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Posts posted by timmyp

  1. I searched on the son's name to find out what the case what about, and why it would be a (an?) historic ruling, but I only found a few new stories talking about the case being dropped on technicality. There article in the BP mentions a tiny bit about it, but that's all (I would post the link, but I understand we can't do that for the BP?).

    If anyone has more information, please post the link. I am curious and would like to read more.

  2. The regulars make the bar. It's not the building or the food or the staff or the decor, it's the regulars who hang out there and make a community out of the bar. I like a bar that I can go to by myself any day of the week, and there's someone hanging out there who is worth having a chat with. The trouble with almost all the bars in Bangkok is that you have to go there with your friends: If you go alone, then you will sit alone, and probably not socialize.

    Fatty's over on Dindaeng is perfect for that. You can grab a table with your friends, or you can have a seat at the bar anytime, and there will be the talkative regulars already engaged in conversation. The food is great and the drinks are cheap, but I really don't care about that. It's the community at Fatty's that makes it worth frequenting.

  3. Sorry for not understanding this, but who is taking care of the classrooms while the teacher is out of the classroom? If the time these teachers are spending outside the classroom is when the kids are elsewhere (on break, art class, wherever), then it doesn't indicate that. If it's during class time, then I assume other teachers are covering the class?

    Wrong assumption. The students are left to their own devices. Maybe complete wirk set by the missing teacher.

    You're saying the students just sit there unsupervised? That's hard to believe.

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  4. Sorry for not understanding this, but who is taking care of the classrooms while the teacher is out of the classroom? If the time these teachers are spending outside the classroom is when the kids are elsewhere (on break, art class, wherever), then it doesn't indicate that. If it's during class time, then I assume other teachers are covering the class?

    • Like 1
  5. I just heard a humorous catch-phrase on the very unbiased and totally neutral radio station FM 101.0:

    “ไม่ดื่ม ไม่เพลิน ไม่เกินหนึ่งแก้ว

    "Don't drink, don't carried away. Not more than one glass."

    I'm not one to support excessive drinking, but that's totally laughable. They might as well tell everyone to be in bed by 10 pm to start the new year of early the next day.

    *101.0 is the military's radio station, for those who don't know.

  6. Tourist, including women, are curious to see it all, of course. My parents, who are in their 70s, are coming to Bangkok next month, and they have indicated that they want to see the go-go bars (my mom has probably already prepared her speech about how shocking and disgusting it all is). It's really something to see for anyone coming from a country where prostitution isn't so open.

    And, yeah, they like to look at the guys taking the girls as well.

    "My worry is its bad for the girls there, i was the only one buying lady drinks and getting friendly with the staff and i was certainly the only patron to pay a barfine."

    You mean bad for the girls because men would be too ashamed to buy drinks and take the girls out in front of all those western women? It's interesting to think that they would feel such a degree of shame. Many probably do... I often hear western men cursing western women, like the opinions of western women don't matter to them, but I think they still care how they are seen by western women, or by anyone that might judge them for hiring the services at a go-go bar.

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  7. There are plenty of shops and chang who do a good job, but you have to know which ones. If it's a valuable item, then you need to confirm first whether the shop or repair guy is properly capable.

    I remember this used to be a problem with music stores in the U.S. with the guitar techs they had on staff. Some shops had properly trained and experienced luthiers, and others had carpenters who thought, "I play guitar and I like wood, I can do this job." The latter always did a crap job, and further repairs were inevitably needed. When there are no standards in place for quality, people who shouldn't be doing the job are often doing it.

    In Thailand, I have dropped off electronics for repair and had a chair re-upholstered, all with success because I only went to places that were recommended by others. In contrast, the times that I thought "oh, this is an easy wire to solder" and "these shoes just need some glue on the sole", and dropped off the item without checking out the shop first, the results have been very disappointing, much like your shoes.

    Check out the place first!

  8. It's odd, isn't it? It does seem that some just struggle with the concept that people can hold different opinions and preferences to them. Plus this is then exacerbated by a certain group mentality when they get together on a forum like this. As well as accusing people of being gay, they also like to make out that anyone with a different opinion must be lying and a secret user of Thai prostitutes. Weird.

    Oh you guys, just loosen up a bit really..... no wonder you don't like Asian women, you guys are too tightened up and therefore probably don't enjoy the jokes Asian people enjoy...

    Ok, JPJ, I know you were joking, and I wasn't offended, I was just saying that I get that question often from people when this topic comes up.

    It's not much different when people ask, "Are you blind??", of course I know they don't actually think I'm blind.

  9. Are you gay?

    I'm not sure my wife would like that, either.

    I get the same question/accusation all the time here. I lived in Japan for about 15 years, and western men there would make the same accusations to me because I wasn't really interested in Japanese women. If you're into the Asian thing, then go for it. But it's weird to believe that there is just something so appealing about Japanese women and Thai women that only a homosexual wouldn't be interested.

    All that said, I've dated Thai women, it's not like I'm against it. But as a heterosexual guy, Thai women don't have any special appeal for me.

  10. I didn't come here for the women, and I think there are plenty like you and me, SoiBiker, though probably a minority.

    It isn't a question of morals or intellectual standing, I've just never bought into the image of the Asian women. I have never found them to be "more feminine" in their appearance or behavior as so many guys keeping telling me. I prefer western women. Not necessarily white, just women who were raised in the west.

    It doesn't turn me on to be someone's fetish, for women who want to catch a farang and have the man play the role she thinks a farang boyfriend should for her.

    I honestly wish I could get on the same wavelength as some of the men here, cuz it seems like I might enjoy life a little more. For better or for worse, I think I just may be hardwired this way.

  11. I think there is definitely a degree of tension here in Bangkok, as in any metropolitan area. You may just be getting swept up by that.

    I don't find it particularly stressful living here, but I don't have conflicts with expecting things to work out a certain way, only to have them work out in a different way (or not work out at all). I guess I'm trying to say that my expectations are low, so not much disappointment!

    Things are only stressful if you let them be, don't allow anyone to bully you, push in front of you in Tesco, or in their car if you leave a space in front of you. There's no better feeling than getting your own back on someone, but don't go looking for things to happen.

    I take the opposite approach, I just let people cut in front. It doesn't happen that much, I just think, "aw, another jerk, go ahead"... I grew up in a big city with really aggressive driving, so maybe my concept of being passive is still being pretty aggressive. But generally if someone wants to push ahead, cut me off, or be a dick in traffic or wherever, I just let them because it isn't worth fighting over. Obviously we all have limits for being treated that way, but I don't feel like my limits get crossed that much in Bangkok.

    Er, I'm not saying that I'm a super-laid back guy, only that I don't find the norm in Bangkok to be bad or full of conflicts. I choose my battles, I guess.

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  12. I think there is definitely a degree of tension here in Bangkok, as in any metropolitan area. You may just be getting swept up by that.

    I don't find it particularly stressful living here, but I don't have conflicts with expecting things to work out a certain way, only to have them work out in a different way (or not work out at all). I guess I'm trying to say that my expectations are low, so not much disappointment!

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  13. I don't like to spend time with people I don't trust. If I have started a relationship with someone, I trust her pretty quickly, and give her keys. I've never had a problem. If she's sleeping at my house with regularity, then she'd have a key.

    In the reverse, I would expect to get keys to her flat. If she was weird about giving me keys when I need them (because I was staying there for a few days or watering her plants when she's out of town, etc.), then I don't think our relationship would go very far.

    People who don't trust others can't be trusted.

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  14. I made it through the first 3 minutes and then nausea sent me to the toilet.

    It is absolutely disgusting to read comments like yours and others above. To me, as someone who has been living here for quite a while and loving it here, the clip is so really refreshing and encouraging as opposed to the moaning and groaning of many Farangs - some tourists, but mostly people who hate this beautiful country and its lovely people, but for unknown reasons have been living here for ages!

    My life is still like that after 6 years. Every morning I leave the house and step foot in the soi - saying hello with all the usual characters going about their business - is an absolute joy.

    It's funny how all the moans and grumbles are usually from those who learnt about Thailand from hookers and bar owners, then ended up living in Nakhon Nowhere supporting an extended family they have nothing in common with.

    You make your own bed. Lie in it. And don't think that the misery you landed yourself in represents everyone's experience of Thailand.

    Great video and absolutely representative of the large majority of Thai people.

    Wow, criticizing a cheesey video is apparently criticizing the country?
    If I find a Nike commercial silly, then it's a complaint about Nike? Seems a wee short-sighted on your part, but some folks are as blind in the their defense of something as others are to blindly bash it.
  15. I made it through the first 3 minutes and then nausea sent me to the toilet.

    It is absolutely disgusting to read comments like yours and others above. To me, as someone who has been living here for quite a while and loving it here, the clip is so really refreshing and encouraging as opposed to the moaning and groaning of many Farangs - some tourists, but mostly people who hate this beautiful country and its lovely people, but for unknown reasons have been living here for ages!

    jay yen yen, Abraham. I like living in Thailand, I just found the video very silly, shallow, and shooting for the lowest common denominator. It sounds like it hit the mark with you, though.

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