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Posts posted by jsgatse

  1. I disagree, PU foam applied to the back of roof tiles has been proven by many posters to be a viable solution that reduces roof void tempreture by up to 10 degrees.

    a Thai bullshit fairy tale does not change the laws of thermo-physics. many posters who claim the above have actually no idea what they are talking about. the application of foam insulation is only propagated by many contractors because the preparation to apply foam on ceilings is quite difficult (ceiling lamps, electrical distribution boxes, etc. must be still accessible and have to be protected). spraying foam on the roof tiles is a breeze. any honest contractor with a minimum of technical knowledge will admit that my claim is correct.

    So, you are saying that the PU foam - such as what this guy offers - http://www.lohr-trade.com/foam - sprayed to the underside of the roof tiles is a GOOD or a BAD thing? Thanks.

  2. What about an electrical fan at the top of the apex at both sides (not on the roof)?

    Maybe not perfect but at least you'll never have any leaks from the roof. As another poster had mentioned, putting vents in the lower part of the attic aswell.

    This is more of a question really :-)

    a good solution to avoid roof leakage. there's no need to have more than one fan but vents that outside can flow are mandatory.

    So if you have the fan at the top of the apex(attic) would you suggest having the vents at the bottom of the attic?

    having the vents lower would be a small advantage. important is to have the exhaust fan installed as high as possible.

    Sorry, a bit lost here. You are suggesting installing an electrical exhaust fan (like the types they often have here in bathrooms, but a bit bigger, I assume) at the high point of the roof. But, then, what is allowing the air to escape? You must have some sort of hole in the roof, right? This is basically just a electric version of the whirlybird, right? Or, am I missing something?

  3. So, it seems like the foam, if installed properly - is the best (albiet most expensive) solution - is that a good takeaway?

    Standard insulation works, but can become a haven for rats - especially if they can squeeze in thru my soffits.

    The whirlybirds work, and are a decent/cheap solution to take a dent out of the problem.

    Agreed? Comments?


  4. Insulating should be done, but could be a big hassle. I suggest installing a solar panel and hook it up to a AC, could be done as low as 100,000 to 200,000 depending on the size. Many installers nowadays.

    Are you saying to put an AC unit in my attic and run it? Wowza, that would be like trying to put out a raging fire with a drinking straw (not to mention probably about 3,000 THB a month in extra electrical costs)!

    Or, am I misunderstanding your suggestion?

  5. Most people I know in Oz are using solar roof extractors...... you can buy them quite cheap from the Alibaba site... don't know what the customs will want to add on.


    Anybody seen these type of things here in Thailand? I'd love to find out if someone is importing and installing them (properly)!


  6. Many houses in Thailand have this problem, the solution is insulation and ventilation.

    We had our roof insulated with PU foam by a company called Lohr (http://www.lohr-trade.com/), another advantage is that they give 5 year warranty against leaking, another frequent problem with Thai roofs.

    It reduces the temperature on the top floor considerable and reduces the need for aircon.

    Reycler - thanks very much.

    Can I ask about how much they charged for what sized house? Also, would you say the temperature difference is really noticeable?

    Do you also have some sort of vent running as well? What kind?

    Thanks so much!

  7. Years ago, I had insulation placed above the ceiling upstairs. After I did had this done, I went over next door to the same type of house with a thermometer and measured their temperature upstairs and then came back to my house and measured my upstairs temperature, and my upstairs temperature was noticeably cooler than my neighbor's. Insulation may be an option to consider.

    I think this would be better in the DIY forum for some more and maybe better answers, moving to the DIY forum.

    Thanks for your note. I've looked a few times at insulation at my local HomePro - the 3 people (over the course of 3 separate visits) I spoke with were really clueless. They didn't even know if it went directly under the roof tiles, or, if it lay directly above the ceiling. I just gave up with them. Did you buy your insulation at a "HomePro" type store? Did they install it for you? If I found someone who knew what they were doing, I'd much rather have them crawling around up there in that heat than me!

    And, anyone have any experience with a electric powered exhaust fan type system?


  8. Hello.

    I live in Bangkok in a 2 story home with an attic. The upstairs floor is about 35C during the day, and the attic itself gets up around 45C+. You literally get blasted with a wall of heat when you walk up to the second floor of the home.

    I'd like to vent my attic as it seems to basically just bake all day and then hold in a ton of heat which then begins to heat up the top floor of the house.

    The attic does have vents in the soffits, fyi.

    When I lived in the US, our home had an electric powered attic fan that was set to a termostat - when the temperature in the attic reached a certain point, this thing would kick on and the suck all the hot air right out of the attic. It really worked well. I'm not sure if this sort of item exists in Thailand. If it does exist, I'm not sure I would trust a local guy to install it. Does anyone know of a SOLID seller and installer of these items in the Bangkok area?

    If not, it seems that the whirlybird / self powered items are the next/only remaining solution? I've read all the past forums, and while there is some debate about them - the overall consensus is that they seem to work (at least that's my analysis of the overall comments). Again, I don't want to trust the local yo-yo to punch a hole in my roof and then tell me "sure, mister, no leaks ever" and then he doesn't answer my phone after the first rainfall and my ceiling is waterlogged. Again, anyone in BKK have first hand experience with someone that "gets it" and does a first class job?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help.

  9. When you have "leaders" who say... ""I didn't think it would be an issue," the director of the short film, Kulp Kaljaruek, told Khaosod after a clip of the scene went viral on the internet and attracted criticism. "As for Hitler's portrait, I have seen so many people using it on T-Shirts everywhere. It's even considered a fashion. It doesn't mean I agree with it, but I didn't expect it to be an issue at all." - what do you expect? This "leader" has a chance to lead and teach - take advantage of that incredible opportunity and do some good instead of doing something so shameful! So sad that this was done, and also approved by the many levels of "higher ups" that must have reviewed it. Get with it, people!!

  10. Hi, I am in the process of having a room built, and would like to add in a proper skylight. The builder suggested a hole in the ceiling with a piece of plexi glass over it - that does the job, but I'm wanting something that is more "legit". Something like this:




    I went to my local homeprop and homeworks store and they looked at me like I was from another planet...

    Any/all help would be REALLY appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!!!


  11. Typical populist propoganda and rhetoric. What else would you expect from these "leaders"? They surpress reality while positioning themselves as the only true solution.

    How about they tell their followers to instead 1) be accountable for your own actions, 2) lose the self pity mentality and take control of your own destiny, and 3) try to solve your own problems first without always calling in for "big brother" to save the day.

    You know why? Because if people did the three things above they wouldn't need these "leaders" at all....

    It's really a shame.

  12. Anyway, I found a nice little shop, run by a perfect English speaking couple.

    I asked for a Thai map (because I don't need Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and Singapore) and in 10 minutes the Thai map V12 was installed on my Garmin. With less features than the European map, but more than sufficient. Far better than my Nokia N86 8MP GPS.

    The shop in TukCom? On the 2nd floor. After taking the escalator to the 2nd floor, take a U-turn to the right, walk to the far end and you'll find them in the left corner (South Pattaya Road-side).

    How much did they charge you? I have a Nuvi 1200 from Italy that I am looking to put Thai map V12 on....


  13. Hello, my Thai wife has a small amount of money that she would like to invest. In the US, I have used firms like Fidelity, Schwab, Ameritrade, etc, before. She is looking for something similar here.....something that would allow her to make a few trades a month for publically traded stocks, mutual funds, ETF's, etc. The key is that she would like to be able to purchase some non-Thai funds/ETFs, such as a Nasdaq index fund, or a Vanguard Gold Fund, etc.

    I see, for instance, that Schwab has an account for international (non-US) individual investors with the ability to invest in US securities/funds, but the minimum opening balance is $25,000 USD!


    Anyone know of any better options?

    Thanks so much in advance.

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