the 1st after that initial outbreak.

  10. Certainly, you ment those 'INSANE' self protective laws.

    Foreigners can't buy land - what are we going to do - take it somewhere on a plane..??

    It would seem more reasonable that the Bangkok snobs don't want any Nouveau Riche, former farmers joining the country club...

    Got to agree with the Thailand policy of not letting foreigners buy land.

    NZ has let them buy up land and tracts have been bought and closed to access to NZers.

    Hay there were whinges not long ago that the Baht was to high now it drops there are more.

    Can never keep everyone happy.

    Foreign ownership of land is self destructive for any nation especially poorer ones . Sudden purchases of large quantities of land , housing or agricultural , will raise prices quickly increasing costs associated with agriculture and other producers . Higher housing costs as wealthy foreigners buy more and pay higher prices without regard to the locals or what they are doing . Foreign companies are allowed to operate and can form Thai pty ltd companies and do contribute in this way through taxes etc but also create issues by paying Western employees far higher wages than the Thai people and again do not see that it creates issues . If Western Employees are to be employed in Thailand then consideration needs to used with regard to wages etc , Paying higher wages to the Thai employees must be carefully considered with regard to knock on effects and I think closer ties with the Government and the economical situation is best for locals . Selling your land to foreigners is akin to giving away your rights . I am an australian and today to much of our land has been virtually given away to foreign mining companies , foreign agricultural producers and wealthy owners of domestic and rural land . Not a good scenario for the locals nor is it for our Governments who reap a pittance in royaltis and taxes from their sell out to foreign companies . Thailand is smart and is controlling this in an intelligent way for the benefit of Thais . More power to them .

    Strongly agree with both Robby and Phil regarding foreign land ownership. Allowing foreigners to own land unfettered would be extremely short-sighted, incredibly destructive to the long term health of the nation and its citizens, and the ultimate sell-out by any government official who would allow such a thing. Things are fine just the way they are.

    Agree about it could be destructive for a nation, But a large amount of people who have (settled here) and put billions into the economy. Building a small home for thai wives-and kids, there is a case to be considered, for small plots of land, just big enough to build a home. NOT for the greedy land grabbers who want to buy-these are the ones who put nations into difficulties. I think small plots are not unreasonable requests.

  11. True they have not killed a passenger yet..... but with the increasing levels of inflight defects, How long will it be before they loose a plane.

    I have been flying with Thai air for a few years now but this year I decided to use Qantas for domestic travel in Australia. The first thing about Business class is that they use similar size seats as they do in Thai economy class, but much older and they even come with food stains on the backs of the seats. I sat in my seat and it rattled in its floor clamps and the seat folded back onto the person behind me with the smallest effort. I shook other seats and they all rattled in the mounting clips. The plane also showed other signs or poor matinence or cleaning with many of the smaller fittings not refitter correctly leavind a raised section on the corners, Even the escape door plastic cover for the handle was repaired with clear gaffa tape, I wish I had my camera.

    Mabey I am used to using Thai airways for international travel and domestic in thailand...... mabey they really have reverted back to cattle class on everything.

    I think in 10 years when I fly Quaint arse again it will be just a tube with hay on the floor for the passengers. Cost savings and they can fit more passengers if they make them all stand up.

    ..... I don't understand why people still fly on Qantas coffins.

    The fact that Qantas has not had a fatal accident since 16th July 1951 may be a contributory factor.

    There will be question marks regarding travelling Qantas, recently the incidents have been quite a few, But their record still stands good,--Now David_dyer Thai flyer, you are sort of saying Qantas is a bit dodgy--Ha, look at the Thai record-and compare, compare the ages of the thai and qantas aeroplanes, Qantas are far ahead on updated -on board-and aircraft. If I had a brain-and I dont have--I would prefer Qantas-----------but I travel, Etihad-Emirates-Eva, think better chance of survival,in general.

  12. Do I understand, that if I drink too much and take a taxi to go home safely, I will be punished for doing so? This seems to me to be the utmost stupid ever law in this beloved country.

    We either think alike, OR you didn't read my post on this page, if you read it you could have agreed, rather than =near =copy the jist. and even using the word stupid. If you didn't read my post or missed it ( its only a few posts before yours though) sorry for this. I feel better when someone is thinking the same.

  13. I would assume that the exceptions for taxis and sonchaows will be ONLY for passengers being intoxicate.

    Drivers are still at 0%

    Hello all you passengers who want to do the law abiding thing and have a good drink, and have someone drive you home. Sorry you will have to walk, and get the police to stop you and arrest you for being intoxicated in a public place. This sounds another really good STUPID idea. But if it applies to drivers only and it is applied o.k.

  14. Herein lies the problem:

    If you hire a ladyboy based on how "feminine" their looks are, then you will be discriminating against the ladyboys who are less feminine looking.

    This issue can not be decided on ladyboys who look most like ladies, because then technically, it defeats the purpose of what a ladyboy is all about.

    It narrows down the transgendered into a definition of "looks" and not "choice", and subsequently discriminates against more masculine ladyboys who will never be able to look like a female runway model.

    If you ask me, this has nothing to do with fairness or recognizing the 3rd sex as legitimate. It is an advertising ploy to trick people into thinking that PC Airlines cares, when in fact it is simply hiring, to all intents and purposes, men who look, act, sound, and behave exactly like ladies; and to hell with the transgendered who are not fortunate enough to pass judgment with their looks.

    I vote this down as being unfair to the majority of ladyboys who have some semblance of masculinity, because we are sending them a message that they are not "real" transgendered and will not be recognized as such unless they are exactly like natural females, and indistinguishable from detection.

    I hope this makes sense.

    This does make sense, should be an outcry about the airlines attitude, If they wish to employ they should accept who they see fit to do the work, experience, pleasant, clean, and appearance. does it matter what sexual orientation ?? This is a publicity stunt gone wrong to my thinking. People are asking for trouble when they try these"we are flexable" campains.

    If I am being served on route, sure I'm not going to say ( excuse me -but are you-you know-thingy) Ha :lol:

  15. In major cities all over the world there are lady boys. All over Thailand there are lady boys. A very small percent of them are prostitutes. Your suggestion that they are prostitutes does them a great disservice. I have seen too many young children who were lady boys to think they had anything in their minds about the P4P industry. It is only your prejudice.

    They may be not accepted in your part of the world but they are accepted in the US, UK, Australia, Italy, France and Germany.

    Why are there so many lady boys in Thailand? If you look at Thai history especially Thai traditional dancing you see evidence of feminine male dancers from hundreds of years ago. I could speculate why but suffice it to say Thailand has a long and honored tradition of men dressing up like women and dancing.

    That long tradition has spawned the modern lady boy culture.

    Your statement that transsexuals are not accepted is not true in most of the western world. Estelle Asmodelle, actress, author, dancer & Australia's First Legal Transsexual, Courtney Act, singer, gender illusionist, Australian Idol semi-finalist, Pauline Pantsdown, Australian drag queen and musician. A more complete list is below.


    Accepted???? where???

    Your list is not even 000.1% of the total population on earth.

    Even take Australia for example, there are a handful of "artists" compared to thousands.

    Again when you say ladyboy, do you refer to MEN dressing as WOMEN or MEN having the surgery to be WOMEN.?

    Take the first guy from your list Courtney Act. His real name is Shane he is a young kid no surgery's nor does he live his life as a woman.

    I know him personally from when he was 17 years old.

    He is a gay guy who dresses in DRAG and does shows, however lives a life of a man.

    He use to work for vodafone as customer service AS A MAN, he goes out to clubs like Stonewall, Arq and Midnight shift AS A MAN, unless he does a show.

    In Sydney, there are approx 6 real ladyboys while everyone else is a man who dresses as a woman, but are gay

    So as you can see i may know little more about the world then you may think.(Perhaps having owned, operated and manage a number of gay venues in Sydney for 6 odd years, gives me a little more insight into the world then just general observations)

    You have seen too many young children who acted or behaved to appear GAY you did not see any children-boys who were actually living their life as girls, unless parents encouraged it.

    A very small % are prostitutes??? when was the last time you visited Pattaya or Patpong or Nana or another 100's of places around Thailand?

    While in the village, boys acting like girls may not be prostitutes, but once they hit the city's and try to get a job- things very quickly change.

    It is NOT common to see ladyboy NOT Gay guy working in 7/11 or large retail chain. There is 1 in Carefour, 1 in Friendship, and few in different family marts or 7/11 and also i think 1 in Pattaya Memorial Hospital in Pattaya, while there are 1000+ all over the bars.

    Ever seen ladyboy working in the bank serving customers? and i mean ladyboy not gay man.

    I was at Lamtong mall last week. I counted 5 lady boys working there. I saw 6 lady boys in college uniforms on the bus during the last month. I have seen at least one lady boy at those facial places in upscale malls, Wattana something in three different towns during the last month. I look because the uniforms are cream colored short dresses and heels.

    At the Tesco Lotus where I shop there are 4 lady boys employed. At Big C in Ranyong 5 or 6 that I can remember.

    KFC has some cute ones except for the tattoos.

    I am calling a lady boy a male who dresses as a female for work.

    Your idea of gender reassignment to be called a lady boy is silly. That is a trans gendered person not a lady boy. Most lady boys keep their tackle because the husbands or significant others like it. I know a number of lady boy teachers.

    5 and 6 year old boys in schools who wear skirts not shorts are lady boys, sorry, this is real. Their parents must approve who else would buy the school uniforms.

    A short search on the INTERNET located quite a few lady boys in Sydney. A lot more than six.

    Thats why I wanted to define lady boy to begin with. I am not now nor was not talking about surgically trans gendered people.

    Banks? I don't know. Not at the ones I go to but I will look closer and get back to you.

    PS a guy who does drag shows and likes males to sleep with is in my mind a lady boy.

    Ok, so now we have cleared it up. I DO NOT call man dressing as a woman a lady boy. I ONLY call man who have had some kind of surgery(being breasts addition or another part removal) and hormone treatment a ladyboy.

    The quick search on Internet located man who dress as women and i have already posted for you about one of those man.

    Since Google search does not tell you about their private life, i am not sure how you would call them ladyboys, simply because being a lady boy (term used by you or me) could be just their job NOT their life and again Courtney Act was a perfect example of thatbiggrin.gif

    But even with the amount you have seen in your neck of woods, is just a tiny %., my examples were of Pattaya and the majority are in the sex industry

    Who has the right definition of "lady-boy" ?.............To my mind here in asia a lady boy is a youth/man. who acts effeminate in general... Its not if he has high heeled shoes on or even make up. The person his self, shows to all he prefers to act as a female. He may well never even give it a thought about having a sex op. Thats up to the individual. It's about how comfortable they feel with their self.

  16. Took these this afternoon for all the poster's on here who have not been, or never been to Pattaya so they can see what it is actually like.

    Years ago you could not swim in the bay, times have changed Pattaya has a top notch sewage plant for a few years now, these people swimming seem happy enough, erosion happens all over the world, beaches come and go , i know i come from a seaside resort.

    Ok so the beach is not so wide at the moment, but its bloody long (3 Miles ?)Plenty of room for everyone The sea is a little cloudy, but not dirty, because the sea is rough this time of year (no turds sorry ginjag) and the sewage is NOT dumped 5 miles out whoever posted that.

    They just need to get rid of the jetski's, but those guys are going to put themselves out of business anyway soon.Open your eye's don't listen to what you want to hear, The Hilton is not stupid, they would not have spent billions like they have

    I don't speak lies-my ref-re Turds was true, why would I want to lie? I have a condo there. I know what was floating-and it was not a sausage. I know about the plant-I watched them build it. Who are the people who seem happy enough-when they can see their feet in 3 foot of water-I,ll maybe think again.

    What is different with the photos-I've sat on all the beaches for 31 years. I don;t make my stories up, but I,m not promoting the sand and beach, SORRY

  17. "The workers can no longer tolerate the sub-standard conditions, and the constant deductions from their paypackets without any explanation," a statement by MAP said. "Whenever the workers have asked for an explanation of the deductions they have been threatened with deportation.

    "Then [on Sunday], workers were outraged when a worker was beaten by a Thai foreman first in the market and then back in his room. When a Burmese interpreter came to clear up the situation, he too was beaten," it said.

    The workers demanded to negotiate directly with the factory owner. "They want to be paid the full legal overtime rates; plus an explanation of the various deductions made from their pay packets before they receive them," MAP said.

    They also demanded more toilets. At present, there were only four toilets for workers.

    They said they needed full compensation for accidents at work, and improved access to healthcare.

    "They have called for an end to discriminatory practices between the treatment of Thai and Burmese workers."

    Many of the workers at the factory hold temporary passports and migrant workers cards. The minimum wage in Ratchaburi is Bt180 baht a day.

    "In September last year, MAP Foundation had to contact the Labour Protection and Welfare office when 12 women workers at the factory complained that the employer confiscated their personal documents. One of the women, who was pregnant, was refused treatment at hospital because her work permit and health card were held by the employer," the statement said.

    Yeah, if they don't like it they should just go back to the military dictatorship they fled from.

    Jeez. Some people.

    Nothing matter with migrant workers-they are needed if no workforce is available, OR thai workers are too lazy to do the job, especially for peanuts. treat who you have with respect, the owners sound like thugs to me. What are the army doing there, shouldn,t they be near the borders to stop invasions. Protect the country from threat ? If anyone should be there it should only be the police, to help sort out the skirmishes, and restore order. The last poster Has lost it--sure...what a shame.

    Just to be clear -- sarcasm doesn't always work online -- I am NOT agreeing with the person whom I qouted.

    Sorry, if I rushed to answer, and missed the jist of your meaning. It was The idiotic remark-That Jil-999 that threw me into a spasm. :jap:

  18. GERI ATRIC KID ........ This is in response to you bumping your own post as every one else chose to ridicule or ignore it. How's your mate Al Zhiemer getting on? Remember him?

    There is no cover up. Neither was there a Watergate, a President Nixon, weapons of mass destruction, Santa Claus or Fatty Arbuckle.

    What you are reading is plausible. Unless you are dyslexic and it is platipus.

    Now the video recordings are being checked. But there is an immediate concern as to the authenticity of the recording as there are no high so Thais sitting in an expensive but largely sterile house, the mother wringing her hands seated next to dad, whose hair has been painted with white streaks at each side, a young man stands looking furtive while a stunningly beautiful young aneamically white woman starts to cry, yell and then scream before attacking the young man. At the same time another young man appears [stage left] and stares for several minutes at the other young man. Then there are adverts. Only there aren't. Very suspicious.

    The desk clerk is recounting what he saw. Every thrid word being whispered into his ear by a gorilla in uniform to one side.

    I'm sorry to disappoint, but the desk staff are decent honest people that do their job. All Japanese then.

    They have no reason to lie. Not being paid enough.

    The property is well managed by Jones Lang Lasalle compared to other condo properties I have seen or stayed in. And this is from our own Hotel correspondent, ex-manager of the Ritz, London and who acted as consultant to the Qatarees when planning their World Cup bid and also was consulted by the pattaya Soi LK Metro owner's of the 'Ferk Inn' bar.

    Now, I want people who are moaning and groaning to take a good look at the photos from the PG article and from the other sites. Actually, if you want to look at photos and start moaning and groaning I suggest one of those DVDs in the privacy of your own home, but even then keep the volume down and the curtains pulled tight. Talking of pulling things tight ......

    Where are the bloody footprints? On the bloody floor perhaps.

    Here's something else to consider. How about you considering giving up the day job of condo real estate agent? As no one is buying this one.

    If there was a loud fight, it is probable someone would have heard something. Let's folow the logic then: if, there was a murder then there was a body. That checks.

    The lobby often has 1 or 2 of the rental visitors sitting there using the wifi service at all hours of the day and night. Interesting. So, are you saying that the wi-fi did it? I'm applying your own logic very carefully.

    I am not in denial here. Are you sure? Would you like to consider your next statement? ' am asking that the police be given a fair chance to investigate.' How many years have you ..... no let's try something else. Can you remind of a 'fair' Police investigation, you know one that managed to join up the dots? Those dots being the bloody dots all over the bloody floor along with the bloodier foot prints.

    This building has some heavy hitter unit holders especially on the top floors and they are not going to be happy about a possible murder. Maybe not but like the Police most Thais somehow manage to be pretty blase about murder. That's maybe why there's so much of it.

    I don't think some of those people want to ride the elevator with riff raff. Priorities then. Murder in the condo is acceptable to sharing a lift with a man in shorts.

    Fine. Do share your other opinions with us, especially on a slow news day.

    Hey House painter,

    That my friend, is a classic and well put together piece of literature. Thanks for doing what i don't have the patience or time to do myself. Cheers. ;)

    Ha Ha Ha, my god, just finished reading all this and the epilogue came on the T.V set. Better than counting sheep :lol: :lol:

  19. "The workers can no longer tolerate the sub-standard conditions, and the constant deductions from their paypackets without any explanation," a statement by MAP said. "Whenever the workers have asked for an explanation of the deductions they have been threatened with deportation.

    "Then [on Sunday], workers were outraged when a worker was beaten by a Thai foreman first in the market and then back in his room. When a Burmese interpreter came to clear up the situation, he too was beaten," it said.

    The workers demanded to negotiate directly with the factory owner. "They want to be paid the full legal overtime rates; plus an explanation of the various deductions made from their pay packets before they receive them," MAP said.

    They also demanded more toilets. At present, there were only four toilets for workers.

    They said they needed full compensation for accidents at work, and improved access to healthcare.

    "They have called for an end to discriminatory practices between the treatment of Thai and Burmese workers."

    Many of the workers at the factory hold temporary passports and migrant workers cards. The minimum wage in Ratchaburi is Bt180 baht a day.

    "In September last year, MAP Foundation had to contact the Labour Protection and Welfare office when 12 women workers at the factory complained that the employer confiscated their personal documents. One of the women, who was pregnant, was refused treatment at hospital because her work permit and health card were held by the employer," the statement said.

    Yeah, if they don't like it they should just go back to the military dictatorship they fled from.

    Jeez. Some people.

    Nothing matter with migrant workers-they are needed if no workforce is available, OR thai workers are too lazy to do the job, especially for peanuts. treat who you have with respect, the owners sound like thugs to me. What are the army doing there, shouldn,t they be near the borders to stop invasions. Protect the country from threat ? If anyone should be there it should only be the police, to help sort out the skirmishes, and restore order. The last poster Has lost it--sure...what a shame.

  20. Beaches come and go, they aren't permanent features. If you want it to be a permanent fixture you might need to dump sand on it periodically. Works for us in Australia.

    exactly, as it works on many beaches all over the world. A much wider beach would attract so many more tourists.

    Proper sewage is a second MUST of course; no dumping in the sea.


    Totally agree, These So called Beaches, are about the last ones you want to come to on a holiday, unless you have a white stick. The sand is not sand as we all know- IT'S GRIT. The type in western countries put on icy roads. The sand on the banks of the Mekong are nicer in the low river months. No one comes to Pattaya for the beach resort, who is going to pay large air,fares to sit on this tip. It stinks and most deck chair venders are unclean-where do they clean their glasses and plates ????. It stands to reason people come here for OTHER things. Its not a family resort, who would want to bring children here with their bucket and spade, and play among samples of sewer water. Replace the sand, and as the previous poster said, sort the sewage out. Other attractions here keep it going, but not for that much longer, also get rid of the rip offs, then you will make some headway.

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