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Everything posted by cheeryble

  1. Yes it was a four-way junction, the road I was on obviously larger, and the clincher was a stop sign facing towards him at the junction
  2. Hello there It’s not been my week. A week or so ago I parked the car. close to the curb, left the flashers on when I run into a shop to pick up a couple of bags. There was an enormous bang, and a motorbike had run into my rear offside of my car, possibly without braking whether he was texting or not I don’t know he was Burmese. My insurance man came, but it turned out My wife had only bought third-party insurance. Happily, by some miracle, the boy was not hurt. Happily also the damage is not deep. As the kid just has a very normal job working in GO wholesale, And I felt sorry for him. I would be content to just get a cheap job done. My wife was going to take the car to the local, very economical panel guy to decide how much to ask him. Last night someone pulled out of a side turning straight into the front corner of my car. Located police and my insurance man arrived, we went to the police station with the Lt Colonel who arrived on the scene. They decided I was completely guilt free, and I have the letter from the lieutenant colonel saying that the student involved had "confessed". His father had turned up and was completely completely in agreement. He said he knew a repair man who did work for Toyota and would I go there with him today at 9 o’clock? It was in San Kamphaeng, rather a distance, and I felt rushed and that I should learn a bit about the detail of the repair so I said I’d call him later today. To explain further, I’m driving a Honda CRV 2003 I bought from a friend, but it is a fantastic example of a Honda CRV gen2, which I and Scotty Kilmer consider the best year and the best car. It is very lightly used, parked out of the sun, all services and repairs by Honda. it is like driving a new car and the leather seats etc etc look like it just came out of the showroom. I saw this car parked up all the time as we both owned condos on the same building, and I saw the he rode a little motorcycle all the time. So I had my eye on it for years, and eventually it came to me. it has had a speedo cluster replacement, and reads near 10,000, but I have no reason to disbelieve when he says the mileage is about 80,000 km. Properly maintained of course these Honda Vtec engines can easily do three, four, 500,000 miles. So in the past, I’ve had Thai drivers hit me, always in the rear of the car, And when they’ve been told by the police to pay me, I’ve been contented for the panel or two to be filled with Bondo and a quick paint job. But this is the car I really like, and at my age, I think it would see me out. so I’d be very interested in the opinions of readers whether I can reasonably ask for new panels on a 20yr old car, and whether, I can reasonably take it to an established insurance body shop. in fact I just had a good look at the car and taking some photos. There is one panel, the front offside ring which is quite dented as you see. Another silver panel has been scratched and mildly dented, but this kind of panel goes from one side of the car to the other, above the “bumper“ The bumper itself has a small area of damage was actually torn and the torn area sticks out. The car also needs an offside headlight assembly, I would like to have a quality that will not yellow in future. The drivers door creeks when I close or open it as it is now interfering with the wing, but I suspect this will be OK when the wing is sorted any input appreciated. i shall put photos in the next post cheers These last four are the rear damage from the first crash. I've been quoted 3,500 from a local cheap shop and as it's tucked away more and sure the kid don't have much money I'm fine with that. In fact the small mark on the near side wing rear wing was done by someone else in a car park!
  3. oil seals might leak eh? what’s the rationale behind that Jas?
  4. May be of interest… My friend asked me to go and help him buy a car last week, a top end Mazda 2 2019 with 65,000 km from a dealer with a car lot. The car actually looked absolutely immaculate, including the engine bay. You could’ve eaten your eggs off the engine. I did all the right things looking down the sides for any body work, Inside the oil filler cap, the dipstick, no oil drips etc., but the guy must’ve been very disappointed when I took the radiator to cap off and found just water inside with no coolant. We also found that it had the 10,000 km service in the logbook but nothing else was noted until over 35,000. Naturally, this must’ve put the dealer who I thought was quite a nice chap, On the back foot, but he must have been aghast when I took out the OBD connector and asked if he mind if I use it. at this stage, we also noticed the trouble light on the speedo was on! sure enough the scanner recognized that there had been a problem 26 warm-up cycles ago. I took it for a short run, where I floored the throttle a couple of times and Wiggled the steering at a bit of speed. It came through all of the physical checks with flying colors. So I suggested to my friend that he went to Mazda and had the trouble code cleared, and simply made sure that it didn’t come back on again. I’m not sure what happened the next day but he went to Mazda with the dealer where they replaced the water pump and the brake pads Which were 70% worn. he then bought the car at a pretty good reduction, considering its immaculate condition, and went home happy.
  5. Hi I installed surfshark 28 days ago in an effort to get rid of the ridiculous amount of spam swamping my Android mobile. Along with another couple of apps, adguard and Personal DNS, it has done a good job. I just wonder if someone has a good alternative to surfshark as I left an $80 payment with a month's trial and it will be lovely to have $80 back. And still have a good app Thanks
  6. What are you suggesting happens with the oil seals? New line by the way thanks
  7. I think I’m going to go full synthetic in future, and also change oil and filter at least every 8000 km. In fact, would prefer even shorter intervals. It seems not difficult to get many hundred thousand kilometers out of a decent engine with this simple change. question is, can the extra cost be ameliorated? I had a quick look at Lazada offerings, and some of the synthetics seem very cheap indeed, even for name brands, compared to others. can anyone who’s been through the same search and decision process recommend particular products? any other intelligent tips would be welcome. Here are our cars: Toyota Sienta 2019 approx 40k km. FSH. Honda Jazz 2006 iDSL 228k km. Honda CRV 2003 speedo believed changed but may be ca. 80k km. Serviced by Honda. all three cars have no smoke, no leaks, no noises. the Jazz had only water instead of coolant when I bought it, now coolant.
  8. I can recommend Dr. Pisanu in the ram Chiangmai. I can see his mind working to make good balanced decisions. At the same time, I believe I’ve long ago read that he has spent a good time abroad dealing with difficult cases. I had a biopsy from him, which was somewhat painful, but I think it had nothing to do with his competence, in fact, he was clearly adept and wasted no time. Nice manner too.
  9. These are not just hypothetical.
  10. I'm interested to know what the transfer taxes if a member of a family transfers property to another member. They could be a similar ages or it could be a grandmother passing on her title before she dies. How about if a man transfers a condo to his wife, and what difference does it make if they are officially married or not. In the latter case is there such a thing as a common law marriage? Thanks
  11. Thanks for the offer bill it's probably way more than I need. I actually ordered an item for the amazing price of 47 bt. I'm as interested in these devices purely from curiosity is anything else, but we do have three cars and who knows it could come in useful. Only one thing I'm about to clean from your post that I'll not be able to reset codes?
  12. Think all Well I now know that all of my cars have a connector and I shall proceed to get the OBD Bluetooth connector. ,FYI the socket on the two Hondas I kind of inside the fuse box cover into the left a little. I'm told the connector on the Toyota sienta is on the right of the steering wheel and under the under the what you call it the storage shelf . So I'm looking forward to making the huge investment of about 47 baht and being able to play with it. I mentioned the borescope which enables you to go in through the spark plug holes and check the condition with the Piston the cylinders and the valves. Just of interest the boss of a garage that we once had some work done told my missus some months ago when she complained about the petrol consumption on the CRV that he could do a job on it for 3000 baht to reduce the gas mileage considerably. It wasn't a gas tank in the boot which I wouldn't have, I bet I could only make out something to do with the injector system. None of us Believe in perpetual motion and I'm very dubious but if the CRV seems seems on inspection of the plugs etc to be running the right mixture how the hell can you improve the gas mileage?
  13. Thanks OMF I was wondering about the incredibly cheap blue plastic connectors, but in your experience and combined with the phone, they do the same job, right? only thing is the wiki article didn’t mention most countries as having OBD sockets in their cars. the previous poster kindly said 'yes' but do Thai cars have them? Especially my cars and back to 2003?
  14. Hi there these scanners seem like a hell of a good idea. I believe that most cars in America have trouble code connectors though I'm not sure what year they came in. Do cars in Thailand have them, and when did they start? We have a Toyota sienta 4 years old. Honda jazz 2006 Honda CRV 2003 Also I wonder if anyone here has ann automobile bore scope, and whether they found them easy to use and useful .cheers
  15. Bonus question: Is there an equivalent on an iPad to keychain access on a MacBook? I would like to be able to check the password Google has previously accepted
  16. Help! I recently signed up with YouTube premium, and started my free month My wife saw an ad for a much cheaper way of buying it. So I canceled the regular route . We soon found out the “cheaper” way meant you had to sign up six people. So I just went to reconnect with YouTube premium and discovered the LITE version. As I’m not using it to listen to music videos, I went to sign into this version. The problem is Google is not accepting my password. What’s more I’ve gone through the procedure to update my password five times and each time it is rejected. What would a clever man do?
  17. I’m afraid Medisafe do not have the Apo-go
  18. Update: the apomorphine pump and associated tube to the needle which has to be changed every dayis a bit of a pain to wear under my shirt, and it’s a bore loading the pump and doing the injection daily, but this is as nothing compared to before when the tablet meds wore off way too soon, and at night I couldn’t even turn over in bed. Everyone says how well I look and sound. I’m very glad they made me go this route instead of deep brain stimulation, with which one cannot be sure how well it will work. as for the AFib the ablation, which worked at first, didn’t last, and some weeks later I went in for a cardioversion. This combo has worked to the extent my doc says I "don’t have AFib". is it all perfect? Not at all. The Parkinson’s gives me low BP which is amplified by the Madopar giving lower BP which Madopar I still have to take along with the apomorphine, and the low BP is quite consequential, especially as I am trying to exercise to regain my strength. I take something to try to keep the BP up, but it’s still not right. I once arrived at the Ram for s9mething unrelated and the obligatory BP check was so low they put me straight on a gurney. I have overactive bladder so bad it really affects my sleep (14 pees one particularly bad night!). We found a med which worked wonders, halved the dose for the second week, went in for a check and he said sorry it’s making your sodium so low it’s unacceptable. No more options it seems. I now wake up with a very uncomfortable bloated stomach which I read is very common with Parkinson’s. I am just waiting for advice from Chula on this. My excellent pharmacist says ha has something which will deal with it too, but I’ll wait on an answer to my message to Chula and do it properly. The candy on the cake is another charming symptom of Parky’s or Parky’s drugs which can come at this stage…..hallucinations. They havent been bothersome but are getting stronger and the Ram psychiatrist says they are a real issue where sufferers speak to people and animals whcih are not there. Atypically he more or less insisted I take a med for this. so I have a list of meds as long as my arm which I don’t like at all. I am uninsured. As for costs, the apomorphine is particularly expensive and I must look again at sourcing it perhaps abroad. I came here today looking for a thread about sourcing but didn’t find. Is there one? we have to keep my stock of apomorphine in the fridge so don’t know if it needs that to comes from BKK without cooling. all in all though some considerable success! thanks again specially to Sheryl trade name is APO-go
  19. I went to the garage from which the bill came and told him the story. I asked if he associated any of the items on the bill with the previous repair. he said the ignition coil. Presumably the coils could be checked one by one to check this at no great expense interesting that the Jazz has 4 coils and 8 plugs
  20. Thankyou for all comments. sorry I’ve been slow answering but I’ve made the possibly useful step of digging out the bill from May which I addend. so it seems to me the smart option is to take it to Honda and check on the computer. but it may be worthwhile taking the bill to the garage which fixed it in May and asking if he remembers the fault. Even if I then take it to Honda this would be useful info. thanks again
  21. Thankyou so much Sheryl. The anticoagulants weren't mentioned, but your question suggests withdrawal would be desirable when possible maybe I shouldn’t learn too much about the anticoagulants, more to worry about! I have an hour ago tried on compression stockings we bought. they were a wrestling match for,my wife to get them on me, honestly I can’t see them being a daily option. But we will give them a chance and check for any noticeable BP drop when I take them off…..got my doubts. How can I ever go out in them looking like my grandma I don’t know!
  22. Dr Narawut gives terrific value for money, and we seemed to be with him for an hour again. "how have you been?" so I went through the reasons I thought what we'd done before had been a Success… improved BP, much improved pulse rate, Kardia Mobile changing their verdict away from AFib, etc. I then moved on to how ill I’d felt sometimes including this morn8ng. He looked at the new EKG and the Kardia Mobile EKG when extended to a more useful length and pointed out that the waveforms were just fine. he basically said my heart was fine apart from slightly enlarged bottom chambers and conduction problems, but said my real problem was my Parkinson’s meds interacting badly with each other and me. we decided that the missus and I would have a teleconference with the Parky’s docs at Chula to see if to see if my drug regime can’t be improved. Also suggested such things as loads of water, wearing compression stockings, and putting my legs up the wall. come back in late August to check progress. I must admit whereas I was rather fearful of going through another night now that I’m know I’m not going to damage myself or have a heart attack getting on my feet in wee hours it all seems a lot better.
  23. Honda Jazz I-dsl 2006 two days ago my Jazz almost stalled a few times. It was rather like an overheated engine but there was no sign of steam or anything. a friend asked me if I used 95 I said I may well have given it a tank of 91…..he said that'll do it. is this so? I have about 40% of a tankful. if I top it up with 95 is it likely to run ok? thanks v much!
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