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About phitsanulokjohn

  • Birthday 04/26/1960

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  1. Yeah she was,Russian to get away from immigration 😂
  2. They've never found a cigarette too big or little for them😂
  3. Yes so easy to avoid.Go down to the Land office,have the owner sign the chanote over to you and have the land office inform you when the chanote in your name.Hand your money over to the seller in cash or transfer via app to his bank.Shake hands.Job done.Have done 3 or 4 deals in the past this way,and never a problem.If you are first in the queue at the land office,the whole process takes no more than a couple of hours. However you must remain concentrated at all times throughout the process,as there's always someone unscrupulous ready to take your money. I feel very sorry for this couple and wish them all the very best retrieving their funds.Its a large sum to lose.
  4. Me,me,me,me,and me.The worlds about to end,so me go first.The sum mentality of most Thai drivers.
  5. It happens anywhere in the world,that begins as idyllic, highly affordable and becomes commercial.Not so much the human trafficking side,moreover the pollution.It always occurs in the pursuit of money.
  6. I am not an advocate of conflict,but history has shown,that doing nothing and remaining passive,will only embolden the opposition.
  7. (what sort of lawyer colludes with clients and helps cover their tracks?), A BENT ONE
  8. British govt has maintained this bang out of order and backwards policy for decades now. Everyone who has paid national insurance contributions,should receive the rise.Its my opinion that they do not,because the govt wants you to spend the money in the British economy and not abroad.They should target the real fraudsters,not the easy to bully pensioners.
  9. Years ago,you done the crime&served your time& was released. Nowadays,you do the time,get released,write a book and make a profit off of all those stupid enough to buy it wanting to read of the perpetrators own stupidity.Makes a bit of a mockery of the saying "Crime doesn't pay"When plainly it does.
  10. Having read up on Vpns,Cyber ghost came out quiet high in reviews.It is also what I consider to be very cheap for 2 years.They all seem to say express VPN is the best,but by comparison is the most expensive.I only want one to watch live sport World cup football etc on iPlayer,but have heard of people having trouble accessing iPlayer.For me can only take the free trial offer and if it doesn't work,cancel it before end of free trial,but cyber ghost currently offering an 83% discount.26 months is currently $56.94.
  11. Here we are almost an hour long interview,straight from Tom Carden's mouth.
  12. We respect and value ALL feedback,given by our guests. This is refreshing to hear,as most places in the Kingdom asking to be left a review,do not state,and make sure it's a good one,otherwise we'll Sue you. Jeez,can no one have an opinion for fear of retribution?
  13. She said that such trips are not harmful to children and blamed poorly-maintained public transport for road accidents, adding that all transport used for educational field trips should be properly checked, especially for long journeys. Should be,but I fear on many occasions isn't.
  14. Just wondering.If I was to gather a Thai,Cambodian, Filipino, Burmese and an Indonesian person together in a room,would you be able to point out with great confidence who the Thai person is?
  15. Worry not.When he is jailed,he shall cop plenty in the Donbas region😂
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