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Posts posted by sabai-dee-man

  1. Also used jokingly as "number 1" when referring to the better half! For example, "mia luang", as opposed to "mia noi"! :)

    Make sure the missus has a sense of humour before you use it though, else expect a grilling along the lines of "if I'm mia luang, you have mia noi? You have mia noi, you wake up dead!"! :lol:

  2. It's not just the British Embassy. Even in the UK, down and outs on the street don't get any help. They are left to fend for themselves. There just isn't enough cash to pay to help the vast amount of alcoholics and dug addicts in the UK, and probably also in other countries.

    Yep because billions of pounds squandered on a national health scheme that doesn't work. But never fear Obama wants the same thing. Oy Vey.

    Tell that to my wife, who was struck down with TB several years ago after our holiday in Thailand and spent 2 1/2 months in hospital on death's door. Tell that to yourself, the next time you crash your bike (although I sincerely hope that never happens) and you don't get frisked for a credit card before being unceremoniously carted off in a maroon pickup... after the so-called emergency services have all had their beaming smiles photographed with you lying in the road. And tell that to my mate who received his new kidney and all the anti-rejection drugs that have so far extended his life almost 20 years.

    You may be one of the lucky few that have never needed to rely on the NHS, but there are millions that do and that have. Sure, it has it's failings, but in times of crisis, emergency and need, they provide a service I never want to see criticised, especially after the way they helped my wife... I have absolutely no doubts at all that she'd be dead now had she still lived in Thailand.

  3. It never ceases to amaze me, the discrimination afforded a girl just because she works in a bar. :angry:

    I know a uni graduate that works in a Pattaya gogo that can earn more only dancing and with tips than she was able to earn in a "respectable" job in Udon, even given her degree. She has a long-term boyfriend, doesn't go with customers, and has her wages cut every month because she doesn't meet a "quota" set by the management, yet she still earns more than she can back home. She supports her mother and father, her 4 year-old son, and her grandmother. Her brother works in Korea, and also helps.There isn't a glut of work for someone just because they have a degree, as is the case in the UK and I suspect many other countries at the moment. Even those with an education behind them in Thailand often still come from poor families that have borrowed money in the hope of a better future. It just doesn't work out that way for them all.

    Do you discriminate when you see a college or uni student, or even graduate working in a bar or restaurant in your own country? I have a friend who is a pilot for BA. When he completed his training there were no positions available for him, so he took work for 9 months as cabin crew. Was he a lesser person for working in the service industry, or a greater person for taking a job below his level of education and training?

  4. ...For example, a couple of bright young people explaining the solar system...


    Cock on! Although, if they were to add some science 'n nature, they'd immediately be out of business as nobody would watch that slot as it'd be boring, boring, boring. For example, the vast majority of Thais wouldn't even know what a solar system was...

    True story... ask a Thai the word(s) for Earth. They are taught that the planet Earth is a star!

    Now, I consider myself lucky. My wife speaks, reads, and writes exceptional English, which for the most part was self-taught. She is also, in Thai terms, fairly well educated and open-minded, but it took me hours to explain to her the difference between a planet, a moon, and a star, and YEARS to convince her a tiger is a cat! :huh:

    Thai TV and their education system just fills their brains with mush! I wholeheartedly believe it's to keep them at a low enough level of education to not question anyone in authority. Sad, but true.

    Even sadder, is the fact that Thais certainly have an aptitude for learning if someone encourages them. I speak a little Thai, enough to communicate well, eat, drink, and have fun when out and about with friends, but the level of self-taught English spoken by some of the girls I've met in the past (both in tourist areas and working for companies I have dealt with) is astounding. While they certainly seem to lack any semblance of common sense, they most definitely aren't incapable of excellent language skills given the tuition and most importantly, the encouragement.

    Their whole system saddens me. Many of the girls I know have university degrees, and I would rate their level of education below that of most UK high school children. Certainly of those in the Community College in East Devon where I worked a few years ago.

    One afternoon a new 14 year old student was brought to my office. She was Thai, and looked like the proverbial stunned deer in car headlights as she spoke absolutely zero English. Being able to speak to her a little in Thai was the first shock (for both her, and her support teacher!), but more of a shock to her was that the Principal agreed to employ my wife for a while as a translator and teaching support to help her settle in and begin learning in English classes -- a level of support a student could never imagine happening within Thailand, I am sure. She is now enrolled in Exeter college, and demonstrates their capacity for learning given the chance.

  5. I say full power back to the King. He's the only person in Thailand totally revered and respected buy the entire population.

    It may seem an old fashioned idea, but Thais need to learn respect for something other than money again. It's a shame he's been too unwell over recent times. What these people are doing to his beautiful country must be devastating him.


    Sabai Dee Man!

  6. just for the record i brought a samsung laptop r series from pantip last week 25k got 2gb standard and 2 extra free, borrowed a mates win7 ultimate who i know in pantip to test b4 i buy the real deal.. loaded 32 bit saw 2.9b then lucky for me the same disk had 64bit so loaded that on and saw all 4 gb..

    so if you want 4gb ram 2.4 ghz dula core and 64 bit then go samsung.. there are some issues with the realtek wifi i have mentioned b4 but as i always say on pc's where there's a will there's a way.. and when i find the anwser ill post

    Seeing it doesn't necessarily mean utilising it! Please check your facts.

    Many chipsets cannot utilise the full 4Gb RAM. Vista 64bit and Win7 64bit can both report 4Gb as installed, but it doesn't always mean it's being used. A HUGE number of even fairly new systems will run equally as well with 3Gb as they will with 4Gb, as they will only actually utilise 3~3.25Gb!

  7. Yep as I never went over to Vista. But I need a 64 bit OS now as XP 32 can only address 4 GB total memory which leaves me about 3 GB after my graphics card and other bits take up 1 GB. With a 64 bit OS such as Windows 7 it can address more memory than I could possibly want in the foreseeable future and runs faster too. Now waiting for a working hacked copy to become generally available (it wont be long !) as somebody said the pucker version is way too expensive to afford in Thailand with a weak pound especially :D:) Will wait a few weeks for any obvious bugs to become apparent though

    Don't blindly buy Win7 64bit and just expect it to address 4Gb or more RAM. Be sure your chipset can also handle it.

    A 64bit OS doesn't necessarily guarantee you can utilise more than 3Gb RAM... on either a PC or a MAC/Linux system.

  8. be careful in the water!!!

    On a serious note for a moment, heed ericthai's words. You really want to avoid driving/riding through any flood water unless you are absolutely sure you know what's under the surface, especially if the water is flowing. It's not uncommon for very large holes in roads to appear under flood conditions, and Thai roads aren't always great at the best of times... many are built on a relatively uncompacted (by western standards) sand base!

    Always drive through water slowly to reduce the possibility of a "bow wave" forming and effectively increasing the height of the water level, and in a low gear to keep the engine revs high, as this will increase the pressure in the exhaust and help prevent water getting in to it.

  9. btw; how do you make the "stylized L", "LB" symbol on your keyboard?

    Just to add to -redwood's post, for anyone who's interested, if you are running MS Windows you can also use Character Map.

    It's (usually) found in the START >> ALL PROGRAMS >> ACCESSORIES >> SYSTEM TOOLS folder.




    You can also find ¥, ฿, and € in there should you need them.

    Please note though, that lb/pound (the weight) is not the same as £/pound Sterling (the currency).

    A bit off-topic, but maybe useful in the future to someone.



  10. I've been visiting Thailand for 10 years and usually visit twice a year. I stay for 6~8 weeks at a time, and spend around UK£3~4k per visit... sometimes more! :)

    I've not been out for over a year now due to the sheer increase in costs, and despite having over £3000 currently burning a hole in my pocket for a holiday right now, I just cannot bring myself to book a flight!

    As a (relatively) long-term visitor, it's not all the political bοllοx that puts me off travelling, or the dual pricing, or even the "safety" concerns regarding the problems in the south or disturbances in BKK, as we all know it doesn't really effect us that much, but I can certainly see how all these media reported/spun problems are perceived by less frequent travellers or those who are considering their first visit (or first visit for several years) to Thailand, and how it is preventing them from committing their hard earned cash. Add to that the piss-poor artificially manipulated exchange rate, and you have a recipe for disaster!

    As someone who also considers retiring to SE Asia in the future, I have serious doubts that it will ever be in Thailand now. The missus will just have to fly in to see the family from Vietnam, Laos, or Cambodia instead once we make the move back in that direction! Until their attitude towards foreigners (both tourist and expat) changes dramatically, Thailand can stick the whole county up it's own greedy, xenophobic, racist, corrupt behind!

    I will only be back once the Baht is back at a realistic level as I have a lot of friends (and fun) in Thailand, but my retirement money will certainly be going to another country unless I can obtain my retirement visa (well before I'm 50) under a realistic set of conditions, own my own piece of land/property, not have to leave the country multiple times at the whim of immigration and policy makers, and once again enjoy the value-for-money that I used to!

    There was only so long people would stand for it. While the perks remained cheap and staying long-term was relatively easy, the pro's far outweighed the cons (inadvertant pun noted!), but it's no surprise to anyone but the Thai officials that people have finally voted with their feet, and those feet are firmly dipped in warmer, friendlier waters elsewhere! It's going to take some serious back-tracking and conceding of their mistakes (and consequently the loss of face that goes with it) to get those people back; something we all know Thai's are unfortunately incapable of.



  11. ...the only people that need to be warned is the banks and shop keepers, as the general public will NOT BE AFFECTED ( unless of course they are selling something ect ect )...

    If you are a tourist, then you're likely to have never sold anything. If on the other hand, you spend a little more time in Thailand, then it's certainly not beyond the possibility you may sell a Honda Sonic, or a sofa, or an old laptop etc., maybe a car even, and certainly for over 1000 Baht!

    It's not only shady Thais you should be wary of either!


    Sabai Dee Man.

  12. I've been using my (UK) Nationwide Flex Account worldwide for 16 years now, and have recommended it on numerous travel forums for as long as I can remember. I often see threads started or "bumped" confirming my findings on a few of the popular sites. Even in the States, where the banks are notorious for charging for EVERYTHING, I can find ATM's that do not charge for using my Flex card.

    My wife's family has a card that they use up country, that was my Mum's old account. My wife can transfer some money via her internet banking, will call her parents, and they can withdraw it immediately for free. Nationwide also give a competitive exchange rate. Naturally care needs to be taken not to overdraw the account (i.e. do not give the card to someone you do not trust implicitly - a girlfriend you have only known for 2 weeks for example!!! :o)

    I'd love to know how many Nationwide cards are being used by Thai families since my first post on Thailand-UK 6~7 years ago! If only I were on commission! :D

    BTW, I have no connection with Nationwide other than banking with them. I find their services useful and inexpensive, and I am therefore more than happy to promote them. Check out their e-savings account via the internet banking for good interest rates and instant access!! :D

  13. Warning to flood victims: Beware of crocodiles on the loose

    He advised residents to avoid walking or travelling by boat in flooded areas at night, when crocodiles are especially difficult to spot.

    People have been asked to report any crocodile sightings to the department or local authorities immediately.

    I think the crocodiles probably have more to fear from the hungry humans! Haven't you ever noticed the complete lack of wildlife in LOS?! :o

  14. Artisan, I think you're pictures of Pattaya and Naklua back in the 60s are brilliant. What a world away from modern Pattaya. I wish I had been able to visit Pattaya when it was still like that. Sadly I wasn't even born then!!

    Excellent pics anyway.

    Anybody else got any old pics of Patti?


    Yeah, I'm with you Nathan, I wish I could've seen Thailand (not just Pattaya) circa 1970, or even 85~90. It's changed so much in just the time I've known it 2000~.

    Artisan, I am so jealous! :o There are so few unexploited places left in the World now. Imagine what the (western) cast and crew of movies like The Man with the Golden Gun thought the first time they arrived in these locations!

  15. HO?  takes money, jewelry, buy drinks, clothes?

    where is the line? and who will make that line?

    Not me.

    I have the world´s oldest job, or have i?

    Which one is the oldest HO or soldier?

    And which one came first an egg or an chicken?

    Too much thinking 1:45 AM, Let it be..

    Ho sleeps around no money . Who$e takes the money , there is an r in there. Thats a tough one soldier or bg , like the chicken or the egg

    What a load of cr.p! Now I remember why I don't come here much!

    Take a look at your avatar Bambina, then tell me what I am supposed to make of it! You certainly don't appear HiSo in it, but for all I know you may be one of the most pleasant and down-to-Earth people I could ever meet!

    Appearances aren't everything. Just as well, as my wife is far more beautiful than I am good looking, and she still loves me for who I am, not what I look like!

  16. Would there have been so much interest if a Thai couple was killed?

    Of course not, because there isn't the financial impact on the economy for the Govt. to worry about as is the case when a tourist is involved.

    Also, the Thai's see it as a part of everyday life unfortunately - again, I blame the root of the problem on the lack of education.

    Culture? Thailand? What culture?!


  17. If Mr T is getting involved you know the financial reality is hitting home, as it should be.

    I'm sorry to quote one particular individual, as many have said similar things, but I think many people are missing the point.

    It shouldn't be the fact that killing tourists could have a financial impact on the country's economy that the Thai government should be focussing on, it's the fact the authorities are so corrupt and therefore think they can get away with such actions in the first place.

    I live just a few miles from the couple that were murdered, and my (Thai) wife and I only returned from holiday in the area just 2 weeks ago. Just a few days back in the UK, telling everyone what a good time we had, and then we hear this disturbing news. We are both shocked and sickened by what's happened, but unfortunately, unsurprised. My wife respects the law, but I was amazed when I first found out she was scared of the police, and even after a year here in the UK, is still impressed by the fact our police do not carry guns, and that they are so approachable. She's even commented how she wouldn't ever consider approaching a police officer in Thailand alone, and would think twice about even going to a police station!

    In my opinion, the Thai Govt. should be seriously shaking up the authorities; maybe even asking other countries for advisers to help sort this mess out - but then again that would be a case of losing face wouldn't it? (Probably what sparked this whole thing off in the first place.) I mean, that would be admitting the Govt. can't handle its' internal affairs!

    I think, personally, Thailand is the most corrupt and violent society I have ever visited, and I've seen a few. Just take a look at the front page of the newspaper every day to see what Thai's (both police/authorities and civillians) are doing to eachother! Then watch the TV shows, where wielding guns around are so glamourised, and take into account the "saving face" culture and lack or decent state education. It's time the Govt. worried more about educating the population and less about buying bloody football clubs and telephone companies! I know the TV shows and things are similar in the West, but our education standards generally see that the majority of people can define the difference between TV and reality!

    But please, let's not put a price on this young couples murder and say what an impact it could have financially on Thailand; that's degrading to their families and their memory.

    Sorry to spout off like that on my first ever post.


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