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Posts posted by Jaivin2011

  1. I just do get it....when oh when ill decent toursist stop coming to Thailand. There is nothing here anymore compared to new alternative destinations and the peopl in the tourists trade be it the owners of hotels, the management, the tour groups, the tourists attractions owners, restaurants, etc are not the least genuinely interested in the welfare of tourists but only about their own pockets......thai style!

  2. LOL! All the suckers who paid for their CWOW memberships should do something enmasse and start a legal action against the founder Eric Levine. He leads a very Hi-So life in Thailand and recently got marries in Phuket with such an extraganza that spanned a few days and was covered in publictions like the stupid Thailand Tatler, Hello, Ok etc. The guy is a major con artists and yet many still give him respect. People should spit at him and his bride in public.

  3. Ok Update for everyone here:

    a) There is no Procaine Penicillin (for intramuscular injections) and even Penicillin G that is used for IV injections in Thailand at the moment! Almosts all the private and government hospitals do not have it and according to the GPO, the problem has ben ongoing for about 8 months and expected to prolong as they are only expecting new stocks in December. None of the local thai companies are making it anymore also.Oral Penicillin is available but cannot be used in cases where the IM or IV forms are needed.

    The problem is similar in Malaysia , Singapore, Cambodia,and even Australia. (You can goggle and see the news on penicillin shortages).

    Managed to get some via courrier from India but shits I never knew that Penicillin can be that expensive.

    Thanks to all the posters for their help and useful comments.

  4. Thai Males are generally have no balls! They never fight out over one to one equally. Even when they attack their own kind or even foreigners, they will come as a group and if ever they are to do it one to one, the attcker would have an advantage in that he carries a gun or a weapon.

    I suggest that all these guys are caught and then snuff anal rape movies be made of them and then simply snuff them off. Cowards thats what they really are.

    • Like 2
  5. LOl,Lol! Lol!

    And TAT new campaign slogan" Come To Thailand For Masagg and Then Get Stabbed, If They Do Not Rip You First!"

    This gusy at TAT are really a joke but then again, this is one agency that has lots of money and as in the case of their previous governor, its full of corruption. never invite a TAT official as a guest for any event and treat them and all their immediate families like corrupted garbage who steal tax payers money.

  6. Firststly lah......what the thais so do lah is to get all their sales staff to at least speak some English lah. Then at least teach their sales staff to be a bot motivated and to understand Customer Service lah......then lah, at least the big groups like CEntral should start with at least rewards for their best spending expat or tourists customers instead so inviting only so called thai hisos lah a their special launch events etc who do not spend money but rather expect everything to be given to them for free lah. Why not use these funds to give rewards to the foreign buyers instead lah. (The same is also done by groups in their own umbrella like Zen,CMG, CDC, etc and also done by companies like ELCA, etc who only bring the thai hisos for their events but these people only want everything free lah....By the way Thai Hisos are not nothing like the real Hisos in Singapre who are the real philanthropists and real society people.) Anyway I can advise a lot lah but tired as I know that its all garbage as far as what they are trying to do in Ratchaprasong.

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  7. Huh Thais! What to say! when votes can be bought for a mere Bt 200, when a 60year old Australian Travel agentt can be killed for a mere Bt 300, when a traffic cop will turn away for a mere Bt 100, when a teenager sells his or her virginity for a mere Bt 300., when copy DVD can be bought on the streets for a mere Bt 60, when you can even get copy "True" boxes and services for a platinum package at a mere Bt 200 per month, when the majority of the country is controlled by a minority Thai Chinese,...........the lists goes on.......are they really ready for democracy??????????Can this country be saved???????? Is there a future for thailand?????????

    Myammar, here I come but .........

  8. Hi Khun Sheryl,

    Thanks a lot about the manaufacturer, will try tomorrow. The reason we have to use it and not doxycyline is because he is already developed resistant to doxycycline and also azithromycin and also tetracycline according to the Doctor and that he needs it fast. The red cross clinic also does not have stocks of benzathine penicillin.


  9. Hi, Been outthe whole day checking out various pharmacies, clinics and hospitals in Bangkok , and its the same no benzathine penicillin for Intramuscular injection use. My firends and staff have also been checking around and there is none around in the upcountry hospitals and Malaysia and Singapore has also proven to be futile.

    Please if anyone knows where to procur it, please let me know urgently as my friend really needs it. Thank You in Advance.

  10. Found out this morning that the situation about Penicillin is really serious as Hospitals upcountry in places like Chiangrai and Chiangmai are claiming that they have not been having penicillin supplies for the last 6 months and worst there are also other antibiotics like Minicin etc which is not available. Tried Singapore and apparently they too have a shortage but have sufficient stocks for emergency cases and all Hospitals have to keep strict records hence no way of buying from there.

    I really hope that the Moderators of this great forum will somehow help to get this news to the media as an explanation from The Ministry Of Public health is really needed and all Thai Citizens and Foreigners need to be aware of the situation. If you check up, penicillin is really needed as the first line of defense for numerous diseases and second line antibiotics can actually cause resistance (hence a person is actually not properly cured and can die if that disease progresses.)

    Anslo, if any TV member has any suggestions where to get real penicilling for IM purpose (Ie Intramuscular Injection) please advise. Really need help. Thanks.

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  11. Hi, its not for "my friend" but really for a friend and its 1.2 million units per ampoule and not a 1.2 g ampoule and also for secondary syphllis, intravenous high dose of penicillin is a guaranteed cure as long as you are not allergic to it. Many people develop resistant to other types of antibiotics and the doxycyline 100mg twice daily protocol is good for stage one syphillis and even then in some cases might still fail to sure syphillis and in secondary syphillis, two 1.2 million units injections at one time and the similar injections evry other week for a total of three weeks is a guranteed protol according to the doctor here and also in the US CDC Circulars and also the Harvard Medical Journals. The point is that Penicillin is also important for amny other diseases and yet there is none in Thailand at the moment. Is this not serious?

  12. I do not want to put this into the Health Forum but rather the main Thailand News forum but could not do so as I think that its very important for all foreigners residing in Thailand to know this.

    Took my friend who has secondary Syphllis to A Private Hospital here this morning and was told that he needed injectable Penicillin 1.2 million units per ampoule for six doses sbut the Doctor said that she did not have any stocks at the moment and that you cannot order it as there is an acute shortage for the last 6 months! Checked with Samitivej, BNH and Paolo and found out that all hospitals under the Dusit Medical Group does not have it. Bamrungrad, Bangkok Christian , St Louis , Sririraj , Chulalongkorn Hospital all said the same and so did bangrak Hospital and also a few that we check in Pattaya, Phuket and Chaingmai via phone. My staff when down to check the clinics at Silom near Patpong and also a lot of pharmacies and none carried stocks. Found out that the GPO (Government Pharmaceutical Organisation had none).

    Whats going on, Penicillin is critical for many diseases and secondary options can cause drug resistant and super bugs.Please help if anyone knows where to get injectable peenicillin at 1.2 million units per ampoule.


    PS: Its not trivail when a country is does not have stocks of a major medication.And they are trying to be a Medical Hub? One underground dealer at Sukhumvit was asking for Bt 25,000 per ampoule! which was outrageous.

  13. IS THIS A JOKE? Why not just start with Bangkok first just to show that he is sincere starting with the mafia taxis at the airport and then the guys outside the Grand Palace and Wat Po and also the so called "guides" at Silom , outside the Erawan Shrine etc. OH Pleeze....he cannot do anything! Its all corrupted Police and Govenment Officials behind this all. What everybody should do is to write back home to your local media and community and friends and tell them to boycott coming to thailand and also buing Thai products and lobbying their governments against any support for thailand to ensure that things change.

    Also what about the government and private mafia that does double enter fee charging ie one price for thais and another for foriegners like the Oceanworlds at Paragon, the parks etc.

  14. Wow, just reading all the postings......I am so so soruprised to find that they are a lot of forensic and medical specialists among TV members and so many professionals! Wow,

    Anyway, on another note.......despite whatever happens and even how bad foreigners are treated here and and no matter how many high-profile cases appears in the international media........the influx of trash toursist and expats to this country will never cease if not increase in numbers. Amazing! And the Thais know this secret!

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  15. First we have Thai Chinese controlling every aspect of the economy and ensuring thatthe non-thai chinese will remain prro and be their slaves and now we have the Singaporean Chinese coming in and trying to take control of things. When will the masses everr wake up and do something to reclaim whats actually theirs and get rid of all these Hakkas and Teochews etc.

  16. What is needed is for the police to place the photos and details of the ten people working in the call scam in all the paers along with details of their families and also details of the investor. Then let human nature takes it full course along with heavy sentencing for them. There are lot of these fillipinos and also westerners working in these call scams in thailand not forgetting the famous taiwanese and also singaporean and malaysian chinese groups and also the nigerians. Anybody who comes across such scums or know of such scums should place their details online maybe on a facebook acct. These scum really need to be spat on!

  17. As all these illicit activities happened mostly in government controlled hospitals, what is needed is not changes that will make costs more inconveniences to doctors and patients but rather the whole Ministry Of Public Health needs to be revamped starting with the sackings of all the top heads and then followed by the prosecution of all these officials who allowed it to happen in the first place. The Ministry of Public health and The FDA dept is lead by Baffoons and corrupted officials in the first place.I was recently told by a German Businessman in Thailand who is bringing in a new range of candy and also cough drops from Germany that he needed to pay Bt 15,000 first to the junior official processing the fda licenses and that later more will be expected if not , the fda will not be passed. He had only just lodged in his fda application about a week ago.

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  18. Wow this is good news for TAT;a Miracle of the Amazing Thailand Campaign or whatever rubbish slogan they came up with and are spending billions of dollars (all into pockets of individuals actually as usual!). So for Songkran this years expect Bangkok to be crowded....the Northern Plains are in Smoke and Haze, The Northeast is having drought and the south is having bombs......hurray TAT!

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