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  1. Yeah. Take away about 250 kg of fat and blubber
  2. About time they considered lowering the over the top import tax also
  3. I think you are wrong about the UK. It's the gimmigrants that are going around stabbing , robbing,attacking and raping . Not the British people
  4. He probably thinks he is still in the UK where <deleted> like him get away with it. Thanks to the woke immigrant loving police fatce
  5. I had similar to that a few years ago. I had trapped one of those red millipedes under my arm while I slept.
  6. They just can't help themselves. Any chance to rip the falang off
  7. Bit racist that headline. What about the 700 plus Thais and the 200plus Chinese
  8. You can't do the first report online. Don't ask me why. I have no idea about Thai logic
  9. I have loved watching and reading all the leftards melting down. Bleating and crying over the election results. Roll on January
  10. I would believe anything of that lying, treacherous**#t. The man's a disgrace. And I used the word man loosely
  11. There will probably be quite a few on The Epstein and Diddy list thinking of moving out. Oh and all those woke lefty actors.
  12. Probably Muslim anyway. There are quite few in the UK you know. And they are protected by the police back there
  13. I hope Trump doesn't forget about it and gives this fat racist slob what he deserves
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