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Posts posted by softgeorge

  1. So this Thai guy goes to a westerners room with the intention of "What?" Have a nice chit-chat ..crap!

    The fight starts in the westerners room and the Thai gets killed.

    The Thai probably thought like too many Thais that they can do whatever they like to westerners with total impunity.

    The Thai went looking for trouble and he found it!

    In the real world ... case closed. self-defence.

    In Thailand however, the sweede best get out as quick as possible.

    I get the feeling that she may have been playing them both for fools. Seems they learn this art at a very young age. Thai woman with thai boyfiend (Alias Brother) and farang ATM. She is still doing the apprentiship as it seems.

  2. let me see, an electric vehicle gets around 150kms from a full charge and it takes between 6 - 8 to achieve a full charge. If I was driving from Chiangmai to Bangkok (around 900 kms) I would have to stop and recharge 6 times. 6 X 8 hrs = 48 hours + 10 hours actual driving = 58 hours for the trip. 2 1/2 days to get to BKK, no thanks I will stay with a petrol vehicle and cut 2 days off my trip.

    Is that something you do every day?

    No, just saying I would prefer to drive there in 10 hours than 58 hours.

  3. let me see, an electric vehicle gets around 150kms from a full charge and it takes between 6 - 8 to achieve a full charge. If I was driving from Chiangmai to Bangkok (around 900 kms) I would have to stop and recharge 6 times. 6 X 8 hrs = 48 hours + 10 hours actual driving = 58 hours for the trip. 2 1/2 days to get to BKK, no thanks I will stay with a petrol vehicle and cut 2 days off my trip.

  4. <deleted>? I love this country but this is a f#$*ing disgrace. These guys ARE convicts and are supposed to be on death row.And any appeals process should be conducted whilst they are in custody. Of course they are a flight risk. Does the judge [or anybody with a brain] honestly believe they are going to hang around waiting to get their necks stretched ? Personally I would be off like blue cheese. I hope these guys do do a runner as they deserve it because of this laughable decision by a laughable 'figure of authority'. bah.gif I p$$$ on this decision.

    Wonder whether Thaksin has anything to do with influencing this decision ? I mean these events happened under his orders on his watch. If these government officials burn then he may well be in a spot of bother reference human rights abuses himself. More bah.gifbah.gifbah.gif .

    I agree, if I was on death row and granted bail I would be off like a shot also. What are they going to do to me if they catch me a few years later, kill me?

  5. Shouldnt this be in Thai News Section?

    nah that would look bad for the DSI, they were busting a guy with a dildo and blowup doll whilst this stuff was being shipped from Thailand.

    I have the feeling Thailand knew nothing about this and they were kept completely out of the loop on this one. 1/2 tonne of herion and amphets was probably to big a risk to inform the corrupt BIB about and have the whole operation go completely pearshaped.

  6. I Love the way they have narrowed it down to CHINESE- Thai and not Thai. Thais would never be involved in the sex industry it is totally against thier culture.

    Personally I do not see a problem with people owning sex toys as they are used in complete privacy. You do not see your 60 yr old farang sucking the face of his 18 yr old Thai blow up doll in public.

    What next, are we going to read a story about raids across Thailand where farangs and Chinese-Thais are arrested for jerking off in thier bathrooms? Police posing with boxes of tissues on the table which were siezed in evidence.

    Thailands world wide reputation hasn't been built on people using vibrators, it has been built on prostitution. Wouldn't the resources be used more effectively on clamping down on the brothels which operate under the guise of bars. i don't just mean those operated by farang pimps because Thais are involved in the industry as well.

    • Like 2
  7. They must be very desperate.

    Desperation is relative. You could argue they were desperate to get to Australia as oppose to Indonesia, perhaps this is due to the arid dessert like conditions of the outback as oppose to tropical Indonesia, unless by some wild chance centrelink is the main reason. rolleyes.gif

    There are many reasons why people move from one country to another. The conditions in their home country play a big part in their decision. I don't think centrelink is the main motivator.

    Well maybe add the free housing, medical insurance, education and the like along with the free money from centrlink that probably helps the freeloaders make the decision to gatecrash the country. Whislt the Australian government is supplying these people with everything they want there are people sleeping and dying on Australian streets in the middle of bitterly cold winters dreaming of a blanket and a meal from the garbage can. What is Australia doing for them? Absolutely nothing because there is no money and housing is in a shortage. Millions are being spent on the freeloaders just so that the politicians can look good on the international stage. The whole time they are abusing the basic human rights of Australians on the streets.

    A beautiful fairy appeared one day to an asylum seeker.

    'My good man,' the fairy said,

    'I've been told by Julia Gillard to grant you three wishes, since you’ve just arrived in Australia with your wives and eleven children – all costs to be borne by the Australian Tax Payers.'

    The man told the fairy:

    'Well, in Iraq where I come from we don't have good teeth, so I want new teeth, maybe a lot of gold in them.'

    The fairy looked at the man's almost toothless grin and

    -- PING !!! The Asylum Seeker had a brand new shining set of gold teeth in his mouth!

    'What else?' asked the fairy, 'two more wishes to go'.

    The Asylum Seeker claimant now got bolder.

    'I need a big house with a five car garage on the Gold Coast with eighteen bedrooms, five Lamborghini's – and a Gold Visa Card in each room - for my family and the rest of my refugee relatives who still live in Iraq; I want to bring them all over here.

    PING ! - In the distance there could be seen a beautiful mansion with a five car garage, Lamborghinis, a long driveway, a walkout patio with a BBQ, and a sparkling swimming pool full of his extended family playing their music.

    'One more wish left for you', said the fairy, waving her wand.

    The Asylum Seeker refugee claimant really decided to go for broke now and said “I want to be an Aussie with Aussie clothes instead of the rags and shawl , and I want to have white skin like Aussies.'

    PING ! - The man was transformed, wearing worn-out trainers, a dirty T-shirt and a greasy baseball hat. He had his bad teeth back and the mansion had disappeared from the horizon.

    'What happened to my new teeth?' he wailed. 'Where is my new house? Where’s my Visa Gold Card?'

    The fairy said; 'Tough luck Cobber. Now that you are an Aussie You're entitled to Sweet <snip> all like the rest of us”.

    And she disappeared

    Agree Australia cares more for the people arriving ilegally than the Australians sleeping on the streets and begging for food. Thousands of Australians who are doing way far harder than the so called asylum seekers who arrive and are afforded warm dry housing 3 square meals a day, health care, education and money. (all free of charge) The Australian government spends millions on the economic refugees whislt it urinates and laughs at the homeless and sick. This is what irritates a lot of Australians. If they come to this country then get in line behind the homeless spend time on the streets sifting through garbage bins for scraps of food and wait years for a chance at government housing they may just change there minds and see that thier life is actually better where they are.. It is totally disgusting and wrong how they are put ahead of Australians.

  8. Maybe we can start a non-biased poll asking if the temperature adjusted flavored urine Starbucks is serving is worth the grossly inflated prices they sell it at.

    Don't be so wishy washy.

    Do you like or do you not like the coffee?

    If I want a good cup of coffee and a chat I will go to the local cafe . . . .High quality hand crafted limited edition products beat mass produced items any day of the week.

    Yes, it's just so gratifying to watch them, by hand, pour hot water into a cup, spoon out a teaspoon of instant Nescafe, and stir it around--just for you, with special love! Tastes better that way, too, no question. I guess you need the show, makes you feel important, and it's what you're used to.Enjoy! smile.png

    Wow you really made a mess of my post, with all the cut and pasting. Why not try replying to my actual post instead of something you put together using my name.

  9. Maybe we can start a non-biased poll asking if the temperature adjusted flavored urine Starbucks is serving is worth the grossly inflated prices they sell it at.

    Don't be so wishy washy.

    Do you like or do you not like the coffee?

    Quite frankly I don't like any of the large coffee chains, If I want a good hamburger I go to my local fish & Chip shop where Nick the Greek's family has been running the local business for 3 generations. If I want a good cup of coffee and a chat I will go to the local cafe where thier business has been built on reputation and not the marketing machine used by large corporations. High quality hand crafted limited edition products beat mass produced items any day of the week.

    • Like 1
  10. Two Thais charged over Aussie's death

    03:04 AEST Sat Jul 28 2012

    Thai authorities have reportedly charged two men accused of killing an Australian travel agent Michelle Smith in Phuket in June.

    Ms Smith, 60, of Perth, was fatally stabbed on June 20 when two men on a motorbike tried to snatch her handbag.

    The ABC says Surasak Suwannachote has confessed to the stabbing and Surin Tadthong has confessed to riding the motorbike during the crime.

    They have been charged with cooperating to kill a person for personal benefit, taking property with a weapon, causing death and injury, and carrying a weapon in a public place.

    They could face the death penalty, but the suspects' cooperation and admissions make a life sentence more likely if they are found guilty, the ABC says


  11. It is not surprising Thailand would lead in terms of Australian deaths given how close, cheap and easy it is to enter Thailand. I would guess that a significant number of Australian visitors, excluding retirees are young folks looking to party who may not have ever traveled outside the country are aren't used to the freedoms they perceive the have here and are not educated enough on taking care of themselves in a less developed nation be it having funds or insurance for illnesses to actually going to going to see a doctor. This might also be why there seems to be a good number of arrests reported in the news of Australians in Thailand.

    I have to disagree with you Nisa, The Australian Bureau of Statistics has disclosed recently that Bali remains a Preferred Holiday Destination for Australians. Bali is closer and cheaper than Thailand. Vietnam comes in 2nd followed by Turkey.

    Can you please explain the good number of arrests for Aussies in Thailand and when was the last one?

  12. This data is fairly meaningless without the 'days spent in country times people' figure.

    Which would give you your chance of dying in Thailand as a foreign visitor vs. any other country (per day)


    Countries listed by chance of dying as a tourist: (Thailand doesn't appear in the top 20).

    e.g: Australia kicks in at 18 because:

    "When you visit Australia, you may find yourself facing one of the ten most poisonous snakes in the world, one of many different types of deadly spiders or even deadly sea creatures. In fact, most consider Australia to be the place where you are most likely to get attacked by wildlife in one way or another."

    Russia is at 9. (Don't visit the Caucasus!)

    "The Caucasus region of Russia is highly unstable, making certain areas of the country best to avoid. In areas such as Degestan and North Ossetia, open guerilla warfare is still a regular occurrence. Travelers are often kidnapped for ransom and terrorists regularly attack government buildings, hotels, and even schools."

    1. Iraq

    2. Afghanistan

    3. Pakistan

    4. Somalia

    5. Papua New Guinea

    6. Colombia

    7. Sudan

    8. Burundi

    9. Russia

    10. Haiti

    11. Liberia

    12. Congo

    13. Zimbabwe

    14. Georgia

    15. Cote D'Ivoire

    16. Venezuela

    17. Dominican Republic

    18. Australia

    19. Taiwan

    20. New Zealand

    Source: http://allwomenstalk...go-on-vacation/


    The world is dangerous......

    Best just to stay in your home country and sit on the couch.

    But, be careful.

    You might fall off and die !

    Yes we can hang it on ourselves

  13. When I'm in USA I have to buy a cup of coffee to use the free wifi. If not, I am not a customer and somebody just freeloading. When I am in Thailand, I should not have to buy a cup of coffee if I am already paying for the wifi. If Starbucks wants people to buy coffee, then they can do exactly what the USA does and make the wifi free so people will have to buy the coffee. When I go into Starbucks and buy wifi, I am then a customer as I have spent money in Starbucks to use the Wifi.

    A cup of coffee in USA Starbucks costs around $1.00. I'm paying three times that amount to use Starbucks wifi for a few hours in Thailand. So how about making the Wifi free so then the money I spend on the wifi can be transferred over into the coffee so all the whiners can see the coffee cup instead of the wifi card and feel that this makes me less of a freeloader.

    $1.00 for a coffee in the U.S, serious? Geez in Australia it is $5.00 we are being ripped off big time.

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