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Posts posted by timmyp

  1. Yes, I figured it would only deal with noise creeping into the hallway. Each neighbor on the side of my and the neighbor below would just have to suck up the noise. No body above cuz I'm on the top floor. I figured a 2nd door was only going to offer limited noise reduction, but would be worth it if I could do it for 3000 baht.

  2. Of course I checked Google and of course the Home Pro website. But they just tell me where the other branches are, nothing about the size of each branch.

    I'll wandered into the one on Ratchadapisek about a year ago. So that's the biggest? I'll also check out the one on Lad Prao.

    Never heard of Global Home. I checked out the website, and they don't list any stores in BKK. I'll stop into to one if I'm elsewhere in Thailand.

    Thanks for the tips.

  3. I would like to have a double door for my apartment entrance for the purpose of noise reduction. There are no other openings to the hallway, I believe a 2nd door would be effective reducing noise (noise getting out of my apartment that is, the noise in the hall doesn't really bother me).

    The frame/jam for my apartment door is sizable, wide enough to hang a 2nd door of the same size that would open and close opposite the door currently in the frame.

    I hoping someone can tell me:

    1. Where can I get a solid plywood door in Bangkok? The cheapest one at Home Pro is 2300 baht.

    2. Any idea what it would cost to get someone to install the door?

    I hear there is an area down near Khlong Toei shops that sell doors and would a chang/worker who could put it in?

    Sorry, I'm still new here, don't know my way around yet.

    Oh-- are doors standard size in Thailand? I read on this forum that often they aren't?

  4. Where is the biggest Home Pro in Bangkok? Or the bigger ones? I always go to the one on Wittayu Rd, but I get the impression there are bigger stores? Where are they? Seems pretty tiny over on Wireless Rd. Thanks--

  5. I had my Thai teacher call the phone number of some head postal worker in some head office. He said that the package hasn't been delivered yet, and that they have no record of it. Then he said that I should try the super head central main post office in Chaeng Watthana. Not sure who to call yet, but I'll post the results when I figure it all out.

    A Chinese woman in my Thai class said that she had an undelivered package, and it took three trips to the post office with her Thai husband for them to "find" the missing package."Oh, here it is, sorry we missed it," after they had told her that they had no record of the package arriving at the post office.

    Hopefully I'll have the same luck, that it will turn up if I continue calling people. 1 missing package was just bad luck, I figured, but having 2 undelivered packages in 3 months is more than just bad luck...

  6. I have a tracking number. The tracking number shows the package leaving the U.S., then no more information. Maybe the plane crashed? I went to the local post office branch for Makkasan (the khwaeng where I live), and they told me to go to a bigger post office for the area, the Samsennnai Post Office. There they told me to go to another post office over in Din Daeng. I'm looking for that post office right now...

  7. I just had some books, a pollution mask, and a couple other little things shipped from the U.S., but it been 4 weeks now, and the package hasn't arrived. Two months before I had a PayPal credit card mailed to me, and that never arrived either. I figured the first time was a fluke, but the second time really irks me. What can I do in this situation? I read some earlier postings on this forum about some of the people sorting mail at the post office stealing things.

    But what should I do? I just moved into a new apartment, and I was thinking maybe there's a problem with my new address? I doubt there is, but where would I go to check? Maybe the post office has my package sitting on a shelf waiting for me? Yeah, I know, pretty wishful thinking...

    I live on Ratchaprarop Soi 12. What is the general post office for my area? There's a little tiny post office just down the street, but I assume that isn't the GPO that would keep my mail if there were some problem with the delivery address.

    Please let me know if you have any advice.

    Here are the previous postings on undelivered packages, lost mail, and mail theft:



  8. Wow, I hope they got their stock put somewhere up high to escape the nasty flood waters.

    I'll take a look at what they've got next Halloween, after it's all dried out.

    I forgot to mention in my previous post that the rental cost 700 baht. They suggested a fancy hat that ran the rental cost up to 1800 baht, but when I told them that I didn't need such a fancy hat, they chose another and the price dropped to 700 baht. Here's a photo that I took in my apartment just before going to the party, though it doesn't show the curly shoes and ankle stuff that came with the outfit. I've never rented a costume before, and had fun doing it, especially for so cheap.


  9. Wow, I hope they got their stock put somewhere up high to escape the nasty flood waters.

    I'll take a look at what they've got next Halloween, after it's all dried out.

    I forgot to mention in my previous post that the rental cost 700 baht. They suggested a fancy hat that ran the rental cost up to 1800 baht, but when I told them that I didn't need such a fancy hat, they chose another and the price dropped to 700 baht. Here's a photo that I took in my apartment just before going to the party, though it doesn't show the curly shoes and ankle stuff that came with the outfit. I've never rented a costume before, and had fun doing it, especially for so cheap.

  10. Has anyone seen any Halloween decorations still on sale?

    I saw a few foreign-oriented stores selling Halloween decorations last week, but now they've all been put away.

    I'm having a post-Halloween party on Saturday, and was hoping to dig up some typical decorations. Orange and black balloons, pin-up skeletons, a severed bloody head.

    I'm just kidding about the head, don't need that.

    OR! If you have a bunch of Halloween decoration and were thinking, "Aw, I just bought this stuff, I don't want to throw it out," then by all means let me take it off your hands!

    Any leads to Halloween stuff would be much appreciated.

  11. Just want to add my own update to this. As of November 2011, the costume rental shop on Petchaburi Soi 18 is still going strong.

    They have hundreds of costumes in all sizes, their big customers are clearly theatre shows. The famous character costumes they have (Star Wars characters, Spiderman, etc.) aren't very impressive, but they can also throw something together for you with the collection of supplies they have. The most extensive line they offer is the extravagant cabaret dancer, all types/colors full of glitz. Of course those are for women or the flamboyant crossdresser. They made me a Rama costume from the Ramayana/Ramakien with a fancy hat. I picked it cuz it didn't have sleeves, and a costumes with sleeves gets kinda hot in Thailand.

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  12. No. It appears to be getting worse.

    But there was all this concern about the high tide. That really didn't deserve the big focus?

    So you would continue to advise those who have left BKK to remain away, even if their neighborhoods were spared?

    Wow, that's tough news (but hardly compares to those caught in the thick of it, sympathy to you all)

    Roads up to Khorat were pretty rough, I didn't think the bus would make it through some of the high water we drove through. Many cars and trucks clearly got stuck. Anyone who put their luggage below on the bus must have been upset when they got a dripping suitcase back.

  13. Apologies for my naivete, but has the worst of it passed Bangkok?

    While flood water from the north is still flowing south, now that the gates have been opened and the big tides in the past couple days are over, Bangkok isn't going to get any worse?

    I fled to Khorat on Thursday fearing that my area might lose power and run out of food. Considering that my area stayed dry, is it safe to assume that it will continue to be okay? i.e., tap water will be okay for bathing, food supply routes will remain open as they have been, etc.

    I live near Victory Monument station, but I'm asking these questions for all of central Bangkok that didn't see floods.

    A very nifty site that was posted here shows water lever for each flood gate in central Bangkok. Sorry to repost, but I think it's a very handy site.


    At any rate, we can assume from this point that the worst has passed for Bangkok?

  14. I am looking to do this myself. There is a decent gymnastics gym just across the street in the back of the Japan-Thai Youth Centre in Din Daeng.

    It was not crowded when I went there, the tumbling floors were completely open. I believe they had a strip set up for platform tumbling.

    I contacted the coach of the Thai-Japan Youth area gym several months ago, and she was very welcoming. I didn't ask what the fee was, figuring that I would email again once my money situation was fixed. If you find out any info on the gym, then please post the info here. Would really like to find a place where a free workout would be okay. I just want to tumble, maybe possibly swing some basic high bar.

  15. As of Sept 2011, I still haven't gotten anything regular going. I've run into a couple of people who play tunes, but they've left town.

    Yes, it would be great to get that weekly session going again for sure.

    Please PM me if you know anyone who is interested in playing. I don't check this forum that often, so a direct message to me is better.

  16. Went to Macro again and bought the oats. To answer my own question, the Aro brand oats are "rolled oats", not the over-processed "quick oats", or "instant oats". This is based on the shape of the oat flakes in the bag. Instant oats and quick oats are ground smaller than rolled oats. The Aro brand oats are pretty big flakes, so they must be rolled oats and not the instant or quick kind.

  17. Sorry to resurrect this thread, but does anyone know if the Makro Aro oats are normal oats or the instant kind?

    I would have happily bought them, but right next to the Arrow Oats were a bag of McGarrett instant oats, and then I wasn't sure: Are the Arrow oats normal oats (rolled or whatever), or are they instant?

    As Daffy D stated, the bag doesn't say. Practically no text, only, "Should be stored in a cool and dry place," and the address of Arrow.

    Rolled oats (i.e., normal oats) are nutritionally superior, while instant oats are nutritionally junk... It hardly takes any time to cook normal oats , I'm not sure why instant oats even exist... to reduce cooking time from 5 minutes to 1 minute?

  18. Wow, am I ever glad I stumbled across this posting. Links are all still good. When I lived in Japan and was learning Japanese, Japanese subtitles on the news really helped me out. I was a bit bummed that the news here didn't provide much in the way of subtitles, but now thanks to this link I can study up. Would be great if they added more text to the normal news or TV, but these links a huge help. Many, many thanks--

  19. Sorry resurrect this thread, but I found the answer to my question about Chou Tofu (stinky tofu) and wanted to share.

    The stinky tofu that was discussed is for sale at many normal food stores in Thailand. It can usually be found in the Chinese food section, often near where various spices and curry pastes are located. If there is English, it probably reads something like, "Preserved Bean Curd" or "Fermented Chilli Bean Curd" or something like that. The Thai often isn't เต้าหู้หเมน but instead เตาหู้ยี้

    So you don't have to make a special trip to Chinatown or an import market to find it.

    I just moved to Thailand a few months ago, and have discovered two things new to me: fermented Thai rice ข้าวหมาก and fermented fish (with rice mixed in). Not sure what the fermented fish is called, but I think it's different from Plaa Raa (discussed below). This fermented fish comes in a square shape, and looks like a cube of tofu. The ingredients say that it's mixed in with rice. I guess it's all ground together like a sausage? Tastes pretty good, rather tame for a fermented food. I could have sworn that the label said ปลาหเมน Plaa Men. No internet searches turned up for "plaa men", though.

    Forgive me, those who are already aware of these dishes, but if you aren't already hip to them and you like funky-ass fermented foods, then check them out. Both are at just about every Thai grocery store, and often have English labeling. Just check the cooler, usually in the section with Thai sausages

    I recently heard about ปลารา Plaa Raa (moldy fish) and am now on the look out for that... please let me know if you have any insight to other funky fermented delights.


  20. You can buy the calipers directly at Engineering Thailand, one of the companies advertising on the mail-order links I just posted.

    Their website is


    The calipers are listed for 1000 baht.

    They are located on the Bang Phai area of BKK, to the west of the Cao Phraya river, and just off Thanon Bang Waek.

    You can check the website for the location, they provide a map. It's all in Thai, though, so here's a screen shot of Google Maps with some English.

    I pasted a red dot where Engineer Thailand is located. Hopefully you can find a matching spot on Google Maps.


  21. This took a while to find, but here are links to two different mail order places. Price is only 500 baht for the calipers, which I think is super cheap.

    Sites are both in Thai and advertise the same product.

    You probably know this already, but these aren't known for their accuracy. That said, they are useful for checking any changes in bf.

    If you decide to buy these calipers, please post back how you like them, I'm curious to hear your thoughts.



  22. Well, definitely drop me a PM if you're in BKK with your banjo. Would love to get a session going. Recently connected with a whistle player and mandolin player. I'm on guitar, so the addition of a tenor banjo would be great. I really want to get a weekly trad session going in BKK. There are some bands in town that bill themselves as playing Irish music, but it's silly because most of them don't know what a jig or reel is, they only play typical, famous drinking songs. The banjo player of the formerly-local band the Roaring Bhoys knew some tunes, but he's sadly left town.

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