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Posts posted by Beng

  1. Yes, the canal road now bypasses the always dreaded bottleneck in Sapatong making far more enjoyable the trip to Doi Inthanon or up to Mae Win where you can take the scenic back road to Doi Inthanon as well.

    Do they hit you for the national park fee when you take that road up?

    Good question, I like to know that too.

  2. In order to boost tourism, begin with the following steps.

    1. Scrap those restricted alcohol selling times. Its nonsense and the mom & pop shops do not comply anyway.

    2. Lower the national park fees for foreigners to what Thais pay. Because this is racism.

    3. Effectively control the taxi mafia. As they tarnish the image as a top tourist destination.

    4. Make police enforce traffic laws every where. Not only at certain spots and times. Because plenty of reckless driving and accidents.

    5. Clean up the roadsides and canals. Fine drivers who throw trash out of the window. There is litter all over. Looks dirty.

    6. Stop the annoying loudspeaker truck convoys. It's another form of propaganda

    This is for a start. The list can be contnued.

  3. try some peach butter and you will forgo jam. fresh or frozen peaches work to make this delious treat.

    Never ceases to amaze me. OP asks for Rhubarb. Not something similar, only rhubarb. And the first prize winner suggest peaches, something not grown here.

    Very true indeed.

  4. I toured the south a few times, some 20 years ago on a motorbike. Was always good fun.

    Start off in Ao Luk (north of Krabi) and visit the small, but very beautiful national Park Thanbok Koronee with its azure streams and limesone cliffs.

    Then Krabi and Wat Tham Sua, where you can tackle the 1200 plus and steep steps up to Buddhas footprint, and a great 360 degree view.

    Trang, with a good night market and national park, on the road towards Phattalung.

    Satun and its islands.

    Hat Yai for shopping.

    And maybe a few days on Penang/Malaysia.

    That's plenty to see in 2 weeks.

  5. Get overcharged in Thai.

    Get conned in Thai.

    Suffer runny bowel syndrome a la Thai.

    Marvel at trash everywhere courtesy of Thai.

    Be thrilled by magnificent road accidents and derailing trains a la Thai.

    Get woken up at dawn thanks to noise pollution a la Thai.

    Provide urine samples publicly to Thai (police).

    Lose your house, car and last shirt to Thai.

    Be cheated in business by Thai.

    And I almost forgot: Nice video, stylishly produced. Unfortunately it's all in Thai.

    But perhaps there's a dubbed version for overseas markets...


  6. Farang describing Thai taxis as expensive is ridiculous. For the service they give they must be among the cheapest in the world yet still people here want to bash them and call them rip offs. Stop being so tight and open your wallets and minds just a little bit. Not everything here is a con job.

    If you regulator relents in any small way at all, the cabbies will exploit it for all it's worth. It won't be long before your shoulder bag will be considered as 'luggage' as well.

    And since when did taxis take the most direct route? Any deviation earns them lots of Baht over and above the normal fare.

    (Edit: corrected spelling mistake)

    Well said. Bravo/

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