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Posts posted by Preman

  1. This whole subject matter is very serious (in my opinion). It could escalate quickly and cause the deaths of many people.

    I hope that this hype is wrong. I hope that sanity prevails. But, like another poster above said, - this guy is a spoon fed brat - who is maybe desperate to show off. Who knows? But hopefully things will settle down. Otherwise, - for sure it is nukes on the table. This little boy will kill his own country.

    The Hawks in washington will not put up with this. He is just giving them an excuse for obliteration.

  2. I already said it. If N. Korea actually fires a nuke at the US ???? or even S. Korea as they are threatening, China will do nothing. China doesn't want a nuclear war nor does anyone else except maybe the Insane Ones in N. Korea.

    I am not from the US, but lived there for 18 years. Know the psyche of many senators. If this is a true threat, - they NK are Fkked.

    The US will not tolerate threats like this (if it is real). So, what I am saying, - is it real or manufactured as an excuse to go in an destroy (like Iraq and probably Iran). The USA owes big bucks to China, - that is why the writer above is correct. They will not intervene.

    It's a huge mistake to threaten the largest empire of all time. The war machine in the USA is big $$ - so, this threat is so stupid.

  3. Hey Ed,

    I certainly respect you and your work, - but you have to admit that there is in fact a counter argument. It is not always the case that when a herb is deemed a "drug" that it is still available as an OTC (over the counter drug) as you said, and you used aspirin as an example. You want a few examples in the USA alone? In fact you know them yourself.

    1. You are an advocate of Kava. There is one. You know that I used to do CO2 extraction of Kava with Fred. Had to stop.

    2. Apricot Kernel's and extracts thereof (Leotrole) - or commonly known as the strongest source of vitamin B17. FDA regularly checked that I was not extracting that.

    (See link) http://www.cancure.org/laetrile.htm

    The list goes on and on.

    So, in general, - I think that the spirit of what you say is true, - but there are still many exceptions - even in the USA.

    There are many counter examples - to the OTC thing.

    My point of concern, - was - this is thailand. Hard to know what the intention was when I first read the article.

  4. Total Insanity! I have been in the Herb, Spice & Nutraceautical business for over 20 years. Have a degree in Molecular Chemistry and specialize in botanicals. Ran a factory in the USA for 15 years and am very familiar with "Good Manufacturing Practices" and had regular dealings and inspections with the USA FDA - who are known to be quite tough with what they allow on the market. But, even my contacts at the FDA would laugh at this list.

    As someone said previously, - this is a list compiled by people who are on the "take", to make $$$ for other people.

    Most of these herbs are benign - with one or two exceptions. Turmeric ? One of the most promising natural herbs to combat cancer cells. It has been proven in numerous major studies by respected Universities, - that curcumin (the main active compound in turmeric), kills cancer cells.

    Need I say any more?

    Insanity at it's best !

    For such an educated & successful person (you claim), it appears you're a bit short in the common-sense department. These ten substances are NOT BANNED. They are being considered for APPROVAL!

    Jeez... are paz and gwynt the only posters in this thread who have any reading comprehension?

    No, me too... though with all those others going on about it, I had to go back and check that it wasn't ME getting the wrong end of the stick!

    Read on buddy! I have already accepted what you say. It is not a matter of focusing on Thai bashing. I do not do do that.

    It means that drugs ...... means drugs. A Drug List is a drug list. What that means in other countries ... is 'Banned" .

    Not many may know that is different in Thailand. Nor did I.

    Today, - I have learned something. This whole thread .... is based on semantic confusion.

  5. Khun Per,

    With all respect, people respond to what is being written. If the article read, "10 herbs now being accepted for their exceptional medicinal value, I am sure that ALL the farangs on this site would applaud that. But, that is not how it was perceived, - because a drug category in other countries - means "BANNED".

    So, who ever wrote that article is the one who needs education.

    • Like 1
  6. The more herbs we can ban the better for the pharmaceutical industry. The more we ban the more opertuinity we give to the black market.The medicinal properties in Thai herbs far outweigh the narcotics properties..

    I think there is a misunderstanding here, stemming from the potentially ambiguous English word "drug". In the article it is being used in the sense of "medicine", that is these herbs are proposed be officially recognized to have some curative property. That doesn't mean they will be banned, or required a prescription to be bought, or that they will be patented.

    Illegal drugs have nothing to do with all that.

    I think that the above post by Paz, is probably the most relevant in this whole dialogue so far. The problem is when a headline says that they are being considered as a drug category, - we all use the western standards of what that means.

    I certainly did that, - because as I said in a previous post, a "drug" category" means it is taken off the availability list.

    Hence all the confusion (including me).

    If in Thailand it just means that it will be accepted as an alternative medicine, - then it is a victory, - a plus, not a minus.

    Therefore, I eat humble pie and leave it as is. It is a good thing.

  7. Total Insanity! I have been in the Herb, Spice & Nutraceautical business for over 20 years. Have a degree in Molecular Chemistry and specialize in botanicals. Ran a factory in the USA for 15 years and am very familiar with "Good Manufacturing Practices" and had regular dealings and inspections with the USA FDA - who are known to be quite tough with what they allow on the market. But, even my contacts at the FDA would laugh at this list.

    As someone said previously, - this is a list compiled by people who are on the "take", to make $$$ for other people.

    Most of these herbs are benign - with one or two exceptions. Turmeric ? One of the most promising natural herbs to combat cancer cells. It has been proven in numerous major studies by respected Universities, - that curcumin (the main active compound in turmeric), kills cancer cells.

    Need I say any more?

    Insanity at it's best !

  8. Corruption is politics. In Thailand it is more overt. But to all of you self righteous / nationalistic people who think that the UK, USA, Australian, European politicians are puritans, .... I say wake up. Corruption is on a far larger scale than in Thailand..... but quite translucent? Confronted by whom? Media. Who owns media?

    Thailand's scams are nothing by comparison to our larger western economies. In fact, it is laughable - that you people even point fingers at such Thai corrupt simplicity.... when in our own countries - ... it is a million times worse.

    Research ... and then wake up.

  9. "...the Royal Thai Navy has prepared boats to push out water from Klong Ladkrabang, Klong Hua Takae, Klong Bangkhen and Klong Bang Sue..."? How does this work ? Are the laws of physics different in Thailand or just these Klongs?

    Dr Einstein understood this kind of wisdom when he uttered:

    • "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."

    He also said insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. Maybe they'll try a big wave machine next wink.png

    Who is this Einstein? He is just another farang, who doesn't know, how things are in Thailand!

    Farang .... Farang .... Farang ..... What? You know how things are in Thailand? The phone system, TV, satellite and all systems of business and economics, most products in the store, ..... all come from FARANG. But Thais think that their toothpaste and soap and ponds cream and nivea and dish washing liquid are Thai.

    Farangs ..... why you come here?

    Mr. Einstein was actually a very humble man who changed the world. There are still many great thinkers like him.

  10. You do not need a return ticket to obtain a visa. In fact, the Australian Embassy advises you - NOT TO BUY A TICKET UNTIL A VISA IS ALREADY GRANTED.

    However, the immigration officer in Australia at point of entry may ask you if you have a return ticket. If you simply state that you are buying one in Australia because it is cheaper, - they are usually OK.

  11. Personally, - I think that she is gem! Thai politics - are no different from most other countries.

    Show me one other head of state that looks so good and carries themselves with such outward charisma.

    Thailand wins.

    Granted - that it is an outward show - and what goes on behind the scenes is quite different.

    But that is politics. It's a circus show. Not just here, - but everywhere - in every country.

    From what I can see, she is giving Thailand much more credibility that any PM that operated before her.

    She is trying. I like her. So, dam_n you all. Look at your own politicians in the UK, USA, and Australia etc etc before you drag this beautiful woman down.

  12. How can you people turn acts of nature into political issues?

    Earthquakes, tornadoes, rain, droughts happen all around the world.

    It does not really matter how wealthy or poor the nation is, - it is difficult to stop.

    Look at the USA and what happens to New Orleans, - Australia's massive flooding, Japan's Tsunami etc etc.

    The fact is, the world's weather conditions are slowly becoming more severe.

    No one should point the finger at politicians.

    Yes, they make BS claims that it will not happen again. But we all know they are powerless.

    Politicians talk Sh....t all over the world. Thailand is no different.

    I think that nature always proves she is the real big boss.

    On the positive side, let's hope that the rain brings relief to the farmers and the crops are good this year.

    How about that?

    • Like 2
  13. You all complain about Thailand not being fair to us farangs.

    But when a government extends a courtesy to Thailand out of good will, - still negative comments.

    Sure the UK has the olympics, - but they still have to ensure that who they bring in has some baht. Thus 3,000 baht. So what? Thailand does that. So, what is this crap.

    I think that the Thai Government will appreciate this gesture.

    And to the man that said - "what has this has to do with peace"? You kidding? Better always for a start towards that.

    To offer fast track visas to Thai's is a good thing. Stop complaining people. That is what I mean by peace.

    Someone has to start. If the UK Government has done that. Good.

    • Like 2
  14. Hey Mr, Teatree,

    I think that everyone agrees - 'global governance', - is coming or - in fact is already here.

    But, that is entirely different from a 'global citizen'. A person who can move freely and buy and sell.

    Sounds simple? So does PEACE. Restrictions are boundaries to peace and freedom.

    Yet the mightiest nation on earth says that their constitution is based on peace & freedom, whilst acting otherwise.

    The point? What country / government acts with all the qualities we would wish for?

    So, your point is well taken. Global Governance is a nightmare.

    Personal liberation is what we should all be striving for.

    • Like 1
  15. This subject always seems to get a huge amount of interest / hits. I sometimes wonder if these articles are purposefully laid out nets, - in order to see the 'farang' responses. Is this article really representative of the Thai Government?

    Is this really a Thai Government representative who presumably made these statements - really speaking on behalf of the Thai Government - with full approval from the Thai Cabinet? Somehow, I doubt it.

    If this was truly the case, - if this was in fact an official Thai Government declaration, - it would be an act of economic suicide, - with very swift responses from other Governments around the world.

    In summary, - for all of you - who take such stupid outbursts by individuals (in their own right) seriously. Think again.

    If Thailand were to ever instigate such ramblings into law, - the Thai companies and individuals who freely invest and own property overseas would be at huge risk.

    Do some research everyone. Make a list of all the major Thai politicians and businessmen. Then do a search on their shareholding structures and then see how many are freely allowed to invest overseas. Then calculate the amount involved. Some of these people may be corrupt and even stupid. But stupid enough to cut their own throats.

    My personal view. It simply will not happen. ....

    And as for the goodie - goodie who seems to have bought all this Thai nationalism... and is defending all this hype, - I say - wake up - and go and educate yourself. Your heroes - have already stolen from your own people. It is not the Farangs who wrong Thais.

    • Like 1
  16. Here is more: This stuff is very hazardous to health. Pity that they they are doing this in Thailand. I had heard that the did this in the past, but was not aware that it was still going on until I read todays article in this post. 5 Tonnes is a huge amount.

    In reference to my earlier post about 'cloud seeding' or 'rainmaking substances' - and in the USA often called 'chemtrails',

    here are a few good sites to look over to learn more about the subject.

    This one is a list of Patents taken out (in case some of you do not think that this is true).


    In a second article on the same topic the same author identifies Silver (Ag), Barium (Ba) and Strontium (Sr) and low levels of copper (Cu) as having accumulated in the food chain due, in part, to “aerial spraying with 'cloud seeding' Ag or Ba crystal nuclei for rain making in these drought-prone areas of North America, the atmospheric spraying with Ba based aerosols for enhancing/refracting radar and radio signal communications...” The bioaccumulation of these elements into the food chain can result in a neurodegenerative process that can be confused with transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) of infectious origin.

    Another study published in the journal Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety in 2002, reports that “Over the last 25 years, several hundred thousand pounds of aluminized chaff have been released during flight operations over a training area on the Chesapeake Bay.”

    Another article, in the same journal the same year, states that “At least 500 tons of chaff is released annually during training within selected military operating areas in the United States.” The article also describes the nature of the chemical being released in more detail:

    “Chaff is a radiofrequency countermeasure released by military aircraft, ships, and vehicles to confuse enemy radar. Chaff consists of aluminum-coated glass fibers ranging in lengths from 0.8 to 0.75 cm and is released in packets of 0.5 to 100 million fibers. The Department of Defense has determined that use of chaff in training is required for maintaining proficiency in the use of this countermeasure.”

    Contributing sources:

    Before it's News, Are Chemtrails Real?

    Rep Kucinich Rewrites HR 2977 - 'Chemtrails' Disappear

  17. For those of you interested, the five tonnes of 'rainmaking substance' that they refer to in this article, is usually aluminium based.

    If anything like the stuff they use in the USA by the defense department for various purposes, - according to a number of reports, it is far more damaging and toxic to your health than the smoke haze.

    Dropping fives tonnes of this 'substance' from the air over populations is not a good thing.

    More information is available on this all over the internet.

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