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  1. So profound. Sounds like you'll be on Silom April 13 th.
  2. I wonder how many of those people had an entire year to plan ahead and stay away from the major water throwing areas??
  3. Can you tell us how the upper class educated and lower class uneducated soaking wet people with water guns look different??
  4. Weight training is best. Can definitely increase weight amounts in your 50's and 60's + 3/4x a week best. Sure cardio ok too but everyone older seems to constantly complain about back pain, hip pain etc and never lift weights regularly.
  5. For someone who said they would stop posting on this thread you don't really shut up! 😊
  6. Was??? Dude she's still at it. Keep watching her if you can.
  7. Yes and I'll admit I put up the confused emoji on it!! It's absolutely amazing what thought processing occurs in some brains or lack there of.
  8. The silence of the loud mouths on here is deafening. Even when it comes to this topic which even a large majority of Democrats KNOW is true! I mean really Tug and the seven or so others you already read this story and you just can't comment! So immature.
  9. Hopefully Pattaya will get all 21 days April 1 to 21. Can't wait to hear from all the whiners who know this is coming a YEAR ahead of time and still will stay and hide under their beds and of course complain about getting wet 💦💦💦if they go outside. Just enjoy! Great holiday.
  10. It's 2025 now not 2012. Groundskeepers are not maids as well as others mentioned, such as a Nannie's and home care workers. Your whole post is BS!! You are Queen of the gas lighting today! Congrats! I also just read more of your comments on this thread and realized you too have a serious syndrome. It must actually be painful to go through the day with so much hate.
  11. Why do you people keep thinking there are huge amounts of Americans looking for maids!!?? It's so strange.
  12. Maybe tats are why the Greenwich CT boys are always looked down upon by the Darien CT boys. Funny the GammaGlobulin guy claims to be a Greenwich boy.
  13. Maybe you are his big fat German "daddy" buying his body building supplements and supporting him because you like him. Just an example. Maybe you maybe not.
  14. When did Trump call Thailand a s hole country? Can you name at least two at the Trump White House who are illiterate? Last question. Do you have some syndrome that puts your finger to a keyboard to express your anger? Please get help.
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