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Posts posted by abrahamzvi

  1. How dare people run businesses to make a profit or charge for a service they provide, what are they thinking!

    After all, the ATM machine itself is free,the installation free, the electricity to run it is free, the staff to service it and reload it etc is free the computer systems and hardware, it was all free so why should they charge the customer.

    And I expect Bt150-180 covers that cost many, many times over. It's just a very high ATM fee focusing on expats/foreign cards. Pretty much like how foreigners are charged 2 to 4 times the admission fee of a Thai to govt-owned tourist attractions.

    If the installation, electricity, staff service, reload, etc., was so expensive why are ATM withdrawals using a "Thai bank card" free or maybe Bt20 if out of region/province? Maybe a Thai debit card uses less electricity, gets different kind of money from the ATM, etc., than a foreign debit card? I don't know...you tell me.

    This is utter, repeat utter, nonsense. Try and use a EURO Credit or debit card in the UK, or US, or vice versa and see the charges there. They are far higher than the Baht 180. It is another question if charging a fee for using a foreign credit or debit card in any country is justified. After all the banks are making money on the exchange rates used. But this is a different story and has really nothing to do with Thai banks being anti Farangs, or anti foreigners. Let's not carry a chip on our shoulders!!

  2. In the year 2017 there will be no expats or long term residents under 50 years old left in Thailand. Good for the old man , can keep the young chicks for himself.

    Probably by 2017 they will have tightened up on retirement visas, such as increase the age, amount in Bank x 10, stop issuing retirement extensions making you go back to your home country to apply for a retirement visa with police checks etc yearly. So maybe there will only be a few over 50's left.....

    Thailand only wants tourists, a month is enough to skin the average falang & the girls will be able to have 12 falang boyfriends smile.png

    What a disgraceful statement. Anybody thinking like this about the Thais, shouldn't be here. I wonder how you would react to a Thai, or another foreigner (to your country) referring to your countrymen/women in such a derogatory manner!

    • Like 1
  3. Here is a free option for you if you aren't a US citizen.

    Fly to Mexico, head north, jump a vehicle barrier fence, or duck under a wash flood gate and enter the US for free. Being an illegal alien, you will now have more rights than a US citizen.

    If you get sick they will give you prompt medical treatment while US vets wait for many months, and most seniors die before an appointment can be set up.

    You will be fast tracked on getting a drivers license so you can vote to destroy the US more!

    Getting a bank account no problem.

    Once you get a green card in a few years you can join the US military and then if you are still alive you can become a US citizen.

    If you disagree, wake up! Do your homework!

    I really do not think that this forum should be used for Tea Party propaganda against the democratic American system

    , which is completely baseless, or based on totally incorrect facts and assumptions.


    I am here for 4 years but I have my 2 best friends who are coming in Thailand for more than 15 years.
    For long time the Visa system in Thailand was allowing people who have money and just want to stay here for early retirement to stay.
    This time is over.
    My friends and I are all moving out for the same reason, so I suppose all the people in the same situation are doing the same.
    I spend about 1 Million Baht / year in this country, not working here, just because I have the money and I spend it.
    My friends are in the same situation, some earning interest on their money blocked in Singapore, some because they have a lot of land in their main country and get the rents from the lands, some because they are earning royalties on music and films.
    I have royalties from software I sell on the web.
    None of us have a job here.
    But with the new visa rules we are all forced to exit the country, and Thailand will have to say bye bye to the 'good' falangs who provided Millions each, not counting the money invested in condos where we are living and that are for sale as I write this.
    It seems that this crackdown is not taking in account people who are too young to retire, and have money every month coming from outside Thailand.
    I think the people who make the law should make a Visa exception, where you can show 1 year for bank notes showing that you make +60,000 baht /month from outside Thailand and be granted a Visa to stay.
    Let's be honest, Thailand is not UK or Germany. Just look at the roads, the train, the construction value and in general the level of maintenance of everything.
    Who will spend his money in BK hospital, buy over expensive condos, or just run a decent bakery?
    Well we are moving out, and see how Thailand will do once the border are removed with the 2015 Issean. It's gona be fun.
    We can live anywhere in the world. It happens that we love Thailand, our girlfriends and the ease of live here.
    But too many regulation make it difficult to stay, and other place have much better Visa rules.
    - Cambodia gives you a work permit and unlimited stay without question.
    - Philipines gives you 6 month and unlimited extension.
    Sure these place are not as ready as Pattaya to welcome us, but I think our money spent there will change that quickly. Make a bakery there and no have any problems of paperwork, and be the first to be in the place in Sihanoukville for example, the city that has the biggest investment and growth in all Asia last year? 
    There is a falang war right now, people who have a legitimate Visa punching the ones who where doing border runs... Well stop the fight. We are all coming in Thailand because it is an easy going and cheap country. But this is from the past, now you need to pay 2 EUR + for a simple grapaow gai, condos are more expensive than in Miami per square/meter, police check driving license every corner, buses are aligned on the road at the point that even motorbike cannot drive, you need to carry your passport everywhere you go, you need to notify the immigration when you visit someone in another region of Thailand, no more visa extension.
    And who is going to learn Thai with an ED visa? What is the incentive to do so? Understanding your Thai girlfriend? She speak Issean anyway! Find you a job in Thailand? You cannot find a job Thailand: it is illegal!
    The Thai language is the less useful language you will learn in your life, only spoken in some part of Thailand (Bangkok and Pattaya) and place where you cannot find a job as a falang: stupid idea.
    Good luck with your new rule game and try to find a way to keep the 'good' farang, or see your economic figures next year wink.png

    Who earns interest on money in the bank in Singapore?


    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


    Quite frankly I find the whole letter absolutely incredulous. To start and end with, may I just ask one question - if you are prepared and actually spend one million Baht a year and more, you can get an Elite status which would enable you to stay here without visa runs. I really do not understand what all the fuss and rejection is all about. As in every country there are laws, rules and regulations, which have to be abided by, including immigration and work permits regulations. If one gets an Education Visa with the official purpose of learning Thai, one is suppiosed to do so, if one comes here as a bona fide tourist, this is fine, but one can't circumvent the regulations by visa tuns and overstaying and also illegally working here. That is all that there is to it!!!

    • Like 1
  5. We should all accept that here in Thailand there are laws and regulations like in most other countries, in ALL western countries. These laws and regulations have to be abided by and if these are abused the way they have been here for many years , we shouldn't complain when the authorities decide to clamp down. One should try to get a job in the EU (if one is not an EU citizen) and unless that person fullfills all the extremely rigid requirements, they are just NOT let in. Most employers won't even dream of employing people illegally, although this would be much cheaper (refugees and others without a permission to follow employment, (so called "tolerated people"), as if they are caught they face very stiff fines and other penalties. My appeal, as someone who has lived here for many years (legally) is for all of us to abide by the laws and regulations, thereby make it easier for all of us, authorities and foreigners!



    In terms of the Visa benefit ... is it right for the 500k card you get a 5-year multi entry Visa?
    Would this also count towards the three year non-immigrant visa requirement for permanent residency status?

    You must be on extensions of stay for 3 years and be working here with a work permit to qualify for permanent residency. So the answer is no.



    You can also apply with a retirement visa


    This is not entirely correct. Usually one has to be working here for at least 3 years (legally, of course) and pay taxes. There are exceptions (married to Thai and have Thai children), but then one must be on a married visa, and such cases are not very usual and easy!!!

  7. Yep, we have learned something from the Asians. TTF for the spray 'Dush'.

    I agree. I think the spray "Dusch" is hygienic and clean and can be dried by toilet paper. What I really don't understand is that in most western like luxury hotels in Thailand there are no spray "Duschs". Guests don't have to use them if they don't feel like it, but why not have them for such guests that appreciate it?

    • Like 1
  8. I would sincerely suggest to the future assembly to seriously examine the German electoral system. In my view it is nearly as perfect as any system can be in as much as the parliamentary seats are based 50% on a party lists and 50% on constituency seats.Every voter has two votes one for a constituency candidate and one for a party list. Every constituency elected member gets a seat, but if his party gets thereby more seats than it should get on the party list basis other parties are compensated by getting more party list seats in accordance with the votes cast for them on the party lists.. In order to make sure that not too many small parties make the working of the parliament impossible there are threshold limits, at present set at 5% of the total votes on the party lists.

    Naturally such a system can and has to be adjusted to local conditions and situations, but it should be looked into to see if it should not form a basis for a fair representation of the will of the electorate and the proper democratic working of the parliament and elected government

  9. Thank you for report, how much I do not trust doctors here is the reason why I keep asking about skin allergy, either they are to lazy to do their job correctly or just don't know how to do it the right way...


  10. My country,U.S.A. only supports countries that are a democracy. Thailand is not currently a democracy.

    The U.S.A does not support any country that permits slavery. Thailand permits slavery.

    What's left to explain?

    Oh yeah...come to Thailand and spend your money...but good luck getting a visa!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You mean those fine upstanding democracies like Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Qatar where the slave labourers building the World Cup stadiums are dropping like flies? Give us a break!

    EXsexyman, can you tellus where , when and how does Thailand permit, or allow, slavery????

  11. I formulated a post of some length to reply to the OP, and decided to delete it. frack it....

    How to explain to the world that thailand has a weak police force, that fails to protect the people and the peace and uphold the laws fo the nation, leading to an open door policy with the Army to step in..... It will happen again and again and again, so get used to, and understand its not a coup its a hostile takeover of upper management.

    I wish everyone all the best in this hostile job market

    I totally and utterly disagree with your comments and others voiced here. It is true that there are many things that ought to be corrected and put in order in Thailand, which can make this beautiful country one of the "pearls of the east". It is practically self sufficient, has many skilled people, and offers a lot of opportunities for people abiding the laws. However, many things, including plundring this country, misusing and not abiding the laws, distorting the educational system and others, that the present Military rulers are now trying to correct. Some of the positive actions are already visible and one can only hope that they will continue with their positive efforts until such time as this society is healed from some of its ills and can return to a democracy. Democracy is a wonderful system, but at times it has to be temporarily suspended in order to replace chaos by a properly functioning democracy. I do believe that this is what is happening in Thailand now.

    I do not admire you for the statement, "Democracy is a wonderful system, but at times it has to be temporarily suspended", because even recent world history has shown, that temporary suspensions are never very temporary in practice.

    George Bush stated exactly that sentence, in fact. It led to war crimes such as the illegal use of torture, certain ethnic groups having their civil rights clearly vioated at will, the unwarranted (and unreported) detainment of thousands of people outside any legal jurisdiction (no proof required), an unparalleled expansion of government spying, 2 of the longest and most expensive (and deadliest) wars in U.S. history - and no end in sight, more than a decade later.

    Is that what you support, as well? Because all of that began with literally (very literally) the same sentence as you use here.

    You are really talking about two utterly different constellations. What you are referring to are two wars, necessarily or unnecessarily instigated and fought by the USA against other countries, or regimes. What has taken place here is the suspension of the LOCAL democracy by the country's own military, in order to arrange for a proper unchaotic and hopefully uncorrupt democracy, which I believe every person liking this beautiful country, Thailand and its people, will welcome!

  12. I formulated a post of some length to reply to the OP, and decided to delete it. frack it....

    How to explain to the world that thailand has a weak police force, that fails to protect the people and the peace and uphold the laws fo the nation, leading to an open door policy with the Army to step in..... It will happen again and again and again, so get used to, and understand its not a coup its a hostile takeover of upper management.

    I wish everyone all the best in this hostile job market

    I totally and utterly disagree with your comments and others voiced here. It is true that there are many things that ought to be corrected and put in order in Thailand, which can make this beautiful country one of the "pearls of the east". It is practically self sufficient, has many skilled people, and offers a lot of opportunities for people abiding the laws. However, many things, including plundring this country, misusing and not abiding the laws, distorting the educational system and others, that the present Military rulers are now trying to correct. Some of the positive actions are already visible and one can only hope that they will continue with their positive efforts until such time as this society is healed from some of its ills and can return to a democracy. Democracy is a wonderful system, but at times it has to be temporarily suspended in order to replace chaos by a properly functioning democracy. I do believe that this is what is happening in Thailand now.

    • Like 1
  13. Any constructive ideas for staying?

    I recommended Malaysia,

    check out: http://www.mm2h.gov.my/index.php/en/



    Another option is Cambodia. Just across the border from Hat Lek is Koh Kong, which is definitely better than what I have seen in The Philippines.

    Cambodia has a no hassle visa extension scheme (so does Laos), there are lots of farangs there, and the medical care you require is only a couple of hours away by road in Trat (Thailand). If you are living in Koh Kong frequent visa exempt trips to Thailand should not be a problem for you two.

    On your budget you can easily afford to spend a month there to clear your passports of in-outs and check it out. I don't know if you will like it, however medicine there is as cheap as Thailand. I haven't been there in a couple of years.

    More thoughts... if you money comes from overseas you need to talk to your bank and get a form called a TT3. It proves your life supporting income comes from overseas. It would be ammunition for you to fire at the border guards.

    Also if you are on a disability pension I would recommend that you get an affidavit confirming that from your embassy as more ammunition to assure the border guards that you are not working illegally.

    I hope I have given you some ideas.

    I don't really know Malaysia that well, but reading the immigration regulations, if I were you, i would make my home there. Medical attention is as good and not that much more expensive than in Thailand and the climate is similar. You seem to have all the financial qualifications and I take it that you have some medical insurance cover (one of the qualification of the Malaysian immigration) whilst in Malaysia.

    Good Luck in whatever you decide to do!

  14. I bet there are loads of older guys living in upcountry Nakon Nowhere on overstay. Like those guys who have no ties to their home country, probably haven't left Thailand for a decade or more. They'll at least be hoping they don't get caught now, that's if they even care at all.

    Risky business staying here on overstay, lord only knows why you'd do it.

    It does seem Immigration are really tightening things up. First visa runners, now people on overstay.

    Will it be Ed-Visas next?

    If ED-Visas are being abused, yes, they should be next, as all abuses. This country, like any other, the UK, Germany, US, Australia and most others have laws and regulations to be abided by and not to be abused!

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  15. Mahatma Ghandi said that with the "an eye for an eye" mentality the whole world will turn blind ...

    Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us.

    Golda Meir

    A founder of Israel and 4th Prime Minister

    Mrs Golda Meir expressly denied the existence of a Palestinian nation. I , knowing the Middle east, strongly disagree with her statement. I do believe that a Palestinian mother suffers as much and as deeply as an Israeli mother, when losing a child, in the same way as other mothers, Thais, Chinese, English, German etc mothers do.

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  16. Israel is no better than those they seek to punish. It is one thing to to criticize another for doing harm and it is quite another to actively seek retribution. And let's not forget occupying a foreign land and building prison type walls to circle its inhabitants.

    Are you seriously suggesting that this is something done by Israeli authorities?

    For one thing, details are still unclear, and second - police already on the scene.

    The so called wall, is in many parts a fence, and does not encircle the West Bank.

    Palestinian access to Israel is limited, yes, but that goes way before the barrier.

    The barrier itself does not imprison, so much as keeps Israeli and Palestinians apart.

    JES, I do hope that losword means every word. What you are saying is simply incorrect. Even the Israeli PM and other ministers are openly saying they will revenge the death of the three boys, which ALL of us do criticise and sharply condemn. As far as the so called separation wall is concerned, may I refer you to the recent Pope's visit to Israel/Palestine. I really do Not condone any acts of terror, but allow me to say that the way the Israelis treat the Palestinians, they are providing very fertile ground for terrorists!

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  17. I consider ALL acts of terror against innocent civilians as criminal acts. I criticise and sharply condemn the kidnapping and murdering of the three Israeli teenagers. However, shouldn't the Israeli authorities also be criticised and condemned for shooting innocent Palestinian youth? Further, I am wondering if the Israeli PM will condemn in the same sharp form this kidnapping and murder of a teenager, a Palestinian one, as President Abbas did in the case of the Israeli kidnapped teenagers?? Will the world show such indignation???

    That's how the eye for an eye mentality works....

    Following the funerals of the three Israelis kidnapped there were violent demonstrations in Jerusalem,

    with right wing and religious protestors clashing with police and attempting to attack Arabs in the vicinity.

    Extreme rightists attack Palestinians in Jerusalem as teens laid to rest

    Several hundred right-wing extremists in Jerusalem started demonstrating, some of them attacking Arab passers-by, as the families of the three murdered teenagers were burying their sons in Modi'in.

    Five Palestinians were attacked, and two of them needed medical treatment. The extremists were engaged in violent confrontations with police in the capital's center for several hours.

    The police arrested 50 people suspected of involvement in the incidents. Public transportation in the center of town was disrupted for hours, and hundreds of youths ran through the downtown city streets yelling racist slogans and calling for revenge against Arabs.


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  18. Quite frankly I don't really understand the whole fuss. To start with this customs regulation has been in force for years, albeit it has never been strictly enforced. The second thing I fail to understand is the expressed indignation at the low limit and its "introduction". Most western countries have the same, or similar regulations with even lower, or similar limits. It is another question how these regulations are enforced and put into practice. So before getting that excited let's wait and see. There is a saying in German -Die Suppe wird nie so heiß gegessen wie gekocht; translated into English it says "The soup is never consumed as hot as it is cooked....

    This is absolutely pathetic, people COME to Thailand to shop apparently and Thailand is now telling people it cant shop overseas over 10k ???

    10,000 bht is about as stupidly low as you can get. It is also inferring its a total combined amount of items not single. That dosnt cover a pair of some good sports trainers and how do they know when or where things were purchased or how old ? apparently thats not an excuse either.

    My wedding ring alone is worth x5 the limit and thats just plain gold and so are many of my items I and many others travel with. Laptiop, Phone, Ipod, Ipad, Watch, Jewellery, Camera,scuba gear

    If they want high spending tourists then expect high price personal items, unless your a backpacker your almost certainly going to be over the limit.

    Many tourists buy new things to take on holiday and the whole point of shopping abroad is to pick up special items on a special price.

    has it got to do with Thailand if I buy a top notch camera in Singapore or Phone or even high tagged jewellery or some designer item ? how do they know what I am going to do with them, gift or use personally it is none of their god damn business.

    If they were talking about multiple same items like 5 iphones etc clearly for sale or the usual duty free stuff only limit then could understand but this limit on whatever has been purchased abroad as a combined limit of 10k ? crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif ... sheer nuts

    This leaves the door wide open to customs screwing a lot of people under the guise of importing over the limit, its up to them to decide is it ? well sorry but do not trust them. 10k is unbelievably low

    In all honesty i expect 95% of people arriving in Thailand will have goods over 10k on or in their possession

    I forsee one big scam coming on this and I do not like the idea of perpetually over the limit anytime i travel and being open to their interpretation any-time they see fit.

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