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Posts posted by Preman

  1. In the 80s it was Nuclear War

    In the 90s it was HIV

    In the 00s it was SARs

    In the 10s It is Ebola

    Please excuse me for not running to my bunker just yet!

    actually, it's more about not trusting what the governments are going to say (based on their track record to date on many other issues) rather than how easy or otherwise is to catch the disease or how far it will spread. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

    To: AnotherOneAmerican

    I understand what your point is, but for people who have been on the receiving end of any of these diseases - your view is not so easily dismissed. There was no nuclear war in the 80's - was there.

    Your point is about people being alarmists, paranoid etc etc.

    HIV was real and still is. SARs. It was real. I was one who actually contracted it by way of a flight from Hong Kong to LA in 2003. (yes, one of those confirmed cases).

    So, - I for one had a first hand experience of how easy these 'nasty diseases' - can actually be transmitted.

    From that experience and the intense memories of what I went through, - I just pray that Ebola does not move into the international arena.

    People always seem to think, - "it can only happen to other people". I say bullsh....

    No one is saying 'run to your bunker', - but get real and be aware what is potentially a big problem if it is not contained.

    Personally, I agree the comments of Asiantravel (above).

    • Like 2
  2. But, in this instance...... disinfectant spray cannot knock out Ebola. May help the passengers feel safer though!

    That's the point. It's not about actually doing anything. It's about creating the illusion that they're doing something.

    Illusions do comfort people. The mass media create / manufacture 'illusions' on a daily basis.

    The masses buy it all without doing any research. If people did really research what Ebola is, it would scare the crap out of everyone. "We don't want that do we"? Nope, all our Governments are in control, - just do not worry people, - we are spraying disinfectant in the plane. Such stupidity!

    But, - people buy that stupidity. They will probably think that Nok Airlines is safe now.

    When I read in the posts above - that Thai Airlines and Nok are doing something - and you are asking what about Air Asia? Wow! Are you really buying this stuff?

    Get it clear... the Airlines .... not just Thai.... ALL AIRLINES from any Country, - cannot do anything.

    Unfortunately, there is not much that anyone CAN do except cancel all flights and quarantine those entire countries.

    If there are people infected with Ebola - who have already traveled and are in other countries right now, then it may be too late to absolutely contain it. It only takes one person to infect many ... and so on it goes. The incubation period can be weeks. Testing temperatures of passengers is like spraying disinfectant.

    At present, most people are very dismissive about the real danger we are facing.

  3. If disinfectant killed Ebola, - that would be nice? No problems anywhere in the world - right?

    During a flight if there was an Ebola infected person who made prints here and there of body fluids - and then another passenger came into contact with those fluids (such as sweat, or coughing or pissing etc etc.), then that other person is exposed and is at risk.

    Spraying disinfectant as the flight lands does not kill Ebola on the person carrying it or on the people who may be exposed to it.

    The intention is good & honorable. At least they are making an effort.

    But, in this instance...... disinfectant spray cannot knock out Ebola. May help the passengers feel safer though!

    • Like 1
  4. I just searched for the name of that movie. I actually named it (without knowing) in my last post above.

    The name of the film was "outbreak".

    Based on a fictional disease outbreak, - related to Ebola.

    I suppose that is where I got those images of people in space suits.

    Also, recently on the news - seeing those doctors in Africa.

    Lets hope that it just stays on movies and does leave Africa.

  5. The point that I was trying to make before (in the post regarding when I came into contact with SARS), - is that if someone is infected with Ebola, and travels to another country via the normal method (by air), - it is a very dangerous situation.

    Airplane travel is within a very confined space. People do use the toilet, do sweat, do splutter or sneeze, - do leave a body fluid print around that other people are exposed to one way or another.

    Not so difficult for diseases to spread. As I said in an earlier post, I have been on the receiving end of that with SARS.

    I am certainly not a paranoid dooms day type of person, but I do know that if this outbreak is not contained quickly and a few people start to travel who do not know that they are infected, - then there IS A BIG PROBLEM.

    For anyone who has written here that there is not a problem and that the 'authorities' or 'governments' can protect you, - then think again. I ask you how?

    I am not in Thailand right now. I returned to Australia last year after being in Thailand for 7 years.

    Long enough to know that the Thai 'authorities' cannot really do much to stop this.

    For that matter, any country's government including the USA or Australia.

    A lot of people just think, "ah, this type of thing only happens to other people". Well, just pray that you are never on the receiving end of this stuff. Because, if you are - or see it first hand, - you will understand how easy it is happen.

    Thus my comments.

    If this outbreak hits populated cities, - you will see the likes of men in space suits and isolation tents all over the place.

    In fact, there was a movie with Dustin Hoffman (forget the name), that had the same theme.

    A deadly outbreak of something that started in Africa and went crazy around the world.

  6. You will never get rid of drugs, if you can't even get rid of it in prison... When are these fools going to realize that

    so whats your solution carry on as normal,there is some awful drugs out there nowadays..i dont mean grass..wai.gif

    The most awful of drugs like Oxycontin and various Bath Salts are completely legal. And yes I mean legalize all of it from grass to Ya Ba and Heroin. If there is demand, there will always be a supply, and the recent spate of drug killings shows you that even thousands of deaths cannot stop the drug trade, the profits and demand is just too high. Efforts should be made to educate people, especially teenagers on how certain drugs affect and damage your body. If it was legalized, it could be regulated so that it would be out of reach from teenagers. Im sure there are plenty of drug dealers who sell Ya Ba to kids without even caring a single bit.

    And anyway, once really good quality cannabis, ecstasy (which is much safer than tobacco and alcohol), mushrooms and LSD are legalized, the demand for extremely dangerous drugs like Ya Ba and Heroin will die a natural death.

    Are you serious? That - Ya Ba and Heroin are dangerous - and that Mushrooms and LSD and 'ecstacy' are OK?

    Firstly learn how to spell when you name drugs. Even the pharmaceuticals. Oxycontin? Spell it right!

    Secondly, when you talk about 'ecstacy' being safer than tobacco or alcohol - you need to do your research a lot more.

    That 'ecstacy' (as you call it) is a major threat to kids and to society. It is a very serious threat to people.

    Do you even know how it works? What it is? How it is made? The effects it has on your brain and spinal fluids?

    My son died from drugs. He was 21 years old.

    I am a highly qualified scientist.

    I do not subscribe to this stuff you wrote at all. It is BS.

    Wake up!

    While I agree about the legalization of substances (your main point), - I cannot agree with your lack of knowledge.

  7. Gotta hand it to the General. Not only can he restore order, clean up the police, tackle corruption, actually have people arrested and bring peace to Thailand but it seems he even managed to delay the rainy season until everyone was ready. The man is a miracle worker.

    I wonder if he'd fancy a month in Brazil in charge of the England team?

    I agree. Someone had to step in.

    I know that many will not agree, but at least now there is "someone" actually doing something.

    The other clowns had their chance and many warnings.

    This is a clean up act to try to restore some some balance and order.

    Did it have to take the Military to do it? Most certainly. Otherwise what?

    He is a "Miracle Worker" .... in my opinion.

    Watch video below.

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  8. Your quote about what I wrote. "However, your point ... makes no point". Yes... it does make a point.

    My point was simple. The people who are jailed in trying to be honest are few and far between. Nelson Mangela and a few others... like Aung San Suu Ky. Not many. Then they become legends after spending 20 years in jail. Meantime, "the honest people who govern" Screw their own countries. What is happening in Thailand .... and for that matter ... all around the world .. is a complete joke. But, not many people stand up. Somehow completely brainwashed by the media.

    It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

    It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

    And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

    Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

    Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

    The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

    Do you seriously think that there is such a thing as an honest Asian Minister?

    His Asian Colleagues? What are you rambling about?

    Man, - you are gone! Not many honest people in politics.

    Challenge... tell me one honest person in politics anywhere in the world.

    But, do your background checks first. Hard to find.... like hens teeth!

    No argument from me or from many others here about sleaze in the government and politics of this region, which is why Suthep and the PDRC were always doomed in trying to politicize corruption in Thailand.

    I'd separate the Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi from the rest but she's only recently freed from house arrest the past 20 or so years. She wants to be elected president of Myanmar and, if successful, will probably do a lot of cleaning up around there.

    However, your point makes no point.

  9. Asean wants to do business with the person it's familiar with, the Thai FM Surapong in whom they appear to have confidence, trust, respect.

    I suspect that ASEAN does Not want to do business with someone who has been described as "lacking in ethics, morality and what is right & just" by the highest court in the land.

    The highest court in the land. You mean Thailand ... right... Go figure that one out.

    A court in Thailand? What does that mean? A land where where there is actually no law.

    Ethics? Morality? Right & Just? Are you serious. Have you ever lived in Thailand?

    This is such a ridiculous statement.

  10. It's likely Surapong has been in contact with his Asean colleagues and thru them the leaders of Asean govenments, that Asean has indicated they will accept his presence and representation of Thailand at the summit on the 12th and 13th in Myanmar. Who else is there - Suthep? Abhisit??

    It's just unlikely Surapong would try to show up there without prior consultation with Asean foreign ministers and their respective PM. Neither Surapong nor Asean would want there to be an embarrassing scene. It looks like the path for Surapong to attend is open and clear.

    And if, as appears likely, the Asean heads and/or foreign ministers receive Surapong at their meetings it certainly would be considered a slap in the face of Thai feudalism, a message to get your house in order starting now.

    Did you clowns and jokers really think or believe the ammart still had the power they once had?

    Thais themselves, Asean, the world knows the days of ammart control over Thailand are over, gone, past. The minority no longer control the majority. Thai law has come to mean anarchy so it's time to have an election with UN and Asean monitors and to accept both it and its outcome.

    The ammart coup is not recognized, same as a military coup isn't ever recognized. A coup is a coup is a coup. So no more. The line is being drawn and the feudalists are on the wrong side of it.

    Do you seriously think that there is such a thing as an honest Asian Minister?

    His Asian Colleagues? What are you rambling about?

    Man, - you are gone! Not many honest people in politics.

    Challenge... tell me one honest person in politics anywhere in the world.

    But, do your background checks first. Hard to find.... like hens teeth!

  11. Actually, I HAVE traveled and lived in most Asian countries over the last 30 years or so.

    That includes, India, Indonesia, Singapore, China, Malaysia and Thailand (and others).

    My point was - to try and keep postings 'non racial'.

    I am not Chinese, nor am I defending their eating habits.

    But, I have witnessed terrible eating habits elsewhere, - in all of the above mentioned countries.

    Also, in Western countries. Slobs eating burgers in Australia, the USA, the UK, Canada etc etc.

    In the Middle East ..... the same bad eating habits.

    As someone said before. It is not isolated to any particular class.

    Some eating habits are culturally ingrained. Hard to change.

    To stab someone on a plane because they are eating loudly. That is what is insane. Not the person eating.

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  12. So, this whole string has mainly focused on chinese eating habits and criticisms thereof.

    I thought this initial post was about steel versus plastic utensils?

    Like some people have already pointed out, - a chop stick through the eye is certainly a better weapon.

    Likewise a ball point pen.

    Personally, I have found the plastic knives to be more sharp than the steel ones.

    Why? Because the cerated edge is actually sharper.

    Yes, they bend easier. But they are sharper. Don't believe me?

    Then go and rub one over your fingers with a slight bit of pressure.

    Then imagine someone doing that to your throat.

    It is absolute BS to be comparing steel knives to plastic knives.

    They both do damage.

    As another poster said above. It is impossible to get rid of weapons on a plane.

    The car keys in your bag or pocket can do untold damage if used in the right way.

    So why turn this string into Chinese bashing? There are fruit cake passengers on planes from all nations.

  13. the Ministry of Justice has a budget to fund intensive training courses in France for judges,” he explained.

    Call me cynical...but believe this is the key in this article, will the judges get the "intensive training" in France....most certainly....will this result in tourist courts....I think not

    and why would a Thai judge be sent for training on Thai law/courts to France anyway ? I am confused your honour

    Because one of the special judgments handed down may be a sentence to the guillotine....ain't going to be no mercy for farangs!!!!

    This is so funny, - had me laughing big! But, - the funniest thing is - it comes close to the truth, not literally - but in description of what the process will be. If such a court ever gets up and running (which I doubt), - how many of the French trained judges would risk their butts ruling in favor of a foreigner ..... and impose a penalty on a Thai? Ah Ah.... they know it would create hell for themselves.

    It simply will not happen.

  14. My point in my previous post is this. Immigration tell me that it is indeed illegal for a foreigner to hold the position, write checks, supervise Thai staff etc etc. Sitting on a committee and being a Chairman is OK.

    Being a Juristic Person and drawing a salary is not OK. Immigration turn a blind eye to it. However, the main point is that if a jealous or angry Thai who are not happy about the situation.... go to immigration and report it, - it is curtains for the foreigner.

    So regardless of what the land office allow or agree to, .... it does not matter. Immigration is the ultimate deciding body.

  15. I am in a Condo where the Thai Juristic Person resigned and an English who was on the committee took on the role as the Juristic Person, he has held now for about nine months. He controls all of the staff and signs s checks. Many of us have told him that it is illegal to do this without a work permit. He does not seem to care. He is on a retirement visa.

    I wanted to check the legal status of this. We have a good friend who is fairly senior in Immigration. I asked him the question.

    "Can a foreigner act as Juristic Person and draw a salary (which he is doing) within the law"

    Answer: "No, it is illegal unless he has work permit". He can of course sit on the committee.

    He also said that any angry Thai reported him to immigration, they then be obliged to investigate and take the necessary actions.

    This guy is a sitting duck.

    In answer to your question, - I would not take a Juristic Person without a work permit. It is just too risky.

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  16. Back to the point. Why does selling or using a plant ... give a death sentence?

    Because the law in Malaysia says it does.

    Yup, but if some havent grasped that by now, chances are they never will. The same people who bang on about 'TiT' and 'Thai logic' somehow dont grasp that others countries have their own share of idiosyncrasies that are in complete contast to our 'enlightened' Western approach to crime and punishment.

    (btw, doesnt heroin start life as the Opium plant ? Cocaine ? Peyote/mescalin ? Tobacco and alcohol ? Yup - nothing harmful in that lot ...)

    For starters... there is no such thing as an opium plant. It is called a poppy. The poppy seeds can be purchased freely.

    However, when you take the poppy seed and extract it, . then you have a drug. Cocaine? Same story. Chew the leaf and walk ... just like millions for eons. It is an energizer. Play with it chemically, - then you have what what we call cocaine.

    Indigenous use of plants does not represent drug abuse.

    The real drug abuse - is from big pharma to to train doctors to be drug pushers.

  17. There are several types of Dengue.. The worst one kills. I actually was on the receiving end of the worst one, - some five years ago in Chiang Mai. A very hard experience to go through and I feel lucky that I survived.

    Normally, we all have about 225,000 red blood platelets, with Dengue - your red blood platelets drop rapidly. Mine dropped to 65,000. The doctor said that at around 50,000 to 55,000 - it is all over. I was lucky. I feel so sorry for these people who get this.

    The doctor told me however, - that I can not get that particular strain of Dengue again (I hope he is right). But, apparently I can get the other strains multiple times.

    For you folks who are familiar with Chiang Mai, - the best doctor in my opinion is at the clinic on Loi Kroh Road. He has a lab upstairs and does the blood tests within hours.

    I echo what others have already said, - many Thais do not even bother to go to the doctor - for whatever reason - monetary or otherwise. So, when you see a epidemic like this, - the real numbers are probably many fold more.

    If you experience fever, - get it checked out straight away.

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