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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. A lot of this angst could have been avoided if people had been wearing the correct type of mask that could really protect against airborne, aerosol particles and not this medical/surgical which was not designed specifically for external, small particle filtering and offers little protection and should not be worn for long periods. Oh well, live and learn (or not).




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  2. News like this makes me happy I don't participate in the so-called 'social media' - none of it. Who has time for that nonsense and who wants to stand on the shoulders of Zuckerberg and Dorsey (and then get summarily shrugged-off by them)? I didn't join the stampede to smart phones either.

  3. This article is incorrect in stating that the plane did not touch down on the runway. I saw the video that was made when the plane came in and it definitely did touch down.


    I have listened to an expert who has flown this type of aircraft (Juan Brown - blancoliero channel on you-know-what a current professional airline pilot) and had made comments about what he calls an 'assault landing' (STOL - Stort TakeOff & Landing). He went into fair detail about what COULD go wrong with an 'assault landing' of a c130 without speculating about what DID go wrong with this particular 'assault landing'. Juan's latest evaluation was that he believed the aircraft came in with too high a speed. That was his opinion and he did not make any definite statements about what happened after the touch down of the aircraft.


    Anyway, RIP the victims and condolences to those folks associated and the survivors.






  4. If you live in a reinforced concrete high-rise, regardless of where it is you should checkout the several civil engineers that have carefully commented on the Surfside collapse. If one resides in such a builing, one could do their own inspection of the building to some degree (depending). The collapse in Surfside was in dire need of restoration after 40 Years (and apparetnly some pretty lame corrective maintenance efforts)


    I live in a typical, older, Thai six-story, reinforced concrete apartment fuiling and if I saw in my building what was obvious in the Surfside building I would be :outta here in the proverbial flash;! (one advantage of renting over buying):


    By an engineer (one would think) by someone who identifies his YouTube channel as 'Building Integrity' seems to know what he's talking about and doesn't speculate or jump to conclusions::

    'Building Integrity' YouTube Channel (videos):
    Gratuitously throwing in this talk on concrete spalling (pardon the thick accent):
  5. On 5/13/2021 at 8:31 AM, Kiujunn said:

    Sex hasn't been the selling point of Thai tourism for years. 

    Chinese come for an exotic locale, shopping and food. They are not into Thai girls. 

    Neither are Russians, they mostly have their own women.

    Even many of the Europeans nowadays are family tourists. 

    There are always exceptions. Have you ever been to the Thermae Cafe in its pre-covid heyday when it was packed like a sardine tin with male Japanese/Korean (I can't tell the difference, can you?) and many very attractive non-tourists (ahem) women of the Bangkok night (aka freelancers)?


    BTW, I've read that Bangkok has more of them, per-capita, than any other city on the planet. I would have guessed that Pattaya would get this particular superlative.


    It was open until recently. Now the gals (and ladyboys) have to look for scarce customers near the entrance and on the sidewalk out front.

  6. OP Title: Illegal immigration: 15,000+ have sneaked into Thailand posing Covid risk since start of year Title:


    Immigration and Illegal are contradictory terms and should not be used together. What Thailand has seen from nearby countries is Illegal Migration. Try going over to the immigration authorities at the Government complex at Chan Wattana and tell them you want to Migrate (or illegally immigrate) to Thailand (optionally, tell them you are an independently sovereign human and see what they say about that). (Imagine a 'stoner' emojii here).

  7. 6 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Not irrelevant at all. You treat freedom to travel and to associate freely as absolute and paramount rights. But they're not, or shouldn't be, when they endanger others. Just like shouting fire in a crowded theater shouldn't be protected as a right to free speech.

    Again, casual readers reference HERE and HERE. BTW, Just want to argue off-topic, as usual, huh? Get educated HERE and don't get back to us!

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