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Posts posted by Beng

  1. What a bunch of bovine feces!

    People have known about this for a long time and the responsible people have done it before the deadline.

    The irresponsible should be shut down as promised.

    It is not difficult and there is no excuse for not complying on time.

    This is the kind of thing that encourages the deadbeats to continue to be flakes.

    Thailand is full of flakes, both Thai and expat.

    Stand by your original requirement and teach the childish to grow up.

    Everyone would benefit..

    Well said !

  2. To answer the question. As El Nino is predicted to last, there will be a worse drought next year, as the rains so far are not sufficient to fill up the dams The North is probably less affected than the central plains and Bangkok. But it looks like it will get pretty hot again next year.

    On the other end, the western parts of the Americas are expected to get lots of heavy rain, which is good news for California.

  3. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/studenthealth/Pages/Smoking%2Calcoholanddrugs.aspx

    "Peer pressure, cheap student bars and the freedom of living away from home all contribute to the choices students make.

    Be aware of the dangers associated with smoking, drinking and taking drugs so you can make an informed decision about the way you live your life and care for your health."

    Let's get real here. Alcohol does actually cause huge problems everywhere. Correct, most people who drink don't have a problem, but lots of those who do are having their lives destroyed by alcohol. We really do need to face this issue and not bury our heads in the sand.

    Alcoholics are a minority of the society. You cannot punish all the responsible and adult buyers of alcoholic beverages by making shopping inconvenient. And that is all this law does.

    But this law is not about preventing alcoholics from buying booze, it aims at tackling under age drinking... and will fail for the various reasons already pointed out here.

    In all european countries (except Scandinavia) one can buy a bottle of wine or beer 24/7, but adults only.

  4. This will not help tackling under age drinking at all.

    1. Wether it is 300 or 500 m doesn't matter, as students can still drive to a far enough place, or simply have booze stored in their vehicles.

    2. Certain alcohol selling times do not help either, as students, like the rest of us, can buy alcohol during legal hours.

    3. These silly rules are affecting all adult residents, tourists, shops and restaurants and will therefore further weaken the economic


    4. The only way to ban underage drinking effectively, is asking youg looking folks always to show an ID, no matter the time or location.

  5. Sunset at Wok Tum Bay of koh pha ngan island,Thailand.

    Ao Wok Tum is the southern section of the wide bay that joins with Ao Hin Kong. Most of the bay is undeveloped as the coral reef lies about 300 metres off the beach. Mangrove trees line the beaches and give the place a real untouched feel, great for catching a sunset in solitude.

    Camera NIKON D600
    Focal Length 24mm
    Shutter Speed 30 s
    Aperture f/13
    ISO/Film 100

    Piece of art

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