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Posts posted by bannork

  1. Let's assume the deal was come back, join the junta parties, maintain enough popularity to fend off MF.

    All very well and good but this coalition is subject to instability. Thai conservatives hate Thaksin and his family, that will never change, so there's simmering discontent just beneath the surface.

    Just imagine being forced to accept the return of a man who you've spent countless years demonising! Must stick in the craw.

    The junta parties can accept many of the PT MPs, they're no different to them, old style MPs with their own loyal fiefdoms, but they can't stomach Thaksin's insufferable arrogance and desire to dominate everything.

    I wouldn't be surprised if they encouraged him and his family to take a helicopter ride one day.

    But one can assume the real movers behind Thaksin's return want him to work his populist magic on the populace again, neutering MF.

    If he can't do that, then he is of little use.

    So I'm guessing  he'll be given a free hand for a year or two, but if it seems his star has lost his shine, then perhaps some new charges could be threatened to persuade him to once again return to counting the grains of sand in the Dubai desert.


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