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Posts posted by mackes

  1. It's happen everywhere. It is a way to get more money donated, if no announcement I'm sure they don't get half the amount.

    I'm not defending the system, just try to explain. If you should have them to stop this habit there must be a solid motivation.

  2. Can be worth considering Apple MacBook or MacAir.

    MacOs have this feature buildt in in the OS. Running Mac since 5 years and spend less time with technical stuff and more to what I really want to do.

  3. There are seven cities listed. Why not start at Nong Khai on Monday and work your way down.

    Splendid idea, give us a chance to meet our neighbours. Anyhow, you will not have a chance to get to know more than about 20 people in an evening.

  4. If you want to put DVD:s or CD:s on the hard disc or a usb memory it is possible. You create an image file (.img) from the CD or DVD.

    There are severals application that can do this, and there are also drivers that can make your image file look like an external drive (D: )

    Search for "create image file" and you will find both pay and freeware.

    Can not handle copy protected discs

  5. I dont for one moment agree i should contribute to a gf's living expenses, im guessing many of the posters here are from a time long gone, this is the modern world and we come from it, the days were women are kept are long gone in the west, if these Thai babes wanna date us how about they fit in with western expectation and thinking.....modern thinking.

    I have no probem with buying my girl a gift, she would never spend 3000 on an item of clothing for herself, i can do it and i do do it from time to time, this is to show her how i feel about her, but theres no chance im going to contribute a monthly amount just because its hard for her.

    I have explained to my girl how it is in the west..im not a young guy but im a modern guy, women do pay on dates in the west and they should here too. She pays for the odd meal, taxi whatever, has a mortgage and personal loan, saves money and only earns 5000 more than your woman my friend...

    Dont give her anything, you do enough, in fact get her to contribute sometimes when you go out, if you want to help her show her how to set a budget and stick to it, i did have a previous gf who earned the same as the current but had absolutely nothing after 4 ys with me she learned to be a saver and she often paid when we went out.

    Which world are you referring to?

    What changed today compared to over 50 years ago is the emancipation that gives woman

    the same right as men. What has not changed much is the average income differences between man

    and woman, men have far more available income than women. Not all, but in average. And don't forget

    that Thailand is about 30-40 years behind the west in development.

    What you stated might be true in the Scandinavian countries but not in the rest of the world, the role play

    is still that the woman take care of the household and children and the man ensure that there are resources

    available and there is somewhere to live for the family. Your "modern life" is an utopia where the woman is

    the loser, the man keeps his privileges but don't want to share with the woman, she have to work to earn her

    own money in addition to take care of the household and the children.

    A relation is not healthy if the parties is living different lives, e g the man is holding the woman at an living

    standard far below his own. It is quite natural to share income to an extend so that both parties have a standard

    of living that is equal. The question about wealth from earlier life is another one, it is also stated by laws that the

    fortune you bring into marriage continued belongs to your self as an individual.

    So my advice will be, don't give away your hard earned fortune but share what you own today so that you two will

    have an equal amount of money to live from, that is fair and will give you a healthy relation. If your private expenses

    is 30 000 a month give her the same budget (including her salary). Separated from your common expenses.

    This is in my point of view modern thinking.

  6. I do not believe that Thai girls are different from any girl in the world, maybe more honest with what they want. If you enter a relation anywhere it will not take long before she wants you to share your fortune.

    It's up to you if you think it's worth it. And no one can tell you if your doing right or wrong, it's only up to you. As any deals, sometimes it is worth it, sometimes not. Hard to say before you tried it out.

    However, you can be clear of the expectations by talking to her, maybe not straight questions but be a little bit clever and you will get the answers.

  7. Common sense and courtesy are not cultural behaviors. How can witness some of the things that take place on thai highways and not call it stupid?

    Wrong, common sense and courtesy are not genetic but learned behaviors.

    I can ageee that careless behavior in the traffic everywhere is "stupid",

    It is the conclusion that all Thai drivers are in lack of intelligence I dislike.

    if you refer to my original post, it does say 'some thai drivers', not all.

    And you are leaving Thailand because of "some Thai drivers"?

    Why not discuss the real reason to why this occurs instead of just talking about "idiots" and

    state "no explanations required thanks". I don't feel any will at all from you to discuss, just to complain.

    I think it is obvious that this is caused by a lack of enforcements of laws already in place, this behavior

    is quietly accepted by the police and by other. The same thing would have happened in any country if

    law was not enforced with fines or by other means.

    So in my opinion, blame the police and not the Thai people. Anyhow the Thai police have choosed this

    approach for one reason or another, nothing to do. And things certainly not get better by only complaining.

  8. I might be wrong but my impression of this thread is that it express a view that Thai drivers are not only in luck of skills for driving but also have an inability and lack of will to learn and understand what is obvious.

  9. you may not be so forgiving if god forbid that you or any of your loved ones are seriously injured or even killed due to driving negligence, i'm pretty sure you wont be so'understnding'.

    I have not expressed any opinion about how Thai people behave in traffic, what I reacted over was your bad code in calling the Thai people driving in their own country with their own traffic culture for stupid. Their way to behave or act is not grounded on European traffic behavior but is a result of their own culture and coexisting with other Thai drivers in Thai traffic as well as a result of traffic law enforcement or lack of it in Thailand. Drivers here as anywhere are formed by their environment, not stupid.

    I can however understand that a certain behavior looks stupid to you from your point of view, but don't call people stupid because they don't have the same background as you. Especially not if you want to be their guest.

    • Like 2
  10. This thread has turned into a debate on overpopulation in the world which means

    the insane man in Norway have made his voice heard and his arguments are accepted.

    This is really the danger with media today that they report everything and people can

    not sort out insane ideas from reality.

    This man was Norwegian and the event took place in Norway. Norway is one of the least

    populated country in the world (#164 of 193) with 15 persons per square km and have one of

    the strongest economies in the world with it's natural resource of oil and is not a member of the EU.

    So immigration is absolutely not a big problem in Norway. Period.

    • Like 1
  11. This massive plastic culture really annoy me. Around house I bought a trashcans for every 5 meter and there are a combination of bribes and threat to give the kids new habits. But it's not just the kids, it's a grown in culture to just let packaging go when used.

    Guess it's one of the downsides...

  12. If you belive that nothing should be done about the hughe unbalance in use of resources in the world which causes numerous conflicts I guess it's fine as it is if your born into the right group.

    If not, I assume that the consequence will be that some have to pay the price to improve other economies. This is what happening within Europe today, thus some people think it is a bad idea.

    For me globalisation is the fair and necessary way and Thailand is among the winners.

  13. A very interesting topic.coffee1.gif

    As i know, if a farang (foreigner) going to married a thai girl under law anywhere in a farang country. And after sometime they going to registry his marriage also in Thailand it mean the farang never can do a usufruct from land or house anymore. I am right?



    Probably not, the rule is that a usufruct registered during a marriage of the

    usufructary and the landowner can be voided. I requires a court order to do so.

    All that is required is the divorce certificate presented at the land office, and one of the formerly married couple signing a paper canceling the contract.

    Sure? Some claims that it requires a court order.

    Here is the original law text:

    Section 1469. Any agreement concluded between husband and wife during marriage may be avoided by either of them at any time during marriage or within one year from the day of dissolution of marriage; provided that the right of third persons acting in good faith are not affected thereby.

  14. We have already started to build larger effective units (US, EU etc.) that we finally can merge together to one

    global unit.

    I do reckon these pan-continental organizations are forces for good though. The US should think radically and contemplate asking Mexico to be the 52nd state, ( Puerto Rico will likely become the 51st state after a plebiscite scheduled later this year ). The boost that would bring to the economy with the free movement of cheap labour would be astounding. The problem with that is that the white tribe in the US fear being overwhelmed by the Hispanic tribe, even though it is already a demographic certainty. The day of the white tribe being in power is coming to an end.

    Yes, The United states do for sure have an exciting future. The Hispanic tribe in the US is inferior in power today, is that Tribalism or Racism?

    Oh another north European know-it-all. I'm not saying you're totally of base but do enlighten us.


    • Like 1
  15. A very interesting topic.coffee1.gif

    As i know, if a farang (foreigner) going to married a thai girl under law anywhere in a farang country. And after sometime they going to registry his marriage also in Thailand it mean the farang never can do a usufruct from land or house anymore. I am right?



    Probably not, the rule is that a usufruct registered during a marriage of the

    usufructary and the landowner can be voided. I requires a court order to do so.

  16. We have already started to build larger effective units (US, EU etc.) that we finally can merge together to one

    global unit.

    I do reckon these pan-continental organizations are forces for good though. The US should think radically and contemplate asking Mexico to be the 52nd state, ( Puerto Rico will likely become the 51st state after a plebiscite scheduled later this year ). The boost that would bring to the economy with the free movement of cheap labour would be astounding. The problem with that is that the white tribe in the US fear being overwhelmed by the Hispanic tribe, even though it is already a demographic certainty. The day of the white tribe being in power is coming to an end.

    Yes, The United states do for sure have an exciting future. The Hispanic tribe in the US is inferior in power today, is that Tribalism or Racism?

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