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Posts posted by mackes

  1. corruption is fine by almost everyone it seems as long as THEY benefit from it. BUT when THEY are the victims and the perpetrator (depending on whose got the most money to pay off the cops) gets off scott free, they squeal like stuffed pigs and cry foul boo hoo poor victims. It's called hypocrisy.

    You make a mistake by comparing yourself with the rest of the world. There is just a few that don't care about justice end they usually end up behind bars or get filthy rich.

  2. As seen your avatar I suggest you take a look at this link on Free TV produced in United states, there are a lot and many sent from satellites reachable in Asia. Have to do some research on footprints.

    But I will be back, will take a while as I'm going home for a month in may and will not be up and running before that.

  3. OK, as nobody seems to know or want to share the knowledge I do it myself. I found most of the information on the Internet and there might be some glitches as I did not verified everything. And I omitted the illegal parts as it is not allowed here. Please if you see something that is apparently wrong leave a reply.

    This is intended as a guide to purchase satellite TV and not as an installation manual and do not cover Cable TV. If you choose to purchase equipment and install yourself here is a warning: This is not easy stuff! You need some technical skills but most of all a technical interest and a will to fix things on your own. There is not much help to get as there are a lot of more money and less trouble to make selling ready packets from different providers. But you will get configuration and troubleshooting help on more technical forum than this on the Internet, for example this.

    There are about 170 satellites placed near the equator around the earth in what is called geostationary paths, i.e. fixed positions relative to earth. From my place (in Korat) I can reach about 50 of those in an angel over 30 degrees above the horizon. Under that is a risk for something being in the way or the satellite being to far away to recieve a good signal. But there are 81 satellites in total that is reachable over the horizon here. You will need free sight to the satellite to receive the signal so for example a balcony will limit reachable units a lot.

    The satellites are in most cases run by telecom operators who offer channel space to different program providers that send their contents from earth to the satellite on an "uplink" and then spread the signal in different paths depending on the satellite configuration. So it might be that you can not receive a signal although the satellite is visible for you. The signal coverage is called "footprint" and can be found on this link for Asia satellites. Here you can also find a lot of information about satellites and program sent from a certain satellite encrypted or not and on what channel. Just choose from the menu on the previous page.

    The program providers are financed in different way, either they get means by monthly subscription of channels or they finance the operation by sending commercials within the programs or both. In case of subscription the channels are encrypted and you will need a decryption card to see the program. If not encrypted its called FTA TV (Free to air) and you need no card. This link show FTA TV from Thailand. Most are sent from satellite Thaicom 5 but there are others. On this link you find a list of content from Thaisat 5, free TV marked with an F. This is only one of 50 satellites...

    There are two different bandwidth used to sending information, the traditional so called C-band and a newer band called ku-band. The C-band reach longer but demands a larger antenna while you can receive the ku-band with a fairly small antenna like the orange one you can see from true vision. The different band also need different electronics to receive the signals.

    So the first thing you will need is a parabol antenna, size dependent on what you want to receive and where you are situated (signal strenght). A larger one for C-band or in the outer range of the footprint. If you want to view programs from more than one satellite it can be handy with a motor on the parabola to automatically change position when you change channel. The second thing is a LNB (Low noise block downconverter) to convert the air signal to be sent in the cable to the box. You need at least two LNB (or a combined) to be able to receive both C- and ku bands. It is possible to place multiple LNB:s on the antenna. This is a part where I am not fully clear what is needed but you can read more on this link.

    The last but most important thing is the box. You need support for the functions you need and the channels you want to see. You need a card slot if you want to buy subscription of pay TV and you need support for automatic antenna motor if that is your choice. I chooses Openbox S10 as it is "open" (Linux based) with free updates and have support for antenna motor, HD and Internet TV like Youtube etc. More and more content is sent over the Internet and I believe this support will be crucial in a near future and it could be nice to have it all in the same TV set.

    The easy way is of course to buy a packet with antenna, installation and program from a provider like True Vision, This is fairly cheap to start with but relatively costly in the long run if you want english spoken pay TV. And it is clearly limited to the interests of the provider. For True you will pay appx 2 000 Baht for installation and 20 000 Baht per year. There are also cheaper alternative, look at the webpages of for example Thaivisa sponsor Jsat for information about alternatives.

    I purchased a motorized 6 Inch antenna with two LNB and a Openbox S10 receiver and payed appx 9 000 Baht in total. I'm looking forward to watching 100:s of free channels in English (and other languages) of my choice (not the provider) as a reward for the work I am going to do. And it might be that I purchase a card for watching movies or equal. Not to forget the amusement to browse through all satellites and channels as a new hobby when things getting to boring in Isaan.

    • Like 1
  4. Some of you say we as foreigners cannot do anything about it. What if there was a website for people (Thai and foreigners alike) to report corruption? To post videos, recordings, and stories about instances of corruption (spy cams may become useful)? It could be a great start.

    a great way to get thrown out of the country or killed too for operating such a site ........

    ...which is why I haven't set it up by myself. What if the site is operated anonymously on a foreign server?

    They did start a website like this in India and it's been effective.

    Good idea. It takes some balls though. Must not be in Thailand

  5. Nice thread! It really got me thinking of what is unfair and what is not!

    It seems harmless to fix a wedding or a land owner change with a couple of thousands baht for convenience.

    Sure, but who are the losers and how cares? Yes, that's the core question: Caring about other or empathy as we also call it,

    something that only exist in civilizations reaching to a certain point in the evaluation. Not being animals any more...

    In a culture where it is accepted to pay yourself out of difficulties and leaving those to the people without means your in for a real unfairness.

    If those people were out of means due to laciness I don't care, but that is not always the case. The thing it's about being at the right place at

    the right time and catch the opportunity. But what's if your in the wrong place and no opportunity occurs?

    I don't mind using my money to passing the lazy and easygoing ones in the line but there are hardworking people

    waiting in the line, by bypassing them you actually take the food out of their hands. And thats not fair!

    So my empathy nerve says better inconvenient and fair than convenient and stepping on other people!

    • Like 1
  6. you cant blame someone for giving a cop 100thb when hes dishonestly representing the state when he suggests you should give him 100 thb

    or you can make life tougher for yourself by having your licence confiscated and later paying 400 thb or more at the station

    dont hate the player ,hate the game !

    Then follow the rules, and you'll never have to play the game, which is my original point.

    Wana, I was talking theoretically but at the end of the day what Samran says it the point . . . why have a different attitude towards laws here than at home

    because often the "police " extort money for alledged offenses that never happened at all

    there is many debates about this on the bikes in thailand forum and besides

    nobody likes being hassled by men with guns for some imaginary traffic offence that never happened at all

    its an uncomfortable feeling being detained .accused of something and a suggested price being the ransom

    when its just 100thb most will pay and quickly go on their way to work where they can make many thousaands of thb etc

    unfortunately ,the police have the authority to make the law and if they all say you broke it ,you may as well pay sooner than pay more later

    look what happened to the irishman when he didnt listen yesterday ,and that wasnt even the police ,that was just a lowly security guard

    thx but il pay my 100thb and get back to my life rather than kick up a fuss

    You really have a point herr Wana, same fore me. But what we can do is to tell everybody what's happen. With todays media flow you can really make things like this visible for everyone. Also the politicans read Facebook and similar. It's also possible to send them a mail still being anonoumus. If enough mail they have to face reality.

  7. I had an incident last week going to Rayong, stopped in a checkpoint.

    The officer claimed that the registration paper (blue/silver) should be

    attached to window and visible from outside else fine 400 Baht,

    When I asked for receipt he said 200 Baht without receipt.

    This is a typical situation in Thailand today, I don't know about the rule

    if it was created there or not but apperently the most interesting was the

    money, not to have me following the rules.

    I still think that if we continue to pay it will go even worse.

    what document do you mean the tax disc with the date on it or the vehicle registration document??????

    Maybe the cop meant the compulsory government 3rd party personal slip of paper. Most 2nd hand bikes i've bought i never get this with the greenbook and tax disc, but apparently it is just as important.

    The tax disc was the paper he meant, he was please when I put it up. BTW, it was a car.

    I suppose the whole thing was just created to get some money...

  8. My experience is those who go for the bribe are too lazy to be prepared or are too easily bullied.

    Have to love the Asian way of doing things, the ability "to think outside the box".

    In both examples, it wasnt a bribe, it was a way of, making a problem go away.

    This is not "The Asian way", it is an abscess in the system and thanks to people like you it want go away!

    • Like 2
  9. I had an incident last week going to Rayong, stopped in a checkpoint.

    The officer claimed that the registration paper (blue/silver) should be

    attached to window and visible from outside else fine 400 Baht,

    When I asked for receipt he said 200 Baht without receipt.

    This is a typical situation in Thailand today, I don't know about the rule

    if it was created there or not but apperently the most interesting was the

    money, not to have me following the rules.

    I still think that if we continue to pay it will go even worse.

  10. Can anyone help me with an technical overview of satellite TV systems?

    I am about to purchase a satellite TV system and red a lot but is still missing

    the full picture. Please don't point to a reseller, I can find them myself but

    I need a description to make the right decision with the dealer.

    C-band, KU-band, antenna, LNB, major providers, set top boxes, decryption cards etc etc.

    I found the Openbox interesting as it supports HD and Internet. Any limitations?

    I understand that the program providers send from certain satellites with different technologies

    and that I have to choose satellite from the offers of respectively provider on that satellite.

    And that I can use double LNB:s on one dish or moving dish.

    What I don't understand is how for example IPM is founding their business as there are no

    monthly fees, advertising? If so, annoying much?

  11. Section 35 of the Land Traffic Act says that " The driver of a truck, passenger vehicle, motorcycle......shall keep to the kerbside of the roadway as close as possible". So that's why all the trucks and buses are in the left hand lane !! rolleyes.gif Full act here http://www.thailawon...-2522-1979.html

    Oops, missed that one. But you omitted the next paragraph, stating that this does only apply to roads with one lane and without a bus lane

    "If such a roadway is divided into two or more traffic lanes in the same direction or has a bus lane specifically arranged on the left-hand side, the driver shall drive the vehicle in the outermost left-hand side lane or close to the bus lane, as the case may be."

  12. I took a drivers license for motorbike in Korat just a few months ago.

    I looked at their information video and did the computerized test, both in English.

    There was nothing saying you should keep outside files with your motorbike

    As said before the same rules apply for cars and bikes, keep left and overtake to the right.

    This is still not how it works in reality...

  13. Although I agree in principle with what GuestHouse said, I also agree with Naam in his last post. There are many degrees of corruption. For minor traffic offences where nobody was injured it just makes sense to pay a quick fine on the spot and get on with life. There is a very funny topic going on right now about certain "truths" in Thailand, and it explains why certain aspects of Thailand are never going to change. We don't live in a perfect world and there are too many things to get upset about if you let it bother you. I just accept what I can't change and revel in the many things that are marvellous about Thailand.

    What is a "minor" traffic offense?

    Speeding with +10 or +50 or +100?, crossing red light? Who decide?

    The reason for rules is to prevent accident, this will not happen if you easily can get on with it.

    I don't persist in that everything is black or white and that I never break the rules

    but I think there should be no doubt about whats right or wrong.

    The "it's OK as long as nothing happened" policy will lead right to hell.

    Compare with the rules you make for your kids, is breaking OK if nothing happened?

    • Like 2
  14. I can't believe how many people state that "we can not change" or "thats the way it always been". Civilization of the world is a process

    that is slowly maturing and changing peoples behavior. Of course we can enforce a change made by the Thai people.

    Firstly ,you cant "enforce" anything ,you are a guest ,perhaps even an unwanted one

    its unclear how many thais think farangs should drink beer and shag young girls Retire here but probably most would vote against it if they are not working in a touristy kind of place or getting some profit from it

    we also would be quickly stepped on like the roaches we are in the bigger picture if we tried to put an end to corruption in thailand

    the very idea that a farang could take money out of the pockets of chiefs of police and government would simply not be tolerated by thais system ,it would just ensure the farang was removed /deported ./fed to crocodiles etc ASAP

    the scheming ways go right to the top ,billions gets siphoned out of every major government project and work is always given to contractors who can pay a healthy backhander to a minister

    thats just the way the wheels turn ,dont hate the player ,hate the game

    Sorry for my bad english, the word I wanted to use was not "enforced" but "affect", that's makes a difference.

    I did not mean that we (immigrants) should go out as a group and complain on the system. What I ment was that we as individuals can refuse to pay brines and write when we have a chance express out opinion against this system. Believe it or not, a lot of Thais look up to westernes and listen to what we have to say (if a logical and sober opinion)

    Bad things are not impossible to change and it is individuals who make the change.

    • Like 2
  15. If the definition of corruption is to receive money or services to ignore or allow people to

    break or circumvent a law one was set to guard there is no shades of corruption,

    either an official ignore to enforce a rule or law or he do not, if payed for it is a crime. Digital.

    There is actually two crimes in the scene, one committing a violation of the law and one allowing it to happen. Both are crimes.

    I can't believe how many people state that "we can not change" or "thats the way it always been". Civilization of the world is a process

    that is slowly maturing and changing peoples behavior. Of course we can enforce a change made by the Thai people. But it will take time,

    looong time! How do you eat an elephant? Start with a small piece!

    Let's not go backwards, or we might end up with slavery again. Sounds like that would be OK for some of you...

  16. So based on your comments then, is it fair to say there is no such thing as a real democracy anywhere in the world, and that real democracy is a Utopian ideal which will never be realised, because every country in the world is corrupt to varying degree's

    No differences from other criminal acts, zero vision is Utopia as long as we are humans.

  17. Either you like it or not, corruption has no place in a real democracy. As stated above corruption cause a drain to the economic system.

    In a real democracy people obey to the laws and those individuals who does not, is prosecuted according to the law.

    Corruption give people with power and/or money unfair advantages prior to the poor and powerless ones.

    We use to have those "privilege" systems established for the nobility in the west a couple of hundred years ago.

    From what I can see here some members of the Thai visa community has not come much further in democracy thinking since...

    To answer the question, there is only one way to change the opinion that seems to be pro corruption today:

    An open debate in media about corruption!

    I red a proposal on this in "The Nation" 4 years ago but nothing happened. So apperently Thailand is not mature for this yet.

    Sooner or later it will happen.

    Maybe I should add that I have no illusions of corruption removed entirely in any country,

    but you have to hide it as with other criminal acts.

  18. Just spoke to TOT and you can go in to a TOT office and ask for a monthly transfer order to the bank. Take this to your bank and they will make an automatic transfer each month.

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