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Posts posted by quandow

  1. 13 hours ago, 4evermaat said:

    Universal income (or some variation of it) will be the future.  It would spark a trickle-up economy.  And simultaneously reward creativity/community building.  Things that the financial markets cannot price directly.

    I am completely speculating here, but I believe those who really run this world don't give a rat's a$$ about the starving masses. Do I think UBI is a good idea? Mostly yes, but I think there should be incentives to have citizens do something productive or they'll go semi feral like soi dogs, reproducing uncontrollably, losing any and all social skills due to staying at home in ratty underwear while watching Jerry Springer and Judge Judy reruns. Pessimist or realist? You decide.

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  2. 2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    If you lived in a condo with a good management they will do it for you.

    I lived in an hotel. They did it for me.

    I live in a REALLY nice condo, but I don't trust them to handle it. When I initially moved in, the gal at the main desk said she was too busy to get to it for a few days, but if I wanted to go myself, I could handle the paperwork that day. which I did. Risk being fined because of their ineptitude? No thanks.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

    It's funny to see how little reaction the threads surrounding the dem agenda get. There is no excitement or buzz of any kind.

    I usually despise what you post, but you have a very valid point here. What has happened is the impeachment frenzy/Syrian massacre decision has sucked all the air out of the room. I heard a talking head explain, in a similar circumstance, how Beto (who now has less than zero chance of surviving) takes away time from other candidates and their agendas. All media, left and right (is there an honest center reporting publisher any more?) present too much misdirection, too much attention to "shiny objects."

  4. 7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    Gabbard leaves me really cold. I'm very glad that she'll probably have to drop out soon.

    I hate to say this, but charisma has a LOT to do with electability. I mean, look at the clown currently in the oval. He doesn't have two brain cells to rub together but he knows how to play the idiots raised on the reality TV teat.


    I knew a pilot who had the opportunity to be in a room when Bill Clinton walked in. He said you KNEW when he entered - he had that "thing," the ability to electrify any place he was. Tulsi has an acceptable platform AND she's quite the cure for insomnia.

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