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Posts posted by Beng

  1. Today at the Promenada office I asked an officer about the online queue system and he said it was "closed permanently". He said there were two reasons. Since the move to the new office they had no space for more than one officer to process applications, and they had no time to process the applicants with appointments and the applicants without appointments. They had also received complaints that people were unable to get an online reservation. If you are already booked, then you will be seen at the appointed time, but no new appointments will be accepted.

    The officer spoke good English, as did his assistant, who agreed with him. So there doesn't seem to be any case for misunderstanding.

    This seems like a big step backwards to me, as they still have the same number of applications to process.

    The mind boggles at that reasoning, doesn't it? facepalm.gif

    It does indeed.

  2. Yesterday at super highway and Doi Saket Rd.intersection, the traffic police operated the traffic lights manually...creating one huge chaos.

    They should leave the rescueing of tourists to the more competent tourist police and ask themselves why traffic lights are equipped with automatic systems to control the flow of traffic.

  3. Why is this called a 'One stop service' ?? Obviously, things are done much slower than at the old place. What was the point in moving out there ?

    Without the online booking option, there will be more people queing up early every day.

    It appears they are really trying hard to get rid of all of us and use those agents, who probably must pay a special fee.

    Could this be the beginning of the end for online booking??? The following is information I received from a very reliable source. I am sure some other TV members received it as well. I am getting the feeling I am being herded in a certain direction. The above posters comments seem to fall in line with my thinking. He also raises many questions that go unanswered. Maybe they are monitoring TV and getting a little(how do I say it delicately) offended at some of the negative comments and this is their way of saying "Naughty naughty"

    This morning I checked the various Immigration offices throughout Thailand
    There's only 2 Immigration offices where the Online Queue is still working
    Nakon Sawan
    Chiang Saen
    I hope this doesn't mean that they are phasing out this program


    all the date is empty , do you think i can make a date there but living in chiang dao ?

    I can't see why not.

  4. I made my first visit to the new office today, for a re-entry permit. I arrived at 2pm, handed my form and photocopies to the lady on the desk, and she told me I needed copies of all the used pages in my passport.

    If you get the re entry permit at the airport as you leave Thailand, no need for all those copies. Bureaucracy gone mad!

    Do you need a boarding pass ??

    Yes, you do.

    Are they open to serve for the last flight ??

  5. I made my first visit to the new office today, for a re-entry permit. I arrived at 2pm, handed my form and photocopies to the lady on the desk, and she told me I needed copies of all the used pages in my passport.

    If you get the re entry permit at the airport as you leave Thailand, no need for all those copies. Bureaucracy gone mad!

    Do you need a boarding pass ??

  6. Why is this called a 'One stop service' ?? Obviously, things are done much slower than at the old place. What was the point in moving out there ?

    Without the online booking option, there will be more people queing up early every day.

    It appears they are really trying hard to get rid of all of us and use those agents, who probably must pay a special fee.

  7. I went in person today, to Promenada to do a 90 day report. I arrived at 13:00 and was too late. The staff advised an 08:00 arrival if you want to make a 90 day report. This is not an improvement on the old airport office where a 90 day report could be done late afternoon if you wished, as long as they were open. I asked why if it only tales 1 minute or so to process a 90 day report why 13:00 was too late? The lady said they don't use computers and everything is done on paper. They have a set limit now on how many 90 day reports they will accept on each day.

    I see this as good news. Obviously THEY (Immigration) want people to submit 90-day reports by post and FREE UP THE QUEUE for other matters in which people need to be there.

    There is no need to go in person for a 90-day report when post (and now Internet) reporting can be done. I mean this is 2015; not 1981!

    Its the postal route for me from now on with the only problem the local Thai Post fail to deliver post to me at my current address. This is post that people have informed me they have sent. Water bills, electric bills and 3BB all arrive no problem. Doing the 90 day report by post may not free up any staff as the 2 minutes they spend with you when you do it in person must be the same 2 minutes that somebody must use to process the the reports that arrive by post?

    I did get my 90 day report done today! Arrived at Prom at about 08:45 and the first 100 numbers had already been issued. Some staff were advising thats it, try again another day but one staff said wait as the numbers will be reissued as 90 day reports are processed. Half an hour later 3 or 4 number cards were returned and i was given one and told i wouldn't be called until after lunch. I went home and returned at 13:00. My number was called at 15:00 and efficient staff had my 90 day report done by 15:02!

    This is the slowest 90 day report i have ever experienced. Longer than 6 hours and arriving at 08:45 put me in the last bunch of people who would have got one done that day. Plus i had made my first failed attempt the previous day when i arrived at 13:00. Just by moving from the airport to Promenada seems to have knocked back CM Immigrations service level significantly. Its pretty hot waiting outside their office even in the shade. Hot season will be a nightmare and as other posters have said not acceptable for the elderly. The only benefit is the shopping centre around you so coffee shops, restaurants, Rimping and shopping are all there to help you kill the time. You could watch more than one movie waiting for you number to be called.

    This is no improvement at all.

    No Toilets open early, waiting outside in the heat, no computers, 6 hrs for a 90 day report.

    What's the point in moving to a new office that seems worse than the old one ?

  8. Now are we going to see extreme water shortage rumors, resulting in panicked people buying out stocks everywhere? What then? Let's be careful here.

    There was plenty of water in smaller bottles (1.6l and smaller) available, in all those 7 Elevens I've been today, but not those 6l.

    I ended up buying a six pack of 1.6l ones, which creates more waste.

  9. Showed up at Promenada around 0940 on an ordinary Tuesday, received Q number 40 (green plastic-covered card) at the outside "check-in" desk that, regardless of the sign above it, is for all queues. They were processing 29-30-31 at the time. The 90-day processing desk (sign posted inside above it) only had two people working, and one was a female senior Immigration officer who had to handle every set of paperwork. They were calling people in groups of three, and no problem understanding the announcements. The queue (which is really just a gaggle of folks sitting or standing around waiting to be called) was moving quickly until a problem arose with a Japanese woman that took almost 25 minutes to resolve. Even so I was finished by 10:40 or so.

    Good report, thanks. Sounds reasonable.

  10. Did it yesterday, they had been closed for 4 day holiday/weekend rather busy, I arrived during the lunch break, then the very caotic number table scrim, got a number and waited close to 2 hours to be called, strangely there are many chairs stacked inside the office and a large area in front of the desks so someone's intention was to have people waiting inside but that has not been implemented. The air temp is pleasant outside for now. .... some good 2 for 1 sales at rimping wink.png

    Thanks, that's pretty slow. My longest ever wait at the old place was around 90 min.

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