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Posts posted by Beng

  1. You may have a corruption problem –but that is not your main problem.

    The condo that you refer to is on its way to financial hell!

    The number of floors and the number of rooms is irrelevant

    What matters are the number of chargeable meters..Based on the data supplied you have approx,2778 chargeable meters

    The condo where I live has 3658 Meters

    The cost to run this condo will be about the same as yours. Approx 1.9M baht per year.

    That said your management charge is higher so 2 M baht /year is realistic

    This assumes that you have gardens –swimming pool – security etc

    Therefore the charge needs to be 60 baht /M

    Should you not have any security the cost reduces to 51 Baht /Meter

    If the co –owners are generally happy then I simply suggest that the fees are raised as per my earlier post.

    Also the management charge is reasonable .You are unlikely to find cheaper. This assumes that the charge covers JPM services and a Building Manager.

    I attach an Excel document which gives real live costs of the condo where I live. It covers the 1st 11 months of 2015. You may wish to compare this with your condo costs.

    Note: our Management fees are only 50K /month. This is because of our association with other condos. If we were alone then it would be 65K /month.

    Of course you will have to charge more than I have stated if you wish to replenish your now depleted sinking fund

    I could well be very wrong with the number of your chargeable meters. The more meters the lower the unit cost.Suspect that the 2 MvBaht/year is about right

    Small condos are expensive

    Thanks for the spreadsheet, good info.

  2. Just to add my pennyworth.....experience in our new condo was that the management (in this case the builder) was indeed raiding the sinking fund and did not hold AGMs at which this could be challenged. After 3 years of this the owners got together and called an EGM themselves, at which the current management refused to attend. We finally voted in a new management structure consisting of unit owners, and successfully sued the builder to get our sinking fund back (about 1.5 million baht),

    It can be done..if you ignore the treats of violence etc

    Wow !! Good to hear. In fact, this sounds similar to my situation.

  3. At our first (one and only) meeting a management company was already in place. They are not the developer, but must have put there by the developer.

    In the meeting, everybody was asked to sign a paper, stating that we choose this company as our manager.

    The majority of our expenses goes to the management company. Our budget is around Baht 1 Mio/year for a 6 storey building with 78 units.. The management firm is charging us 750K (which all co owners think is too much), that leaves only 250K to pay the daily bills and that is not enough. So they take money from our sinking fund to cover the gap.

    Can I asked the JPM to arrange a meeting ?

    Your condo is situated in Sukhumvit Soi 50?

    No, its in Chiang Mai.

  4. At our first (one and only) meeting a management company was already in place. They are not the developer, but must have put there by the developer.

    In the meeting, everybody was asked to sign a paper, stating that we choose this company as our manager.

    The majority of our expenses goes to the management company. Our budget is around Baht 1 Mio/year for a 6 storey building with 78 units.. The management firm is charging us 750K (which all co owners think is too much), that leaves only 250K to pay the daily bills and that is not enough. So they take money from our sinking fund to cover the gap.

    Can I asked the JPM to arrange a meeting ?

  5. This is normal. They advertise at 30 baht as a marketing angle not at realistic costs. Also if the developer is involved that just adds a further complications. You need to ask for the minutes of the committee as to where it was discussed that the sinking fund needed to be used.

    How to deal with it.

    1. Read the financials and then send your questions to the managing agent.

    2. Request that this be bought up as a topic at the next agm.

    3. Ask for a list of committee members and ask them the same exact questions.

    4. Request a copy of all the committee meeting to date. Use of the sinking fund should have been discussed and approved.

    5. Ask for a list of all major expenditures.

    Reduce headcount, stop spending..revisit costs..they cannot increase the 30 baht unless approved at an agm..

    This is somewhat normal in a new build. Good luck.

    We had only one meeting in early 2014.It lasted around 45 min. We picked the committee members, were introduced to the manager, etc..

    I don't think that the sinking fund was discussed at all.

  6. On transfer of ownership in 2014 (new building), every owner had to pay 300 Baht per sqm into a fund (fixed deposit account) for future repairs/renovations.

    Besides this, one time payment, all owners do annually pay a 30 Baht/sqm/month fee into a savings account for the monthly operation and maintenance of the communal property (cleaner, gardener, security, elevator and pool service, electricity, water, internet)

    The new bill for 2016 is still at 30 Baht/sqm/month.

    Out of interest, I looked up the balance of both bank accounts. Apparently, the condo management is spending more money than is available in the savings account and using some money from the fixed account as well.

    As a result, the savings account is almost empty, while the fixed account has shrunk from 750K to 250K over 2 years.

    The management is overspending our annual budget by 250K.

    Has anyone ever encountered a similar situation and how to deal with it ?

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