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Posts posted by MaxYakov

  1. 3 minutes ago, Morch said:
    42 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    C'mon Maaaaan! (in my best Biden impersonation)


    Can you tell us how many businesses were destroyed and peoples lives negatively and drastically affected by your stated "2 million dollars damage" by Trump's golf trips?


    BTW, do you have any evidence from a credible source that one of Trump's golf trips cost 4 million? Credible source/link, please. PS: I don't consider Nancy Pelosi or any of the Democrats or any of the MSM to be a "credible sources" especially in these rabid, pre-election days.




    So what you go with is alt-right websites, right wing nutter blogs, Infowars, OAN and maybe a dash of Fox & Friends? You've basically denounced all acceptable sources - without offering an alternative. Kinda lame going on about "anarchists" while making such posts.

    None of them. My question was to Tug. Are we tag-teaming here? If you're going to reply for him, then cough up some "credible sources" for his assertions or UFTS.

    • Thanks 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Tug said:

    And just what does that make a trump vigilante?and here’s a little tidbit for you Kenosha Wisconsin suffered approximately 2 million dollars damage that’s not good it’s bad it shouldn’t happen but that’s not even 1/2 the cost of one of donalds golf trips just a little perspective for ya

    C'mon Maaaaan! (in my best Biden impersonation)


    Can you tell us how many businesses were destroyed and peoples lives negatively and drastically affected by your stated "2 million dollars damage" by Trump's golf trips?


    BTW, do you have any evidence from a credible source that one of Trump's golf trips cost 4 million? Credible source/link, please. PS: I don't consider Nancy Pelosi or any of the Democrats or any of the MSM to be a "credible sources" especially in these rabid, pre-election days.



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  3. 15 minutes ago, simple1 said:
    36 minutes ago, Mama Noodle said:

    You said he needed a license. You don’t need a license to open carry. Then you post that, which again, much like the others in this thread is not the whole story. 

    There are exemptions that can apply if you are 16 and up for rifles that can be used for hunting, which applies to the AR. 

    Id really appreciate if you all would just try and learn some chit here instead of implying I’m lying. 

    Yet again being deceitful. There is no evidence the guy was licenced to hunt or whatever in Wisconsin. In any case that's not why the individual, who is facing first degree homicide charges, was in the town. 

    It's not the weight of the evidence, but seriousness of the charges, eh? Are you some kind of legal expert? Do you think Mr. Rittenhouse's actions constitute murder one (which I believe have to be premeditated)?


    Is it beyond simple1's imagination that the charge of murder one is an overcharge? Is it even remotely possible the Democrat administration is trying to appease the mob by immediately charging him before an investigation could even be completed so as to avoid the almost unavoidable these days - mob action?


    I say: "keep it simple, but not too simple, simple1".


    In my best Kamala Harris' framing of the answer to such questions: Yes or no? Yes or no? 

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  4. 13 hours ago, Bender Rodriguez said:

    same as villa, not price


    FREE for years, now 1 or 2 baht for a bag worth a few satang to make


    I use a water filter, instead of 6 plastic bottles per day x 365, we at home use ZERO with a water filter


    why not encourage that ???

    It should be encouraged. I have water delivered in 20-liter re-usable bottles and decanter them into 1 1/2 liter bottles which I re-use. Haven't bought a plastic bottle of water in years. A water filter is a good alternative idea if it can be trusted.


    I also use re-usable, 500ml, stainless steel vacuum bottle for ice-cooled drinking water both at home and when out. Rarely do I buy a drink from a Thai vendor or 7/11. Hard to imagine a Thai who is not clutching a single-use plastic bag containing a single-use drink container. Even harder to imagine a Thai or a farang with a 500 ml, stainless steel, vacuum bottle. Such a thing must be a real luxury item for Thais or just not stylish and cool (farangs as well).

  5. 5 minutes ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

    Oh yeah you are so objective....saying Biden "needs permission to leave his basement while talking to himself riding a bike" and then you proceed to insult people that do not support Donald Trump...you are such the "objective observer". There was absolutely nothing ridiculous about my comparison. Biden rides a mountain bike for exercise, Trump rides around in a golf cart for his exercise. Why dont you try and be objective about that...


    And what I got out of Trump's rally in Tulsa? POTUS is a self serving narcissist that willingly put thousands of his constituents and people that work for him in harms way during a pandemic that is out of control so he can have public adulation from his MAGA party. (which he continues to do by the way) People on his own staff contracted Corona virus as a direct result of that rally you seem to be in such awe of. 


    I always get a kick out of posters that say "I am an objective observer" and then proceed to out themselves as flat out Trump supporters. Just own it because your words and opinions betray you....


    I am not a Trump supporter. He is what he is. My comment was meant to be satirical, but I guess it went over your head, yes? Anyway, pursuit of this line of discussion (for want of a better word) is off-topic, IMHO. It's supposed to be about Pence's economic pitch at the RNC and Trump re/WI protests topic (stay on it). This is my final off-topic response on this this thread.

    • Sad 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Tie Dye Samurai said:

    your selling points are Trump had a covidfest that played to a half full coliseum where he spent 20 minutes of his speech convincing the crowd he could drink a glass of water with one hand and that he is not a gimp because he was walking down a ramp in his leather soled shoes....yeah that inspires confidence....



    I'm not "selling" anything. I'm an objective observer (or try to be) based on wide-ranging internet research. I was simply taking a ridiculous comparison and matching it with one of my own that may be closer to reality.  Jeesh!


    There is a lot of obsessive-compulsive Anti-Trumpism that has been going on since even before his election. You seem to be exhibiting some of this yourself. So that's all you got out of his Tulsa rally is it? I personally don't watch much or many of his speeches/rallies and certainly can't attend any any even if I wanted to (I do not, especially since I can save a lot of time by watching the many Trump videos of all kinds on the internet).


    He is what he is and I really (as I've stated many times) don't have a "dog in this fight". He is a very skilled speaker/presenter who has become targeted by the MSM and a whole bunch of irrational left-wingers, some even in high offices and even some Republicans who don't desire to have a loose cannon potentially interrupting their graft/corruption money, IMHO.


    Does Biden "inspire confidence" with you? If so, what is it about him that does so?



    • Haha 1
  7. 49 minutes ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    Really? Desperate huh? So now think "free speech" which gives the people the right to tell their leaders what they think.

    Verbal assault? :cheesy: That's so pathetic and hysterically insane.

    You are supposed to need tough people to run a country, not a bunch of girls blouses, who collapse and moan at the first sign of an unhappy customer.

    How about real assault, where people take guns to threaten legitimate protesters. Don't have a problem with that huh?

    Sure you will be singing a different tune first time a republican gets shot by a loony on the left.

    No problem though. Your posts give the majority here a damn good laugh. 


    What? You would really rather try to insult me and make a fool of yourself on this forum rather than simply follow the link I provided in my comment?


    So you think it requires a gun to constitute a "real assault" as you put it? Many people have seriously injured or killed by being "sucker punched" and any number of non-firearm-related assaults such as knifings, baseball bat beatings, you name it. You should be aware by now that these so-called protests carry with them violent antifa and anarchists that have been known to attack and injure and kill. Rand Paul was not safe and he was smart enough to realize this and seek police protection. Jeesh!


    The 17 yo, Kyle Rittenhouse, in Kenosha, WI (yes, another link) killed with his rifle an assaulter who was using a skateboard as a weapon. This is well-video-documented, recent attack. The advice has been "Don't take a skateboard to a rifle fight". Kyle also killed another and shot an assaulter in the bicep who was about to shoot him with a semi-automatic pistol. Kyle will probably get off pleading self-defense.




    Again, follow the link and read all the various types of assaults. 

    • Sad 1
  8. Verbal assault – this is a type of non-physical, oral assault that results in an emotional, mental, and/or psychological injury to the victim, rather than a physical bodily injury. - Ref: www.attorneys.com


    It depends upon where one (or the court/judge) draws the line between obnoxiousness and verbal assault, doesn't it? If one feels threatened, I call that verbal assault that could (and often does) escalate to physical assault. Read about the various types of assault HERE (www.attorneys.com}.

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  9. 3 hours ago, rcummings said:

    How about younger man violates health and safety rules while older man sets an example.


    And as for your "expert" predictor...he got right 5 out of 6 elections that he actually predicted.

    Whereas Allan Lichtman has gotten 9 out of 9 right.

    Professor Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted elections since 1984, says Biden will win


    Those "health and safety rules" are both unconstitutional and unscientific (similar to the tyrannical long-term, economically-destructive state of emergency in another country that comes to mind). The multi-state, economically-destructive lockdowns in the USA were by the dictates of the state Governors and not Donald TrumpWhere's your mask, BTW and have you been anti-social distancing? I've sure some of the Tulsa attendees may have died since June, but what did they die of? The virus and where did they contract it?


    I don't have a dog [pardon the expression] in this fight, but for America's sake (AFAIC - and a lot of other people as well), its time Prof. Lichtman had have his first erroneous "guess". 


    Ref. HERE for a WPR Lichtman article containing this:


    "Allan Lichtman: Based upon my 13 keys to the White House, which gauge the strength and fulfillment of the party holding the White House, it takes six negative keys to predict their defeat. That would be Donald Trump and the Republicans. In late 2019, Trump only had four negative keys. 


    But his failed response to many crises that have arisen in 2020 has resulted in the most sudden and dramatic reversal of fortune in the history of the U.S. In the matter of a few months, three more keys have turned against the incumbent Trump. With seven negative keys against him, Trump is a predicted loser in his bid for reelection in November."


    What crises has he "failed response [sic]" to? Are you counting the craziness in many Democratic-run cities resulting in arson, looting and murder? I hope the American people will see where the real responsibilities of these crises lie.


    It's still two months until the election. Are they trying to set up a self-fulfilling prophecy? The Democrats and MSM have been throwing everything but the kitchen sink (mainly lies and hoaxes) at Trump since even before he was legitimately elected. Still I'm just a remote and relatively objective observer [I believe] of this potential American political train wreck.









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  10. "Our military might and missile programmes are defensive."


    Sure they are! That's the ticket!


    Defensive missile programmes (not to mention miscellaneous "military might") using re-warmed virtually 75-y.o. WWII technology. There should be some restored B17s available for their strategic bombing campaigns. They'll probably need some escort fighters from the era, but they will be difficult to find and obtain.

  11. On 8/19/2020 at 12:03 PM, Eric Loh said:

    Bernie was very polite to limit Trump's threat to the country. He would have continued to warn that law and order, decency, unity, morality and growing global disrespect of USA are at stake. US can't afford another 4 years of utter chaotic Trump's Presidency. The world will thank Biden when Trump is gone.   

    Can you be specific about the chaos for which Trump is allegedly responsible? Also, what will the world "thank" Biden for when "Trump is gone", please?

    • Confused 3
  12. 11 minutes ago, Morch said:
    31 minutes ago, MaxYakov said:

    It wan't looting! I was simply peaceful protesting (with benefits) and the cops started shooting for no reason. ????


    26 minutes ago, Pattaya Spotter said:

    Just peaceful civil rights demonstrators...nothing to see here...move along... (and vote for Joe).


    Other than you two, who made these claims?

    The mainstream media and the protesters, of course. :stoner:

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