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Posts posted by sabai-dee-man

  1. Curious if anyone knows how much it is for long tail boat rides on saphanbok? Any scams? It's me and two girls

    If the girls are looking after you, then there shouldn't be any problem with scams! My ex and her sisters got me into the National Park for Thai price after giving the "guards" at the entrance a piece of their mind on her graduation day, and they made sure all was legit and above board for a little tour and longboat ride at Samphanbok! :)

    I can't remember exactly how much it was, but it won't break the bank. I think it was something like 200 Baht for 3 of us for the boat ride. The guy took us to all the little local sites too, and was really friendly, funny and chatty. It was absolutely scorching in late Feb, but well worth it. A lot of construction going on at the time, so I expect while facilities have no doubt improved over the last couple of years, I expect the prices and the number of tourists have too. Still worth it, and will be cheaper than more popular western orientated sites.

    Oh, and Khong Chiam is spectacular at sunrise!

  2. All I can say is it's about time. I stopped flying THAI years ago. Personally, I'm amazed the FAA never downgraded them sooner. My brief 15 years in Thailand has allowed me enough experience to give cause for concern regarding native education, technical capabilities, and denial that anything other than the Thai way is the correct way.

    Thailand needs more "shocks to the system" such as this, to wake them up out of their delusions of self importance and unaccountability.

    They must be feeling the strain now, as THAI consistently come up cheapest on searches for LHR to BKK... not just cheapest non-stop, but cheapest full-stop! Som num nah!

    Sabai Dee Man.

  3. ...I still feel a bit bad for him, yeah he knew what he was doing and he knew the consequences, but he s going to either be dead soon or wish he was. I do not wish that kind of suffering upon anybody who does something as trivia as trafficking cocaine. Punishment yes, 50 years in utter hell, no

    Sorry, I'm usually quite good with sarcasm and irony, but I'm failing to see the punchline on this one!

  4. I've stayed in Ubon a few times too, and agree that the national parks are fantastic. It's great to be away from "normal" Thailand... so much so that I really can't stay in BKK or any of the tourist/beach resorts for more than a few days at a time now.

    As already posted, where the Mun and Mekong rivers meet at Khong Chiam, it's lovely. The two different coloured waters run into each other, and it's very picturesque.


    Pha Taem National Park early morning, before sunrise, is a must. You can sit right on the edge of the cliffs, and watch the sun appear from behind the mountains in Laos.


    After that, take a drive up to
    Sam Pan Bok (3000 holes), or "Thailand's Grand Canyon".



    You can take a small boat for a ride along the Mekong, stopping off a few times to wander around the scenery, if your guide is any good!


    The best thing in the area though...?


    You can drive for miles upon miles without seeing another vehicle on the road most of the day! thumbsup.gif

    Oh, and as someone else said, Siridhorn Lake is lovely too!

    Sabai Dee Man.

  5. You could do an awful lot worse than "My Phone Explorer".




    One installation has handled both my HTC and Samsung phones. Currently I have 2 Samsungs, and depending on which I connect, MPE syncs to the phone's specific folder in Windows with no additional input required.

    I've used it on Win7, Win8.1, and now Win10 with no issues whatsoever.

  6. What did the families of Adam Lloyd and Vanessa Arscott receive from the off-duty police officer who murdered them?

    A big fat zero wasn't it. But then the copper was not some supposed crazy rich hiso Luk Kueng actress was he.

    Not that I am supporting her in any way, or the idea that simply paying victims families off resolves someone of their guilt, but now it's a copper's family that are aggrieved, they're screaming out for justice.

    Irony, Baldrick! wink.png

  7. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    He must have been shifting to kill and seriously injure himself and the other passenger

    In the interests of good taste i have refrained from making any double entendre's regarding the circumstances of this accident

    It was the driver of the other bike, the ladyboy, who was killed and the ladyboys passenger and driver of the bigger bike who hit them who were injured. And yes, just looking at the state of the two bikes, it's clear this was a high speed crash!

    Yes I know , just my poor written English

    It wasn't poorly written, and was a perfectly understandable comment. If I were to be pedantic, there should have a comma between "kill" and "and".

    It's ironic that you've been picked up on a sentence by someone who's grammar and punctuation is far worse than your own! He needs to get out more.

    Sabai dee man!

    • Like 1
  8. My ex-wife was [fairly] well educated, and was horrified upon moving to England and watching the History Channel for the first time. Numerous times I saw her crying whilst "learning" for the first time about what happened throughout Asia/Thailand/Burma during WWII.

    I've not watched the film, so I cannot comment on the use of Hitler's image, but IF the intentions really were as claimed, why not use an Asian character, such as Genghis Khan (or another the Thais are more likely to identify with)?

    That said, there are some great comments on this thread, if you sift through the [majority of] moronic ones! smile.png

  9. While I can never condone this, I was quite a competent driver at that age. My father taught me to ride motorbikes from about 7, and drive cars (ex police pursuit-trained driver) initially sitting on his lap steering and changing gear, and then full control once I could reach the peddles [safely]!

    The difference was he'd never have me driving on public roads, in traffic.

    {edited to add the word "safely"!} blink.png

  10. I wonder if we can get together and start a "cinema club"?!

    No, seriously! I am happy to pay good money to watch a movie on a big screen, with digital surround sound, for that immersive feeling. I pay to watch a movie, not to tolerate ignorant people who would rather talk all the way through it, or play with a mobile phone!

    Sadly, I all but gave up going to the cinema years ago. I really love the movie experience (I'd love to see classic sci-fi films like Close Encounters, Star Wars, and Alien on the big screen again -- big movies, with even bigger scores!), but I too cannot hold my tongue when it comes to telling people to "SHUT THE F&@K UP!".

    I'm all for being tolerant, but I don't see why I should pay to be tolerant of ignorance.

    • Like 1
  11. I am disabled (paralyzedfrom the waist down)

    A few weeks ago,my wife parked in disabled bay at tesco Khonkaen. I was in the car wife in the store Thai man stops, tells me he always parks in this spot, farangs cannot park here. Wife comes out of store,he starts mouthing of at her this is my parking bay. My wife went back in the store other drivers by now are not happy they cannot get passed.

    A crazy situation caused by a selfish prat who did not want to walk a few meters.

    If you were just sat in the car, and your wife was in the store, isn't this in itself a misuse of a disabled parking spot?! She has no need to park there, other than to abuse a privilege. What happens if a disabled driver genuinely needed that spot?

    Just as selfish, in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  12. I've spent time in Khon Kaen, Udon, and Ubon, amongst others, and from what I gathered from the OP, I would say Ubon [as a base] fits the bill the most.

    Udon, in my opinion, has everything more centralised, but is much more commercialised these days. (When I first visited Udon, about 15 years ago, I rarely saw another westerner, but now it's difficult to avoid them!)

    Ubon however, although not much "quieter", has considerably less of a "city" feel to it. As someone else pointed out too, the people are really friendly and genuinely inquisitive, and the nearby national parks are absolutely stunning. You'll ideally need some form of personal transport in Ubon though. When I was last there in the spring though, there was a lot of development going on. I still think it would make a great base though.

    Khon Kaen (city), for me, was far too busy, although rather laid back around the outskirts of the city in the evenings. The lake just south of the city centre is a nice place to spend the evening sometimes, but again you can't but help running into westerners in KK.

    A few less often mentioned cities, that would really drop you in quite deep, are Amnat Charoen, Chumphae, and Nong Bua Lamphu. Each is quite undeveloped, and you'll rarely see another foreigner. While they have some western amenities now, you're never going to feel overwhelmed with shopping malls and superstores, and will always know you're "out in the sticks" a bit, without actually being out in the sticks too much, and losing all touch with civilisation as we know it! (It is good to pop into a Tesco's or somewhere similar now and again!)

    Just my tuppence worth. smile.png

    Sabai Dee Man!

    • Like 1
  13. Great news ! The bags under my eyes were beginning to go thanks to the Boom Bar on Pattaya 3rd road closing before 7am. Now I can lie in bed at 3am and enjoy staring at the ceiling again listening to the music and screams of the drunk patrons.

    Awww! My heart bleeds for you! huh.png.pagespeed.ce.6VcCaNwNXg.png

    Feel free to move! There are plenty of quiet places to reside, even in South Pattaya.

  14. If anything, Asean will conform to a Chinese standard whistling.gif

    Not the other way around. But probably will remain as is. (just my guess)

    Below from wiki Red drives on the right side, Blue drives on the left


    That shows just how much of the world is wrong then, doesn't it?! LOL

    I do agree with other sentiments though... Thailand should be coloured magenta on that map! biggrin.png

  15. Never have, and never will, pay more than £40/฿2000 for a phone.

    Really, what will an iPhone do that my "old" HTC won't? It makes & receives calls, it runs all the IM clients I want it to, it sends & receives e-mails, it takes "reasonable" photos, has good screen resolution and an OLED display, and it's currently acting as a WiFi hotspot for me to surf the net on my laptop.

    Please tell my why I should be brainwashed into paying ฿20~25k for something from Crapple, for "current technologies"?

    Apple are hypocrits. The built themselves on a "stolen" idea, and use Samsung chips in many of their products.

  16. As part of the "I don't care as long as it is not concerning me" topic Maybe we can address the fact that That drivers never make space for an Ambulance. I am appaled seeing no one moves and people bravely wait in front of the red light while an ambulance is screaming for passage behind. And what if it were their daughter or son in that ambulance. But when a VIP needs to pass everyone moves kn the side. MAKE WAY FOR AN AMBULANCE.

    I think what you meant to write was, "make way for the money"! wink.png


  17. On a night out, a bit of "pigeon" English can really help, when a girl is stuck with something. I think it can then be used as a learning tool, but only to communicate a point.

    As a side note though, if correcting someone, I will always ask them first if they want to be corrected! Most do, I find. I will also tell them that if I laugh, I will laugh with them, not at them, and explain why something is funny. It grates me when Thais laugh at westerners trying to speak Thai, or act like they have no idea what you are saying. It can really knock a speaker's confidence.

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