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Posts posted by GentlemanJim

  1. Iranian role in fighting IS in Iraq: Where will it lead?

    Maybe it will lead to someone kicking ISIS' ass! Something definitely needed as they do not give a flying fig about sanctions, financial sanctions or any international or UN rulings, they just want to kill people. How funny, "The enemy of your enemy is your friend", what a screwed up situation we have now.

  2. Back to reality, as of March 2nd the IAEA stated they are still not receiving satisfactory answers from Iran. Meanwhile that buffoon Kerry jets off to Riyadh trying to sell their capitulation to Iran as a good thing. Riyadh has long stopped listening and has arranged to take delivery of nuclear technology from Pakistan and ICBM's from China.

    Now that IS worth worrying about! (excuse the pun) ISIS will not take Iran, but they have a growing movement within the young of Saudi. 16 Saudi's out of 19 executed the plan on 9/11 I don't recall any Iranians participating. Saudi with nukes is very worrying (Pakistan is bad enough), the House of Saud is vulnerable and may not last that long. What then?

  3. Just another example of the results of US foreign policy failure in the ME...nothing new...

    The French and British started this, not the US.

    On 1 March 2011 the US Senate unanimously passed non-binding Senate resolution S.RES.85 urging Th UN Security Council to impose a Libyan no-fly zone and encouraging Gaddafi to step down. The US had naval forces positioned off the coast of Libya including the USS Enterprise. The fleet later launched 140+ Tomahawk missiles on Libya.

  4. It's easy to see why some people attitudes on here would have problems with anyone.

    Strange, isn't it, that in all of my years traveling all over the US I've never had a problem with a single policeman? I've approached them and asked for directions and gotten only courtesy. I've been stopped for a couple of traffic violations and gotten only courtesy (and a ticket, LOL.)

    Very strange indeed.

    Are you white?

    Not so strange at all really is it?

    • Like 2
  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


    It's supposed to be a democracy so if most of the population wants stricter gun laws then why doesn't the USA have them? Corruption and bribing politicians by the NRA.

    Keep the corrupt Congress out of it, have a referendum and go with the results of that decision. Listen to the people not money!!

    The US is not supposed to be a democracy. It is a Constitutional republic.

    You are correct, but why does it go around the world insisting other countries adopt democracy?

    • Like 2
  6. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Long live the friendship between these two great democracies! alt=clap2.gif>

    The caste system is very democratic! cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3- alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    As far as I know the caste system in India is gradually fading away. No country is perfect. Certainly not India or the USA. I don't see your point in posting what you did, but whatever. alt=rolleyes.gif>

    Well you don't know anything then do you. The caste system is not 'gradually fading away', it is very firmly embedded in Indian culture, has been for two thousand years and will continue to be for the next thousand years.

    There are 167 million Dalits in India, the lowest caste. Because of the lottery of birth these people known as 'untouchables' are only permitted to be employed as street cleaners, farm workers or manual scavengers. They are not permitted to marry out of caste and not permitted to sit on public seats or do anything that would bring another Indian in to 'contact' with them. They are paid a fraction of the wages that any other person would get and can only just feed their families. They can not afford to send their children to school so almost all are 100% illiterate and uneducated. They are also refused medical treatment in many hospitals. All Dalits endure near complete social ostracism on the grounds of their descent, with life expectancy no more than 50 years. Your comments about no society is perfect are completely off the mark in the case of India. You have no concept of what poverty means until you have seen a Dalit community in India. They are made to suffer perpetually because it is believed they are born in to the cast because of terrible sins they have committed in previous lives. It is sickening in the 21 century to be honest.

  7. Poland apparently snubbed Putin, though officials won't admit that openly. The organizers, the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum and the International Auschwitz Council, opted for a form of protocol this year that avoided direct invitations by Poland's president to his foreign counterparts. The organizers instead simply asked countries that are donors to Auschwitz, including Russia, whom they planned to send. Poland's Foreign Ministry says Putin could have attended if he wished.

    The Devil is in the detail !

  8. We have raised our kid very much the Thai way where anything goes and there is no discipline or direction or guidance...just do what has to be done hour by hour and see where it all ends up.

    You have to be kidding right? So what this means is "I didn't raise my kids at all or give them any time or allow them to benefit from being mentored and educated, or instill any discipline, in fact I just let them raise themselves".

    What the title of the post should read is not 'Shocking Difference between Thai and Farang Toddlers" but "Shocking difference between parents that don't give a s**t and parents that do".


  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Petraeus had it all going for him. A great career in the military with a good pension, then double dipping by working for the CIA, and even rumored as a candidate for President.

    He was a smart man who like so many, gave it up for some woman.

    Often in the US pundits and cartoonists refer to him as "General Betrayus" which rhymes with his name.

    What a steep and long fall from grace.

    I am so glad you pointed that out as so many of us would never have got it ;)

    • Like 1
  10. I bought my new Ferrari 458 Italia spider for 10 million Baht, against a market price of 29 Million Baht in Thailand

    Do you think it's legal?

    Should I worry?

    PS. This is nothing to do with the size of my penis.

    Well I guess as this is a monitored forum which is not anonymous then .......yes, maybe you should be worried! It doesn't matter how big your penis is, I wouldn't willy wave on Thai Visa, as the police often say, most people incriminate themselves ;) Good luck!

  11. I commend everyone to watch a brilliant British film called 'Four Lions', which accurately shows the level of intelligence of the majority of Islamic Terrorists. If you can understand the Yorkshire dialect you will laugh...a LOT! and then the ironic ending. Just brilliant, not to be missed.

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