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Posts posted by CMNightRider

  1. This is to all those who profess to be an atheists.  The Bible teaches that atheists are not really atheists.  Those who profess to be atheists do ultimately believe in God in their heart-of-hearts.  The Bible teaches that everyone knows God, because God has revealed Himself to all (Romans 1:19).  The Bible tells us that God’s existence is so obvious that anyone who suppresses this truth is “without excuse” (Romans 1:20).  That should be a sobering thought.  The atheist denies with his lips what he knows in his heart.  If they know God, then why do atheists claim that they do not believe in God?


    The answer may be found in (Romans 1:18).  God is angry at unbelievers for their wickedness.  An all-powerful, all-knowing God who is angry at you is a terrifying prospect.  So even though many atheists might claim that they are neutral, objective observers, and that their disbelief in God is purely rational, in reality, they are strongly motivated to reject the biblical God who is rightly angry with them.  So they suppress that truth in unrighteousness.  They convince themselves that they do not believe in God.  The atheist is like a schizophrenic—believing in God, but believing that he does not believe in God.


    Just keep in mind you have until your last breath to accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour.  After that it is a done deal.  Eternity is a long time to harbor regret.   

    • Haha 1
  2. It seems to me, to be an atheist one has to believe that nothing produces everything; non-life produces life; randomness produces fine-tuning; chaos produces information; unconsciousness produces consciousness; and non-reason produces reason. 


    After reading so many nonsensical comments on this subject, it looks like these people hope and wish there is no God, no accountability, and therefore no judgment.  Am I missing something here?


    The Bible affirms Gods existence, and the fact that a judgment is indeed coming for those who know within themselves the truth He exists but suppress that truth (Romans 1:20).  However, for those who respond to the evidence that a Creator does indeed exist, He offers the way of salvation that has been accomplished through His Son, Jesus Christ.  


    It almost looks like some of you are competing in some sort of stupid contest.  People are surrounded with proof of God’s existence, and it is only through the hardening of sin that men reject that proof (Romans 1:18–23).  It is foolish to disbelieve in God (Psalm 14:1).  All of us have until our last breath to figure this out.  After that, it is a done deal.

    • Confused 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Apart from your instruction to me to do that very thing, why would you assume that that's what I was getting ready to do?

    Why wouldn't you want to share your ideas on how the Universe was created.  You have been so outspoken, there is no reason to get bashful now.  It isn't often a poster with your level of expertise post comments on this site.  You have really peaked my interest on your vast knowledge of the Bible.  

    • Like 1
  4. 7 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    If you're wondering where CMNightRider has gone, I can quote the Bible - "He has drawn aside and covered his feet"

    I think you were just getting ready to explain to us how you believe the Universe was created, since you don't believe Gods version. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    I assume the Bible permits ad hominem remarks

    I think this is projection on your part Mr. Bunny.  Instead of posting a continuous flow of nonsensical comments about how you disbelieve the Bible, why don't you share your infinite wisdom of how you believe the universe was created.  


    That is a good photo of you at the helm of the boat "Transam" posted.

  6. 3 hours ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Where is that explained in the Bible?

    There are something like 15 or more Bible verses explaining incest.  Due to some of the most basic questions you keep asking about the Bible, it has become clear you are telling porkies about having a Masters Degree in Theology.  Anyone who has this degree would have read the Bible at least a half dozen times and are well versed on what it says.  


    So Mr. Bunny, I believe it is time for you to take your bag of carrots along with your silly comments and return to your burrow.  It is so much more logical to believe God created this complex universe than to believe it all this happened by chance.  


    As the Bible says, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities...His eternal power and divine nature...have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made" (Romans 1:20).  The spiritually blind is unable to see this ???? 

  7. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    When the ark settled and the water receded, didn't they find people to breed with? I seem to remember that in the Bible, but not going to check.

    Anyway, if there were no other people, then they were having it off with "close" relatives to continue the human race, and I believe religions frowns on that.

    It is important to distinguish between incestuous relationships prior to God commanding against them (Leviticus 18:6–18) and incest that occurred after God’s commands had been revealed.  Until God commanded against it, it was not incest. It was just marrying a close relative.  It is undeniable that God allowed “incest” in the early centuries of humanity.  Since Adam and Eve were the only two human beings on earth, their sons and daughters had no choice but to marry and reproduce with their siblings and close relatives.


    The second generation had to marry their cousins, just as after the flood the grandchildren of Noah had to intermarry amongst their cousins.  One reason that incest is so strongly discouraged in the world today is the understanding that reproduction between closely related individuals has a much higher risk of causing genetic abnormalities.  In the early days of humanity, though, this was not a risk due to the fact that the human genetic code was relatively free of defects.

  8. Thank you Mr. Immigration Officer on your opinion of how great immigration is, and how easy it is to obtain one year Thai visa extensions.  However, up until this year we were able to show our monthly income or sufficient funds to qualify for a one year visa  extension going into a western bank.    


    That has all changed now with the new requirement of depositing 800,000 baht into a Thai bank or being forced to deposit 65,000 baht into a Thai bank monthly.  For some unknown reason, many of the western embassies have turned their backs on their retirees making it easier for the Thai government to implement their diabolical plan of enriching the coffers of the Thai banks. This is a major change for you who are paying attention.


    As far as obtaining a ten year US tourists visa for my Thai wife or visas to visit any number of European countries, it is very easy.  None of these countries have 90 day checkins or TM forms to fill out for all of our movements.  Even communist China doesn't do this.  This is worth repeating in case some of you have reading comprehension problems.  Communist China does not have a 90 day checkin requirement or TM forms they use on foreigners.  This should be an eye opener for you western retirees.


    Many of us have health insurance from our previous careers in the US, that is good all over the world.  I suspect the Thai health insurance scam to be the next hurdle immigration will implement.  Immigration has been quiet on all the one year extensions they have been rejecting and the western retirees leaving Thailand monthly.  I'm not certain what their ultimate plan is but it doesn't include more western retirees moving to Thailand.


    In case you have missed this, Thailand is no longer referred to as the "Land of Smiles."     

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    You're making an assumption that I have never studied the Bible. In fact I have a Master's degree in Theology. So back to the original point. The Bible says we are all descendants of Noah. Caucasians are not mentioned as a race descended from the sons of Noah. Where did Caucasians come from?

    After the Flood, "God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth" (Genesis 9:1).  Finally, the Bible says, "And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the Ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth....and of them was the whole earth overspread" (Genesis 9:18, 19).


    I'm not certain where Caucasians came from but if I had to guess, I would look at Japheth.  Japheth is usually thought of as the "Father of the Europeans" and the "Father of the Japhetic Race" equating the Japhetic nations to Europeans.  He is know to be the ancestor of all Indo-European nations.   


    I believe what is more important to note, is all nations are alike before God in that all are in need of a Savior, and in that all come to the Savior if they will.  "For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16).


    If you have a Masters Degree in Theology, you are a good example of what is wrong with our education system.  I have known or met many people who are highly educated that don't have the sense God gave a goose, due to their lack of common sense.  I think most people take it for granted everyone has common sense but it isn't as common as it should to be.


    Anyway Mr. Bunny, thank you for sharing your infinite wisdom on the Bible and try to go easy on the carrots. ????

  10. 45 minutes ago, Nemises said:

    This thread should be re-named to: “What is the most ridiculous story in the Bible and why”


    My nomination; The dude who lived to 969 years old. Why? because the average life expectancy back then was about 26.


    It appears you may have pulled the average life expectancy of 26 years old out of your wazoo.  For 1,500 years after creation, men lived such long lives that most were either contemporaries of the first man, Adam, or personally knew someone who was!  The ten patriarchs (excluding Enoch) who preceded the Great Flood lived an average of 912 years.  Lamech died the youngest at the age of 777, and Methuselah lived to be the oldest at 969. 


    During the 1,000 years following the Flood, the Bible records a progressive decline in the life span of the patriarchs, from Noah who lived to be 950 years old until Abraham at 175.  In fact, Moses was unusually old for his time (120 years) because, when he reflected on the brevity of life, he said: “The days of our lives are seventy years; and if by reason of strength they are eighty years, yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away” (Psalm 90:10).

  11. 1 hour ago, yodsak said:



    28.19 x 6 = 169.14  Looks like they built the Titanic 100 mtr too long. Or not wide enough.  No wonder it sank.

           Same dimensions passed down by an imaginary god to a 600 year old man that never existed 4500 years ago. Still in use today ?.



    Yes. 7.7 million species x 2 [male /female] = over 15 million creatures from all corners of the globe. Dinosaurs to Polar bears to penguins. A long trip for a bird that can hardly walk. And doesn't like the desert.


    And when the boat settled on the mountain after the entire earth was flooded the penguins had to walk and swim back to Antarctica. And the kangaroos hopped back to Aus.

     Leaving no fossil traces whatsoever.

     Food and supplies needed for forty days [and nights] + keeping the animals under control.  A logistical nightmare for a family of 4. 


    Noah's ark: length = 6 x width:  134 mtr long 22.5 mtr wide and 13.1 mtr tall. [genesis]

    = 39496 cu/mtr

    15,000,000 animals + Noah's family of 4  = 15,000,004

    394946 ÷ 15,000,004 = 0.0026 cu/mtr 


    So each animal on the ark had  0.0026 cu/mtr of space to itself. Thats 2.6 litres.

    [I think thats correct ].  Ok for a mouse, not so good for the dinosaurs.


    Millions of people believe this stuff.




    According to the Bible, the ark had three decks (floors).  It is not difficult to show that there was plenty of room for 16,000 animals, assuming they required approximately the same floor space as animals in typical farm enclosures and laboratories today.  The vast majority of the creatures (birds, reptiles, and mammals) are small.  The largest animals were probably only a few hundred pounds of body weight. 


    It is still necessary to take account of the floor spaces required by large animals, such as elephants, giraffes, rhinos, and some dinosaurs.  Collectively, they do not require a large area.  God would likely have sent to Noah young (and therefore small, but not newborn) representatives of these kinds so that they would have a full reproductive potential for life after the Flood to repopulate the earth (Genesis 7:1–3).  Even the largest dinosaurs were relatively small when only a few years old. 


    Without tiering of cages, only 47 percent of the ark floor would have been necessary.  What’s more, many could have been housed in groups, which would have further reduced the required space. 


    What about the provisions for the animals?  It can be shown that the food would have filled only 6 to 12 percent of the volume of the ark, and the potable water only an additional 9 percent of the same.


    "Millions of people believe this stuff" because it is true.


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1
  12. Thai bar girls have been fleecing naive western retirees ever since they have started coming to Thailand.  There are so many sad stories like this.  To add insult to injury, the Thai government has gotten into the act by requiring western retirees to deposit their money into a Thai bank.  


    It looks like many of the western retirees are staring to wake up on this one and leave Thailand.  At least the bar girls were doing something to make these retirees feel good.  The Thai government has instructed Thai Immigration not to make these people feel good, but just require them to deposit the money.


    Any western retiree considering moving to Thailand for a happy retirement, should have their heads examined, lol. 

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  13. 13 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

    There was no global flood. But the story of global mass murder (even of innocent children and babies) by a ridiculous, ruthless, vindictive, heinous FAILURE of a dickwad god is appalling. 

    Evidence 1: Fossils of sea creatures high above sea level due to the ocean waters having flooded over the continents

    We find fossils of sea creatures in rock layers that cover all the continents. For example, most of the rock layers in the walls of Grand Canyon (more than a mile above sea level) contain marine fossils. Fossilized shellfish are even found in the Himalayas.


    Evidence 2: Rapid burial of plants and animals

    We find extensive fossil “graveyards” and exquisitely preserved fossils. For example, billions of nautiloid fossils are found in a layer within the Redwall Limestone of Grand Canyon. This layer was deposited catastrophically by a massive flow of sediment (mostly lime sand). The chalk and coal beds of Europe and the United States, and the fish, ichthyosaurs, insects, and other fossils all around the world, testify of catastrophic destruction and burial.


    Evidence 3: Rapidly deposited sediment layers spread across vast areas

    We find rock layers that can be traced all the way across continents—even between continents—and physical features in those strata indicate they were deposited rapidly. For example, the Tapeats Sandstone and Redwall Limestone of Grand Canyon can be traced across the entire United States, up into Canada, and even across the Atlantic Ocean to England. The chalk beds of England (the white cliffs of Dover) can be traced across Europe into the Middle East and are also found in the Midwest of the United States and in Western Australia. Inclined (sloping) layers within the Coconino Sandstone of Grand Canyon are testimony to 10,000 cubic miles of sand being deposited by huge water currents within days.


    Evidence 4: Sediment transported long distances

    We find that the sediments in those widespread, rapidly deposited rock layers had to be eroded from distant sources and carried long distances by fast-moving water. For example, the sand for the Coconino Sandstone of Grand Canyon (Arizona) had to be eroded and transported from the northern portion of what is now the United States and Canada. Furthermore, water current indicators (such as ripple marks) preserved in rock layers show that for “300 million years” water currents were consistently flowing from northeast to southwest across all of North and South America, which, of course, is only possible over weeks during a global Flood.


    Evidence 5: Rapid or no erosion between strata

    We find evidence of rapid erosion, or even of no erosion, between rock layers. Flat, knife-edge boundaries between rock layers indicate continuous deposition of one layer after another, with no time for erosion. For example, there is no evidence of any “missing” millions of years (of erosion) in the flat boundary between two well-known layers of Grand Canyon—the Coconino Sandstone and the Hermit Formation. Another impressive example of flat boundaries at Grand Canyon is the Redwall Limestone and the strata beneath it.


    Evidence 6: Many strata laid down in rapid succession

    Rocks do not normally bend; they break because they are hard and brittle. But in many places we find whole sequences of strata that were bent without fracturing, indicating that all the rock layers were rapidly deposited and folded while still wet and pliable before final hardening. For example, the Tapeats Sandstone in Grand Canyon is folded at a right angle (90°) without evidence of breaking. Yet this folding could only have occurred after the rest of the layers had been deposited, supposedly over “480 million years,” while the Tapeats Sandstone remained wet and pliable.


    The Bible’s history is reliable throughout—from the creation of man from the dust of the ground to the worldwide Flood to the coming of Jesus Christ. But just reading the evidence isn’t enough. The message of salvation founded in the Bible's history is also true, and, God wants us to accept the gift of salvation He freely offers us.  ????

  14. 9 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Actually his wife bore the son. Shem merely spent a few minutes impregnating her


    But that extremely detailed reply does not identify the son from whom us Caucasians are descended. So who is our forbear?

    That could be a question to ask Jesus when you meet him.

    • Haha 1
  15. 13 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    It's obvious - they hitched a ride with the kangaroos. Express delivery

    The Bible indicates the "Pre-flood" world was much different from what it is today, and likely to have been of uniform temperature everywhere.  Today kangaroos only live in Australia.  Prior to the flood, kangaroos and other animals most likely lived near Noah’s home.  Kangaroos did not have to hop all the way from Australia to get on the ark. 

    • Haha 1
  16. 30 minutes ago, ThaiBunny said:

    Which of Noah's three sons was a white man?

    Genesis 10:32 - These [are] the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. 

    Shem (Asia)
    Shem (Heb. "Name") was Noah's oldest son and part of Noah's family of eight who survived the great flood. Shem and his wife were childless before the flood, but after the flood Shem bore a son at 110 years of age. He was father to five sons who became the fathers of the five Semitic nations as shown below. Shem was actually the father of the nations of the ancient Near East including the Israelites and the Jewish religion, and therefore Judaism, Islam, and Christianity sprang from the line of Shem. The Semites were particularly known for their religious zeal.

    The Five Semitic Nations:

    1. Elam (The Persians) settled northeast of the Persian Gulf.

    2. Asshur (The Assyrians) the Biblical name for Assyria, settled between the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.

    3. Arphaxad (The Babylonians) settled in Chaldea.

    4. Lud (The Lydians) settled in Asia Minor, but some of them sailed across the Mediterranean and settled in northern Africa.

    5. Aram (The Syrians) the Biblical name for Syria, located north and east of Israel.

    Ham (Africa)
    Ham (Heb. "hot" or "Black") was Noah's second oldest son and part of the family of eight who survived the great flood. Ham and his wife bore 4 sons who became the fathers of the nations of Africa. Ham's fourth son Canaan was prophetically cursed because he gazed at his fathers nakedness while he was drunk. This curse would mean later that Canaan would lose his land to the Hebrews and would be subservient to the descendants of Shem. The Hamites were known for their physical endurance.

    The Four Hamitic Nations:

    1. Cush (The Ethiopians) settled in Ethiopia south of Egypt, also early in their history some of them migrated to an area north of the Persian Gulf (Gen. 10:8-10).

    2. Mizraim (The Egyptians) the Bible name for Egypt, settled in northeastern Africa.

    3. Phut (The Libyans) sometimes translated Libya, settled in northern Africa.

    4. Canaan (The Canaanites) settled above Africa east of the Mediterranean (Later was given to the Hebrews).

    Japheth (Europe)
    Japheth (Heb. "God will Enlarge)") was Noah's third oldest son and part of the family of eight who survived the great flood. Japheth and Shem were both greatly blessed for respecting their father Noah. Noah's blessing on Japheth was far reaching for all of his descendants being the European (Caucasian) nations that were mentioned in Genesis 10. The Japhethites were known for their intellectual activity.

    The Seven Japhetic Nations:

    I. Gomer (The Cimmerians) settled north of the Black Sea, but afterwards his descendants probably occupied Germany, France, Spain and the British Isles.

    2. Magog (The Scythians) lived north of the Caspian Sea.

    3. Madai (The Medes) settled south of the Caspian Sea.

    4. Javan (The Ionians or Greeks) Javan is the Hebrew name for Greeks, they settled in Greece.

    5. Tubal (The Turks) lived south of the Black Sea.

    6. Meshech (The Slavs) lived between the Black and Caspian Seas,

    7. Tiras (The Etruscans) located west of the Black Sea.

    Genesis 10:32 - These [are] the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations: and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood. 


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