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Everything posted by phitsanulokjohn

  1. I actually agree.I think the reason the UK govt, doesn't legalise it,is because there's far more money floating around in the black economy,than if they legalised&taxed it,and so putting the dealers out of business.
  2. A £ to a pinch of Thailand's finest Buffalo dung,that this govts decision to re-criminalise "This wonderful plant of Peace" will get reversed.Just like their 300 Baht tourist charge,and their proposed tax on foreign income for residents,to which anyone with a modicum of sense,a simple workaround exists. This govt,loves to open their mouths,before first engaging their brains.For a people who hate losing face,this govt certainly succeeds.
  3. A £ to a pinch of Thailand's finest Buffalo dung,that this govts decision to re-criminalise "This wonderful plant of Peace" will get reversed.Just like their 300 Baht tourist charge,and their proposed tax on foreign income for residents,to which anyone with a modicum of sense,a simple workaround exists. This govt,loves to open their mouths,before first engaging their brains.For a people who hate losing face,this govt certainly succeeds.
  4. A £ to a pinch of Thailand's finest Buffalo dung,that this govts decision to re-criminalise the "This wonderful plant of Peace" will get reversed.Just like their 300 Baht tourism charge,and their proposed tax on foreign income for residents,to which anyone with a modicum of sense,a simple workaround exists. This govt,loves to open their mouths,before first engaging their brains.For a people who hate losing face,this govt certainly succeeds.
  5. Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin has rescinded the decision about the controversial 300-baht tourism fee. This fee was first proposed last year and has faced resistance from private businesses. The government intended to gather this fee from every tourist coming to Thailand. However, it was scrapped with the belief that getting rid of it might stimulate tourists to spend more in other sectors, thus providing a significant boost to the economy Why didn't he or his govt advisers think this through before implementation?Next it will be his cannabis and taxing of farang residents,to experience U-turn Srettha.This govt clearly doesn't know their a**e from their elbows.
  6. The full version taken from Timothy 6:10 of the Bible is... For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. Absolutely correct IMO,and I'm not a Christian.
  7. Neuter the lot of them worldwide and extinction will soon follow. Got no time for the people who say"You should see how good our pit bull is with our baby" Obviously until it decides to be bad that is.I usually blame the owners,but in this case the pit bulls record and disastrous instincts,speak for themselves.
  8. Yes for sure.If you wasn't already a smoker before you came Thailand,then by inhaling all that black pollution,you'll soon become one. No one knows when we're gonna die,if we did, you'd probably die early worrying about it.
  9. When fairly large sums of money are involved,morals go out the window.Here in Los,money can buy everything. Cash will always be king.
  10. Don't think the proposed new law will take effect.I may be wrong but I see a U-turn coming The country is saturated in weed,business is thriving and it can be purchased anywhere,from numerous physical shops throughout the kingdom to online shops by the tons,Facebook marketplace,WhatsApp,line,telegram need I go on?A mega money spinner,something I find hard to see the govt relinquishing.
  11. Anyone know how the streetlight's doing?😂😂😂Yep the first smoke of the day has kicked in.
  12. The Everly Brothers song "DREAM" for some reason springs to mind
  13. The Thai government. U-Turn specialists. All brought about by not thinking before opening their traps.
  14. Now let's see if Thailand has a spine,or is quaking in its boots at the thought of China not wanting to be mates anymore. Worried about their prescious tourism,will they allow themselves to be DICTATED to? It's make your mind up time folks🇹🇭✅🇨🇳✖️.
  15. They simply can't help themselves, except to other people's money of course.Its seen by them as their right.You've got to pick a pocket or two.
  16. They say the Mexicans are big boys,but they keep it under their hat.
  17. I got 12 inches,but don't use it as a rule.
  18. Been using Lazada for years,always paying C.O.D and never experienced a problem.I do acknowledge however,that there are tons of fakes ranging from phones to watches.The low price usually confirms this,also when you look in the product description if it's a fake it will normally state no brand but give the OEMs name if it is genuine.I too don't understand fakes being allowed on Lazada,if the selling of fakes gets discovered on eBay,your account gets closed and you get kicked off the platform.Quite right too.
  19. I've been married 10 years today,although been together 20,so happy anniversary to me and my teelac today Phitsanulokjohn. Each immigration office is different.For instance I have only been visited once on my very first application.After the annual under consideration stamp,I just send the missus down to the IO with my passport and they stamp in a 1 year extension and place a 90 day paper inside.The official rules state the 400k must be in your bank for at least 2 months prior to application, but like I said all IO'S are different.Personally for the loss of such small interest,I wouldn't be prepared to take the chance,over something that could have the potential and aggravation to cost me a lot more money than the small amount of interest it could earn me,but up2u.
  20. So what?If you've done nothing wrong and are currently up to date with everything,then you have nothing to fear.Good guys in,bad guys out.Bring it on.
  21. I'm sure that will make Uncle Sam a very happy chappy.Thailand has made it's bed.Enough said.
  22. Yes very nice the way we're treated here as a human Atm.Dual pricing,discrimination,racism&general unfairness.If we were all to pack up our bags and head off home,the Thai's would all be left crying in their Tom yam gung,wondering what on earth they'd done. The panic amongst them when COVID set in decimating their precious and beloved ATM,sorry tourist industry,was plain to see. Please learn to treat your geese that lay golden eggs for you with a better degree of fairness. Not much to ask is it?
  23. It appears all down to Decha and his financial distress,but unfortunately he's made everyone suffer for it,including killing an innocent lady who's only activity was to purchase a foreclosed house. R.I.P.
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