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About KannikaP

  • Birthday 01/01/2001

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  • Location
    Somewhere near Japan

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  • Location
    In my Room

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  1. For Retirement renewal, one must have had 800k in the bank 2 months prior and 3 months after, The rest of the time it can be 400k, but never dropped below that. Or 65k each month, or a Combination totalling 800k. No medical, photos or passport copies, multi-entry stamp needed. Well not at my IO in Phitsanulok.
  2. Bot in my version of 'the West'. Short changing is the act of not giving enough change.
  3. He is an Owdham Roughyed, or a Yonner if he has a thick Lancashire accent.
  4. So get an external USB disk reader, then send all your data upstairs.
  5. Come on children, stop bickering. What a boring thread.
  6. Seatbelts? I heard that another driver has been arrested for dangerous driving.
  7. Subscribe to 365 and 5 of you can have 1Tb of cloud storage plus 60 minutes of Skype per month, only £79.
  8. Are they talking about Chinese coming to Thailand, or vice versa?
  9. How silly of that Embassy not knowing that there is no such thing as an International Driving Licence. IDP = yes.
  10. I put ALL my data on One Drive, but also stored locally so that it available on any of my PCs or phone from anywhere. I have it on a separate SSD, which I then backup using Aomei Backupper to an old HDD in my main PC. Talk about belt & braces.
  11. Or my recliner with holes in the arms to hold the beer glass.
  12. But it's a good idea to delete cookies from airlines, as some of them tend to up the price if they can see you have tried several times for better prices.
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